
Main text Chapter 539: Jie Faction (Part 3)

Xu Yangyi looked at her and smiled: "Wouldn't it be better if you knew better earlier?"

"Or do you think I'm lying to you?"

Jenny didn't answer and was silent for a long time. Just when Xu Yangyi let the fire dragon rush down again, Jenny didn't scream, but bit her lip and said: "I'll ask again... Are you sure you want to listen?"

"Once you listen, you will never be your own free and easy practitioner. The Vatican holds the biggest secrets of Europe and the United States, the Lucifer level, which is... I'm afraid that only one in a million practitioners can be told. I'm sure that heretics like you must be outside that one in a million."

Xu Yangyi's answer was that the entire bookcase was on fire.

"Okay!" Jenny looked at Xu Yangyi like a devil, and immediately said: "Since you want to die... I will fulfill your wish. If you want to know, I will tell you. Listen... You will never be forgiven by the Lord! Fall into hell forever!"

Silence again, she seemed to weigh the words, gritted her teeth and said: "Some things... are hidden in various historical books and legends. They are passed down in a unique way. No one knows the truth except the person in charge of history. In the Vatican, we call these things "historical originals." "

"It may be a page of paper, a sentence, or even a small item. But in it, it may contain something that the king of that century or the cultivator desperately wanted to cover up."

Xu Yangyi tapped the ground lightly: "For example... Constantine's land donation document?"

Jenny looked at him with pity: "Yes... According to the history books. It records the land of the Papal States donated by Constantine I to His Holiness the Pope, but... what if it is not the case?"

"Isn't it fake?" Xu Yangyi suddenly wanted to find a cigarette to smoke, touched it, and didn't have it.

"No... I mean, this document has nothing to do with the gift of land! The original Constantine document recorded nothing about the gift to the Papal States!" Jenny breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes burning: "It's 'building.'"

Her voice was trembling: "After Constantine I was cured of his illness, he was baptized. His Holiness the Pope personally blessed him. Then he proposed that the Holy See, the 'Corvinus Family', the 'Tagule Family', the 'Tirasong Family', and many Asian families, the 'Kong Family', the 'Meng Family', the 'Xun Family', a total of 72 families, jointly build something in the 'Papal States'. The location was rented by Constantine I. This is what it records!"

"The time is 237 AD. The estimated construction time is 200 years." She looked directly at Xu Yangyi: "Do you remember anything?"

"I am not interested in history." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "Receive What are you building?"

"You really disappoint me." Jenny shook her head: "Have you heard of the 'Middle Ages'? There was no strong regime to rule Europe during this period. Feudal separatism brought frequent wars, and the sects' imprisonment of people's thoughts caused the stagnation of science and technology and productivity. People lived in hopeless pain, and all kinds of unheard-of monsters grew in people's despair. Therefore, the Middle Ages or the early Middle Ages are generally called the 'Dark Ages' in Europe and the United States. '"

"The Middle Ages originated around 440 AD and ended in 1400. Heretic, compare the timeline of the original historical text again... The two are almost exactly the same! At the same time that thing was built, a thousand years of darkness spread throughout Europe. "She clasped her hands together, and her knuckles turned white because of excessive force: "And that thing... is called... the Tower of Babel!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flashed.

The Tower of Babel?

Could it be...

"That's right." Jenny smiled coldly: "Just what you think."

"There are two Towers of Babel in history. One exists in reality, and the other exists in legend. The one in reality is called 'Babel Tower of Babylon.' And the one in legend is called..." She paused and said in a deep voice: "Tower of Babel."

Even though Xu Yangyi had seen the legend, he couldn't help but gasp at this moment.

Tower of Babel.

The place where people and gods connect in legends.

Babel, in ancient language, means "Gate of God." Many people regard the Tower of Babel of Babylon as the Tower of Babel. However, this is different. The Tower of Babel exists in the Bible. The Tower of Babel of Babylon really existed.

Moreover, this "Gate of God" was built by the Tirathon family who guards the Nordic mythology, vampires, werewolves, the Church, and the major families of the Eastern Schools of Thought!


Suddenly, a light flashed in his mind, and he remembered something more important!

At the beginning... Xiaoqing once said... At the end of the Han Dynasty, all high-level monks disappeared, and in 237 AD...

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Three Kingdoms were in turmoil!

