
Main text Chapter 528: Between the Sacred Vessels (I)

It was a mistake... He closed his eyes painfully. He hunted geese for years, but was pecked in the eye by a goose... He was too murderous just now. In his rage, he never thought that the other party was even more clever and had defeated him first. He could even think that he would have to explain this matter constantly, run around, and deal with the grand dukes. He had no time to avenge his son's murder.

"No... Even if I had time, I couldn't avenge it..." He gritted his teeth and made a sound: "He told everyone that this was my son's thing. Once he got into trouble... The only people in Europe and the United States who can kill him now are those few empty grand dukes, and everyone will find out about this grand duke... Will the Holy White Cross give up, and the Tagul family will not give up... The Vatican will not give up... Good boy... You have your chance. I, Savideen VI, accept this move."

He opened his dim old eyes and looked at the other party calmly: "But... there is still a long way to go. There are definitely more great spiritualists who disappeared for no reason in history!"

The whole audience was silent.

A few seconds later, Savidian VI opened his eyes and said calmly, "No."

"This Grand Duke doesn't recognize this thing."

His heart was bleeding, his eyes were like knives, and he said word by word, "I'm afraid... my son found it from somewhere. Could he be bewitched by the devil?"

The hand in the robe was covered with white hair. This slap was too loud. Even as a Grand Duke, he couldn't swallow it.

He killed his only son in front of him, and asked him to deny it. He asked him to help him clear this relationship. The anger in his chest began to boil when he thought about it.

No one spoke, and everyone's eyes turned to Xu Yangyi. Lawrence's eyes were obviously unconvinced, but he didn't show it. He asked in a deep voice, "Mr. X, is that so?"

Don't push it too hard...

Xu Yangyi bowed respectfully, "That's right. I thought it was something from the Covenas family, but it seems to have nothing to do with it."

"I'm afraid that the Seventh was bewitched and asked me to fight a bloody battle. I'm deeply sorry."

What a deep regret!

Savidian VI glanced at Xu Yangyi indifferently, as if he was looking at a dead man. Then he said nothing.

Lawrence's eyes flickered slightly, but he still nodded: "If that's the case, then there is no problem. Once the demon host is killed, the container will become an ordinary magic weapon. This is Mr. X's trophy, please keep it."

Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief silently.

He took this step at the cost of the Grand Duke's wrath, not necessarily to get himself out. He knew the family very well, and everything was based on the interests of the family. The Covenus family is not the only Grand Duke. Even if Savidian VI wants to kill him, it's now, and there is still the possibility of cooperation in the future.

More importantly... just when he got the box. He also heard the devil whisper!

"Come... take me to the 'eye'... I am in charge of the door of the 'tower'... only I can open it... Don't be afraid... take me over... you will see the truth of the myth..."

What is the eye?

What is the tower?

He didn't know that he didn't want to carry the devil's things with him, especially after seeing the projection of Cerberus. However, one thing changed his mind.


This box... actually resonated with the golden hoop stick in his ears!

It seemed... that they came from the same place!

This is impossible! The golden hoop stick came from Wukong, the real Wukong, Che Fengchao. It was produced by the Tang Dynasty in the East, and there is no imitation. What about this unknown box?

It was produced in hell, without national boundaries. It came from legends.

How could they be related?

However, after a careful comparison, he was convinced that the two things came from the same place.


The material of the box is exactly the same as that of the golden hoop stick! He had high hopes for the golden hoop stick at the beginning. But when he really got it, he found that it was just so-so, completely inferior to Yuchang, and it was also quite ordinary after carrying the magical power. It was completely different from feeling their majesty. He had been puzzled by this matter.

The materials of both were special cold with heat. They felt almost identical. The last message on the golden hoop stick, "The Immortal Fell in the Thirteen Tombs," made him decide to take the box without hesitation.

However, if the Sixth wanted to take back the box in the name of the Corvinus family, he had no choice. He could only let the other party publicly announce that the thing belonged to Savidian VII. Only by stealing the concept of "family resources" and turning it into "trophies" could it truly belong to him.

After all, facing a family with two archdukes, what did they really want from him? He, a newly advanced great spiritualist, really had no way. This was his real purpose.

"Okay." At this moment, a series of voices of standing up sounded. Lawrence, Van Helsing, Gowers, and Jenny, who was wearing a women's suit behind them, stood up at the same time. A majestic voice swept across the hall: "From now on, take a six-hour break. Mr. X..."

A holy light enveloped him, and his injuries were fully recovered. Then, a storage ring flew over.

He looked around with his spiritual consciousness, and it contained millions of spiritual stones. This was the bet reward he got in the holy war.

"Please follow us." Lawrence stretched out his hand slightly: "Don't resist."

