
Main text Chapter 547: Dividing the fruits of war (Part 3)

Master Yue has a close relationship with him, and there is Angel as a buffer. He can feel that although Master Yue is angry now, he has no intention to kill him. In addition to the Dao Heart Oath just now, Master Yue will definitely not kill him now.

Otherwise, he dare not play with fire.

"Okay!" Master Yue agreed immediately: "You said it yourself! Heaven and earth can bear witness! Just one slice just now! One more, there will be none!"

After saying that, he flicked out a slice at the speed of light, without waiting for Xu Yangyi to inhale, this time he flicked his finger and was about to let the slice fly over by himself. But he was stunned.

He was stunned for two seconds, and then his whole body trembled slightly.


This slice was cut out, exactly half!

The original condition was that Xu Yangyi would not marry Angel, and at most one third. A mistake in ecstasy just now actually let this glutton eat half!

"You..." He looked at Xu Yangyi suddenly, his eyes red: " you a glutton?!"

He felt as if he was pinched by a hand. He took a step forward, and the pressure of the late Jindan on his body burst out, and his anger rushed straight to the top of his head: "Do you know how to respect the old and love the young! ! Haven't you heard of Kong Rong giving up his pears? Kong Rong knew how to give up his pears at a few years old, and you don't know how to give up an apple at your age?!"

"Do you have to fight with your uncle Yue?!"

He wanted to slap the other person to death.

Gritting his teeth and looking at the glutton Xu surnamed with innocent eyes and a face that said: I have no idea what happened, he flicked his fingers fiercely, and the slice shot over like a bullet, and then said coldly: "Get out!!"

"Don't let this real person see you within five years! Otherwise, I will kill you without mercy!"

Xu Yangyi swallowed the slice and disappeared at the fastest speed.

A few minutes later, outside the door, he immediately looked at the Qi Sea impatiently.

Inside...a complete golden apple was shining. Every minute, every second, there is an extremely pure spiritual power washing the body.

"Even if the body cannot keep it, it is also a great benefit to have the five-color spiritual energy washing the meridians every day." He closed his eyes and felt the five-color spiritual power surging in his body, one after another. When the last time dissipated, half of the golden apple was immediately absorbed into the other time and circulated in the meridians. Let the whole body warm up.

"I can't get the Nanming Lihuo now, but I can still go to Kaiyun Realm." His eyes flashed, and his heart became extremely hot.

At the same time, in the basement, Master Yue's face was bright and dark.

"This kid... There is definitely something wrong!" After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, and then stared at the half golden apple in his hand.

What a bad mouth...

The consequences of a bad mouth.

This is the fruit of the secondary world anchor, and the other party just ate half of it!

My heart was throbbing with pain. The golden apple that has been condensed for thousands of years disappeared half with just four words.

A sense of absurdity suddenly rose in his heart. Is it true that... after eating, there is not so much spiritual energy?

Maybe I took a fake apple?

Impossible... When I untied the rune, I clearly felt the spiritual energy was like a tide, like a deep abyss. That kid ate the spiritual energy of the late Jindan period. This is impossible!

"No... I won't give it up if I don't try it!"

He gritted his teeth, carefully cut off a piece, opened his mouth and sucked it, and immediately entered the sea of ​​qi.

"Boom!!" A piece of pure five-color spiritual energy rose instantly, and as his skills were running, it automatically entered the big and small Zhoutian.

The abundant spiritual energy made his face flushed, and ecstasy rose again. This small piece was more powerful than he imagined! It actually increased his cultivation by several years!

The Nascent Soul is in sight!

However, the function of the secondary boundary anchor is not here. The infinite automatic absorption in the future is its most powerful effect!

I don't know how long it took, he opened his eyes with great complexity.

"How is this possible?"

"Is the secondary boundary anchor ineffective against him? With such exquisite spiritual energy, he would have died after eating ten of them! How could he have eaten half of it?!"

That night, the European and American cultivation network exploded.

"Am I seeing this right?!" In the school, a college student wearing glasses was stunned in the club, staring at the computer. The five people around him had an expression of complete disbelief.

This is the most mysterious club at MIT - the North American Cultivation Club. All the classmates said that the people in this club are crazy. Cultivation? What the hell?

Their door is never opened, there are only five members, and they never recruit themselves. They are a world of their own. In contrast, the people in the club look down on these mortals.

And at this moment, they all sat in the club with their eyes wide open, looking at the computer in front of them.

On the screen, a webpage was opened, with an angel on the left and a demon on the right, and the special effects were cool. However, no matter how cool it was, it was not as good as the red words in the middle that could not be erased for five seconds.

"Great Spiritualist X, top three in the holy war, killed his opponent Savidian VII in a bloody battle."

This sentence without any emotion made everyone's scalp tingle!