A twisted timeline formed in Xu Yangyi's mind. What happened in the thousands of years of human development? What role did the cultivation world hidden among humans play? How did the secondary world anchor break? What are immortals and gods? Did they really exist? And where did all those powerful high-level monks go?

"Why?" He finally asked, "Why build this tower?"

"No reason." Jenny regained her composure, as if speaking this huge secret from her mouth was a heavy burden: "This is the original historical text-the only fact recorded in the Constantine document. I don't know what the Pope's Office showed Pippin in 600 AD. But it's definitely not this one!"

"The 'original historical text' is covered with bat paw prints, white wolf paw prints, the handprints of the contemporary pope, and... the seals of the contemporary patriarch of the divine family Tirasong. There are also some seals of your top cultivating families in the East at that time. . There is no reason and no reason. Perhaps, we will only know why when we find the Tower of Babel."

"But I have never seen the Tower of Babel!" Xu Yangyi looked into her eyes: "The Papal State has long since disappeared. In Italy today, there is no such a huge tower base anyway. This should be a building built by monks, it cannot be without it. No trace of history remains!”

There seemed to be longing and emotion in Jenny's eyes. She looked at the sky, her blond hair flying like an angel: "This is also a place we can't figure out. Italy... Since 1800, the Holy See has traveled to every corner of the country. Trying to find the truth of history. Legend has it that I wonder if God, our Lord, exists, but... there is no trace of it."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, he understood this feeling very well. Whether gods or immortals exist will bring a kind of guideline and concept to practitioners. Like a lone lamp in the fog.

"Since more than 300 years ago, all high-level practitioners have disappeared. Europe and the United States, two hundred years after the construction of the Tower of Babel was planned, entered the Dark Ages - this completely coincides with the time when the Tower of Babel was completed according to the Treaty "

"So... how did the glorious cultivation civilization that once existed disappear? According to reasoning, the truly high-level cultivators should still be alive until now. Where did they go?"

"In the dark ages, werewolves and vampires are getting stronger and stronger. There are also emerging black witches, dragons... and those things that have never been seen before and don't know where they come from. Where did they appear from? Why is it such a coincidence? After the Tower of Babel was built, it spread like a tide? "

She said excitedly: "If you find the Tower of Babel, you will know all the answers. There will also be a guiding light on the path of cultivation! The entire cultivation world and all cultivators will be changed by this! People... may really Find the way to eternal life!”

Xu Yangyi sneered: "At the same time, the Vatican's reputation will be immortal? Catholicism may become the world's largest religion?"

Jenny lowered her eyes like black crows, her lake-green eyes filled with uneasiness: "Whatever you say. Heretic."

"Where is Senior Che Fengchao?" Xu Yangyi tilted his chin and muttered: "He is just a slim hope. In the entire original text of history, only the incident of Constantine I being ill, cured and giving to the Papal State, and The historical records are consistent. Senior Che is probably just a trivial clue. Why were you trying to kill me just now?"

"But there is only this one clue!" Jenny said lightly: "No matter how elusive and difficult to capture he is. We only have him."

"Originally, he had no name and was not recorded in the original historical text. Perhaps he was really an insignificant role in this incident. However, we just learned his name. This may be our search for that period of history. The only clue to pursue the ultimate goal of spiritual practice.”

Xu Yangyi's face was calm, but his heart was already in turmoil.

The Holy See will never make irrelevant speculations. There must be some other evidence. Moreover, this timeline is so weird that it is almost the dividing line between the rise and fall of the global spiritual practice community. I really can't help but think so.

Not only the West, but also the East...probably the whole world participated. What on earth are they going to create?

What about that thing?

Just evaporated? No mark at all?

"Is this the Gate of God or Pandora's Box?" After a while, Jenny recovered her emotions and said calmly: "No one knows that the Vatican... has visited all the recorded families since it entered the modern era. Some exist. , some are no longer here. Except for the Kong family in Qufu, almost no trace of this matter can be found."

It was very quiet in the cave. Xu Yangyi never expected that such a thing was hidden under St. John's Cathedral. If only you knew...

He was stunned.

Do you want to come back and take a trip through this muddy water?

To his surprise, the answer in his heart turned out to be: Yes!

These things are not strength, but vision.

Only when your horizons are broadened can you see further and know what you really want.

Along the way, he always wanted to see what would be at the end of the cultivation path of the now Supreme Golden Elixir and Nascent Soul Miaomiao. But now, he felt that the natural adventure factor in his blood was about to stir again.

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