
Text Chapter 544: Exchange and Principles

Continue excommunication?

No, it's impossible. It's hard for a saint to escape, but for what the Vatican has been looking for for thousands of years, it doesn't have to be sacrificed.

No excommunication?

His old face is irresistible! The shelf was stretched so big just now, but now the stage is too big and it's impossible to get off the stage. Especially, there is another real person next to you!

"Fellow Daoist Lawrence?" Zhenren Yue said with a stubborn smile, "Are you still excommunicating me?"

Lawrence felt so frustrated that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. The spiritual energy all over his body was clearly extinguishing, sometimes on the verge of exploding, sometimes as calm as water.

I don't know how long it took, but he suddenly smiled and said, "Well, Mr. X, I think we can sit down and talk."

"Huh?" Zhenren Yue was worried that the world would not be in chaos: "Didn't you just call him Yang Yi. Xu? And you said you were a wanted criminal or something?"

"You must have heard wrong." Lawrence's voice was as hard as a duck pinching its neck, and he said loudly: "I have never heard of Yang Yi Xu, and there is no wanted criminal in St. John's Cathedral!"

At this moment, a curtain of holy light appeared in the field, and the old man from before appeared: "Your Majesty, the time for the next holy war has come."

"Tell them that you will preside over this Grand Duke's behalf. Everything will continue as usual." Lawrence said without hesitation.


"No but. Tell them that the Duke has important matters now. If there is any problem, let them come to me themselves." After Lawrence finished speaking, he pressed down the light curtain. His eyes were like fire, but he took a deep look at Zhenren Yue.

Master Yue smiled, stretched out his hand and flew out an ancient bell. It flashed and disappeared: "This is my royal magic weapon. It can block the time of one stick of incense in the early days of the Grand Duke. Within one stick of incense, I will definitely be there."

Lawrence sneered: "I'm not as miserable as you think."

"No." Zhenren Yue smiled and said: "In the face of overwhelming interests, everyone will become unbearable. Don't lie to yourself, you bastard."

Lawrence snorted, and when he turned his head to face Xu Yangyi, his voice was as kind as a spring breeze: "So, Mr. X, let's talk while we walk?"

The two walked away. When passing by Jenny, Lawrence shook his head imperceptibly at her. Jenny gritted her teeth and nodded bitterly after a few seconds.


Walking on the road outside St. John's Cathedral, Jenny looked at the majestic Gothic cathedral behind her with an expressionless face. The breeze blew her golden wavy hair, reflecting the pale face below. She suddenly opened her red lips: "Finally... Holy Whip Crown's intention is to advise me to talk about it in the future... But... how long will this future last? How long will it last?"

"It turns out that my position as a saint is dispensable in the Holy See? Anyone can?" She gently brushed her blond hair with her hand: "Seeing that I was defiled, the meaning of the Holy Scourge turned out to be a big deal. Make it a trivial matter?”


Just because he took out a piece of cloth?

"Where's faith?" She pursed her lips and said word by word, "Where's the Lord?"

She said no more and looked away. In the eyes, there was a slight sense of unfamiliarity in the calmness.

"It seems that you know a lot down there." Lawrence and Xu Yangyi were walking in the unique rose garden outside the cathedral, feeling the fragrance of the roses. Lawrence didn't look angry at this moment, and even had a hint of anger in his voice. A brisk smile: "I think what happened today was just a misunderstanding. I mistakenly thought that a wanted criminal broke into St. John's Cathedral, and you mistakenly thought that the Holy See would be detrimental to a great spiritualist. Right?"

Xu Yangyi had to admire Lawrence's shamelessness.

He was originally unable to get off the stage, but others were able to ignore anyone's gaze, not caring about the shame in his heart, and discuss friendship with him as his equal.

"Yes." He said without exaggerating, "It was just a misunderstanding."

"Now that this minor misunderstanding has been solved..." Lawrence's old body gathered up his exquisite white clerical robe, gently brushed the roses, and said softly: "Then, can Mr. Things to hope for.”

Xu Yangyi didn't speak for a long time and then asked: "Where's Jenny?"

"She..." Lawrence smiled: "Since she is not a virgin, she is not a saint. She also betrayed the Lucifer-level intelligence of the Pope's Hall. There is no corresponding reward..."

He looked at Xu Yangyi thoughtfully: "What do you think, Mr. X?"

Xu Yangyi was silent for a long time: "She... the saint did a pretty good job too."

"Oh..." Lawrence smiled knowingly: "Then she is still a saint. This little episode will also be erased by me. However, if she is not discovered by others in the future, this Grand Duke will not know. "

A silent compromise.

This is a good thing that the Vatican sold him first as the price for him to tell the truth. And he accepted it.

