
Main text Chapter 545: Dividing the results of the war (I)

"Nothing is impossible." Lawrence sighed and walked forward: "This Grand Duke... is the weakest Holy Whip in the history. The killing moves of the Grand Duke in the early stage can really threaten this Grand Duke. He is also a great spiritual master. . This person...if he didn't die in a major accident, he would definitely enter the realm of the Grand Duke in the future...but..."

An extremely obscure emotion flashed in his eyes: "At the end of the conversation, it was this Grand Duke... who was willing to betray him."

"As long as he doesn't deceive the Holy See."

"Your Majesty..." The old man was completely stunned. He really didn't expect Lawrence to say such words. The Grand Duke looked at the Marquis later. This is only the later period of the Marquis! Not even half a step! Not a false position! If you tell me, the name of Great Spiritualist X will immediately be heard in Europe and America!

No... it's already resounding...

After today, X kills the half-step Archduke Savidian VII as a great spiritualist. Tomorrow he will definitely be posted on all the major cultivation websites!

"It's not just that." Lawrence suppressed his smile: "There is also a spiritual power... stronger than Grand Duke Yue, watching here loomingly."

The old man was completely confused.

"Xu, Xu, Xu, Xu Prince..." His voice was trembling as he said these words, and cold sweat dripped down from his forehead.

If the grand duke can kill the marquis without any suspense, the virtual prince can kill the grand duke even more easily.

Suddenly, he exclaimed: "Could it be..."

"Antonio Black Crow." Lawrence said with certainty: "He is the only one with this strength."

"You said, in this situation, besides bowing my head and giving way, is there any other way for me to do this?"

On the other side, Xu Yangyi could no longer see St. John's Cathedral, so he leaned on a stool on the street and let out a long sigh of relief.

Although he seemed calm, no one could understand the feeling of his clothes being soaked with sweat just now.

He is very strong, but compared to the Grand Duke, he is still far behind.

Lawrence seems calm and rarely speaks, but in fact there is a hidden edge in every word. Facing the pressure of the Grand Duke, even he felt tired.

At the same time, he also deeply felt the changes brought about by strength.

Did he have such a chance decades ago?

A prince's kind question?

No, even if he is the successor of Alchemy, Master Fuyun will take action at the auction. If Master Gusong hadn't blocked it for him, he would probably be dead without a complete body now.

With the improvement of his strength, he can already participate in some things that can only be considered at the Jindan level.

"Sir, would you like a drink?" An energetic voice came from the side, and Xu Yangyi's good mood immediately turned dark.

"Need not."

"You can buy one. I'm still waiting for it to go home for the New Year... Look, when you open the first bottle of drink, you can see the turkey, and the second bottle has a warm stove..."

"You froze to death on the roadside in the end?" Xu Yang smiled angrily, looking up at the sky where the dark clouds were gradually dissipating. Said casually.

The energetic voice was surprised: "Have you also heard the story of the little girl selling drinks?"

"Angel..." Xu Yangyi felt a little tired: "I want to be quiet."

"Who is Jingjing?"

Can you be more vulgar?

He doesn't want to be quiet at all! No matter which mother's womb Jingjing was in. Frowning and standing up, he saw Angel wearing a white sweater, crisp jeans, and tall plush boots, standing behind him with her hands behind her back and her head tilted.

Ignoring the other party at all, he left directly.

"Hey! I'm so far away, thousands of miles away, to come here to pick you up! Just tell me that you want Jingjing! Which vixen is so shameless? I know! It must be the green tea bitch from the Vatican! Okay, you name her Jingjing "Quiet? Have you ever considered my feelings?" An Qier stood in front of him and rolled her eyes: "Back then, you called me Xiao Tiantian! Now you are quiet?"

"Can you please stop bothering me?"

Angel was about to say something else, but Zhenren Yue's voice came from the side: "Okay, good girl, let's go and play. I have something to do with him."

An Qier raised her eyelids towards Xu Yangyi, made an expression: I'll let you go this time, and walked away with graceful steps.

"A good son-in-law..."

As soon as Yue Zhenren opened his mouth, Xu Yangyi shuddered involuntarily, and without even thinking, he handed over his hand with great sincerity: "This junior cannot reach such a high level."

Master Yue looked him up and down carefully for a long time and said with a smile, "Have you ever asked me what I think?"

"Excuse me, real person, how can I not marry..."

"No!" Master Yue immediately denied it.

Xu Yangyi was speechless. After holding it in for several seconds, he still couldn't help but said: "Then why does the real person ask this junior?"

"I'm just reiterating my attitude." Master Yue laughed loudly, not caring about the eyes of others. He snapped his fingers, and a golden light shone. Several Americans next to him suddenly exclaimed, and then both of them disappeared. .

When he reappeared, Xu Yangyi found that he had arrived in the basement of a house, which was covered with talismans inside and outside. Moreover, a series of red, flaming iron ropes were on the door above.

"This is my Grand Duke's secret room. Angel doesn't even know it." Zhenren Yue completely suppressed his smile. Even though he had lived for so long, his eyes were still filled with fiery excitement: "You got it... This time, if it wasn't for you... A piece of cloth, we almost fell out with the Holy See. Don’t say you come back empty-handed for such a big price!”

