
Main text Chapter 548: Shocking Europe and America

It's too scary... The earth-shaking battle on the light screen, the dozens of meters of thorn antlers on that side, and the terrifying aura coming from the White Deer King can be felt through the light screen... They can all guess Esso with their brains. How strong is grace.

However, after ten minutes, the opponent lost.

There is no doubt about losing.

It was really the great spiritualist who defeated the seeded player!

"I can't believe it..." It took a few seconds for the boss to come back to his senses: "At the gathering place... even the high-ranking families will not come. It's incredible to have someone like the Trixis family come... Jihad Your Excellencies, which one is not a real giant? Such a giant was actually defeated by a great spiritualist who first came to the United States..."

Just after the auction, Cultivation Network made a special feature, and most people became aware of this new great spiritual master.

Three videos, finished in no time. However, countless people looked at it over and over again.

Is this edited?

Is this to praise X?

Even if I see it, my mother can’t believe it rationally! Does this Thomas want us to kneel down and watch the video?

Even if our family's status is low, doesn't it mean that we don't understand common sense in the spiritual world? Great Spiritualist, what family wouldn't kneel down and lick you when you go out? Even Tagul and Covinas are treated at the level of Grand Dukes. It is no joke that a powerful great spiritualist can transform a small family.

But every bit of their wisdom takes time to accumulate, right? How can there be any reason for an advanced spiritual master to be so powerful? Is one year for him equal to ten years for others?

"Mom asked me why I knelt down to watch the video..." "Bring me to my knees...this, this is unbelievable..." "I have rewatched it for the eighth time...even though it is an official video. But I still I can't accept it! "There must be something fake! Even if you think about it! The identity of the great spiritualist X is notarized, is he still so strong?"

"I suddenly feel that I am not much worse than my poodle..." "I already feel that my practice has lost its goal. From today on, I want to be a happy college student." "The world of self-cultivation is too scary... I feel like I am still a mortal. The world is better for me.”

One message after another, the first pinned post was instantly maxed out. Even if you still don’t believe it, the word official represents absolute authority. Moreover, those who want to stir up trouble have keenly discovered has been several hours since it was released, and no important person involved in the family has come out to question it.

This already represents authenticity.

Finally, at eight o'clock in the evening, a Marquis of Covinas spoke - for a practice network full of earls, although the Marquis's speech was not as rare as that of the Grand Duke, it was definitely the final word.

"It is a pity that His Excellency Savidian VII chose a bloody battle. Maybe he had a dispute with Mr. X. However, we lost a Savidian VII, but gained a more powerful Mr. X. Just in the afternoon, His Majesty the Sixth has returned to Rome. His Majesty Sapphiron will come to New York tomorrow to discuss the details of the Covinas family's first 'Century Contract' with an external elder."

As soon as this message was sent out, a bunch of marquis below, who were not too concerned about the fuss, tried their best to reward and leave messages.

"Corvina Siren rewards 100 cultivation beans: it's too ugly to eat. I can't stand it anymore." "Suss. Steelbeard rewards 888 cultivation beans: Are you sure you're not here to show off?" "Andrew Giant Bear rewards you. 444 Xiuliandou: Is your sixth generation not furious? Is this his only son? "Monroe Tagule: Hahaha... laugh, you guys are so lucky this time, I sincerely wish you all the best?" Idiot, you can't sign the contract. Do you think the Tagule family has no one-hundred-year contract? How many gold coins can you give to the always stingy human wolf? Compared with our heirloom nobles, they are just beggars!"

Many families who participated did not doubt the authenticity of the previous post and looked at the second post.

"The Holy White Cross has a new Department of Eastern Sacred Medicine. It is planned to start classes in September. The professor will be Mr. The two departments may consider merging them in the future. Note: Mr. Donald, the great spiritualist, principal and honorary chairman of the Holy White Cross School, has confirmed that the two holy medicines produced by Mr. X are more powerful than his. superior."

"Due to the complicated affairs of Mr.

"Hire another ten assistants to handle daily affairs for Mr. Specifically: the dwarves, the elves, the Voldemort clan, the werewolf clan, the vampire clan, the Tirason family, the siren family, the black witch and its branch necromancer family, the Vatican..."

"Only five places are open for the above families."

Here, there are more marquises.

"WTF?!" The grumpy dwarves gave up first: "Why are there only five of us!? We have descendants of the Creator!"

