
Main text Chapter 534: Stealing the sky and changing the day (Part 2)

Lawrence's cry was already a scream, and he rushed out with his Grand Duke's spiritual consciousness. But at the same time, his sound waves created sparks in the air. The space within a radius of one kilometer was flickering. Not a single word could be transmitted.

In the sky, black clouds were emptying, silver dragons were rolling, and all the black clouds gradually formed a huge cloud hole. In the cloud hole, a figure slowly walked out. The pressure of the late Grand Duke on his whole body, as soon as he appeared, encouraged Lawrence to step back several steps!

"You... are the one in Chinatown..." Lawrence's heart was burning, he understood... he understood it thoroughly. This is someone and Xu Yangyi jointly planning the holy weapon!

From the beginning, the other party knew Xu Yangyi's identity, and then relied on the alchemy art to shock New York. He did not hide, but appeared in front of everyone in a high-profile manner. Then he planned the quota through the identity of the Great Spiritualist and killed all the way to the top three. Just for now!

"Boom!!!" Without any consideration, his white priest robe flew up, and a spiritual force that was not as strong as Master Yue's but equally powerful burst out. All the trees around him were cleared in an instant, and then his figure flashed and flew into the air.

"Make way." There was a trace of determination on his face. A foot-long holy light shot out from his pupils: "Leave now... I promise not to report this to the Pope! Otherwise..."

"What if otherwise?" Master Yue strolled leisurely and sneered: "Punish me on behalf of the moon?"

"Just you, an early Jindan? How dare you be so arrogant!"

There is no need to talk about it.

Lawrence took a deep breath, the Grand Duke, also has the dignity of the Grand Duke, raised his left hand, and in an instant, a door to heaven opened behind him.

Dozens of meters high, dozens of meters long, holy singing sounded, white feathers fluttered, a scene of heaven. However, from behind the door, countless angels swarmed out. The guns, spears, and swords in their hands reflected the brilliance of holy light.

"Heaven's Gate!"

Boom boom boom! In mid-air, a white-gold river of hundreds of meters rushed towards Master Yue frantically. Master Yue's face was solemn, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the spear of the day appeared in his hand again.

As he swung it, the black and white Tai Chi cycled. The battle between the Eastern Golden Elixir and the Western Golden Elixir started instantly.

"The gun shook the mountains and rivers!!"

A splendid color, also stretched for hundreds of meters, faced the angel army. Then, with a loud "boom", the entire sky was actually divided into black and white poles!

"What is this?!" "This... the late Grand Duke? The early Grand Duke?!" "Are they crazy!!" "Are they going to completely destroy New York?!"

At the Holy War venue, all the Grand Dukes stood up suddenly and looked at the sky in astonishment.

They all felt that this was not a joke, but that both sides were really angry! They didn't care about the lives of millions of people in New York at all, and the battle started less than a thousand meters above New York!

It's not just a matter of destroying New York... This will lead to the manifestation of holiness in front of people! The contract made by all the Yuanying ancestors hundreds of years ago was declared broken!

"These two lunatics!!" In New York, the ISSS, the National Secret Service, the director looked at the sky above New York with a pale face, his voice trembling: "Immediately... immediately notify the Washington General Administration! Something big happened in New York! The battle between the late and early Grand Dukes! Immediately apply for headquarters intervention! Please ask Grand Duke Boer to come to the scene immediately!"

The people around were all stunned.

For monks, their lives are short. Have they ever seen the scene of destruction before their eyes?

Just in front of them...outside the the sky, countless clouds formed a terrifying sky cloud hole, and the black and white poles kept shining. The whole scene was like the end of the world!

"Pah..." In a skyscraper, a man was turning around to pour water, and the cup fell to the ground. After a long time, he trembled and said: "MYGOD...Are the aliens finally here..."

The street was instantly noisy and screaming. Countless cars rear-ended each other. Countless people hid in the next room in fear.

"Aliens! Aliens are coming!" "The end of the world! Oh my God!" "What the hell is this! Is the sky going to collapse!"

"... And Wukong turned into Buddha's bone relics. Oh, these relics are now placed in a temple. We may be able to infer from this aspect why Wukong went to the West..."

In St. John's Cathedral, Xu Yangyi already felt dry mouth and tongue, and never felt time passing so slowly.

The last three seconds...

"Mr. X." Jenny looked straight into his eyes: "What do you want to say?"

Two seconds...

Xu Yangyi's hand has already pressed the ring.

"I want to say..."

"Boom!!" A thunder fell, and all the dead people present jumped up like needles.

Two grand duke auras exploded almost at the same time in the sky above New York!

One, as deep as a mountain, was unfathomable, and it was Master Yue. And the other, they were more familiar with, was His Majesty the Holy Whip who had just left!

"Boom!" Thunder and lightning exploded, reflecting the pale faces of everyone in the stained glass window.

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes.

It started... Master Yue made his move.

Originally, he was still a little hesitant before the time was up. After all, the stakes were too high. However, when the two spiritual energies burst out, the cultivator's instinct to become stronger instantly occupied his heart.

