
Main text Chapter 541: Jie Faction (V)

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"Brush..." Blood rain fell, and she saw... it was a red armor, two and a half meters high.

Similar to humans, no weird shapes. There was no trace of life, but... even after so many years of death, the residual spiritual pressure on the other party still made her hair and clothes fly up!

"Such a powerful magic power... I have never felt such a powerful and pure magic power... This, this is probably the real devil recorded in the book! Far from the familiars that appeared in the Middle Ages, the devil babies can be compared!! "

"Brush la la la..." The dead devil's breath swept across like an angry sea tide. Jenny did not feel scared at this moment, but her white body was trembling slightly, looking at the lifeless body with great excitement.

However, the next second, she shook violently.

Because...she saw the set of numbers on the body.



She was extremely knowledgeable about mysticism, and suddenly felt a severe fear.

He has such terrifying magic power thousands of years after his death... This demon must have been famous during his lifetime! It’s even recorded in many books!

And...there is only that group of demons ranked by numbers...

King Solomon’s Seventy-Two Pillars of Demons!

Sixteen...the sixteenth pillar!

The lust demon Jie faction... one of the few demons who don't need blood, but need "sex" as a spiritual medium!

She was stunned for a moment, then suddenly looked back like crazy!

Here... there is a man.

She knew that the devil's breath just now was not to kill the other party, but to completely stimulate the other party's desire!

And here... there is another woman.

The moment she turned around, her throat was grabbed, and a warm tongue bit her round, snow-white ear. The hot male hormones made her whole skin feel hot. Then, something hard touched her plump buttocks.

"Have you run enough, little angel?"

' ... let me go!"

She quickly screamed and struggled. However, as she struggled, she suddenly discovered...

My own spiritual power has also disappeared!

Xu Yangyi has no spiritual power, and neither does she. Here, in front of the corpse of the Demon King Jie Pai, they are both the most ordinary men and women.

And the Jie faction...are the demons of lust between men and women.

She couldn't imagine what would happen!

Xu Yangyi's eyes were red, he had no idea what he was doing. Even if the Demon King Jie Sect has been dead for thousands of years, as one of the Seventy-Two Pillars in Europe and America, one of the top twenty, even the Grand Duke has to be cautious about the influence of its demonic breath. He only feels now...

The skin under the palm of your hand is so the finest silk, it's hard to put it down.

The golden hair was so dazzling, like the vastest wheat field, that he couldn't take his eyes away.

The earlobes in her mouth are round and petite, with a hint of feminine fragrance, emanating from this woman who claims to devote her whole body to the Lord. Let him use his tongue to flick the ear beads little by little, and the tip of his tongue can't help but go into the ears.

And the most important thing...the body that is supported by my vital organs is soft and fragile, and I just want to bury it in it and never come out.

"Tsk tsk..." The gentle sucking sound was so fragrant and piercing that Jenny's whole body trembled and she screamed: "Let go!! You let go!! X! I order you to let go in the name of the Lord!!"

Her voice was sharp, but it created a sweet stimulation in Xu Yangyi's mind. Unexpectedly, his hand had reached forward and was placed on the other party's waist. His waist instinctively straightened. Quite.

"Hmph..." A comfortable groan sounded from his nose, and the male's predatory desire was completely ignited in his mind. Now he just wanted to unbuckle his belt, press the other person to the ground and ravage him.

In fact, he did so.

When Jenny's eyes blurred and she was pushed down to the ground, and her tender back felt the cold ground, she was completely confused.


Why is it the Jie faction? !

There are so many demons, as well as countless demon babies and familiars, why... it is this sixteenth pillar demon king who sacrifices lust! I... Is this good luck or the worst luck?

Where is the Lord?

Why didn’t the Lord see me?

Why didn't he see that I was being ravaged by this demon.

"Tear..." With a sound, her chest felt cold. She couldn't help but scream, and she was about to cover her chest. The white gauze had been torn into pieces.

"Let go!! Get out!! You despicable devil!!" She screamed, using all her strength to slap the man riding on her.

There was a crisp "pop" sound, and Xu Yangyi was stunned.

There seemed to be some clarity in his head. However, in the blink of an eye, he saw a jade body in front of him, with delicate red beans, snow-white squabs, and a waist like a water snake. The lust aroused by the Jie faction surged in his mind, and he could no longer care about anything else.

Pain brings stimulation, conquest, and whipping.

Jenny's heart was beating wildly. The opponent was too strong. Any cultivator would refine their body, no matter how much. But the opponent's strength was obviously cultivated from the body refining magic, and she couldn't stop it at all.

