
Main text Chapter 537: Jie Faction (I)

There was a dead silence in St. John's Cathedral.

Everyone left except the two Grand Dukes. It is difficult for the Marquis to get involved when it comes to the devil.

Master Yue felt it carefully and nodded: "It is indeed the aura of the devil. Let's go down and take a look?"

Lawrence's face was gloomy, and he waved his hand gently. Suddenly, sheets of parchment made of spiritual light shot around like arrows, and countless white-gold holy lights flashed. Under the illumination of the holy light, the black demonic breath in the cathedral slowly dissipated.

Ten minutes later, everyone gathered outside the ten-meter hole. It has become so rich that it is constantly churning and evaporating, like the mouth of hell.

Lawrence's hand shone with golden light, and a glove engraved with runes appeared. He stretched it out with great caution and touched it, then took a deep breath: "I can't go down..."

"This is a barrier... No one above the Grand Duke can go down at all. The only one who can enter is the Marquis." He mused: "This is also good news. Inside... the worst case scenario is that there is a living demon. But The presence of this barrier shows that its level is not high.”

"Easy to solve?" Zhenren Yue asked with a frown. He does not want to completely break up with the Vatican. If possible, he will make some repairs.

"Are you thinking too much?" Lawrence rolled his sleeves and said, "I'll say it again, this is a demon! Not a demon baby! Not a familiar! It's at the top of the hell food chain! Any demon is at the top of King Solomon's Seventy-Two Pillars Above! No matter how easy it is to solve, it is relative to you! Even I dare not say 'easy to solve'!"

"Now, it's best to pray that they come out alive. If there is anything wrong with the Saint... Zhenren Yue, I think the Holy Inquisition will find you immediately!"

Master Yue sneered and did not leave. Instead, he looked at the cathedral calmly. However, at this glance, he was stunned.

"Fellow Taoist..." He took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Where are your sacred weapons?"

Lawrence had no intention of paying attention to him, and now he was filled with anxiety. Hearing this sentence, I couldn't help but sneer in my heart. Are you still thinking of a holy weapon now?

However... the next second, he suddenly raised his head and looked around in disbelief.

Where are the sacred objects?

What about the remains on the golden coffin?

Gone... disappeared completely!

"Could it be..." He looked at the cave in front of him with flickering eyes: "The sacred weapon... went down there with them?"

"How is this possible...the sacred artifacts and remains are alive?!"

Xu Yangyi and Jenny could not hear their words at all.

They fell desperately, surrounded by darkness. The hole seemed bottomless. Waves of pitch-black ominous aura fill the entire space. As long as you feel it for a moment, it will make people feel crazy, and it will simply induce the most negative thoughts in people's hearts.

"Seal the five senses. Spiritual energy protects the body." Jenny's gnashing voice came from not far away: "This... is the purest devil's breath in the real river of hell flames. If you absorb too much, I guarantee you haven't fallen to the bottom yet. , has become a magic envoy.”

"Are you caring about me?" Xu Yangyi was not as anxious as she imagined. Compared with the situation above, the bottom was simply too cute. I couldn't help but make a joke.

"Heretic, watch your words!" Jenny said in a deep voice, "I just don't want the devil to judge you on behalf of the Lord."

In the darkness, the wind whistled loudly. Xu Yangyi sneered and did as Jenny said.


It's ridiculous. It's obvious that the situation below is unknown. At least... they are both human.

I don't know how long it took, but the two people's bodies sank, wrapped in spiritual energy, and they finally felt they fell to the ground.

The moment they landed, the two of them separated like a flash of light almost out of reflex. Xu Yangyi had the fish intestines in his hand, while in the center of Jenny's forehead, a crystal-like crystal shone, and a piece of holy light illuminated the surroundings. The two looked at each other in silence like lions for a few seconds, then turned their heads in unison.

What came into view was a twenty-meter cave.

It is not naturally formed but is artificially carved. The circular cave is quite neat, filled with books placed in old bookcases. Many ancient sheepskin files were scattered all over the ground. It seems like a library in ancient times.

However... these are fundamentally important. Their eyes fell on the center of the cave almost at the same time. There, there is a six-pointed star array!

The magic circle was painted with blood. I don’t know how long it had passed, but it was still as scarlet as before. They couldn't understand the psychic talismans that formed the magic circle at all. When they took a closer look, they could only feel the spiritual energy surging in their bodies. I immediately knew that this was beyond my realm.

And in the center of the magic circle... there is a golden apple, turning over and over.

Circles of golden aura emanated from the apple, forming dots of aura around it. Xu Yangyi glanced over, but at the first glance, he almost thought he had seen it wrong.

In the eyes, there was no apple at all, but a pair of naked men and women with golden light all over their bodies, standing together hand in hand. Infinite golden light swirled around them. Around them, there is no evil, no war, no pain, only the most primitive peace and goodness.

