
Main text Chapter 542: Demonic Relics

"Can you stop now?" Xu Yangyi licked the other person's lips: "You provoked me first, and now you want me to stop? Huh?"

His movements were like a storm. I don’t know how long it took. His powerful body shook. Jenny’s legs instinctively wrapped around his strong waist. She felt that the other party’s muscles began to tighten, and she screamed more fiercely than ever. : "No!! No!!! No!!!"

"Take it out!! You despicable breeding pig!! No! Don't be in there!"

However, what she felt was that the organ was expanding again. A few seconds later, Xu Yangyi's satisfied gasping sounded in her ears, and a stream of heat almost burned her.

If she was still a thoughtful rag doll at first, now she has completely turned into a puppet on strings.

There were holes in her eyes. When Xu Yangyi stood up, he saw her appearance. She actually fainted with her eyes open.

"It's so bad..." Xu Yangyi looked at the messy scene, and the strong smell of hormones was pungent. Then, he saw the tall armor in the outer circle of the three-meter hexagram.

"Jie faction?"


He picked up his clothes, and he didn't know when he became conscious. Maybe when it’s too good. However, even after he woke up, he had no intention of stopping.

As long as he is a normal man, he will not be able to stop at that time.

Just when he turned around, suddenly, he saw a person.

a woman.

A very beautiful woman.

Her beauty does not lie in her appearance. In terms of appearance alone, she may be a little less beautiful than such stunning beauties as Angel and Jenny. But that kind of temperament, which is as cold as death, as if he is overlooking all living beings, makes people look at him a little longer.

And...he knew this woman. I have felt the other person’s aura.

This is an Asian woman, wearing a black dress, as if she had just come down from a cocktail party. The jet-black hair is flying like wings. He was sitting in the air, holding his cheek with one hand and supporting his head at an angle. The other hand was shaking a red wine glass, and he was looking at him with interest.

"Don't worry about it." The woman drank the scarlet liquid in her hand: "Go on, just pretend that I don't exist."

Xu Yangyi put on his pants and clothes without haste, and then raised his hands: "Senior Xiaoqing?"

I don't know if I saw it wrong, but there seemed to be a flash of regret in Xiao Qing's eyes, and then he said without saying: "It's quite big. The stem is straight, the diameter is considerable, and the meridians are obvious. The name, the instrument..."


No matter how thick-skinned Xu Yangyi is, he can't help but blush and cough dryly: "Senior, are you here?"

"It's nothing." Xiao Qing said lightly: "This is one of my clones walking around the world, the early stage of the Golden Core. Hmm..."

She clenched her fist casually, her skin flying up layer by layer, and sighed: "It's fine, but it's a little too fragile."

Is the golden elixir still "fragile" in its early stage?

Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly and shook his head. In this world, he was probably the only one who dared to say that.

"Just now, Holy Scourge Lawrence secretly informed me, and now I know your exact location. Not bad...Join the Holy War and reach the top three. I didn't expect you to have such brilliant results. Don't worry, he said It's more detailed than what you did." Her voice paused: "I have something to do now. When I return to New York in about three days, you can come to Chinatown to find me."

"Remember, keep everything you get here. When I arrive, remember, remember."

After saying that, without waiting for an answer, her figure gradually disappeared.

Xu Yangyi pondered for a few seconds, remembering Xiao Qing's words in his heart. Walking to the body of Jie Pai, he carefully observed this legendary demon.

Another myth... After Xiaoqing, this was the second real-life myth he saw.

The red armor is ordinary, but under the armor is a human-shaped black bone, crystal clear, as if transparent. From the surface of the bone, you can even see patches of liquid flowing inside.

"Is this the legendary Demon King? I thought it was another behemoth several hundred meters high, but it turned out to be surprisingly small." His eyes flowed from Jie Pai, and finally fell on Jie Pai's hands.

The opponent's left hand is held.

After pondering for a few seconds, he took out the fish intestines and slashed hard at the arm bone of the Jie faction corpse.

"Dang!" There was a crisp sound, and the shock made him almost lose his grip. The bones were completely unscathed.

After hesitating for a long time, he stretched out his hand wrapped in spiritual light. Surprisingly, there was nothing strange at all.

The bones were unusually hard, but he couldn't hold them tightly. He opened them one by one and saw something inside.

That's a piece of cloth.

"What is this?" The moment Xu Yangyi picked up the cloth, suddenly, the whole body made a "kaka" sound. Then... streaks of black spiritual energy emerged from the seven orifices of the corpse. Even if it had no substance, one could still feel the endless resentment and malice in it. Howling into the air.

"Stuck... stuck..." There was a sound, and the corpse that had just been sitting cross-legged in mid-air with his hands on his knees suddenly looked like a robot with the screws removed from its joints. After the last spiritual energy dissipated, all the joints in his body were hanging down/ After softening, the arms and thighs are naturally vertical, standing upright in the air like specimens.

At the moment when the bones were heard, Xu Yangyi had already stepped back several meters. However, as the bones became vertical, he suddenly froze.

