
Main text Chapter 532: Historical dust

"Boom!" As the door closed behind him, his vision blurred again.

He opened his eyes and saw St. John's Cathedral clearly. Lawrence, the two legendary demon hunters, and Jenny all looked at him carefully.

"One hour." Jenny blinked and said nothing more. But everyone could hear the regret in her words.

Just one hour, too short. I'm afraid it's the shortest among all the saints who have comprehended the holy artifact.

Xu Yangyi didn't comment. Time can't determine the preciousness of an item. He didn't know if what he got was the most precious, but it was what he wanted most now.

That's enough.

And... once you really get the holy artifact, how many times will you have to comprehend it in the future?

"In this hour, we have made some discoveries." Lawrence said calmly: "Mr. X, this matter was not originally told to you, but thanks to your gift, the holy artifact was opened for the first time. I think you are qualified to hear about it."

The surroundings became quiet, and Xu Yangyi looked carefully. Everyone's face was flushed with excitement. It seems that they have discovered something incredible in the past hour.

After a few seconds, Lawrence considered his words and slowly said, "We have confirmed that this person's Dharma name is 'Wukong'..."

Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head and looked at Lawrence in disbelief.

"Your Majesty...Excuse me...Is this Wukong called Che Fengchao?"

"Do you know him? Have you heard of him?" Lawrence asked immediately with a fiery look in his eyes. He gently stroked the lotus petals of the golden coffin: "Look carefully, it's all engraved with words, and everything is talking about the life of this Wukong."

Xu Yangyi stood up and touched it carefully. Sure enough, there were lines of dense words on it, and...all in Chinese!

He didn't want to think about it anymore.

What on earth is this?

Why is Wukong, who traveled west, here? He checked Che Fengchao's life when he came out of Kaiyunjie. In February of the sixth year of Zhenyuan, he arrived in Chang'an, the capital. So what is this remains?

"Junior... I have heard of it." He pondered and said, "To be honest, this stick was taken from the place where this 'Wukong' walked."

Lawrence nodded, and looked at Jenny calmly, with a blazing spark in his eyes. As a grand duke, he actually made a gesture of invitation: "I don't know much Chinese. I can only understand a little. Fortunately, Mr. X is here. Please answer us."

Everyone's eyes looked over like flames.

Xu Yangyi nodded and read it word by word. He read it softly.

"In the fourth century AD, the Apennine Peninsula, a land without a master. Recorded by the Roman Emperor Constantine I."

"Fourth century?" Jenny frowned.

"That is around 400 AD. The West was the Roman Empire. And the East was the Tang Dynasty. This monk was a monk of the Tang Dynasty." Xu Yangyi continued to read: "The Papal States..."

"The Papal States?" Van Helsing gasped, and Lawrence immediately said in a deep voice: "Don't interrupt!"

"The Papal States were dedicated by the Roman Emperor Constantine I to the Roman Bishop Sylvester II. It is located on the Apennine Peninsula. Constantine I suffered from severe leprosy and could not be cured by famous doctors. At this time, Sylvester II recommended a... monk for him?"

Xu Yangyi paused, not only him, but everyone looked at Wukong in the golden coffin in astonishment. Jenny whispered, "Is it him?"

After taking a deep breath, Xu Yangyi felt that he had touched upon a submerged historical text. The heavy and obscure feeling made him read on immediately: "Afterwards, Constantine I was baptized four days after he recovered from his illness, and gave part of the Apennine Peninsula to Sylvester II as a thank you. A grand document recording ceremony was held in Rome. And this ceremony is called..."

"Constantine's Donation of Soil." Lawrence said in a deep voice. An unnatural embarrassment flashed across his face. Hearing this, Jenny and the two legendary demon hunters had a flash of clarity in their eyes. Gowers spoke for the first time, his voice hoarse as if sharpening a knife: "Your Majesty... do you want to stop?"

Silence, after a long time, Lawrence shook his head: "Some things, it is useless to cover up your ears and steal the bell. Read on, Mr. X."

He looked at Xu Yangyi: "But... I remind you that what is said here has already involved some unspeakable things. Remember it in your heart and don't tell anyone."

"However, this document does not need any witnesses, because it is a dishonorable document. So... Pope II, who was planning to build the Vatican at the time... erased this witness who should not exist?!" Xu Yangyi nodded and continued.

He took a deep breath and looked at the Vatican in surprise.

This is the real black history of Catholicism.

Behind the benevolence, there is a sharp knife. However, he couldn't understand why all this should be covered up?

Just a soil offering ceremony, to wipe out Che Fengchao? This doesn't make sense.

Jenny, Van Helsing, Gowers' eyes passed through Xu Yangyi without a trace of emotion. If he dared to make any remarks, these Lord's warriors would definitely kill him here.

"Continue." Lawrence said calmly.

"Yes." Xu Yangyi calmed down: "But... three days later, the monk who was given poison woke up again. He said a word..."

He suddenly stopped talking.

The following sentence is... I have found the fairyland and cannot die here. So, Goku leaves the Papal States.

So...who is this body?

