
Main text Chapter 543: The attitude of the Holy Whip

Let me reiterate~~3 more updates! It’s still the third update! !

Try to keep yourself up to three times, I hope I can stick to it for a longer time!

Of course, this depends on the attitude of the readers. I have been writing books for several years, but I am not satisfied with the results of this book. However, I want to write this book. When I first saw that mortals were entering the field of cultivating immortals, I always wanted to write a fantasy book.

The Strongest Monster may not be the best fantasy, or it is definitely not the best fantasy, but this is what I want to write, and I want you to see the world in my messy brain.

Please help and support us, fellow Taoists, so that it can go further!

The Tower of Babel is waiting for you, and the secret of the Boundary Anchor is waiting for you. I hope that all readers can recognize this world, like this world, and like this different monk Yang Yao.

Thanks! !

Finally, please support the genuine version!

RMB ¥¥¥¥

"Do you still want a next time?!" Jenny was so angry that she raised her knee and pushed it between Xu Yangyi's legs. However, the other party didn't know how to separate and turn around. She didn't push it, but Xu Yangyi's long leg penetrated her. In the middle, with a "bang" sound, Xu Yangyi pressed the wall with one hand and pinched her neck with the other, anger flashed in his eyes.

However, he didn't take action.

No matter what, it is oneself who strengthens the other party. After the relationship, according to the relationship between the two, there is no need for any in-depth communication. But give the other person another beating...

He still has some morals.

Jenny cried.

He had never seen her cry. At this moment, she closed her eyes without flinching and waited for death. Her white neck was raised high, like an unyielding swan. It's just that I can't control the tears in my closed eyes. It gushes out like spring water.

Silent, only the sound of her shoulders twitching slightly.

The jade face is lonely and tears are drying, and a branch of pear blossom brings rain in spring.

Xu Yangyi couldn't help but wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then threw them away irritably. Jenny sat up from the ground silently, no longer as crazy as before, but really, gently sobbing.

Her sobs became louder and louder, and finally turned into howling, covering her perfect cheeks, tears streaming down her face.

Crying heartbreakingly, Xu Yangyi waited quietly. It took another twenty minutes before she stopped crying.

Her face had become calm, but there was a hint of solemn determination in that calmness.

"Buzz..." The spiritual power has almost recovered. Jenny's whole body flashed with golden light, and the women's suit appeared again. Apart from walking a little reserved, it was impossible to tell that she had just experienced sex for the first time in her life.

Xu Yangyi felt a little hard again.

"Be prepared to accept the sanction of the Holy Light." She looked at Xu Yangyi coldly, turned into a white light, and flew upward.

Xu Yangyi watched the other party flying further and further away, and suddenly shouted: "If you can't kill me once, will I fuck you once?"

What answered him was a ray of holy light that shot towards him mercilessly.

"Touch" Xu Yangyi immediately dodged, and a half-meter-large hole appeared on the spot. In anger, Jenny could no longer take care of these precious books.

Shaking his head, he also turned into a piece of blue light and flew upward.

Jenny moved first, but after all, she was "physically inconvenient" and was adjusting her mood, so she actually landed on the ground later than Xu Yangyi.

"Boom" blue-white lightning flashed across the sky, projected through the stained glass, and pulled out two slender figures in front of Xu Yangyi.

The moment Xu Yangyi stepped on the ground, two waves of Grand Duke's spiritual pressure surged out indiscriminately, one with fury. But the other one was calm and calm.

Holy Scourge Lawrence, with his hands wrapped in white clerical robes, his clothes flying, his whole body's spiritual power is about to explode, as if a sharp sword has been unsheathed, and he can be killed at any time.

On the other side, there was Zhenren Yue, with his hands behind his back, but his spiritual pressure happened to block Lawrence's extremely aggressive spiritual energy.

"Greetings to Master Yue." Xu Yangyi half-knelt on the ground, cupping his fists and said, "Greetings to His Majesty the Holy Whip Crown."

"Oh... thank you for your hard work, good son-in-law." Zhenren Yue was all smiles. The moment his eyes met Xu Yangyi's, Xu Yangyi nodded calmly.

"Buzz..." Even Zhenren Yue felt an electric current rushing through his mind at this moment.

got it……

There really is a secondary world anchor!

My Nascent Soul plan has already been completed eight out of ten times!

Lawrence responded with incomparable silence, looking directly at Xu Yangyi like an eagle.

"Yang Yi. Xu." He did not question, but affirmed: "A wanted criminal in China, how dare you meet me?"

"What are your intentions in deceiving Europe and the United States and getting involved in the jihad?"

The more he spoke, the angrier he became!

The sacred weapon disappeared... This big hole appeared inexplicably on the ground, and it was impossible to know what was going on underneath! It might also anger that old monster... Anxiety and anger are now converging into an indescribable river.

"Not only that, you dare to do it on the territory of the Vatican? Steal the sacred artifacts... You will never be redeemed!!"

The last four words suddenly rose up, and then, an overwhelming amount of spiritual power came out of his hand, and the entire St. John's Cathedral was shaken.

An eighty-year-old woman is so arrogant that she cannot afford to lose her face.

He couldn't afford the possibility of angering Xiao Qing.

He couldn't take responsibility for the cross-examination from various major families afterwards.

It was even more difficult for him to accept the displeasure of other senior Vatican clergy and even the Pope!

This man must die!

