
Main text Chapter 536: Jie Faction (I)

St. John's Cathedral. Everyone was stunned.

Jenny, Gowers, Van Helsing, and the old man behind him, with countless heads, all looked at the scene in front of them that could even be called terrifying.

Thousands of rays of light swallowed up all the gold on the remains, revealing the thin yellow body of the opponent below. The talismans that should have been shining on it were silent at the moment.

The golden hoop was inserted into the opponent's chest and slowly rotated.

"Bang!" At this moment, the Forbidden Spirit Pill exploded completely and turned into a little bit of silver light falling down. The whole scene was dreamlike and beautiful.

Behind Xu Yangyi, a big hole had opened in the wall of thorns. The old man was leading the way, his eyes blood red. The black priestly robe on his body was flying like an eagle, and he didn't even bother to wipe the blood around his mouth. Behind him were ten knights in golden armor. The exquisitely patterned armor carries the Lord's killing intent, and the spear in his hand appeals to the desire for the blood of heretics. Behind them, there is a cloak with no head at all.

Ascetics, defenders, priests. New York - All the members of the Holy See in the largest city in the world are gathered at St. John's Cathedral at this moment.

"Heresy..." The old man's expression was indescribably decadent. Why...why didn't so many people stop him?

He unlocked the restriction... He didn't know why he had to unlock it, and he never thought that there were restrictions in the holy artifact. However, he knew instinctively that he had to stop the opponent.

"Go to hell... the infidel." He was like a devil, with his black priestly robes as his wings: "You have blasphemed the church... you have blasphemed the Lord! With your low and humble body... you will never be redeemed by death! "

“Without nailing you to the stake ten million times, driving red-hot nails into every bone of your body, and burning your whole body clean, you simply cannot repay the evil deeds you committed in St. John’s Cathedral... "

"Don't talk nonsense to him!!" Van Helsing's face was pale, as if he would fall down in the next second, but he covered his wound and spurted blood: "Be careful... He can kill Savidian VII, he is extremely powerful. Kill him Catch him, don’t kill him, just leave him so he can talk..."

Xu Yangyi glanced at everyone with a sneer: "Do you still think you can catch me?"

"Do you think you still have room for bargaining?!" The old man took a step forward and said in a trembling voice: "Catch him... Believers! Just leave a part of him alive! Tonight, St. John's Cathedral is destined to be destroyed. The blood is red. The Lord will forgive me... Amen."

Hundreds of people, black, white, and gold, swarmed out from behind the old man, forming a religious bond.

"Brush!" A green light flashed, and Xu Yangyi activated the holy sword without hesitation. Although use it once and less once. However, it is not yet known how long it will take for Yue Zhenren to take action. Facing the believers who are already mad with anger, from now on is the most dangerous moment.

"Let's capture him without mercy!! The heretic!!" The old man stepped out from the crowd and stabbed Xu Yangyi in the chest with a spear made of ice, as long as Shumi.

"In the middle stage of the Marquis, a dog fights against the power of a man." Xu Yangyi licked his lips bloodthirstyly, and was about to draw out the holy sword in his hand, but... right now!

"Boom!" The entire St. John's Cathedral shook violently, with rubble flying, and countless believers immediately squatted on the ground. The sudden and violent earthquake made it impossible for people to stand still. And all the marquis immediately took off into the sky reflexively, and then... they saw a shocking scene.

Right behind them. The remains, the golden coffin, rose into the air at some point. The remains of the saint, which had completely lost all restraints, actually sat up!

Wukong is sitting on the Nine-Rank Lotus Platform. The orchid is pinched in the hand, the smile at the corner of the mouth contains thirty-two characteristics, and the solemnity of the Buddha's body contains eighty kinds of goodness. One finger to the sky, one finger to the ground. Place the instep of your right foot on your left thigh, with your left foot facing down. However, everyone took a step back.

Even though they were hostile at the moment, everyone was looking at Xu Yangyi. There was only one sentence in his eyes: What the hell is going on! ?

Why is the remains sitting up?

Xu Yangyi also didn't know that the lotus platform kept rotating. Suddenly, Jenny took a breath: "Down there..."

"Down below! Stone platform!"

Just under the lotus platform, the stone base was filled with cracks bit by bit. Within three seconds, it exploded!

"This is..." "This..." "Unbelievable!"

There was a sound of gasping, and even the earl stopped because of the earthquake and saw everything in front of him.

Under the stone platform... it's hollow!

There is a whole other world beneath St. John's Cathedral!

In the bottomless abyss, which is more than ten meters in size, a passage slowly spirals downward, like a python clinging to a giant pillar. The collapsed ground fell below, but there was no sound at all.

"Kill him." After being stunned for three seconds, Jenny suddenly turned around and said word by word: "Inform His Majesty the Holy See immediately! Everything today must not be leaked!"

There was no objection. Everything else is evil in the name of the Lord.

The aura of the four marquises was like a sea wave, and Xu Yangyi's holy sword was in his hand. However, the next second, the scene changes again!

A majestic spiritual energy moved from far to near, approaching St. John's Cathedral in the blink of an eye. Xu Yangyi looked up to the sky and roared, finally showing a victorious smile on his face.