She gritted her teeth and stared at Xu Yangyi. But she saw that the other party's face that was slapped slowly turned around, wiped it with his hands, and then hugged her snow-white body, biting her neck fiercely with his teeth.

"Ah..." Jenny screamed hoarsely, her spiritual energy disappeared, and she felt the pain 100%. She only felt that her neck was bitten by a dirty wild dog. It was not painful, but a sense of humiliation, which spread from the bite like a virus.

"Beast... garbage! Rotten meat in hell!! You will go to hell forever! The Lord will not save you ah ah ah!"

Kicking her hands and feet, she screamed loudly, only in this way could she offset the insult brought to her by the other party. She gave everything to the Lord, but unexpectedly, in the end, she sent her complete body to the mouth of this demon.

After a while, Xu Yangyi moved his mouth away. There was already a bright bloodstain there, and a circle of teeth marks declared his ownership like a seal.

He looked straight at her, the fire in his heart became more and more vigorous, holding the other's body, soft jade in his arms, and didn't want to let go at all.

"Let go...let go!" Jenny touched her neck, her eyes instantly reddened, and she bit towards Xu Yangyi's solid shoulder, biting like a lioness and not letting go, screaming like crazy, and then she couldn't make it clear: "I will kill you...I will definitely kill you! You devil! You defiled the holy!"

Never been so crazy.


Xu Yangyi's mind was a mess, but he had a reaction to this word.

Defile? seems that this is not called defilement...

Jenny bit and bit, and teeth marks appeared on Xu Yangyi's thick shoulders. Suddenly, as if he was electrocuted, he screamed and wanted to retreat, but was held by Xu Yangyi's strong arms and pulled into his arms. When his chest muscles and naked breasts touched each other, he hummed comfortably.

Jenny didn't dare to move at all. A crystal mist appeared in her lake green eyes, and her heart seemed to jump out of her chest. She bit her lips tightly and looked at the other person.

She felt...

Between her legs, something was getting bigger and harder, as if it burned herself through the other person's camouflage. And... it was not small.

She had never felt shy before. Even though she was a monk, her face was as red as the sunset at this moment. The red and white contrast gave rise to a kind of tempting shyness.

"Let go..." She tried her best to suppress her voice and said gently: "Let me go... I promise, I will never tell this... I... I beg you..."

The answer to her was that she was completely knocked down. With her screams, all her clothes were torn into pieces.

"You despicable dirty rat..." Jenny was naked in front of others for the first time. The unspeakable shame made her blush all over. She raised her jade hands, wanting to cover her face, or wanting to cover other places, or two red beans, or the grass below, at a loss, making her like a stamen with all petals fully opened, emitting unspeakable temptation.

"I swear... I will return to the Vatican... I will definitely kill you with my own hands... You are such a lowly demon, dare to defile the holy light... I... Ah!! Stop it!!!"

The screams rose again, because there were waves of sounds of taking off clothes. In front of the remains of the Jie faction demon king, Xu Yangyi quickly stripped himself, and the two of them were naked facing each other. He pressed against Jenny's body, kissed gently, rubbing inch by inch of skin, and the hot organ pressed against Jenny's thigh, making her scream and want to leave, only to feel the skin coming from her heartbeat and brain burning. But the other party was not moved at all.

A sharp sting ran through Jenny's body. At that moment, Jenny was blank.

I... am no longer a saint...

This dirty and lowly creature has defiled the holy light and occupied me! He occupied the virgin body that I had intended to dedicate to the Lord!

The huge shock and sense of collapse were far more empty than the pain and fullness in her body. She stared blankly at the sky, feeling every move of the man on her body, but she wanted to kill him.

The sound of "pa pa pa..." of flesh collision resounded throughout the cave. After about half an hour, Jenny felt a trace of consciousness returning to her body. Before she could speak, her mouth was immediately bitten. She immediately went to find the other person's tongue, with only one thought: bite him off! Die with him!

However, the man's tongue was very skillful in her teeth. Xu Yangyi reluctantly left her mouth and smiled: "Do you know?"

"I haven't done it for decades."

"Are you awake?!" Jenny's mind suddenly surged with great hope, humiliation, pain, gathered into tears, and immediately flowed down. However, her mouth was merciless: "You are awake... Don't let me go!"

"I am the saint of the Vatican!! Do you know what you are doing! You defile the holy light! With a lowly demon body! Let me go, I command you! I, I can choose not to tell the Vatican! Otherwise... ah!!"

Xu Yangyi hit hard and grinded it by the way. Jenny's body immediately arched up, moaning like a cat, her golden hair was like a carpet under her, and the expression on her face could not tell whether it was pain or happiness.

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