
Main text Chapter 540: Jie Faction (IV)

"You didn't burn these precious scrolls." After a moment, Jenny turned around: "It seems that you believe me."

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but stood up, walked to a book and opened it: "Let's not talk about whether you believe it or not. But... there are indeed some things hidden here."

"And the true face of that thing is in these books." He turned his head and smiled: "I am very satisfied with your answer. So, I decided to give you a little reward."

"Swish..." A blue light flashed out from the book, and then the space fluctuated slightly again. He did not stop the blue talisman, but let it float into the air.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The next second, all the bookcases trembled. One by one, the ancient books all glowed with blue light, and they actually flew out of the bookcases!

"This is..." Jenny stood up in astonishment, watching the books approach the blue talisman, and then automatically turned the pages, revealing different talismans, but they were all blue.

Like a fluttering butterfly, the blue light illuminated the entire cave and gathered together. Forming a dense wall of talismans.

"When you were talking just now, I looked at these things carefully." Xu Yangyi looked at the wall of talismans with a fiery look: "Look carefully, this is a hexagram, there are six bookcases on the scene. And this wall of talismans just converges at a corner of the hexagram. What does this mean?"

Jenny was stunned, and then looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment: "You... when you were listening to me just now, you were still paying attention to these?"

She couldn't believe it.

Even if it was a cultivator, it was impossible to do this. This is multitasking! Beyond the scope of most people!

When used in battle, it means using tricks while thinking about the next step in your mind. How many people who have fought for a lifetime have this instinct, and this person?

She can feel that the other party has not practiced for more than fifty years!

"Not only thinking about this. I'm also looking at whether your story is smooth. But you should be glad that you told the truth."

Jenny felt a little cold on her back.


The only monster that can defeat a monster like Savidian VII is a monster stronger than him. I should have thought of this earlier. She was really glad at this moment that what she said just now was the truth.

"This person... If you can't kill him once and for all, it's better not to be his enemy." She looked at Xu Yangyi calmly and stopped talking.

Xu Yangyi didn't care about the thoughts of an early marquis at all, and continued: "I guessed that there might be six elements in it. God created man in seven days. On the seventh day, God rested. This is probably arranged according to this law. It's very simple, as if something unexpected was expected, and the owner of the ban was not present, making it easier for others to unlock it."

He stretched out his hand and waved, and all the books were useless. Then, the second rune, the third rune... the fourth, fifth, and sixth all appeared. Exactly as he guessed, they flew around the hexagram. Strictly follow the angle of the hexagram, without a trace of overflow.

Jenny took a deep breath and stood up solemnly, her full breasts rising and falling sharply, like a pigeon about to fly out.

What is hidden in here?

Who sealed the golden apple here?

Why is all this related to Master Che? What does it have to do with the Tower of Babel that the Vatican has been looking for in the original history?

She didn't dare to blink at all, staring at everything.

All the books were suspended, and sure enough, there was a rune in each book. And at this moment, these runes seemed to be summoned, lingering outside the hexagram.

No words were spoken, and there was only silence in the room. Suddenly, all the runes began to rotate slowly, and then they turned faster and faster. After more than ten seconds, the hexagram on the ground began to melt. The red liquid that drew the hexagram actually evaporated!

"Gulp gulp" spit bubbles out.

"Swish..." The silent bright red spread, infecting all the ground within the hexagram blood ring. The entire three-meter-wide abyss seemed to have become a blood abyss. A stream of disgusting spiritual energy with endless evil thoughts in the heart emerged from below.

"This is... the breath of the devil." Xu Yangyi stared into the blood ring, as if he heard countless people screaming and crying, crawling out from the heart and brain of the people. The feeling of wanting to vent wantonly made him suppress this thought immediately.

Try to be focused. After a few seconds, those evil thoughts not only did not disappear, but became more and more noisy in his heart.

"Fuck." He grabbed his left hand without hesitation, and five deep blood marks appeared immediately. The piercing pain made him sweat instantly, but at the same time, the desire to go crazy, crazy, and break the world into pieces finally eased a little.

"No!" A sharp sense of crisis suddenly erupted in his mind: "I have felt the breath of the devil before, even on Cerberus. But it is definitely not so strong and so terrible!"

It was like... a picture of hell was unfolding in front of him, a bloody scene of people eating each other. The kind of seduction of the most primitive and violent feeling in people's hearts was like a beast called violence torn out from the heart!

Corresponding to this desire, the spiritual power of the whole body receded like a tide, and his hands and feet began to weaken.

