
Main text Chapter 549: Death Soldiers (I)

"Your Majesty..." Everyone spoke in a trembling voice. Killing the Great Spiritualist would be too costly. All the European and American families would not sit idly by, even the Corvinus family would not agree. This resistance is unimaginable. With the evolution of society to this day, it is reasonable to have a big fist, but sometimes... you really can't beat it no matter how big it is.

For example, now.

"Okay." At this moment, a peaceful voice came: "Everyone go down."

Everyone was stunned, and then the marquis winked at each other and all retreated quietly.

"Sapphiron Dio Corvinus." Savidian VI sneered: "You didn't go directly to New York, but came to your opponent's plane to greet you. It's really unlike you... Don't you think you should immediately run to flatter the stinky feet of the Great Spiritualist X? It's fresh and hot."

"Watch your words. Savidian." A figure appeared, and then a fat meat mountain sat down in the void, at least more than 200 pounds, and there was no wrinkle on his fair face. He said calmly: "I came here in person to remind you..."

"Don't be an enemy of X?" Savidian laughed, then looked at Sapphiron: "Is this what all of you mean?!"

"This Grand Duke has served the Covenus family for hundreds of years, and his son is not as good as a great spiritualist!?"

"This Grand Duke has plenty of ways to make him disappear! I will never implicate the Covenus family!"

Sapphiron's voice was flat: "He is a great spiritualist who has practiced for decades and is in the hope of becoming a Grand Duke, with combat power exceeding seven generations and rich wisdom."

"If it is an ordinary great spiritualist, I won't stop you. But this person..." He paused and said carefully: "I don't know if you have heard of a Chinese proverb, I think it is very charming."

"Don't bully the old and don't bully the young."

"He is so If he has this strength at this age, he is very likely to step into the Grand Duke's position in the future. And he may go very far. Yes... You can kill him now, but have you thought about it? Who should you send? Even the vacant position may not be 100% sure. Especially since the Vatican has confirmed that the other party has successfully comprehended the holy weapon. "

"He can also launch a Grand Duke attack, threatening you and me. It is very difficult to kill him below the Grand Duke. If there are too many people, he will be discovered. If there are too few people, the other party's escape rate is very high. You go in person? The Grand Duke's move will make such a big noise, and there is also the Scarlet Grand Duke in New York! Once you can't kill him..."

He narrowed his eyes: "You have established a future Grand Duke enemy for the Covenus family, and it is a Grand Duke who is likely to surpass you and me in realm, and is also a Grand Duke of the Great Spiritualist."

"How terrible such a Grand Duke is, I don't think I need to repeat it. "

Savideen VI He spoke with murderous intent: "So what you mean is, let my only son die?!"

"Do you dare... say this to me personally?"

"That's not what I mean." The fat man shook his head: "I just remind you to pay attention to the way and method. And the timing. Doing it now is the worst way, the worst method, and the worst timing. If you insist on doing it..."

He said in a cold voice: "I think I am the governor of New York now, not you."

Savidean VI looked at him for a long time and sneered: "Don't you think it's too late?"

Sapphiron was stunned, then immediately stood up with his eyes wide open: "You mean..."

"Hehe..." Savidean VI shook his tail comfortably: "This Grand Duke has been in charge of Europe and the United States for so many years, and it's not in vain. Since There are some assassins."

"You dare! !"

"What's the hurry?" Savidian VI glanced at the other party: "This account... I must settle it! It has never been reasonable for my only son to die and become a laughing stock for others! This is a great shame! No matter who the other party is!"

"But I can promise you that if he doesn't die this time, I won't do it for the time being. However, the family must give me an explanation!"

Sapphiron exhaled from his teeth: "Have your assassins already taken action?"

"Calculate the time, it's almost time." Savidian VI picked up a glass of wine and drank it all, with a fierce light in his eyes: "That's half a step... Well, even if half a step can't be killed by ordinary methods. You said, if half a step's spiritual energy explodes and dies together, can all the evidence be destroyed? "

Time passed day by day, and Xu Yangyi carefully felt the difference of the five elements of spiritual power these days. At first, he just felt the warmth of the meridians, but after a day, he felt something was wrong.

The demon patterns on his body, which were originally at the joints, were outlined by Antonio into small flowers, and now, all these small flowers are alive. Every time they run, the buds will bloom, end, and close.

In the body, with each blooming and closing, his body, which had practiced the first level of Qianli Bulixing, actually gave rise to a sense of condensation again. It seemed that... the many impurities in the body were gradually balancing with the circulation of the five elements of spiritual energy.

Three days later, he opened his eyes. Looking at his hand, it suddenly disappeared in the room, and the next moment, it grabbed with all its strength at an altitude of thousands of meters!