The Immortal Trace...are you talking about the Immortal Meteor of the Ming Tombs? Why is it found in the Papal States? The immortals of the East and the gods of the West are paradoxical, and Taoist things are actually in the Catholic stronghold?

"What's wrong?" Lawrence's eyes were blazing: "X...please continue."

Xu Yangyi was silent for a moment: "He said that he found traces of God. So he returned to China."

"You lied to me." Van Helsing stood up immediately: "Please tell the truth. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise, you can let more Chinese people see it. The text is here and cannot escape at all." Xu Yangyi said calmly.

At this moment, suddenly, a white dove flew in, turned into a string of words, and entered Lawrence's ears. He closed his eyes and listened for a few seconds, then stood up and said, "Excuse me."

At the same time, a slight voice came to Jenny's ears: "Look at X... Constantine's offering of soil, you should know what level of secret this is. Before I come back, he must not be allowed to go out. Maybe... the church will last forever What you are looking for must fall on Mr. Che.”

Jenny nodded imperceptibly.

Lawrence's figure turned into a white light, and he arrived outside St. John's Cathedral in an instant. The people inside could not see it at all. At this moment, a golden light and a platinum shield covered the church over a radius of more than 500 meters. Mortals can't get in at all. Inside the shield, there are rows of hundreds of defenders covered in white armor and holding spears. All fell to the ground.

The flag of the Lord was flying fiercely in the air, and the drop of a pin could be heard at the scene.

As soon as Lawrence stepped into the door of the church, an old marquis came over like a shadow and whispered: "Ms. Tamamo-mae is already waiting outside the barrier to be crowned."

Lawrence's face was as calm as a lake, he stretched out his hand, and a red robe with golden tassels fell on him. Walking past any row of defenders, all you get is silently raising your head, with fanatical and respectful gazes in your eyes.

"She said that Mr.

"Yes." The old man held his hands behind his back and didn't take any steps, following Lawrence loyally like a ghost.

"Her terms?"

"She only wants the body of

Lawrence didn't speak, but walked over quickly: "Let the ascetic monks go to the outside between the sacred vessels. Ten... no, both the first and second teams will go. X can kill Savidian VII, and ten ascetic monks can't stop him at all. Don’t stop him.”


"Also...let the first and second teams of the Crusaders keep an eye on Tamamo Mae. Don't let her leave even a step."

"Understood." The old man hesitated for a moment: "Your Majesty, do you really want to attack the great spiritual master?"

"It depends on the situation." Lawrence hesitated for a few seconds and frowned: "You don't know... between the sacred objects... the situation is a bit complicated. He knows about a top-secret incident at the level of 'Lucifer'. Even I just listened. His Majesty the Pope said it once."

The old man's dry well-like face finally showed a touch of shock: "Lucifer level? This... this is the Vatican's top secret? How could he..."

"So the situation is complicated. Of the three people there, only a preparatory saint like Jenny has heard about it. But it is impossible to know everything. related to the secret that my teaching has been searching for for thousands of years. She will stop it. Things that Van Helsing and Gowers shouldn't say. Let them say nothing until I come back."

His eyes flashed slightly: "We don't want to take action against the Great Spiritualist, but...some things, if you know them, you will not be spared. The Lord's teachings are never blindly merciful."

Ten minutes later, there was a slight flash in the void, and Lawrence's figure had appeared at a small church. In front of him, at the end of the church entrance, more than ten meters away, there were three thousand green hairs of Zhu Hongxue hanging down, like an ink crow with its wings spread, half kneeling on the ground motionless.

"Brush!" Holy light descended from the ground, and immediately, a huge pressure appeared in the deserted chapel. Lawrence's figure did not appear, but a god-like voice resounded through the church: "Tamamo-mae. I think you should know that I hate creatures like you extremely."

"You have blasphemed the Lord. If it had been placed five hundred years ago, you would have turned into ashes now." Regarding Zhu Hongxue, his voice was cold and ruthless: "I hope what you say next is the truth. Otherwise, with your status, the Vatican, the Tagule family, and the Holy White Cross jointly investigate, there is no place for you in Europe and the United States. "

Zhu Hongxue raised her lips slightly: "Of course."

"Junior promises that from now on, every sentence and every word will be true."

Among the sacred vessels, Xu Yangyi could even hear his own heart beating.

Lawrence left...

Golden opportunity!

He was sure that there was something more mysterious about this remains. This mystery... is not in the remains, but under the remains, in the stone platform!

"Mr. X, please sit down." Jenny said calmly.

Xu Yangyi agreed casually and continued to read the Chinese inscriptions on the petals of the golden coffin. However, at the next moment, Jenny's Marquis Qi burst out, and she also stood up, with a frosty mask on her face, and her golden hair flying like wings: "I said, sit down."

"Your Excellency Jenny?" Van Helsing and Lawrence asked in confusion. Xu Yangyi turned his back to them and his eyes flashed.

It was the first time he heard two people call Jenny.

It turned out to be Your Excellency... Jenny's status was higher than the two half-step grand dukes?

"Don't talk." Jenny looked directly at Xu Yangyi and said word by word: "From now on, you don't say anything. I will answer Mr. X's questions."

"If he touches the holy weapon without permission, he will be killed immediately... on the spot!"

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