
Main text Chapter 535: Stealing the sky and changing the day (Part 3)

"Pah..." The blood droplets collided with the white ball silently, and in an instant, a circle of golden ripples suddenly flashed!

"Boom boom boom!" Loud noises came from all around, Jenny looked around in astonishment, the cross that had just been nailed on melted... Sir Lawrence's ban was broken...

"This is... something to break the ban..." Her words were full of powerlessness.

Too hasty.

And the other party had been preparing for several months.

"Swish!!!" The forbidden spirit pill fell directly onto the golden coffin, and in an instant, the light shone brightly! A nine-grade golden lotus that was tens of meters in size, composed entirely of talismans, appeared in the sky above St. John's Cathedral in an instant!

The golden lotus composed of talismans was illuminated by the white light ball in the center, and the talismans all floated and disappeared. Everyone saw this scene and understood what it was.

"He... is breaking the seal of the saint's remains!" Jenny's eyes turned red: "Is there something else in here? Or does he need something? No... We thought the golden coffin was the restriction outside, but there is something else in here!"

"No matter what he wants, he must not succeed! This is an item from the Vatican!"

It was a matter of seconds... She knew very well that the other party must have a backup plan, otherwise it would be impossible to break the seal so boldly. She immediately thought of the battlefield between the two archdukes in the sky. His Holiness the Holy Whip in the early stage was definitely not the opponent of the other party who was two small realms beyond her. Then...

"Everyone listen!" She put her hands on her chest, and a circle of golden holy light burst out: "He must be killed within ten minutes!!"

"Armor of the Kingdom of Heaven!!"

"Boom!" The holy light roared out, and at the same moment, the door collapsed. An old man stood at the door, and behind him, countless people gathered, and a solemn atmosphere instantly enveloped the whole place.

"X... Stop. Then join the Vatican! Abandon all your cultivation! We can forget about what happened today!" The old man looked at the golden lotus with cracked eyes: "Otherwise... I promise that you will be thrown into the deepest prison in the Vatican. You will never see the sun again!"

Xu Yangyi glanced at the other party lightly and sneered. He began to seal his hands quickly.

As the seal began, the forbidden spirit pill shone brightly, and with a "click", a crack even appeared in the middle.

"Looking for death!!" "Heretic! Die!!" "Bastard... You can't walk out of here alive! You blasphemed the majesty of the Lord!"

Three angry shouts, everyone attacked. The black robe outside Gao Si shattered, and inside was a half-human, half-mechanical object.

It was covered with weapons. After an order, thousands of arrows were fired at the same time. Countless holy silver crossbows mixed with the sound of breaking wind, sprinkled a brilliant white light in the sky.

"Baptism of Holy Arrows!" Van Helsing roared, not caring about the horrible wounds on his body - from his left shoulder to his right abdomen, there was a deep scar that could be seen to the bone, emitting green spiritual energy, constantly corroding his body. At this moment, as his spiritual power fully exploded, blood and broken flesh with internal organs immediately spurted out.

"Swish!" In the sky, a silver-white crossbow arrow aimed at Xu Yangyi, and with the continuous sound of "swoosh, swoosh, swoosh", several meters long holy light swords flew out from it, and the ground "boomed" with flying sand and rocks, and all the stone slabs cracked inch by inch!

"Hua La La..." Behind him, the Vatican troops poured in like a tide. The leading troops were dressed in golden armor, and as the monks behind them chanted, a golden horse appeared under their crotch, rushing over with a fierce spiritual tide.

Three parties surrounded!

Xu Yangyi was already in danger, but at this moment, he said in a deep voice: "Green line."

"Boom!" The thorns on the ground danced wildly, and the green dragon was unparalleled. One by one, huge vines with half-human-high barbs quickly surrounded him in a ball. Then, all the attacks hit the wall of thorns.

In an instant, debris flew across. And inside the wall of thorns, Xu Yangyi pinched the magic formula at full speed, not caring about the upheavals outside.

One minute...

Just give him one minute, the forbidden spirit pill will explode completely, and the true body of the holy weapon can be drawn out!

And... the entire combat power of the Vatican in New York will launch a crazy charge within this minute! He even felt the floor rumbling... This is the momentum of countless holy light war horses gathering together and preparing to charge.

"Faster... Faster!" His hands flew and pulled out a residual image. The cracks in the forbidden spirit pill above his head became larger and larger, and infinite red light came out from it. With each flush of the red light, the golden remains trembled a little. The gold on top was getting less and less, and even the flesh color underneath was exposed.

"Crusaders!!" Outside, the old man looked at the thorn wall that suddenly appeared, and shouted loudly. More than a dozen believers in golden armor pulled the holy light war horses formed by the spiritual light under their crotch, and all gathered in a row. No one leaned out, no one fell behind, and they were neatly marked as if they were measured by a ruler.

