
Main text Chapter 538: Jie Faction (Part 2)

Jenny closed her eyes in despair, a flash of pain flashed across her beautiful face, her fair face flushed due to poor breathing, and she said vaguely: "Kill... me... heretic... …I…won’t say anything…”

There was no mercy on Xu Yangyi's face, with a smile and a gentle squeeze of his hand.

The sound of "cluck" flowed out from Jenny's delicate face that ordinary men would not want to touch. However, she bit her lip tightly, leaving a red line. But he said nothing.

Just when she thought she was going to die, Xu Yangyi let go of her hand. She immediately coughed loudly and fell to the ground, covering her blue neck and trying to breathe.

"You're not bad." Xu Yangyi gave a rare compliment to his opponent: "At least you have some integrity, even though you are a woman."

"Everything about me... belongs to the Lord..." Jenny bit her lip, with a sad smile on her face: "Give up... heretics... here... you won't get anything!"

There is nothing to be gained from a fanatic. Xu Yangyi put away his thoughts and began to look around.

Jenny definitely knows something. She is not at a high level, and without the support of the crystal between her eyebrows, Xu Yangyi can kill her in minutes. But, first of all, there's no telling how to get out of here. Unless Jenny is sure to die here with herself. But... this kind of defender, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, she will definitely choose to send the message of the golden apple to the church.

"The Golden Apple, one of the three major legends in Europe and the United States... I don't believe you are not tempted." He narrowed his eyes, retaining a glimmer of hope. He would always have a chance to make her spit out his own information.

He began to look around carefully. There were many things around him. As a magic circle that imprisoned secondary anchors, he would never put something here for no reason. There might also be information hidden in it.

He walked casually to a bookshelf. A typical ancient European bookshelf filled with dusty books. He took out a book and read it carefully.

The faded blue cover was in a very ancient writing that he didn't recognize. However, once opened, it is all an introduction to the devil.

There are all kinds of demon babies, familiars, legendary demons, and even a big demon with three quarters of it torn apart. He was gradually attracted by these things and slowly read on.

The elixir of photographic memory came into play very quickly, and it didn't take him much time at all to finish the book. However, when he saw the last page, his eyes suddenly paused.

A rune.

The runes composed of spiritual energy will last for countless years. Now, I am still focused on that book.

I can't pronounce its name, it's a trident symbol. The strange thing is that before turning over to him, Xu Yangyi couldn't feel a trace of spiritual power at all. After opening it, visible to the naked eye, the dark demonic aura around him suddenly fluctuated, and the rune quickly shone again like the eye of the wind!

"Buzz..." A blue light shone, and the runes seemed to come out of the book. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed and he immediately closed the book.

In an instant, the spiritual energy was cut off. The blue light disappeared quickly.

Sure enough, there is a problem...

With such a strong devil's breath, there is nothing but golden apples underneath. From the beginning, he was thinking along the lines of: There is a real demon down here.

Sure enough... He gently blew the dust on the book. This magic circle is not that simple...

He skipped the talisman page and quickly turned to the end, where a line of English finally appeared. He glanced at it and was about to put it on. Suddenly, his eyelids twitched again.

He opened the book again and looked at the last line carefully.


"This is... the Papal State?!" He looked at the line of words with burning eyes, his thoughts turning rapidly. The Papal Kingdom, Wukong's secondary realm anchor, the Quetzalcoatl God Realm anchor, the sealed sacred weapon, the Golden Apple Demon... He always felt that there was a thread in the middle that connected everything. When I thought about it carefully, I couldn't find it at all.

"I think you should take a look at this." He turned around and threw the book in front of Jenny, whose face was as calm as a lake and looked holy.

Jenny was not moved at all and did not even open her eyes.

Xu Yangyi smiled: "This is a book from the Papal State."

Jenny immediately opened her eyes, and took a deep look at Xu Yangyi with her eyes that were as green as emeralds. She was very charming, but she could only watch from a distance and not play with him. Even the gesture of extending his hand is extremely elegant.

"Paradise Script?" Just when the first page was opened, the pair of emeralds suddenly shone brightly, and the red lips opened, and he exclaimed: "How could it be... The Paradise Script records the most precious documents of the Holy See? , all the heavenly texts are collected in the Vatican, how is it possible that there are still missing heavenly texts here?”

She was shocked and immediately turned to the last page. When the line "papalstates" appeared in English, she gasped.

"The Papal State..." She stood up in astonishment and looked at all the bookshelves around her in disbelief. His shoulders seemed to be trembling: "Could it be the archives of the Papal States that only have names but no records in history?"