Master Yue!

Master Yue took action boldly!

"It's over..." His spiritual consciousness swept out and saw the golden river in the sky, which suddenly turned into a golden giant hand and pressed down suddenly. He smiled and said: "The rest... is to search for the loot..."

At the same time!

The deep pit under their feet suddenly erupted into a jet of black light!

At the same time, he and Jenny felt a great baptism, and they fell to the bottom before they could even exclaim.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Infinite black light filled the sky, and the mighty golden giant hand disappeared in an instant.

In the distance, Master Yue was stunned. Lawrence was also stunned.

This is... a direct defeat!

There is something in St. John's Church... that directly defeated Master Yue's magical power!

No one spoke, but everyone felt it. After the black light... an indescribable, extremely twisted breath slowly permeated from St. John's Cathedral.

Ominous, evil, and all the evil thoughts in the world.

"This is... the breath of the devil!!" Lawrence suddenly raised his head and looked at Master Yue with red eyes: "You know what's inside, right?!"

"Do you know what you did... the devil... once released, the whole world will be destroyed! ! You, a Chinese cultivator, actually opened the seal of the devil! Are you crazy!!"

Master Yue was also stunned.

How could it be... How could it be like this?

Where is the secondary boundary anchor! ?

Where is the surging spiritual power? !

How could the breath of the devil come out?

Am I wrong? No... Impossible! That magic weapon is infallible, and there must be a secondary boundary anchor in it!

"It's not this real person!!" He said to Lawrence with a ferocious face: "No matter how despicable this real person is, he will never deal with demons! I have been in Europe and the United States for hundreds of years, don't I know what demons are!?"

"In the battle of the three major rifts, the two major divine families and the Vatican were all seriously injured. No matter how stupid I am, I will not have the idea of ​​​​shooting demons!" He gritted his teeth and sneered: "Who knows what you buried down there... It actually lured this real person's magic weapon to misjudge... It's a big loss... It's a big loss..."

This is a break with the Vatican. Don't think about returning to Europe and the United States for decades, and the secondary boundary anchor has not been obtained. It's a blood loss.

"We?" Lawrence smiled like an eagle: "Grand Duke Yue, don't you know who that guy is? A Chinese wanted criminal made something of the devil, and you want to frame us in the Vatican?"

"It's related to the devil, the world/wanted criminal... Do you know..." He took a step forward, his eyes full of murderous intent: "With these two, the Vatican can sentence him to death."

He couldn't touch Master Yue, but he had a lot of ways to deal with a great spiritualist with no foundation!

If I can't kill you, I'll turn you into a drug slave of the Vatican. Can't you make the holy medicine of the Holy Shadow? Very good... Stay in the Vatican for the rest of your life...

"It's not this kid." Master Yue said seriously: "It's my son-in-law."

"You..." Lawrence ground his teeth, snorted coldly, and flew towards St. John's Cathedral at full speed.

The battle between the Grand Dukes is like this, there is no reason to start a war, and there is no reason to end it. Everyone is at the top of the world. Without 100% of interests, they will never fight with life and death. Everyone's life is precious.

Master Yue was silent for a few seconds, then pinched his joints hard: "I want to see what's underneath?"

"Who sealed such an evil thing in St. John's Cathedral? It seems... My forbidden spirit pill helped him. It's a waste of time... I won't give up unless I see it with my own eyes!"

The figures of the two archdukes were running fast. Master Yue was faster and soon caught up with Lawrence in front. He jokingly glanced at the St. John's Cathedral surrounded by clergy below, and raised his eyebrows: "What do you think of my son-in-law?"

"Very! Bad!!" Lawrence said a line of words from his teeth with a cold face: "You'd better pray that he can survive. If he lives to the time when the Vatican headquarters comes to punish him, once the left and right holy judges take action, even the archduke in the middle stage will not be spared!"

"Swish..." The figures of the two arrived at St. John's Cathedral in an instant. But after just a glance, Lawrence took a deep breath and grabbed Gowers' neck: "Where's Jenny!!"

"Where is the saint!?" He narrowed his eyes dangerously: "Don't tell me that he fell with that heretic?"

"It's my son-in-law." Yue Zhenren reminded again kindly.

Gowers bit his lip and nodded. Lawrence exhaled and threw him to the corner.

"Clear the place!" He swept his eyes full of anger across the place: "Ten minutes later, except for me and Mr. Yue, whoever is still here will be ready to accept the Holy Judgment!"


The crowd quickly retreated like a tide. Lawrence stood beside the hole of more than ten meters with his clothes flying, his face ashen.

Who would have thought that there was such a thing under St. John's Cathedral?

Who would have thought... that the cathedral that had been built for decades was actually hollow?

In front of them, waves of resentful cries came from the black hole, and twisted evil spirits stretched into the air, spreading like a virus. Below was the bottomless abyss.

"Can you be sure what it is?" Master Yue stared for a moment, and his expression became cautious.

"Who knows..." Lawrence gritted his teeth and said, "Don't even think about leaving... If you open this big lid and don't make it clear to the Vatican, even China can't protect you!"

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