He shook his head violently, breathed a long sigh of relief, and looked over again, and saw that apples were still apples.

"This is...a golden apple?!" At this moment, Jenny exclaimed in shock. She was not a woman who easily lost her composure. But at this moment, standing outside the five-meter magic circle, everyone was stunned.

Golden apple?

Xu Yangyi pondered for a few seconds, then his eyes suddenly lit up!

He knows what it is...

Secondary boundary anchor!

This is the secondary boundary anchor!

"Yes... it must be it! If the secondary boundary anchor of Europe and America is the Tree of Eden, the fruit on it is the golden apple! The first one was eaten by Adam and Eve. This... there should be countless." He clenched his fist calmly. He never expected that the secondary boundary anchor really existed, and it was far from the fallen leaves in the mouth of the remains. It was the golden apple under the remains!

This thing is more precious than a hundred green leaves or even a branch!

"How is it possible..." Jenny took a deep breath, walked over lightly, stretched out her hands tremblingly, and there was only piety in her eyes: "This... this kind of thing... How can it exist in the world? Shouldn't it be something in the legend..."

"Several major legends in Europe and America, golden apples, golden arks, holy grails... actually... let me see the golden apple?"

Her hands were very beautiful, like white jade. She knelt devoutly in front of the magic circle and gently stretched out her hands.

As she stretched out, the golden apple actually burst out a soft holy light, illuminating the entire dark cave. The faint sound of holy chanting lingered in her ears, and Jenny's golden hair flew up, as if her golden wings were spread out. With her beautiful face, she looked more like an angel than an angel.

At this moment, suddenly, a strong wind came towards her. She didn't care at all, but stretched out her hand directly.

However, the strong wind did not hit her. At the moment when she approached the magic circle, the hexagram vibrated slightly, and the stone flakes... disappeared!

It didn't break, just disappeared in front of the two people.

Jenny was stunned, her body trembled slightly, and she came back to her senses in an instant.

"What are you going to do?" The two looked at each other across the magic circle, and Jenny retracted her hand: "Do you want to take away the Lord's gift?"

"Shut up." Xu Yangyi rubbed his chin, didn't look at the other party at all, stared at the magic circle and said: "Everything is covered with the Lord's gift, and it becomes the church's. Why don't you tell the earth that you are also the Lord's gift? Then you can become the master of the earth?"

Jenny didn't get angry, and her white jade hand lifted her golden hair. There was a sense of matter-of-factness in his emerald eyes: "The Earth was originally created by the Lord Qitian."

"However, thank you for your reminder just now."

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but paused lightly. A stone piece flew into the air, and with a light flick, the stone piece turned into dozens of fragments and rushed straight towards the magic circle.

"Swish, swish, swish..." Just like before, the moment they entered the magic circle, they all disappeared silently.

"Interesting..." He retracted his gaze and quickly sorted out his thoughts in his mind.

This place seems to be safe, but it is really full of dangers. The signs of countless puzzles all point to here.

First, why did Wukong, who came to China, have his physical body here? So... what exactly returned to China? Or, what is left here?

Second... why is Wukong here? The forbidden spirit pill obviously broke the ban, and this ban is actually the thing below.

Is it using the body as the eye of the formation? Or is there another meaning?

Third, what is this place? Why does the golden apple exist? The secondary boundary anchor is indeed imprisoned. Who is this imprisoned person?

The puzzles are intertwined, as if falling into the fog, and the truth cannot be seen clearly.

After ten minutes of contemplation, he could not find the answer. However, he was sure that the one who knew him best was not himself, but the enemy. The Church and the devil have been opponents for hundreds of years, and there is another person here who must know something.

Xu Yangyi walked over slowly, stood in front of Jenny, and stared into her eyes: "Tell me what you know."

Jenny sneered, but the next second, she was lifted up by a huge force.

Xu Yangyi's face was close at hand, and he said without emotion: "Did you make a mistake?"

"It won't take much effort for me to kill you. I just reminded you that there was something wrong with the magic circle, but it was just to keep your knowledge. How many times can the crystal in the center of your forehead be activated? I am a late marquis, enough to kill you dozens of times. Don't expect the people above to come down to save you. Since they haven't come yet, it means that they don't want to come down, but they can't come down at all."

"I'll take this thing, kill you and leave here. No one will know that there was a golden apple here. But if you cooperate with me, I can spare your life."

Jenny pursed her rosy lips tightly, and the next second, a holy light from her left hand pierced Xu Yangyi's chest.

"Dang..." Xu Yangyi flicked his fingers, and the holy light turned into ashes in an instant. He said lightly: "Don't struggle, the gap between you and my realm is too big. I don't believe that the Vatican has no research on demons. The hexagram is the representative symbol of demons. Tell me what you know, otherwise..."

He tightened his hands: "Die!"

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