She immediately walked towards a row of bookcases, and just as she was about to reach them, a tall figure was already standing in front of the bookcases.

"Get out of the way!" Jenny's attitude was very firm: "You have no idea what a treasure this is to Catholicism!"

"The Papal State is the predecessor of the Vatican! If you stop me, even if you die, I will send this message. Let the two billion Christians and 170,000 Christian practitioners on the entire earth hunt you down day and night! "

Before she could finish speaking, she felt a strong hand with distinct joints holding her round chin. And wiped it gently on the wet lips.

"The premise is that you have to get out alive." Xu Yangyi made a move, and more than fifty books from a bookcase, which was only one-tenth of the bookcase, quickly turned to the last page in front of Jenny.


All have this line of text!

"Treasure house..." Jenny trembled with excitement, covering her heart and looking around: "Boundless treasure house... Oh my god... Is this, are all secret files of the Papal State?!"

Before she could finish speaking, a blazing flame suddenly flashed out the next second.

"It won't be anymore soon." A smaller version of Ten Directions Purgatory lingered on Xu Yangyi's fingertips, and he said calmly: "Tell me what you know about everything here."


An ancient book, the pages of which were already on fire.

Jenny was stunned for a moment. She was as calm as a lake just now, but at this moment, her spiritual light suddenly burst out! The water feature in the center of the forehead immediately shines. But this time, it's completely different from before!

Her coat disappeared, leaving only a pure white gauze skirt. The skirt trailed to the ground and finally turned into pieces of feathers. Six white wings behind him were raised, shrouded in a ball of holy white light. Coupled with her flawless face, a real angel has arrived.

Without any nonsense, five white bolts of lightning shot out from her left hand, hitting Xu Yangyi's heart without hesitation!

However, the next second, with a cry of surprise, the white lightning disappeared without a trace. She looked at Xu Yangyi sadly and angrily: "What else will you do?"

An ancient book was placed on Xu Yangyi's chest, and he didn't take any precautions.

Xu Yangyi just smiled at Jenny's boring question. Immediately afterwards, the entire ancient book burst into flames!

"No!!!" Jenny covered her mouth and exclaimed, almost without any thought this time: "Put it down! I promise you!!"

"Brush..." The flames on the ancient book were immediately extinguished. Xu Yangyi nodded: "You want to kill me up there. I don't have to argue with you. I don't want to fall out with the Vatican. However, you have to remember clearly that you are only an early Marquis. Even if I don't resist, it will be difficult for you to kill me. Very.”

"Don't do anything stupid." He threw the half-burnt book into Jenny's arms. She bit her red lips with her white teeth and immediately hugged her like a child: "Don't think that monks don't kill women. My Patience has its limits."

He sat down and with a snap of his fingers, six fire dragons enveloped six bookcases: "Now, you can say it."

"If I felt it was wrong, I would burn a bookcase."

"You think it's wrong?" Jenny gritted her teeth and said, looking at the handsome and wild devil in front of her.

Xu Yangyi nodded.

"Okay..." Jenny sat down, and strangely, her transformation did not fade this time. After considering his words, he said in a deep voice: "I'll tell you... this matter is the 'Lucifer' level file of the Pope's Office. Are you sure you want to listen? Once anyone who is not a church member knows about it, there is only a dead end!"

no answer. Jenny pursed her lips and said, "It's... that year, Constantine's soil dedication ceremony... why did he kill Master Wukong? Because... all of this is fake!"

"The real changes in theocracy, all caused by the one thousand years of the 'Middle Ages,' came from the founding of the Papal States. At that time, Pope Stephen II and the Frankish leader Pepin united and were given the original Lavine to Byzantium. The Viceroyalty. This is the Papal State."

"Since then, the status of the Pope has undergone tremendous changes. Because he controls a large area of ​​land, he is not only the supreme leader of the Western Catholic Church and has supreme religious rights. He is also a secular monarch, controlling a large area of ​​territory and people. In this way, Rome The Pope relied on the financial resources and people's power in the "Papal State" to form a powerful armed force of his own. However... the Holy See was worried that Pepin's descendants would use this as an excuse to take back the land of the Papal State. So..."

"Forged the document of Constantine's dedication?" Xu Yangyi thought: "That's why the two monarchs involved in this incident must not leak it, and the center of this incident is to cure the king's Che Fengchao. A political victim?”

He looked directly at Jenny: “What else do you want to say?”

Jenny shook her head.

"I'm not interested in history." Xu Yangyi sighed, snapped his fingers, and a fire dragon roared and engulfed the bookcase.

"Wait!" Jenny almost screamed, staring at Xu Yangyi: "There is... more!"

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