
Main text Chapter 533: Stealing the sky and changing the day (I)

Xu Yangyi's outstretched hand paused.

He felt Jenny's strong hostility.

"Rumble..." Thunder suddenly shone outside the cathedral. The blue-white sky was densely covered with low clouds. A heavy rain was about to come, and layers of black clouds had begun to roll.

He withdrew his hand. Smiling: "If I want to know why the church killed Wukong..."

"It's not surprising." Van Helsing put his hat on, leaned against the ruins and said, "I've heard about this. The Vatican itself belongs to the Papal State..."

"Shut up, Your Excellency Van Helsing. Mr. When you come back next time, I will apply for you to do hard training for three years."

Van Helsing rolled his eyes and said nothing.

"That's fine." Xu Yangyi suppressed his racing heart, put his hands behind his back and said slowly: "I also have a little story here, about Wukong himself, do you want to know?"

We must take action...

Just now, when thunder sounded, he heard three words that suppressed excitement.

One minute.

Yue Zhenren's voice.

One minute later, a unique opportunity suddenly appeared. The Grand Duke is out, and there are only two half-step Grand Dukes and one Marquis left here.

The hands behind him were covered in cold sweat, and his face pretended to be calm. His slender fingers had touched the storage ring, and he could even feel the surging spiritual power of the Forbidden Spirit Pill inside.

Calm down... Calm down... Yue Zhenren is indeed paying attention to every move here. The most critical thing now the last moment, we must, must stabilize the scene.

"One blow. I only have a few seconds to strike! It's only this one chance. If I don't let their guard down to a minimum, I will only fail."

He took a few steps away from the golden coffin with a normal expression, and Jenny reluctantly showed a smile as kind as possible. He nodded and smiled: "Wukong was from almost the same period as the Roman Empire. His reputation is very high in China. Based on him and Master Tripitaka, a well-known Chinese writer wrote one of the four famous works... …”

"Journey to the West." Gowers said hoarsely.

"I didn't expect you to know." Xu Yangyi was stunned on purpose, counting every second in his mind to the nearest tenth.

Twelve seconds...

"Wukong, is mythologically known as Sun Dasheng. He can ascend to heaven or earth, is omnipotent, and possesses seventy-two transformations..." "Let's get to the point!"

Before he could finish speaking, Jenny immediately interrupted.

She didn't know why, but she always felt a little flustered, as if... something big was about to happen.

"Miss Jenny, you are so boring like this." Xu Yangyi frowned: "You borrowed my magic weapon and gave me this attitude. What I want to know most is why the church wanted to kill senior Che Fengchao and you kept silent. Mention. While I am waiting for His Majesty Lawrence to return, your attitude is quite bad."

Jenny pursed her lips and bowed: "I will apologize to you afterwards. But Mr. They have an ability that no one, including the Pope, has.”

She looked directly into Xu Yangyi's eyes: "Great prophecy."

"After the Grand Duke, all saints can cast great prophecies. Even before the Grand Duke, I can predict some things that are about to happen. It's just very vague. But now..." Her face was as cold as ice: "I always feel... my heartbeat Very powerful.”

"I don't accept your indirect expression of love." Xu Yangyi smiled.

Thirty seconds!

Only thirty seconds left!

He continued: "Wukong set out from the Tang Dynasty to the West. And he returned to the Tang Dynasty in the sixth year of Zhenyuan. If this is Wukong, then who went back? Or... who is here? "

Everyone exchanged glances and saw shock in each other's eyes.

Could it be... that the remains went back on their own?

"You mean...his real name is Xu Yangyi? Is he the count monk who encircled Nanzhou more than 20 years ago?" At the same time, in the chapel, Lawrence's voice sounded calmly: "What does this have to do with me? "

"China is China, Europe and the United States are Europe and the United States. What do you, China's wanted criminals, do when you come to Europe and the United States? Don't think that I don't know who you are... Zhu Hongxue, I didn't kill you when you set foot in New York. I am already the Grand Duke. "Extraordinary mercy."

"That's not the case." Zhu Hongxue looked a little pale in the face of the Grand Duke's pressure. But he still calmly said: "I want to say...this man is a treacherous man who deceives his master and destroys his ancestors. He is a once-in-a-century hero. In order to become stronger, he does everything he can. He betrays his master, betrays China, and is despised by thousands of people. . He has no father or king in his heart, and his apparent obedience is to cover up his inner rebellion. Moreover, this man had an unexpected encounter and learned the alchemy method that has been lost for hundreds of years in China..."

"If you are just talking nonsense, then you can get out." Lawrence said lightly: "I would like to say it again, this has nothing to do with us. No matter who he is, he is wanted by China, and the United States just accepts him. I even Consider giving him asylum from the Vatican. For the sake of the Tagule family, I won’t kill you today!”

Zhu Hongxue lowered her head and did not panic, but showed a calm smile full of murderous intent: "So... what if he and someone are looking for the same person?"