"Buzz!" He made a seal with his hands, and a holy light appeared above everyone's head. With the holy light, the armor on their bodies appeared, and their chests all turned into eagles, and their shoulders turned into griffins. One after another, extremely precise patterns appeared, and in his hand, the holy light flashed, and a two-meter-long spear was held in his hand out of thin air. The spiritual energy on it was steaming up.

"Crusaders Slaughter Formation!!" He spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were red, and his black priest robes fluttered like wings. Without even wiping it, the old finger pointed at the wall of thorns: "Destroy this heretic! Let him turn into ashes under the shining of the holy light!"

"Silvulu!!!" All the Holy Light Warhorses looked up to the sky and roared. Then, the ten knights charged with all their strength, and with every kick, fine spider web patterns appeared on the ground.

"Rumble..." The moment the ground trembled, Xu Yangyi knew that the Vatican was about to make a killing move. This kind of group organization is terrifying on its own, but those fanatical believers and fanatics are even more terrifying! They are more rigorous than soldiers and more precise than machines. Once formed, they are invincible and invincible.

"This the battle formation of the Vatican! The battle formation of Catholicism, one of the three major religions!"

On the line between life and death, he had no time to resist. In front of him, the Forbidden Spirit Pill was only a hair short of being completely broken. But just this trace of it made him seal the knot for twenty seconds!

"For my Lord!!!" Outside the wall of thorns, a fanatical roar shook the heavens and the earth. As the ground trembled, an extremely violent impact force shattered the wall of thorns in an instant!

Ten glittering figures appeared behind him, and Xu Yangyi's eyes turned red. At a distance of less than thirty meters, a charge is not terrible. He can block it. However, there were endless ascetic monks and Taoist defenders behind, plus two seriously injured half-step princes in front, and a strange-looking saint.

His heart sank and he couldn't figure it out... Zhenren Yue would never come to the rescue! Because things without a trace of value can only be abandoned!

This was their agreement, and he had no regrets. Now, there is still a chance!

"Get out!!!" He roared angrily, and all the green lines rushed to the back, forming a more solid shield, while the front was completely left to Jenny, Gowers, and Van Helsing.

"Beast..." Van Helsing endured the severe pain, with faith above all else. He vomited blood and raised the crossbow in his hand: "Go to hell...bastard! The Vatican's eternal night prison welcomes you! BOY!"

"Provoking the spokesperson of the Lord, provoking the majesty of the Holy Father... You are unforgivable!!" There was a rattling sound all over Gowers' body, and countless holy silver crossbow arrows were loaded.

There was no answer, Xu Yangyi had already reached the last step. You can't take action, you can only gamble!

Nowadays, thinking is luxury.

There are only the instinctive seals of the body.

"Kill!!!!" From ahead, with this sound, infinite crossbow arrows stabbed, glowing with dots of holy light, as if the curtain of eternal sleep was being raised for the dead in the dark night.

The bet was won!

Xu Yangyi could not even breathe a sigh of relief as he pressed the last spell with both hands.

"Swish, swish, swish... snatch, snatch, snatch!!" Two voices came out almost at the same time, and the three people in front were stunned.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's body was blurred, as if it were an illusion, and all the crossbow arrows passed through his body and nailed into the wall of thorns behind him.

Void Spirit Immortal Body, activate!

It was in these last few seconds that he gained the most critical time!

"Boom!!" On the St. John's Cathedral, the ninth-grade golden lotus exploded, and infinite talismans flew into the sky. Like a colorful butterfly in the dark night.

"This is..." "This is..." In the direction of the chapel, Lawrence looked at the flying aura with eyes wide open, his lips trembling: "His Majesty the Pope... I... am ashamed of your teachings. ah……"

It's over... everything is over...

Although he didn't know what exactly happened at St. John's Cathedral. However, as an archduke, he didn't know the situation in front of him. This is the ban being lifted.

St. John's Cathedral does not have this prohibition, the only possible...

It's a holy weapon!

"Hahahaha!!!" Zhenren Yue looked up to the sky and laughed. Then he raised his hand and took a deep breath. A misty golden light turned into a long river of golden light and flew quickly through the sky without concealment.

No time to hide.

Xu Yangyi is also probably at the end of his strength. Life and death are extremely fast. He must take away the opponent in a second.

"Look! What is that!!" "My God... This, is this an astronomical vision, right?!" "MYGOD! God! God has descended!!" "This, is this a blessing from the Lord?!"

Golden light flashed across New York, and everyone was stunned. The director of ISSS plopped down and sat down on the chair with a wry smile.

He knew it was over.

Then, he immediately picked up the phone: "It's me! Get all the media in New York here immediately! Yes! Now! Immediately! And the TV station! SHIT! Stop talking nonsense! Prepare to deal with the aftermath!"

Passers-by in New York were all stunned, watching helplessly as the long golden river rushed towards St. John's Cathedral. The moment he got closer, it suddenly turned into a giant golden hand and pressed down on the church!

"MYGOD..." "Heaven... God..." "Is this... God coming..."

Everyone was stunned. Countless believers made the sign of the cross. Watch the coming of the gods.

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