
Main text Chapter 529: Between the Sacred Vessels (Part 2)

"Mr. X." Jenny suddenly said, "Are you sweating?"

Without waiting for Xu Yangyi to speak, she smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, this is an opportunity. It only opens once every ten years. Once the holy weapon chooses you, you will immediately accept the baptism of the Lord."

Xu Yangyi seemed to come back to his senses and wiped his sweat. He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I'm not nervous, just a little excited."

"I heard that not everyone can comprehend the holy weapon. I can't help but feel nervous when I get to this point."

When the time came, he suppressed the demon called fear in his heart. He tried his best to make his acting smooth. He smiled and answered. Jenny nodded to show her understanding.

Lawrence glanced at the other person calmly.

How to say...the feeling of doubt that emerged before once again passed through his heart.

Forty years after the holy weapon was unearthed, four holy wars. All of them were hosted by him. No one was like him, but more excited. Everyone smiled expectantly and hinted him to go faster. Only there was no such awe of the holy weapon.

He liked humble monks very much, but this kind of humility, appearing here, was a bit strange.

Shaking his head, he really couldn't think of any possibility that X would be detrimental to the Vatican.

"Then, let's start." He restrained his smile, and his pure archduke's spiritual energy was like a raging sea! A golden angel statue suddenly appeared behind him, and then slapped it with all his strength!

"Boom!!" A white ripple, like an invisible sickle, swept across the bodies of all New Yorkers. Mortals couldn't feel it at all, they could only feel a sudden gust of wind.

Many people's Coke cups and other things were blown to the ground, and some women's hair was blown up. Almost all the outdoor flags hanging in New York were "hula", and the billboards on the roof were so loud that they were about to fall down.

Like a deep mountain, like a mountain, like a prison. A heavy and substantial terrifying spiritual power, centered on St. John's Cathedral, instantly erupted!

Under his palm was a Bible. With this palm, infinite golden and white holy fire flashed, and the Bible turned into ashes in an instant. However, the cross in front of him burst into white light, and then the entire St. John's Cathedral began to tremble.

"Crack, crack, crack..." Pieces of bricks and stones on the ground turned over, revealing the runes on the back. Rows of seats sank, and then there appeared a stone platform covered with moss and engraved with some completely incomprehensible words, full of ancient atmosphere. The entire St. John's Cathedral began to tilt. In the diffuse light, the floor-to-ceiling stained glass windows turned into ancient column vaults.

Five minutes later, Xu Yangyi looked at a completely different St. John's Cathedral in astonishment... No, this is no longer a cathedral. This is obviously an ancient altar. He never thought that the so-called holy vessels were not under the St. John's Cathedral as he thought. Instead, they were hidden in the entire St. John's Cathedral by the magical rune technique!

It was like a magic cube, and the reassembly was another set of pictures.

In the center of the altar, there was a round stone platform. It was covered with colorful flowers. A circle of extremely complex runes that far exceeded the previous ones surrounded the side. On the stone platform... is a coffin.

A pure gold, western-style coffin.

This coffin is extremely gorgeous. Every gap is carved with the most beautiful patterns, and on the front, there is a statue of a woman praying.

"Buzz!!" At the moment when the coffin appeared, Xu Yangyi suddenly covered his ears. His heart was cold.

"What?" His abnormality immediately attracted everyone's attention, and Lawrence's lightning-like eyes shot over instantly. Van Helsing, who had just leaned against the ancient ruins without any image, buttoned his cowboy hat and put his right hand behind his back. On his arm, the light of the crossbow arrow had quietly emerged.

Goers did not move, but the huge black robe shook. Jenny's eyes were also fixed, and one hand had already smeared the storage ring.

Here... any situation is equivalent to disobeying the teachings of the one in the Holy Light Arch.

Anyone... who wants to do anything here will only be wiped out.

This is the center of Catholic North America. If something happens, it's not a matter, it's a scandal.


Xu Yangyi almost cursed.

The best thing now is that everything is the same as before. He pretended to comprehend the holy weapon and waited for the opportunity, but he never expected that reality would not give him any chance to calm down. As soon as the holy weapon appeared, the change occurred immediately.

"Swish..." With a flash of white light, a stick suddenly appeared in the field.

This is Wukong's golden hoop!

On it, there are countless patterns carved, and the golden light flashes constantly, shaking in the air. The direction is the holy weapon!

Everyone was stunned. Xu Yangyi hid his almost shrunken heart and immediately pretended to be as stunned as everyone else, looking at the golden hoop.



Only the buzzing sound of the golden hoop vibrating.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi's hands were full of cold sweat. Now, if he said a wrong word, he might be dead. No one spoke, so he had to pretend to stand up in shock and look at the golden hoop in disbelief.

However, just as he stood up, a cold voice rang in his ears.


"Take another step forward and I'll kill you immediately!"

"No matter who you are."