"Is this true?!" A girl covered her mouth and screamed for an unknown period of time: "Great Spiritualist? Great Spiritualist X participated in the holy war? Isn't this sir a newly promoted Great Spiritualist? Why..."

"This is not the point!!" A boy with glasses also came back to his senses, and his voice was no less than the girl's: "Top three!! Great Spiritualists won the top three! There has never been such a thing in history!"

"And... the opponent is the Seventh Lord of the Covenus family... the Half Moon Marquis, who is known as the strongest in this generation of Covenus. He, he, he actually fought a bloody battle with the opponent! And killed the opponent?!"

"If I read correctly, Your Excellency X is still a late Marquis?" "Oh my god, I can't believe it! MYGOD...has the world gone crazy?! That's His Excellency the Seventh Generation!"

In an apartment, a young man was drinking coffee and leisurely took out a crystal card and entered the intranet. He turned around and poured a cup of coffee. As soon as he took a sip, he turned around and there was a "pop" sound, and the coffee sprayed all over his clothes.

"Oh! Damn it!!" He cursed, but didn't care at all. He rushed to the computer and immediately clicked on the web page.

The entire practice network exploded!

"The Marquis killed the Half-Step Grand Duke in the later stage! An incredible reversal!" "On the limits of the most powerful spiritualist X in history - the great spiritualist. The perfect integration of body and wisdom!" "The mysterious cultivator from the East, Is the Holy White Cross showing favoritism by killing Lord X?"

Waiting for posts, there are many, all of them are brushed. However, he did not click on it, but directly clicked on the two pinned red posts at the beginning.

One is the official “Ten Years Jihad Calendar, Details.”

The other is the Holy White Cross’s “decision regarding Great Spiritualist

He glanced eagerly from the first post.

The more he looked, the more his expression changed.

From the beginning of "This is not fucking true, is it?" to a minute later "This... is too strong!" to the end of "I can't believe it!"

Triple jump.

The first level sees X versus Ironhorn. The second level sees X versus the Necron King. Until the final battle against Savidian VII. It's like a beeping dog feeling.

There was more than one person who felt the same way as him.

There are too many practitioners who think this is just sensationalism. How is it possible for a great spiritualist to reach the top three?

"I absolutely don't believe it!" A young man clicked the title angrily: "Savidion VII, the seed player of the Covinas family, can cover half of the sky in New York! He is so powerful. , how could he be defeated!"

"Yes! We are all a small family. Think about it, there are only a dozen of us in the Martel family. We once annoyed a Marquis of the Covinas family and paid a big price to get it done. I still remember that Marquis. How strong! The wind can tear it apart, let alone the seventh generation at the top of the food chain!"

"I can accept being defeated by the seeds of the Tagule family, but losing to a great spiritualist... It's not that I don't respect them. In fact, if a great spiritualist appears in front of me now, I will kneel down and call daddy - —But how could the noble great spiritual master defeat a pure cultivator like the seventh generation?"

However, facts speak louder than words.

X's battle video received over a million views in an instant. Flying all the way. When all the doubters clicked on the first video, they were all speechless.

That's the video of Xu Yangyi VS Ethorne.

If you can’t understand it at first, when Ethorn called Malorne’s real name, almost all the small family monks in Europe and America who were not qualified to enter and watch—in fact, they are the cornerstone of the European and American spiritual world, Tagu There are only a handful of big families like Le, Covinus, Tirasong, and Siren.

Explode instantly!

With the development of the world today, no family can hide many secrets of their habits. Unless the family is top secret, most of the secrets are not actually secrets at all - for example, almost all of Europe and the United States know that in the Nature's Dream Woodland, in addition to the unfathomable, old and dying Elf King, there is Another being more terrifying than the Elf King.

Malorne, King of the White Hart, is the only known, living Holy Spirit in the world.

At least half a step prince.

" this the call of the Holy Spirit?!" In a university, in a corner of the basketball court, seven men and women gasped, and the younger ones almost jumped.

"This is the seed player of the elves?!" "The Chosen One! Oh my God! The elves actually sent the Chosen One for the first time in the war?!" "How did Mr. X win?! The King of White Deer... ...The unattainable Prince Banbu... Our seven families combined are not enough for others, right?" "Stop talking nonsense! Be quiet!"

A moment of noise, a moment of silence. Everyone was looking at the computer intently. This scene appears in countless schools, villas, and gathering places.

In a gathering place, everyone in the bar was silent. Whether they were selling drugs, taking drugs, or drinking, they all stared at the huge light curtain on the wall without blinking. Even the bartender forgot to mix the drinks.

"Thumping..." The boss rushed down without combing his hair, wearing slippers and pajamas. The moment he saw the light screen, he instinctively wanted to exclaim. The next second he just covered his mouth, feeling that his heart was about to jump out of his chest. .

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