
Main text Chapter 531: Opportunity to advance to the Golden Core



Xu Yangyi felt that he had entered a mysterious space.

There was a door in front of him.

The huge door flashed, and it was impossible to see how high it was. It was even comparable to the Tongtian Gate outside the Danxia Palace that day.

However, he felt that he could push it.

The carving on the door was very delicate, and it could be seen that it was a huge plant.

It was arrogant and dazzling, arrogant and powerful. After just a few glances, Xu Yangyi recognized what it was.

Wolf poison? He reached out to the door, took a deep breath, and the explanation of the holy weapon that day reappeared in his mind.

There is a slight possibility that the power and spiritual power of the Grand Duke level can be realized in advance...

There is a slight possibility that the special blood that must be awakened at the Grand Duke level can be awakened...

And... blood inheritance!

He could not accept the blood inheritance of wolf poison because it was thousands of miles away from him. But he was a little confused about the other two items.

With a body like his, is he a human or a demon?

Is the blood flowing in his body really still human?

Gritting his teeth, he roared and opened the two doors! ! He pushed the two doors with all his strength.

A ray of green light was revealed from behind the door. In an instant, endless words, accompanied by the green light, rushed out of the house like an opened treasure house.

He saw it clearly.

These were not just words.

But... magical powers. Or blood talent.

One after another, they floated past him, as if he could reach out and grab it. However, he didn't.

The door was only opened a crack. He couldn't even enter. He could only see a trace of green light. And his arm was already feeling heavy.

Every extra centimeter, it was ten times heavier. From the beginning, it was as light as nothing, to opening one centimeter, sweat had already flowed on his forehead. But it still didn't stop.

Crack, crack, crack... The larger the crack in the door opened, the more words floated out, and even, from the initial gray, it had turned white. Those might be the magic of the ancient cultivators, but he still didn't take a look.

One centimeter... two centimeters... I don't know how long it took, the crack in the door had been opened to one centimeter. He was sweating profusely at this moment, and his arms seemed to support mountains.

For a door to heaven, one centimeter, it was impossible to see that it had been opened.

This... is not what I want. He gritted his teeth, and his spiritual energy burst out, pouring all his spiritual power into his two arms. The door seemed to have not moved, but in fact, it was slowly opening at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

The light had engulfed his body. He wanted to take a break, but just as he relaxed, he felt that the whole door was pressed back again! At a speed that he could not imagine at all, he clasped his hands in front of him with a bang.

Swish... The green light gradually disappeared, and the door in front of him began to blur.

When he opened his eyes, he still saw St. John's Cathedral.

Everyone looked at him in astonishment, and before he could speak. Jenny asked: Have you finished comprehending?

Finished? Xu Yangyi also asked, is this the end? He got nothing.

Do you know how long you have been comprehending? Jenny looked into his eyes: Ten minutes.

Only ten minutes.

The holy artifact does not always choose to comprehend. In the four holy wars, there were twelve chosen ones, but only six of them got the chance to comprehend. Each of them spent at least three hours, and the longest one reached five and a half hours. The longer you stay in the comprehension, the greater the harvest. You... just ten minutes?

Maybe not. Lawrence looked at the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree thoughtfully. There was one less of the seven fruits on it.

It must be said that the Vatican is very credible in terms of credibility. Even though he wanted to know what this was more than anyone else at this moment. However, once Xu Yangyi started to comprehend the holy artifact, no one urged him.

You comprehend it again.

Xu Yangyi nodded, closed his eyes again, abandoned his five senses, and his heart was as calm as water. Soon, he came to the door again.

He did not push it immediately. This time, he adjusted his body and felt that he was in the most perfect state. Then he took a deep breath, leaned forward 70 degrees, and pushed the door open again.

Kakaka... This time, he did not use much force to reach the previous width again. However, it was even more difficult to push it again.

A huge force surged into his arm, making his joints crack.

I used four times my spiritual power, plus the power of Thousand Miles, to push it here... If it was other cultivators, wouldn't they only be able to push it a little?

Without getting discouraged, he pushed the giant door little by little. After half an hour, the giant door finally made a click, and in silence, it opened a decimeter again.

This time, a voice appeared.

Back off.

This is not where you should be.

A terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly rose. It was far beyond all the Jindan Zhenren he had encountered, and even close to Xiaoqing's realm! He was like a weak child in front of this spiritual pressure, and almost fell to the ground immediately.

However, he did not fall down.

The Jindan had never felt so close before. He had already entered the late stage of foundation building, and the Jindan was in sight. He would never let go of any opportunity.

If he didn't retreat... he would die!

Swoosh! With a clear cry, a green wind dragon appeared from the crack of the door with a roar that reached the sky, and quickly occupied Xu Yangyi's full attention. He could even see the scales and white teeth on the dragon's body. And... the strong wind surrounding it was enough to turn him into ashes!