Lawrence sneered, and the holy light flashed in the sky. Do you really think that his title of Grand Duke is fake? He doesn't know what's good for him and doesn't know how to advance and retreat. Even if he kills this fox here, the Tagule family won't say anything.

However, at this moment, he suddenly remembered something in his mind and took a breath: "You mean... her?"

"It's her... Your Excellency the Grand Duke." Zhu Hongxue touched the ground with her head, and no one saw the crazy smile on her face. The voice was still respectful: "The junior is the head of the Tagule family in New York. Some things, even if St. John's Cathedral didn't leak a bit of wind. But everyone has known it for a long time."

"That kind of terrifying spiritual pressure... that kind of abyss-like spiritual energy... Almost all the monks in New York felt it that day. She was looking for Xu Yangyi... and you brought Xu Yangyi into the holy artifacts. Do you think... will she think that this is the Vatican challenging her?"

"Boom!!" In the sky, there was a thunder and lightning.

Lawrence in the void, even with the power of the Grand Duke, had cold sweat on his forehead.

This matter. He tried to make himself forget it. But it still lingered in his heart like a devil.

A few months ago... at the door of St. John's Cathedral, a mysterious woman came over like a devil. She did not hide her true identity as a clone... and did not hide her Grand Duke realm. She just asked Jenny to help find someone...

This devil... is at least a prince! Even higher!

He couldn't imagine what it would feel like for the Vatican to be targeted by a monster that was more terrifying than a prince!

In the past few months, he desperately looked for this person. Why are there so many defenders outside St. John? Why are there protective talismans? Why isolate the surroundings?

They are all afraid... afraid that the monster will come again. The Pope can't show up at all. Because if there is a problem, he can still blame Lawrence and let him commit suicide to vent his anger for the other party. However, once the Pope shows up, the confrontation between the two princes will be the killing field between the Vatican and the old monster! There is no room for redemption at all!

St. John's Cathedral has been under martial law for more than three months. However, the person she was looking for disappeared. But she never expected that he would appear right under his nose!

"Are you sure?" When he asked this question, he was sweating coldly. He let the other party enter the holy artifact room. Will the other party listen to this provocation?

Will he listen?

"Whether he is willing to listen or not, there must be no mistakes at this time!" He made a decision secretly: "If X comes with other intentions, even if he is killed, he must not be allowed to say it. If he is really the one who encircled the land in China, so unruly... maybe... the best choice is to let him sleep forever."

"Junior is very sure." Zhu Hongxue's head touched the ground, and he had raised the smile of death.

Xu Yangyi... This time, I didn't meet you. But... do you really think I can't kill you?

Yes, I'm afraid I can't kill you in the past ten years. But I can't give you the next ten years! We have been standing on an unequal position from the beginning! You have no information channels and no family support. And I... knew from the beginning that there was a terrifying monster searching for you.

Go and die in peace... I have received your living emperor weapon. When I form a golden elixir in Europe and America and return to China, I will definitely kill all those fake Taoists of Tiandao!

I will also... pull out the tendons and bones of anyone who has anything to do with you. Especially... Deputy Minister Chu and his grandson...

Lawrence was completely silent.

No one thought that Zhu Hongxue would say this. Now, he has only one way.

Severely injure the great spiritualist X, cut off his limbs and send him to "her", hoping that the other party will not care about his momentary mistake. Otherwise... the Vatican will not help him. More importantly, now that I know about Constantine's donation of land, I must not make any mistakes!

"Why... can't this archduke see his true face?" He asked the last question unwillingly.

"Your Majesty, there is something in China called Qianhuan." Zhu Hongxue licked the corner of her mouth and smiled slightly: "It can cross a large level and make people unrecognizable. It is the work of a weapon refining master. It is limited to the world, even the Grand Duke may not have it."

"Boom!!" Thunder roared, and the small church was illuminated in a dead white.

Without any extra words, when Zhu Hongxue felt the spiritual energy of the holy whip leaving, her crouching body trembled like a devil.


"Hahahaha!!!" Her laughter became louder and louder, and finally she stood up and laughed wildly at the sky: "Go to hell... bastard! You should go to hell! The base camp of the Vatican, 532 guards on the periphery, one Grand Duke on the inner circle, and two half-step Grand Dukes, I want to see how you survive this time! Hahaha!!"

"Boom!!" At this moment, thunder burst out in the sky, and an extremely terrifying pressure suddenly descended! !

"Lawrence." The whole sky was shaking, and the pale lightning turned into white dragons, roaring wildly in the sky.

The holy whip that had just flown out was shocked, and then looked at the sky in disbelief!

"Grand Duke... late stage?!"

"Boom!!" The sky was pale, and black clouds gradually surged. A voice in the sky said majestically: "Stop here."

"Otherwise, I will send you off!"

Lawrence was stunned, and then he let out a heart-wrenching scream!

"Holy Artifact!!!!"

"Jenny!! Activate the stigmata!! Kill that bastard for me!!"

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