Time seemed to have stopped. His eyes flashed, like an icy hell, and he just saw Jenny's extremely vigilant eyes with spiritual energy bursting out.

One second!

Time is up!

"I mean..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy of the late marquis in his body gushed out crazily: "You... all go to hell!"

"Holy Sword!!!"

"Boom!!!" A fierce green spiritual energy instantly split the air. The world seemed to be split apart. It was split directly for five or six hundred meters!

"Protect the holy artifact!!!" Jenny shouted, and Van Helsing and Gowers immediately rushed over like a conditioned reflex, with their bodies in front of the holy artifact.

With a silent bang, St. John's Cathedral shook violently. The golden egg hit, and Gowers and Van Helsing almost screamed and vomited blood and flew back at the same time.

"Is this... the power of the Grand Duke?!" However, Jenny, who was in the front, did not have it. On her forehead, a crystal-like object as thick as a finger suddenly appeared, spreading thorny vines composed of spiritual energy, protecting her whole body, and she was not injured!

"Too late!" Xu Yangyi laughed loudly, his body flew up, and then the whole ground arched up crazily.

"Green line!"

"Hua La La!" Endless vines surged from under his feet, and bloody mouths instantly filled the entire space. Gowers and Van Helsing laughed angrily, and their whole body spiritual energy burst out! Circles of platinum-colored ripples were like substance.

Jenny was no longer human, her whole body was wrapped in white thorns, as if she was wearing armor. She shouted: "Protect the holy weapon! If there is any mistake! You don't have to come back!!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she raised her hands, and a continuous white light flashed in the sky: "Holy Shock!"

"Boom boom boom!" Behind her, circles of golden ripples emerged, and then countless golden spears, with blazing sacred fire, swept the whole scene from behind like bullets. Wherever they passed, the space collapsed.

"Is it the power of the golden elixir?" Xu Yangyi was stunned, it was too unexpected. He expected that the holy sword would hit everyone at the scene. No one expected that Jenny, a variable, a mid-term marquis, would be so powerful.

But... can't delay!

One more second of delay is one more dangerous second. Because... just when the holy sword was launched, the door outside was shaking!

"Sir Jenny! What happened?" An old voice sounded at the door: "Sir Lawrence asked me to keep an eye on Mr. X. What happened inside? If you don't answer within three seconds, 432 defenders, 87 ascetics, and 10 demon hunters will immediately attack the holy artifacts!"

In response to him, the entire cathedral roared again! The holy sword, the holy shock almost collapsed all the bans that Lawrence had set up before!

Xu Yangyi's eyes condensed, and he saw that Jenny was not so strong. Her body under the aura was shrinking rapidly. Her hair was pale. This was something that exchanged life for strength.

It was completely incomparable to his holy sword, but at this moment, it became an insurmountable chasm!

"Protect the emperor..." At this moment, Jenny spoke hoarsely, as if she had entered old age in an instant, and then screamed to the sky: "Protect the emperor! Protect the emperor!! Where are the Vatican defenders!! There are heretics who are robbing the holy artifacts!!! Attack with all the troops!!"

Once you are labeled as a heretic, you will never stop fighting with the Holy See. It has been a long time since anyone was branded with these two words. Now, Xu Yangyi asked them to be branded.

There was no room for maneuver.

There was silence outside the house for a second. The next moment, hundreds of earl's great spiritual energy burst out!

"Church! Ascetic! Guardian! Demon Hunter! Come on!! Break through this door!! For our Lord!! "

"Judgment of heresy!! " As soon as the old voice fell, the door immediately sounded like a landslide and tsunami, but the uniform roar: "Lord, invincible!! "

"Boom!! "With a loud bang, hundreds of carefully selected warriors from the Vatican smashed the already overloaded door with a loud rumble.

Can't hold on for more than three minutes!

Xu Yangyi's eyes were red. After three minutes, if he couldn't get the things inside, then everything was over! Master Yue couldn't come to save him at all!

"Dangdangdang!!!" A crisp sound, Van Helsing, who was spitting blood, and Gowers, under the protection of the holy light thorns, gasped for breath, and nailed the parchment rolls neatly to the wall with the crossbow in his hand.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." Countless crosses flashed on the wall, and Gowers spat blood and said: "Heretic... You can't run away... Wait for the wrath of the Lord!"

However, he didn't finish.

The entire St. John's Cathedral was quiet in an instant.

Because, among the vines that emerged from the ground, there was a... There was a flower bud that opened gently.

As it opened, a white ball of light slid out from it.

Below it, it was facing the remains.

Forbidden Spirit Pill!

Xu Yangyi had taken it out long ago, but he didn't take it out himself, but gave it to Green Line, just waiting for this moment!

"This is..." Jenny was trembling all over, and countless pictures surged in her mind. The ability to predict quietly appeared, and finally stopped at a big explosion.

And at the center of the explosion... there was a golden eye.

"Protect the holy artifact!!!" she screamed.

"It's too late." Xu Yangyi bit his finger, and a drop of blood flew out: "Do you know... I have considered every minute and every second, every step and every detail of today for several months."

"How can you compare with my planning for several months?"

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