
Main text Chapter 530: Opening of the Holy Artifact

Xu Yangyi's face seemed calm, but his heart was extremely anxious.

"How could this happen? Everything is different from what was expected. Should we do it or not?"

"Zhenren Yue didn't know what its seal was at all. He thought it was a restriction. Also... the magic weapon was almost impossible to trap Zhenren Yuanying. But he never expected that this restriction was actually engraved on this piece of land! Jin The coffin itself is connected to the earth!"

"If you want to break the ban, you must first open the golden coffin. But why the golden coffin? There is very little communication between the Eastern and Western spiritual circles. How can the golden cudgel become the key to the Western sacred weapon? Is the end of the Little Thousand World the west?"

As soon as this thought came to an end, he was stunned.

Is it really possible...

At the beginning, both Wukong traveled westward. Finally came to the West, nothing to complain about.

"This possibility... is too far-fetched... No, what exactly is in this golden coffin? It seems that the Vatican has not opened the golden coffin for decades. Can a seemingly useless golden coffin be used?"

Lawrence's eyes were like fire. He walked around the golden coffin and moved his hands several times on the patterns at the four corners according to a strange data.

"In the first year after we excavated the sacred artifact, we discovered that the sacred artifact can be opened." As a machine sound sounded, his eyes became intense, and he said to Xu Yangyi in a deep voice: "It is an extremely exquisite machine. The style is purely Catholic. There happens to be a master craftsman in the Vatican. He has personally studied it. Only these four places can be opened. However, turning more than ten wheels will trigger a ban."

Xu Yangyi breathed a long sigh of relief.

It's not because the holy weapon is opened, but because everyone's eyes are now on the holy weapon, and they no longer pay attention to him.

"We experimented with countless methods. In the second year, we finally found a way to open the golden coffin. There are seven rounds on the left and right, and God created the world in seven days. I believe that the will of the Lord is hidden in this sacred vessel."

Xu Yangyi sneered in his heart, he is indeed a magic stick, everything can be related to the master. But there was still a look of confusion on his face: "Restricted?"

"That's right, the entire golden coffin and all the patterns are linked to a very ancient self-destruction ban. Once it exceeds ten, it will immediately trigger the self-destruction ban. Is it powerful..." He paused: "It's enough to blow up the entire New York."

"Huh..." Xu Yangyi gasped, and countless previous guesses resurfaced.

Really... related to Quetzalcoatl?

Was this exquisite gold coffin made by Quetzalcoatl?

But then he denied it. How could a monster of that level, coexisting with human civilization, have the leisure to carve this thing?

Comparatively, if he were Quetzalcoatl, he would probably just pinch a restraint and bury it in the ground.

"Kakakaka..." The golden coffin was spread out on all sides, and there was a golden light inside, making it impossible to see what was inside. But strangely, there is a round hole made of pure gold in the golden light. You can vaguely see the pattern above, which is exactly the same as the golden hoop!

Do it or not?

My heart was beating wildly again, this might be the closest I've ever been to the holy weapon. Now take out the Forbidden Spirit Pill and no one can stop it. After all, he is also a late-stage marquis who can kill half-step grand dukes, and he also has a killer weapon like the holy sword.

His thoughts were changing rapidly, and when he walked over, he gave up the idea.

The script is completely different.

He would never use the Forbidden Spirit Pill first until he reached the final step.

The room was completely quiet. Lawrence waved, and the golden cudgel flew immediately, stood upright, and faced the hole.

Size, exactly the same.

Even Lawrence's voice was trembling with excitement at this moment. No one said a word. Following his spiritual guidance, the golden cudgel was inserted into the small hole bit by bit.

"Sand...sand..." The slight sound touched everyone's heart. Five minutes later, all the golden hoops entered the small holes!

The coffin is only one-tenth as thick as the golden hoop. In other words... the stone platform is also hollow! Inside there is a hub that holds a golden hoop.

Just when the golden hoop was gone, the whole golden coffin sounded a rattling sound.