Immortality... He didn't know how to face the endless problems in the future!

"Boom!" The ground of St. John's Cathedral sank suddenly, and then, in the air, a golden palm condensed, with a vast holy light, and slapped Xu Yangyi on the head.

However, this hand disappeared halfway.

"What do you mean!?" Lawrence turned his head and gritted his teeth to look at Master Yue: "Are you going to go against the Vatican for him?! Do you know that the holy weapon was ordered by His Holiness the Pope himself. Once it is lost, even you, the late Grand Duke, can't bear it!"

At this moment, Jenny flew up.

"Your Excellency the Holy Whip." She cried, her voice was still a little hoarse, and she bowed deeply to cover all the expressions on her face: "I have a major discovery below."

Changing the subject is to prevent the other party from noticing what he is really covering up.

Lawrence's anger subsided a little, and he immediately asked: "What did you find? No... Wait... You..."

Xu Yangyi kept his fists together, also hiding his facial expressions. Jenny didn't look up, and at this moment she only felt the invisible slap that made her face red. Was she angry? No... There was something else mixed in.

That's called shame.

Lawrence stared at Jenny in a daze, and after a few seconds, he turned around tremblingly and looked at Xu Yangyi, his lips trembling.

"Good... Very good... You are very! Good!!"

"Swish..." A piece of black paper flew out from his sleeves, with a black bottom and a white cross on it: "Excommunication!"

"Devil, accept the Lord's punishment!"

"I won't kill you, but I will capture you alive and give you to the church! Master Yue!" He turned his head suddenly and looked at Master Yue: "If you dare to obstruct me, you must step over my corpse!"

Master Yue was also stunned.

What happened to this old charlatan?

If there was still room for maneuver just now, there is no room at all now! It's not that he can't kill Lawrence, but the price is too high. When the Church really has the intention to kill him, even he is extremely unsafe.

"Holy Whip Daoist, did you make a mistake?"

"Mistaken?" Lawrence laughed, with great fury in his voice: "Ask him yourself what he did!!"

"Blasphemy... this blasphemer! He actually defiled the most sacred golden broom. If he is not killed on the spot today, how can the majesty of the Church exist!"

"Boom!!" A more violent aura rose than before, and Lawrence's old body seemed to be much taller in an instant, and golden and white holy flames burned on his body. This is a situation that has never happened before when fighting with Master Yue. This is a real full-strength attack!

"Kneel down and repent! Accept the Holy Judgment with all your heart! Turn to ashes in the Holy Flame! Blasphemer!"

A golden spear ten meters long appeared in his hand, with white lightning flashing on it. As soon as it appeared, the whole space was shaking. Lawrence slowly rose up, like a white thunder god descending to the world.

Jenny closed her eyes and bit her lips tightly.

Shame... Today, this is the place to wash away the shame.

This shame must be paid with his life and soul!

"Snap!!" As the arc jumped, the spear flew out of his hand. There was only infinite holy light and countless lightning in front of him. Lawrence's furious roar resounded throughout the space: "This Grand Duke will not kill you..."

"I will personally escort you back to the Vatican! Cut off your limbs, tie you to the cross, and use the holy fire to cleanse your filthy soul day and night! Nail a thousand holy silver nails on you until you die!"

Just when the electric spear was ten meters in front of Xu Yangyi, he suddenly took out a black object. With Lawrence's exclamation, the entire electric spear disappeared.

It was a piece of cloth.

It was an ordinary piece of cloth, without any outstanding features. If there was anything, it was filled with a terrifying demonic breath. It was not strong, but simply terrifying. After a thousand years of confinement, it no longer had the spiritual power of the demon lord, but the power of that high-level life, only a trace, made everyone gasp.

"This is what you are looking for." Xu Yangyi looked directly at Lawrence and stood up. He put the black cloth into the storage ring: "Your Majesty the Holy Whip, are you still going to excommunicate me?"

Lawrence was stunned.

He had never thought that Xu Yangyi could take out such a thing.

"This is..." He did not dare to answer Xu Yangyi's last question, and cleverly avoided the question: "The thing below?"

"To be precise, this is something related to the 'tower'. And the person holding it is the Jie faction."

Jie faction!!

Lawrence felt his scalp numb. He had not seen what it looked like a thousand years ago, but it was impossible for him not to know the name of the Jie faction!

Sixteen pillars of demons, the top twenty demon kings!

"Is he... a projection? Or did he open a rift?" he trembled.

If so, the world is over, and the demon war a thousand years ago may be repeated immediately.

"Dead." Xu Yangyi replied respectfully: "Below is his corpse."

Lawrence breathed a sigh of relief and immediately asked: "Is this something related to the tower?"

Xu Yangyi did not answer directly, but the next sentence almost made him collapse!

"Will the church still excommunicate me?"

The Grand Duke did not allow anyone to see his face, and he would never see it. So no one saw that Lawrence's forehead was throbbing with veins, and his teeth were clenched tightly.

It's been a long time since I imagined... I slapped someone to death like now.

The Lord is kind, but now he finally experienced the Lord's feelings when facing those hateful things but not being able to kill them.

The words he just uttered were still ringing in his ears. Now, the other party's two questions made him unable to answer at all.

He had Jie's things in his hand, but not in Jenny's hand, which meant that something must have happened below... No! That's what happened! That damn demon defiled the noble saint!

What else does he know?

No, right now, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is...

What should I do?

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