"Roar! !" This time, there was no white tiger phantom, but the wind pressure from the fist turned directly into a tiger roar. And the clouds hundreds of meters in front of him were cleared by a claw.

"It's about one tenth stronger than before. He looked at his hands thoughtfully: "On the first day, the feeling was most obvious. Some of the 'impurities' in my body were refined. Later, it became slower and slower. This shows that my body is gradually becoming perfect..."

"The five-color aura of the golden apple can not only purify aura... I thought wrong before." He pursed his lips and smiled excitedly: "It purifies... everything 'related to aura'!"

"That is to say, magical powers, and the body that is the 'carrier' of spiritual energy. Right now, my magical powers have not changed yet, because Splitting the Sky and Shenlong Treading the Mountain are physical techniques, so the changes can only be seen. This should be because the body has not been completed yet. For the sake of completion.”

He pondered for a few seconds, and his body suddenly became blurry. Immediately afterwards, countless phantoms of Xu Yangyi clashed left and right in the sky. Sometimes a kick, sometimes a claw, sometimes a punch. Everywhere he passed, the clouds cleared. A minute later, the figure appeared again, and the surroundings were already clear.

"The speed is faster than before, and the muscles are more integrated. Now facing Savidian VII, there will never be a situation where the physical skills of the time are indifferent. If he does not use the power of the golden elixir..."

He clenched his fist with fire in his eyes: "Within a thousand moves, I will definitely kill the enemy!"

"And... not only that..." He looked around the sky, and in his sight, he saw a ball with his own eyes.

White balls, if they are there or not. He was composed of aura and wrapped around him for hundreds of meters. He was the center of this invisible white ball. And in the ball, he is extremely clear about any slightest movement.

It is different from before. Although I spoke clearly before, I could not achieve the effect of seeing in all directions and hearing in all directions. In other words, in the past, if he wanted to see something within these few hundred meters, he had to focus there. But it's different now.

Everything he thought about was automatically reflected back to his mind. You don't need to pay attention at all to see groups of pictures. Even behind the opponent!

"This is spiritual consciousness." He muttered and took a few steps, the white ball moving as he walked. He was surprised because he had never heard of this happening to anyone.

His ball of spiritual consciousness has reached more than 400 meters, which is far further than the monks at the same time. Also sharper.

"Is it brought by the secondary world anchor? Or is it due to other reasons?" He clenched his fist in surprise: "Spiritual consciousness also belongs to spiritual energy, so... the Fruit of Eden has also been strengthened?"

"The effect of this enhancement is good. Now, my spiritual consciousness is not only longer than others, but also faster than others. Among the same level, there are almost no people who can pose a fatal threat to me. Even half-step Grand Duke, spiritual consciousness But it is still the late Marquis. There will be no qualitative change... If my spiritual consciousness changes like this during the Holy War, many opponents will be much simpler."

An inch long and an inch strong, the other party will suffer a fatal blow without even seeing him. Although his current tactic is to open the Linzi Jue and rely on Bai Shichun's lottery and powerful physical body to kill the enemy. But the Six Eclipses of the Apocalypse, although it is not a 1V1 killer move, it can definitely be regarded as a 1V1 unique skill.

As for mass destruction, one big explosion would only cover one area.

Suppressing his excitement, he flew to the roof of the hotel. After the Holy War, the Corvinas family selected a new hotel for him. This Kaibin Hotel reserved an entire floor for him, the best room, because it was owned by the Covinas family.

On the top of the building, a waiter lowered his head respectfully, holding a white towel to wipe away sweat, waiting for his return. This is the person sent by the Covinas family, Earl Dzogchen. Have been serving him for two days.

Before he could think about it, images of the waiter from all angles clearly appeared in his mind. He couldn't help but sighed, this feeling like the eyes of the sky... maybe as his realm gets higher and higher, he can really scan the whole world at a glance, just like in those fantasy novels.

But, at this moment, his eyes moved. Stopped immediately.

Now, he was four hundred and twenty meters away from the top of the building, which was exactly the limit of his spiritual detection.


Just now, he just habitually used the first person he saw as an experiment to test whether his spiritual consciousness could clearly see everything around the object. However... at this moment, he couldn't even see clearly what was under the opponent's towel. It was this covered part that actually gave him a frightening feeling!

This is definitely not the count who serves him! It's another creature wearing the other's skin!

"Sir." The waiter lowered his head and said in the same respectful tone as before: "You have received a total of thirty-four invitations today. Compared with the fifty-eight invitations yesterday, it has dropped a lot. Do you need help processing them?"

Just as he said these words, Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness suddenly felt that he was more than 400 meters away, approaching the limit of his spiritual consciousness. Countless talismans surged up! And the tide keeps coming towards him!

Layer after layer... densely packed. It quickly formed a huge circle and spread upwards quietly.

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