Jie faction... there is a hole in his chest.

A hole almost covering his chest!

The red armor was shattered, the bones inside had long since disappeared, and the holes had struck the legendary Demon King to his core!

"This is..." He took a breath and felt that his scalp was a little fried: "Instant kill..."

"If it is a sneak attack that does not lead to death, although I don't know what level he is, but... Judging from the fact that the devil's breath can affect my spirit just now, it is at least better than the golden elixir. It is impossible for such a devil to be unable to react. Then, he The bones should be twisted and the head would be tilted back. Now..."

He pursed his lips and said, "Someone... from behind, killed this Demon King with one strike! He didn't even have time to react!"

He looked around silently, but he always felt that something was wrong.

After a long time, he suddenly sighed: "It's not just that..."

"He should have been killed in the seal, otherwise who would seal a corpse? Then..." He took a few deep breaths: "Someone... sent a blow from thousands of miles away, and killed this person in the blink of an eye. A forbidden demon king!"

This idea was so terrible that even when he thought about it, he felt a chill in his heart.

This kind of strength is too incredible!

Those who surpass the golden elixir will have no power to fight back at the opponent's hands!

Without thinking about this, he unfolded the cloth in his hand. However, there was nothing on the cloth and it was pitch black.

"This cloth will definitely not be simple. The Jie faction held on to it before they died. This resentment lasted for thousands of years and did not dissipate until I took away the cloth. Perhaps it is not the Jie faction that Senior Che wants to suppress, but this piece of cloth ? This is what Senior Xiaoqing asked me to collect? No... She should have some guesses, but she's not sure what I can get."

He carefully put the piece of cloth away. At the same time that Bu disappeared, the entire Jie faction's bones scattered on the ground with a loud crash.

The next second, the entire blood pool trembled slightly again.

Rays of golden light spread from the blood pool. After a few seconds, the golden apple slowly rose up.

Secondary Anchor Fragments!

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a few seconds, and finally looked up to the sky and laughed.

It should be your own, or your own.

Once such a large fragment of the secondary world anchor is placed in one's body, it will gather spiritual energy at a terrifying speed. What a pity...what a pity! Now that the divine fire of faith has been extinguished, it will only show its true power when it returns to Kaiyun Realm in a few years!

He took a deep breath, his eyes were like fire, and he solemnly placed several seals on the golden apple before putting it away.

I dare not put it into my body rashly, and...such a big piece is much bigger than one or two leaves or one or two branches! If you put it in, he would probably be strangled to death. How to release it and how much to release, I believe Master Yue knows better than him.

Everything is over... He looked above. When he came in, he felt that there was a very strong restriction on the hole above, and as the Jie faction's skeleton dissipated, the restriction disappeared without a trace.

He wanted to go up immediately, but he hesitated for a few seconds and sat down next to Jenny.

"It's a pity... Jie faction's body cannot be taken away, its bones are too hard. If you don't know what you can refine the weapon... and the black liquid inside is not ordinary. However, these are still the remains of demons, It’s not an ordinary demon. I don’t understand the European and American curse systems. Besides, it’s better not to act rashly..."

His eyes turned cold: "For the people above, I have to make sure I get out. The Jie faction is my best talisman."

After another ten minutes, with a squeaking sound, Jenny finally woke up.

The first thing was that she didn't even look at the remains of the Jie faction, but immediately scanned her whole body.

At this glance, she was immediately stunned.

The body fluids all over her body couldn't be concealed at all, and everyone knew what she had just done.

"Are you ready?" Xu Yangyi stood in front of her: "When you're ready, go up."

"Go away..." Jenny's trembling voice came hoarsely from her throat.

Xu Yangyi frowned, sighed, and then stretched out his hand.

"Pop!" His hand was opened immediately, and then Jenny jumped up like a lioness, her eyes were red, and she grabbed at him like crazy.

The two people's spiritual energy has not recovered yet, and now they are fighting in the most primitive way. She bites with her teeth and kicks with her feet, but Xu Yangyi doesn't move. Until she slapped him wildly, there was a "pop" and her hand was caught.

"Devil..." There was only anger in Jenny's eyes: "You have destroyed my dedication to the Lord!! My decades of persistence! All destroyed because of you!!"

"I swear...I, Jenny, will never return to the Vatican unless I kill you!"

"Welcome." Xu Yangyi let go of her hand: "Besides, enough is enough."

"Pah!" As soon as he let go, Jenny slapped him. It fell heavily on his hand.

With a full angry blow, Xu Yangyi stretched out his hand to block it.

It's not impossible to escape.

His physical skills were much higher than Jenny's, but he hesitated and did not hide. Instead, he stretched out his hand to block this attack.

"Do you think this is repayment?" The spiritual power was gradually restored, Jenny's long hair waved like golden wings behind her, and her lips were bitten with blood: "You can't repay will never repay it! Unless you use your Life!"

Xu Yangyi didn't speak for a long time before saying: "If you do this again next time, I will kill you."

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