A flash of excitement flashed in Xu Yangyi's eyes, and he nodded solemnly. Before Master Yue could speak, he touched the storage ring, a golden light shone in the room, and a golden apple appeared immediately.

"Forbidden fruit?!" The moment Master Yue saw it, he stood up excitedly. Full of shock!

It turned out to be forbidden fruit... He thought that it might be a branch, or even a branch. But I never expected that it would be something like forbidden fruit!

Without it, the inexplicably broken Tree of Eden would never bear fruit. Life or death is a question. Any fruit is the essence of the essence of a tree. The tree of Eden, which has never bloomed, actually has fruit?

Without speaking, the two of them looked at each other extremely hotly. Yue Zhenren's hand slowly brushed over it. The slightly parted lips exuded a breath of desire: "That's right...that's right! This feeling is exactly the same as what I feel in the sky!"

"This is part of the Tree of Eden!"

A little golden light emitted from his fingertips. Xu Yangyi looked carefully and discovered that under the golden light, circles of tiny words appeared on the golden apple.

"This is the so-called 'heaven text'..." Yue Zhenren's voice was a little unstable with excitement: "Do you think it has no aura at all now? has been stealing aura under St. John's Cathedral for who knows how much. Years ago, I guessed that when it fell, it was still a seed, and it took thousands of years to steal the aura of New York, the most powerful place in the world, before it came to fruition."

"The aura is not exposed. This is its self-protection. These heavenly inscriptions are not engraved by humans, but grow naturally. As long as one is unlocked..."

Before he finished speaking, a circle of white light lit up on his fingertips, and in an instant, a burst of extremely pure spiritual energy burst out!

"Buzz..." The talismans in the entire basement floated together, and the iron ropes on them made a rattling sound!

"This is..." Xu Yangyi looked around in shock. The spiritual energy just now was like an invisible sickle. As the spiritual energy blew past, countless white mist surged around!

In the white mist, countless light spots lingered.

He stretched out his hand, and a spot of light fell into his hand, and immediately rushed into his body. After a circle, he actually found that the hidden wounds from the previous battle with Jenny were repaired visibly with the naked eye!

"This... is spiritual energy?"

“There is no impurity at all, it’s as if it has been refined countless times!”

However, his current body cannot store it at all. After this light spot rotated inside the body, it collapsed and disappeared.

There was a pain in his heart.

You must get the fire...otherwise your cultivation will not be able to advance at all! Good things like a marathon only happen once.

He also noticed that these light spots were not white like he had seen before. But... colorful!

Red, yellow, blue, green, gold. The colors of the five elements!

"I heard that in the ancient cultivation era, spiritual roots were divided into five elements. Is it because of the spiritual energy? So the five elements of spiritual energy released by the golden apple are the ancient spiritual energy of the past?" He suppressed his excitement and looked at the golden apple: "I just unlocked one The runes and spiritual energy are so pure and powerful. If they are all unlocked...even if only a small piece is obtained, it will be a perpetual motion machine for cultivation!"

At the same time, I was secretly glad. He had the opportunity to steal the golden apple, and if he killed Jenny, no one would know. Fortunately, he didn't do this. He didn't eliminate the power of the talisman at all. Either the secondary world anchor couldn't move, or... he didn't know how he managed to survive.

Master Yue did not speak, but his eyes were as bright as fire. This time he unlocked five or six runes at the same time.

In an instant, this cold basement was transformed into a paradise for spiritual practice!

"Nanzhou." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "This spiritual energy is no weaker than the Cave Heaven Paradise in Nanzhou back then!"

"Don't panic..." Although Zhenren Yue said this, his voice was also hoarse: "Only six runes have been unlocked. There are hundreds of runes on the golden apple! It has stolen New York's treasures underground for at least a thousand years. Aura, this little bit is a drop in the bucket!”

"Boy, remember. The secondary world anchor is a perpetual motion machine. What is the most important thing in cultivation? Not talent, not materials, but time... As long as you are given several times or ten times the time, a pig can hit the golden elixir. ! As long as you implant it into your body... you are practicing with the earth! The spiritual power provided at all times is enough to advance the opportunity of the real person to reach the Nascent Soul by hundreds of years!"

Xu Yangyi listened attentively, his heart already surging.

"Now that I am practicing alchemy, I used to think that this is a perpetual motion machine. However, compared to the secondary world anchor, it is still too weak. After all, I am not refining alchemy all the time, and this thing... is completely equivalent to clicking on The passive skill 'absorbing spiritual energy' is not just sucking it in bit by bit, but opening up a hole for the entire spiritual energy to eat and drink!"

"Even the King of Eternal Alchemy Sutra can't refine the five-color spiritual energy! It can actually do it! That means... it not only absorbs it, but also has the passive talent of 'purification'!"

"No wonder Yue Zhenren didn't hesitate to fall out with the Vatican to get it. This thing... is too heaven-defying. The small secondary world anchor may not be visible. But the big one... especially such a big one, is still the secondary world of the fruit. Anchor, a once-in-a-hundred-year experience! Self-generated protection runes are unheard of! The difference is huge!"

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