There was no trace of cynicism on Van Helsing's face. The crossbow in his hand was aimed at Xu Yangyi's heart. Moreover, this crossbow was different from the previous one. This was a real holy silver crossbow! It was covered with a ball of golden light. Not only was it holy silver, but it was also poured with holy water!

Gors did not speak. This was the first time Xu Yangyi saw the other party's hand.

Stretching out from the black robe, skinny and powerful, in the other's hand, was an extremely long gun. Streamline art, engraved with wild rose patterns, silver-white to black. On the barrel, a cross seal was clearly visible.

Two half-step grand dukes aiming, one grand duke suppressing the scene!

Xu Yangyi raised his hands obediently. He had no doubt that as long as he took one step, it would be his death.

The extremely strong murderous aura filled the field. It took a full minute for Lawrence's voice to come: "Put it down. Don't be rude to the great spiritualist."

He flicked the golden hoop lightly, and a buzzing sound came. He said with certainty: "This is not an offensive magic weapon. It is not an evil magic weapon, so there is no need to worry."

When the crossbow and gun were withdrawn. Xu Yangyi's heavy clothes were already soaked with sweat.

He had never been so nervous.

Even when he faced Xiaoqing, Fahai, and several Jindan.

Yes, he had faced Xiaoqing, but that was when he was bound by Jiang Ziya. He had faced several great masters, but none of them were aimed at him.

Now... this was the first time that he faced the Grand Duke himself!

There were no constraints, no conditions, only one purpose: to steal the sky and change the day, and then escape under the other party's nose.

At that moment, the shadow of death had never been so heavy.

"Mr. X." Lawrence turned around, and there was no smile on his face. On the blurred face that could not see the lineup, a pair of extremely wise eyes opened, as if they could see through people's hearts, looking directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "Look at me."

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and raised his eyes.

I never expected that the golden hoop would react with this ghost thing!

What the hell is this!

Their eyes met. He could even hear the sound of his heart beating "boom" in his ears. He suddenly felt a ridiculous feeling in his heart. He used to think that it was a legend that guilty people dared not look at each other, but now he had this damn feeling!

In those two calm, wise, and kind eyes, there was a determination to kill and dedicate everything to the Lord. There was also a kind of insight that seemed to strip him naked and see the inside from the outside. Even he almost instinctively looked away.

However, he did not, and tried his best to calmly look at a Grand Duke within one meter. No one knew that his vest was soaked.

Thirty seconds... Forty seconds...

One minute later, Lawrence looked away: "Can you tell me what this is?"

A feeling of surviving a near-death experience came to his mind, and Xu Yangyi howled silently in his heart. He pretended to be relieved: "I don't know either."

"This is just a magic weapon I got somewhere. It's powerful, but it's very different from what it was when I saw it. It doesn't have any special powers. I don't know why it's like this."

"Too different?" Lawrence spoke at a normal speed, but pressed step by step: "Details."

"When I first saw it, it was so powerful that I thought it could shatter the earth. In the end, I found that the bigger the magic weapon, the better." Xu Yangyi's face flashed a bitter smile of "I'm naive" at the right time: "Afterwards, I saw that it could carry magical powers, so I took it with me. At least when necessary, it can self-destruct."

Lawrence didn't speak, his old hand stroked the golden hoop, and suddenly flicked it lightly, and the golden hoop flew up with a buzzing sound. He held it with one hand, and then the sky was full of golden light. As he waved it, a river of holy light appeared on the stick.

More than ten meters long, like golden gauze!

Xu Yangyi felt like needles all over his body, and his intestines almost appeared. Because... that stick was aimed at his waist!

He had no doubt that if he didn't dodge, the stick would cut him in half from the waist like a guillotine!


Don't move?

His heart was beating like a drum. He gritted his teeth and didn't move in the end.

"Huh!" Just when the stick was about to hit his waist, it suddenly stopped, without leaking a trace of spiritual power, and didn't hurt him. Lawrence nodded as if nothing had happened, and the stick flew into the air again with a buzz: "It's really powerful. You should have been a mid-level marquis at the time, and this is already an excellent magic weapon. It's understandable that you keep it."

With this sentence, the atmosphere at the scene finally relaxed a little.

Xu Yangyi's heart, which seemed to have stopped beating because of being pulled tightly by his hand, resumed beating again.

"If Your Majesty doesn't believe it, you can take him away." He added calmly.

"Take it away?" Lawrence laughed and became very kind in an instant: "You are wrong... completely wrong!"

"Jenny, come here." He waved his hand: "Take a closer look at the pattern on the head of this stick."

Jenny came over, took a look, and exclaimed: "This is..."

"Yes." Lawrence's eyes were burning: "Key."

"It is the key to the holy vessel!"

"The Vatican has been unable to move the holy vessel for decades because the golden coffin is cast as a whole on the altar. His Holiness the Pope's strength is not enough to cut off the connection with this predecessor. The key to open the golden coffin... We have been looking for it for decades! But we never thought that it was on a great spiritualist in China!"

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