Moving the star land with fire, the clouds rose out of Ding Lake.

Roar!!! The dragon roar rushed out from the crack of the door, and the body outside the door seemed to have experienced a level 10 typhoon! Almost everything that could lean back leaned back, and the wind made it impossible to open the eyes.

The voice inside the door sighed: Let go. I'll spare your life.

As long as you let go, everything inside and outside the door will be isolated.

However, he gritted his teeth and did not let go.

Instead, he pushed forward with greater force.

This is where I should come!

The so-called magical power, or talent, as long as you step into the realm of Jindan, you will definitely have it.

At that time... I will personally kill and return to Nanzhou and ask why.

I will establish a sect on the land of Nanzhou and pay off the debts I owe.

To the Xingtian Legion, to the Canglong Legion, to the Zhao family, and to others...


I only want the Jindan! You are just an illusion at best! What is there to be afraid of? He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. In the last glance, the dragon, with its raging wind, was in front of him!

Swish!!! The raging wind rushed up into the sky, but he didn't feel any impact at all. The stone door didn't close as he thought. Instead, it was pushed open one foot with a loud clacking sound.

Within one foot, he finally felt that he couldn't push it anymore.

He had reached the limit of his body. However, he didn't stop, but kept pushing the door open and stood still.

A light spot rushed up in his body, followed by the second, the third... countless!

All over his body, infinite light spots began to condense in the center of the green vortex. The vortex created by the virtual spirit body did not rotate slowly as usual this time, but rotated rapidly! Swallowing all the light spots!

As it rotated, the vortex became smaller and smaller. Finally, it turned into the size of a fist, and in the center of the vortex, a beam of light rushed straight to the top of his head!

Xu Yangyi was stunned, and then he was ecstatic.

He knew what it was.

This was... never seen before, the direction of the spiritual energy in the whole body when advancing to the Golden Core!

The most important step for the Golden Core, known as the True Person, is the interaction between heaven and man. The reason why the Golden Core is so powerful is precisely because after the interaction between heaven and man, it responds to the heaven and earth, and the magical power of hundreds of meters can be said to be a land immortal.

The first step of the interaction between heaven and man... to open the bridge between heaven and earth!

This is what he saw!

Never... never any instrument, any cultivator, can so clearly show the spiritual energy trend map in their body. Everyone knows what kind of hand seals form what kind of magical power, but has anyone studied the trend of these magical powers in the body at this moment?

There is no such sophisticated instrument to do this, and he has seen it now. The power of the Golden Core is the result, and these spiritual energy running diagrams are the cause. With this cause, he can also deduce this result in the Marquis period!

There are two benefits. First, once I continue to practice like this, it will take a few years for me to be the first person under the Golden Core. Because... this is the difference between the Golden Core and the Matrix Building. In other words, this... is the 'power of the Golden Core! ’

Throughout the ages, no one has ever been able to cultivate the power of the Golden Core. At the Void Core Realm, one can feel the bridge between heaven and earth, and only then can one’s strength increase suddenly. And I am the only person I know of who can cultivate the power of the Golden Core.

Second, when it comes to the Golden Core, there are two most difficult parts. One is to break through the ** and open up the bridge between heaven and earth. The other is to condense the liquid into a pill and solidify the spiritual energy. In the second step, my cultivation method is too strange, resulting in no condensation of liquid in my body at all. And in the first step, I practice according to this operation diagram, and the chance of opening up the bridge between heaven and earth is much greater than that of others!

Because... they all accept the transformation of the Golden Core naturally. And this seat... has been practicing since the foundation building! No, I am the real natural result!

He felt the picture with a fiery look. Yunhe Zhenren has been engaged in research in this area, but has not made any progress. How difficult is it to observe the spiritual energy that ordinary people cannot see through the human body and then express it through instruments? Maybe Jindan Zhenren can do it. But it is absolutely impossible to express it.

And he can actually do it!

No hurry... He took a few deep breaths and digested this huge gain: This is a long-term practice, not something that can improve combat effectiveness suddenly. My biggest problem now...

He looked at the sky: Or... find the secondary boundary anchor and get it from that old guy. Escaping from here is the first priority.

Retracting his gaze, he calmed down his excitement. Too excited, easy to lose control, and now there is absolutely no room for any loss of control, especially under the eyes of Lawrence, the old monster.

One wrong step, one word, is death.

And the more important thing is...

This holy weapon... What on earth is it... He rubbed his chin and pondered: It can actually do something that no one in the cultivation world has ever done, and the ancient cultivators have never heard of it. The secondary boundary anchor is so strong that it can be broken?

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he pondered: Maybe... This is not a secondary boundary anchor at all?


One update every day, tentatively scheduled for noon~



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