"It's done... it's really the key!" Jenny took a deep breath, a blush appeared on her beautiful face: "I, I think I have to write to His Majesty the Pope immediately. Tell His Majesty this wonderful news! "

"Wait." Lawrence stared at the golden coffin without blinking: "Don't be too hasty."

"Brush..." At this moment, the golden coffin was completely divided into nine petals, blooming like a flower.

And as it bloomed, golden rays of light shone inside. Lawrence's eyes flashed, and the Archduke's spiritual energy burst out without reservation. In an instant, golden and white words flashed around the entire St. John's Cathedral.

The next second, golden light hit the wall. However, it was impossible to break through the platinum text. However, it made the whole room roar!

"After so many years, there is still such a powerful force... This cultivator of the forbidden holy weapon has unfathomable strength." Lawrence sighed. Just as he was about to look at the holy weapon, he saw Xu Yangyi's expression and his eyes flashed: "Mr. X, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Yangyi looked at the sky in astonishment. Lawrence's question was barely heard.

No matter how big his heart is, no matter how calm he is, at this moment, he can't suppress the fluctuations in his heart at all.

He recognized it.

This is Sanskrit!

Buddhist Sanskrit!

Normally, seeing these is nothing. However, this is a Catholic church! What is opened is a Catholic carved style holy vessel! But it shows the light of Sanskrit!

How is this possible!

He looked at the coffin. He didn't notice it just now. After a closer look, he saw it clearly.


This golden coffin, after it is fully bloomed, is actually a huge lotus with a center of two meters and a petal of more than five meters!

"Mr. X!"

He finally regained his mind and bowed his hands and said, "Sorry, Your Majesty, I really didn't expect it."

"What did you see?" Lawrence just nodded to show his understanding and asked immediately. He deeply felt another power from those spiritual beams just now.

He is very familiar with this power.

The power of faith!

This is the power of faith of another god, a god who is not in Catholicism!

From a religious standpoint, this is heresy.

"This is Sanskrit." Xu Yangyi said affirmatively: "Buddhism."

Everyone narrowed their eyes.

In Europe and the United States, Catholicism is powerful. In Asia, Buddhism is the only one. In the central part of the world, Islam has the final say.

"Is this the holy weapon of the Buddhist sect?" Lawrence couldn't accept it. Everyone looked at the thing in the center.

That... is a corpse.

The golden corpse, who knows how many years it has been. It has long been shriveled. Naked. However, it gives people an extremely solid feeling. A golden glow emerges from all pores.

"This is... the golden Buddha." After confirming that it was the Buddhist sect, Lawrence immediately searched for all the knowledge of the Buddhist sect from his mind. As a holy whip, he knows too many things. He just didn't want to believe it just now. He pondered and looked at the corpse: "There is another name..."

"Saint's remains."

There was silence in the room. The first thing Xu Yangyi felt was that he couldn't accept it.

Where is the secondary boundary anchor? !

Isn't it a secondary boundary anchor in here?

All the speculations were wrong from the beginning? However, this speculation is so rigorous that it is almost certain that this is a fragment of a secondary boundary anchor! Master Yue spent decades to confirm it, and he didn't think it was wrong!

Then... there is another possibility...

He looked at the remains of the saint and gritted his teeth: "There is something in the body."

"How do you know?" Lawrence asked with an unmoved expression.

"I can feel it." Since he lied, he had to hide it with a bigger lie: "How do you know? I can't tell you. I can only say that I have a special magic weapon that can sense the existence of other magic weapons."

Lawrence looked into his eyes and nodded after a long time: "Then, let's take a look together?"

"Okay." Xu Yangyi's heart beat wildly again, and his fingers even trembled a little as he touched the storage ring.

Forbidden Spirit Pill...

This should be the true face of the holy weapon. If the secondary boundary anchor is correct, it is in this body!

And it was sealed, and he didn't feel the feeling of seeing the Tree of Eden in the sky that day. Obviously, there is an extremely profound restriction here that even the Grand Duke cannot feel, and he is not even sure whether the Forbidden Spirit Pill can break it.

The spiritual energy has been running to the extreme, and the holy sword will be mobilized immediately. Nothing is foolproof, and everything has risks. In the next few seconds, before Master Yue arrives, it is time for him to fight to the death.