Then, all the objects in front of Xu Yangyi became blurred, and a dizzy feeling came over him, and he immediately closed his eyes. But no one saw that his clenched hands were already showing blue veins.

It's finally here!

The heart beats wildly involuntarily. If the holy war is a matter of life and death, then the next step is a real change of fate.

Within six hours, Forbidden Spirit Pill broke the restriction on the holy weapon, and together with Zhenren Yue, they snatched the secondary anchor, and they did so under the eyes of the Grand Duke. Even he felt the blood rush to the top of his head instantly. At the same time, the sense of crisis and urgency that followed him was even stronger than when he was fighting Savidian VII just now.

There was only one pair of eyes, staring coldly at him, even clearly seeing the fleeting veins on his hands.

"What are you excited about?" The huge wind pressure was transmitted, blowing Zhu Hongxue's black hair. The long black hair on the shawl was raised like crow wings, and the pale and beautiful face looked towards the disappearing figure in the field with a look like a lake.

"What are you excited about again?"

"But that's not important anymore." Her eyes were slightly closed, her red nails lightly scratched along the armrest, and her delicate face looked sideways at the Marquis next to her.

"Ms. Tamamozen." The Marquis felt her gaze and smiled: "Your expression will make me misunderstand."

Zhu Hongxue's emerald green fingers gently touched the other person's face, gently squeezing the other person's cheeks: "You know, people are very strange creatures. Some things can't be remembered even after seeing them many times. Some things, Once you experience it, it will be unforgettable.”

"Some people obviously only have a one-time relationship. But day and night, I think about it. I speculate about what the other person's expression and demeanor mean when I meet the other person again. What kind of things his character will do. Then you will Discovered, oh, human beings are really not that difficult to understand.”

The Marquis kissed her finger gently: "Anyone who can make His Excellency Tamamozen miss you day and night must be very lucky."

A perfect smile appeared on Zhu Hongxue's face: "Yes, I think so too. You see, when I entered the holy war, I had three chances to meet that person, just for these three slim chances. I I even accepted the kiss from the Scarlet Duke. In the end, I was very disappointed.”

"You haven't encountered it?"

"Of course, so I want to give him a perfect thank you gift. Could you please go and report to the Scarlet Duke? I want to go to St. John's Cathedral."


"No buts." Zhu Hongxue said lightly: "You are one of his most beloved male pets, aren't you?"

The Marquis's face suddenly turned blue and red, and finally he lowered his head and left.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi's vision became blurry. After a brief feeling of dizziness, when I opened my eyes again, I was already in a magnificent Gothic church.

Scarlet soft carpets, white floors, colorful stained glass, crucifixes, exquisite wall sculptures overhead... everything exudes a heavy historical atmosphere.

Today is Sunday. But there was no one in the church at all. The sun shines through the stained glass, creating mottled images on the ground. In front of him, Lawrence was covered in billowing white robes, and Van Helsing, wearing a cowboy hat, stood respectfully aside. And the other side. He was a tall man wearing a black cloak, about 2.23 meters tall. His figure under the black robe seemed to be carrying something on his back, and he did not look like a human being at all.

On the pale mask, two red eyes looked at Xu Yangyi. Van Helsing also calmly looked at the "perpetrator" he had seen. Finally, there was Jenny, who was wearing a women's suit and had an almost perfect face.

They stood at the end of the carpet, and Xu Yangyi stood at the entrance.

"Are you ready?" Lawrence smiled.

Xu Yangyi felt his body again. Due to the extreme excitement and tension, his body almost reached its highest peak in history.

The spiritual consciousness slowly stretched into the storage ring. Inside, there was a silver pill as big as a fist, engraved with talismans and emitting gleaming white light, floating in it.

"Okay." He took a deep breath and nodded.


As this sound fell, Lawrence walked to the main altar, leisurely raised his old hand, and countless holy lights condensed towards his palm. A few seconds later, a golden pattern appeared on his hand.

"This is the key between the sacred vessels." Lawrence smiled and said: "Only this Grand Duke can open it. Only this Grand Duke can enter it."

Xu Yangyi smiled and tried his best to make his acting skills realistic. However, my heart was already beating violently.

Before arriving here, all he thought about was how to pass the jihad. However, I actually came here and received my first blessing in ten years. He just felt...

Before, it was just the will to fight.

Now, it's the tension.

The kind face of the old man in front of him hid a terrifying strength that could kill him within a minute. And... stand behind the other person. Above the Holy Light Vault is one of the three major sects in the world.

If jihad is to prove one's own way and test one's strength, strength is the only thing. So now...mere strength is of no use at all.

In a stormy sea, a small boat travels alone.

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