"Did you know it earlier?" He squatted down in pain, gritting his teeth, and in an instant, he was sweating profusely. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Jenny, and said hoarsely.

Jenny did not speak.

At some point, the crystal in her forehead emitted rays of holy light, forming a white-gold shield outside her body. Under the protection of this shield, she walked over step by step.

Move the lotus steps lightly, and the lotus grows step by step, as if you are the noblest angel walking in the clouds.

Her long golden hair is her wings, and her lake-green eyes are her windows. At this moment, she looks holy and unattainable.

"Are you uncomfortable? Heretic?" She gently stretched out her hand and pinched Xu Yangyi's chin with her fingers, forcing him to keep his head raised: "Shouldn't you be comfortable? This is the purest devil's breath in hell, enough to make a marquis monk go Ape."

Xu Yangyi looked at her with red eyes and said firmly again: "You knew it earlier."

"Of course, from the moment I saw this magic circle, I knew what was underneath." Jenny gently put down his chin, straightened her waist leisurely, and then with a sudden force, she stepped on it with her snow-white jade feet. On Xu Yangyi's back. Xu Yangyi groaned and stepped on him firmly.

"Does it hurt?"

"No, you can't feel the pain anymore. Right?"

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and could not utter a word. Indeed, he did not feel any pain. Desire filled his body, but he still retained a trace of clarity. This was definitely not murderous intent.

"According to the tradition of our religion, heretics...must be tied to a cross and burned to death. Now, if you die like this, it is the Lord's greatest tolerance for you." She looked at Xu Yangyi with resentment in her eyes: "I, the Holy Knight Jenny, will execute it. You should be grateful for this punishment. You have been saved by me, and you still have a chance of going to heaven. "

"There is no faith, and there is no absolute good or evil. People like you are worse than the smelliest devil in hell... Under it, you can only huddle up and shiver in the dark corner.”

She raised her jade feet, held the snow-white gauze skirt, looked at the trace of blood spattered on it in shock, and sighed: "It has tarnished the glory of the gods."

"Boom!!!" At this moment, a huge wave surged into the sky. It was impossible to imagine how the three-meter blood pool could have so much blood - a few minutes ago, there was the most solid ground there.

An extremely strong spiritual energy wave burst out from the blood column, causing Jenny's blond hair to fly. She no longer looked at Xu Yangyi and murmured: "However, the Lord is merciful. Even if you are a dark devil like you, He will give you a glimmer of light. Accept the Lord's gift and be completely redeemed and purified by the Lord. It is you. Clean your own path. Death is not terrible, at least for people like you, it is a kind of rebirth."

"Before you are completely affected by the devil's breath and become a senseless slave, and then purified by me, I will make you understand." She stroked her long golden hair and whispered: "This is psychic "Magic Circle."

"And it is an extremely high-level psychic array. Ordinary psychic arrays do not need to use a medium at all. However, it does. The golden apple is its medium. The moment I saw it, I knew that the solution was The moment the seal is opened, you, the great spiritualist X with a humble heart of darkness, will perish. How can you withstand the temptation of the devil if you have fallen like you?"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. He couldn't hear clearly what Jenny was saying. He could only feel that the opening and closing of the other person's lips were so tempting, and the snow-white skin all over his body was dazzlingly white.

He stretched out his hand with difficulty, but was unable to lower it. There was really no strength left in his body, and an unspeakable strong desire rushed into his mind. He had never felt such domineering power. It can literally replace human thinking.

Jenny saw his tiny movement, pulled up her gauze skirt in disgust, and moved a little further away from him. He sneered and said: "A small dark creature also wants to touch the Holy Light? You don't have the qualifications. It's useless no matter how hard you struggle... High-level psychic arrays, summoning sealed things, all require sacrifices. Most demons It’s blood as a sacrifice. This is the general rule for summoning demons, whether the sealed thing is dead or alive.”

"The demon below has been sealed for more than a thousand years and must have died long ago. As for me, with the blessing of the Holy Light, only a hypocrite like you with a hypocritical face is the most suitable object for blood sacrifice..."

Following her words, the blood in the sky turned into dots of spiritual light and dissipated, and a dark giant statue appeared among the falling red dots in the sky.

Jenny stopped talking, turned her head, and clasped her hands excitedly.

X is dead, she no longer cares, and in front of her is what Che Fengchao is hiding...

What is he hiding?

Why was this insignificant passerby, the only person who appears in the original text of Constantine's history but who was never revealed, buried beneath St. John?

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