However, the moment his hand touched the storage ring, Jenny suddenly exclaimed: "Wait... Your Majesty! You, you look!!"

Xu Yangyi was also stunned.

Storms and undercurrents surged.

Wherever he looked, the corpse... moved.

It opened its mouth. And in its mouth, infinite green light shone!

This corpse can actually isolate all spiritual energy! Even the Grand Duke didn't notice it at such a close distance!

So... from the beginning, there was no restriction? Did the corpse swallow the secondary boundary anchor?

This green light is more gentle than any green light I have ever seen.

It is majestic, like a mountain. It is pure, even deeper than the Grand Duke. But it will never give people any sharp feeling, but sneak into the night with the wind, moistening things silently.

In an instant, Xu Yangyi felt that the fatigue in his body was swept away. The eyes of the rest of the people were all extremely shocked.

Only Lawrence, his voice was trembling, he suddenly knelt on the ground, exclaiming excitedly: "This is... a leaf of the Tree of Eden!!"

"This is... a secondary boundary anchor!!"

"My Lord... did you see it? There are fragments of secondary boundary anchors hidden in St. John's Cathedral!"

Everyone knelt down, including Xu Yangyi. However, he was almost anxious and crazy.

No! No! None of it is right!

There was a green leaf in the mouth of the corpse.

The size of a child's palm.

For the Tree of Eden, one billionth is not even this small! According to its and Master Yue's speculation, this piece is definitely not just this small! It is surprisingly large! So large that a figure suspected to be Quetzalcoatl wants to imprison it!

Why is there only such a small piece here? Even he can't use it!

"No..." His eyes suddenly flashed as he knelt down. Looking at the stone platform

"This... is hollow... otherwise the golden hoop stick would never be able to be inserted completely!"

"The real treasure... may not be this leaf, but hidden deeper inside!"

But, at this moment, suddenly, a strange feeling came over me.

"Buzz!" The green leaf shone with light, and Xu Yangyi immediately felt that he had entered a mysterious state.

I am me, and I am not me, as if my body is divided into countless parts, traveling in the universe.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Rays of green light formed a sapling of light, which slowly grew out of the mouth of the saint's remains.

Seven branches, seven leaves, seven magic weapons.

Gold, silver, Vairocana, Pātika, Musarogara, Chizhenzhu, Ashimagara.

This is... the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree!

"The holy artifact... has appeared?" Lawrence looked at the holy artifact in astonishment, and immediately looked at Xu Yangyi, who frowned and had a circle of golden light shining behind him: "Mr. X... actually comprehended the holy artifact at this time?"


First of all, I wish you all a happy Spring Festival

From now on, one update every day, until February 6 (tentative...

There is no way... There are many things to do during the Spring Festival, everyone understands, this is my third Spring Festival writing a book...

There are many things to say, but after thinking about it, let's talk about the book

After writing until now, after returning to Earth, I feel like I have just felt the pulse. Some seemingly simple things actually hide a lot of articles. It is not an easy road to go from urban to fantasy. Every day after I finish writing, I will send it to friends and others for review to see how readers feel. I had insomnia some time ago and could only fall asleep at 6-8 am every day. I have only recently adjusted

Readers and friends all agree: After returning to Earth There are too many good things to read after that, and I think so too.

However... why don't the subscribers think so?

I think maybe there is a section in the middle that was not written well, which led to the loss of readers. However, I still have confidence. After all, the first order of this book is good. 1.7 million is not much for fantasy. In fact, it is about 1.4 million. I found my shortcomings and started to improve. It's really a bitter tear.

Here, I wish you all a happy Spring Festival. I also hope that readers who like this book will subscribe. The gap between the current subscription and what I need is too big, and I feel cold in my heart...

Several times, others said to cut it off and open the city you are good at, but I still didn't cut it off and continued to write this book...Anyway, even if the results are not good, I will write until all the puzzles are solved. As the saying goes, whether to write long or short depends on the subscription of readers.

Finally, thank you again and wish you all a happy Spring Festival, auspicious Year of the Rooster, and all the best.

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