The road was very quiet. Xu Yangyi told Lawrence everything in detail, including Xiaoqing. He couldn't feel the golden elixir and couldn't feel the change in Lawrence's mentality. If you can feel it, you will find the true form of the Grand Duke next to you. At this moment, your heart is filled with waves, and your body temperature rises sharply!


The tower appears!

The Holy See has been searching for something for so long. It can be said that... it is the possibility of the Holy See unifying the spiritual world. Now, there is finally a clue!

Moreover, there is also the appearance of Che Fengchao, the only well-known participant in the legend, and the Jie faction! Everything shows that the tower is by no means simple, and it is indeed true!

If Xu Yangyi had not been disturbed by the majesty of the Grand Duke at this moment, he would have seen Lawrence holding the rose in one hand, the thorns already pierced into his flesh. But he showed no reaction, and the knuckles of his fists were turning white.

"That's it." Half an hour later, Xu Yangyi bowed. Lowering his head, a flash of light flashed in his eyes: "Finally, some very complicated language came into the mind of this junior, and then this piece of cloth appeared."

"Oh? What language?" Lawrence asked immediately.

"Junior can't tell." This was something Xu Yangyi made up. Of course he couldn't explain clearly. He said respectfully: "Junior guesses that it is related to the tower, but I don't know what the relationship is."

Lawrence didn't ask this time, but looked deeply at Xu Yangyi, and then said after a long time: "Mr. X...really said these things?"

Xu Yangyi didn't see that the hand behind him had already made a handprint, and an extremely obscure Grand Duke's spiritual power surged through it. However, it slowly dissipated.

He looked at each other without any hesitation: "This junior dare not hide anything."

The two looked at each other for a long time before Lawrence looked away and nodded: "If Mr.

The spiritual power behind him completely dissipated.

"Senior." Xu Yangyi replied in a neither arrogant nor humble tone: "The senior who came to St. John's Cathedral said...she will return to New York in three days and ask this junior to put this thing away."

Lawrence's eyes deepened: "Mr.

He said solemnly: "It does not mean that a Grand Duke will endure repeated deceptions."

"It's true. The Vatican must also be aware of that senior's arrival."

Lawrence didn't speak, and waved his hand after a long time: "Go, child, the Lord bless you. Then, five days later, I will personally come to receive this gift from the Lord. How about it?"

When was this piece of cloth stamped with the Lord’s seal again? !

Lord, are you Korean? !

Xu Yangyi left, and behind him, Lawrence looked at the direction he left for a long time.

"Nine truths and one falsehood, the highest state of deception." When his figure completely disappeared, Lawrence twisted a rose. In his cold eyes, the rose instantly turned into a white-gold flame flower: "He said There are lies in his words, especially...'Some very complicated language came into his mind.'

"Smart, this sentence is equivalent to a life-saving talisman. With this sentence, even if someone in the Vatican does not support the way the Archduke handles this time, they will never dare to touch him. As long as there is one in a thousand chances that it is true Yes, anyone who touches him will never be redeemed... Forget it, for the sake of Ta, I will not hold it against you for the time being. You'd better pray that you are telling the truth... "

"Boom!" The rose in his hand turned into black ash, and his voice had turned cold: "Lord, what I hate most is deception."

He walked slowly in the rose garden, and the mortal believers he passed by nodded to him, and he returned the greeting with a smile. Like an angel preaching to the world.

"Your Majesty." Five minutes later, the old man's voice came: "I feel the call of the Seal of Punishment. Why do you..."

"Why cancel?" Lawrence clasped his hands and bowed to the statue of Jesus in front of him, extremely pious: "Do you think I was the only one who was running the spiritual power just now?"

The old man seemed stunned, then took a breath and said in disbelief: "You, you mean... that, Mr. X, he, he is also running spiritual power?!"

Lawrence said nothing, and his white robe spread on the floor, like roses in full bloom.

This is the default.

"How dare he!!" The old man was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "Your Majesty! Take him down!! This is disrespectful to the Duke! Blasphemy! This is heresy! Blasphemer! You simply don't know the heights of heaven and earth!!"

"This kind of ungrateful person should be sent to the court for sentencing immediately! Skin him clean and place him on a cliff, where his entrails will be eaten by an eagle for ninety-nine days to atone for his sins!"

"Shut up." Lawrence stood up and said calmly: "Do you still remember the power of the Grand Duke in the Triple-A game?"

"what do you mean……"

Lawrence looked at the end of the road with complex eyes: "He...has the strength to threaten the early Grand Duke."

"How is this possible!!" The old man almost screamed in fright: "Marquis, Grand Duke, the difference is like the birds in the sky and the salted fish at the bottom of the sea! How could he, a great spiritualist, have such spiritual power? !”

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