"Haha, you miners, what kind of holy medicine do you want to learn? We, the elves, are the most powerful competitors!"

"Hahaha, the elves, who are said to be the closest to nature, have not produced a great spiritualist in two hundred years. Dear Holy White Cross Society, starting from receiving the phone call yesterday, the Siren family immediately began to select the most talented students. I promise I won’t let the Cross down.”

"Oh? Upstairs is the Siren family that caused the campus violence thirty years ago and organized the 'Siren Everything' campus cult? Didn't I hear that you have been rejected by the Cross for fifty years?"

"...You come out and decide whether to live or die! How could we siren, a peace-loving race like us, do such a thing?"

"Something seems to have been exposed upstairs." "...Why do I feel the same way..." "I always feel that this time it won't be too peaceful. Am I the only one who feels this way?" "Hahaha... which admissions meeting has never been peaceful? ? In the thirty-year semester, it is easy for students to say that this time, Mr.

There is a lonely building on an island that is not even on the map. There's nothing to see from the outside, and there's not even a door to get in.

But below, there is a splendid hall. Bronze trees line the roof of the hall, and bird's nests each five or six meters small and more than ten meters large are built on it. At this moment, in the center, on a top-of-the-line computer, a group of beautiful-looking women with eagle bodies were serving a beautiful middle-aged woman covered in colorful feathers, dozens of meters long, and with a beautiful face. .

After a moment, she took her bird's claw away from the computer and sighed: "The Internet... is such a good thing. I am so tired of pretending every day, and I can finally do whatever I want on it."

"I have to say that in the past hundred years since merging with mortals, the world of cultivation has changed too much, and life is being affected by mortal things."

"Deputy leader, what about this post from the Holy White Cross?" A red woman next to him asked with a smile.

"Of course I want to go!" the beautiful woman said decisively: "This is a great spiritualist, and he has no foundation. This is simply a gift from God! Oh... I don't believe in religion, damn it..."

"Bring on our sincerity and select the most talented clan members. There are still three months until school starts in September. No matter what, we must meet Mr. Still loyal..."

No one knew that at this moment, on a special plane flying to Rome, all the marquises, a total of twenty-three people, including four half-step grand dukes and one false grand duke, were all prostrate on the ground sweating profusely.

"Pah!" A glass was smashed to the ground angrily, and then, a burst of pressure from the Archduke, mixed with a terrifying roar, rolled over their heads like rolling thunder.

"say something!!"

"Already mute? Huh?" A huge human wolf, pure white, without a single hair on its body, its golden eyes were like ice, sweeping over everyone in front of it. Every time it swept over a person, that person's head was buried lower, as if it had been scratched by an invisible knife.

"Normally, you are loyal to this Grand Duke. When I need you, all of you will pretend to be dead for this Grand Duke!!"

"Boom!!" A violent spiritual energy erupted, everyone spurted blood, and hit the plane, which even shook.

"Your Majesty the Sixth Generation..." The Pale Dragon wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said in a trembling voice: "The Senate has issued a death order... It is strictly forbidden to provoke Mr. Maybe they have arrived in New York... If we kill X by force... the price will be too high..."

"Then the Duke's only son died in vain?!"

"Crash!" All the chairs instantly turned into dust. Savidian VI stood up. Due to the intense grief and anger, his chest was heaving rapidly and his eyes were red: "That is the only child of this Grand Duke. ! He was about to be promoted to the Grand Duke, but he died at the hands of a great spiritual master! ? And no one can help me?"

"Not only that... now it is known to all Europe and the United States! It is used as a comparison! A joke!! Oh... my poor child, you will be humiliated like this after your death... Father will seek justice for you..."

His dagger-like teeth were grinding loudly: "No matter who kills you, no matter what faults you, Savidian, have, you are the children of this Grand Duke! If this Grand Duke says you are not at fault, you are not at fault! Even if there is Wrong, it’s my Grand Duke’s turn to punish me!”

"I don't know how high the world is!" He looked over with blood-red eyes: "This Grand Duke will let you know... The Marquis is the Marquis, the Great Spiritualist, and it's because of their love for you. But... I don't love you, I will let you You know, when the Grand Duke wants to kill someone, that person has to die if he doesn’t want to!”

"It doesn't matter what kind of shit you are, a great spiritualist!"

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