
Main text Chapter 551: Xiaoqing's arrival

However, at this moment, the surroundings suddenly became silent.

Then, Savidian VI and Saphiron stared at the sky together. There was a flash of disbelief in their eyes.

"Go..." Saphiron's voice trembled a little. The next second, an extremely fat figure flashed out of the void and looked around in astonishment: "Go... Go now!"

"There is a super strong man approaching!!"

"This aura... is still the Grand Duke, but... I don't know why, I feel that he is countless times better than the Grand Duke!"

"Why go?" A faint female voice, as if it has penetrated through endless years, suddenly appeared from the clouds: "In front of this palace, whether you go or not is up to you, the younger generation?"

"Kneel down for this palace."

"Boom!!!" The sky turned into darkness together, and within a second, at the same time, lightning flashed, reflecting all the clouds like pieces of green fish scales.

A desolate, long-lasting aura that made the world tremble appeared in this world with a roar.

In the Vatican, the dome of holy light, the old pope stood up suddenly as if pricked by a needle, and more than 30 cardinals who were listening to his explanation were all puzzled.

The pope did not speak, but looked at the sky with a solemn face, his eyes that had almost never opened were shining, and after a long time, he sat down.

"Surpassing the prince..."

"A cultivator at the king level... I'm afraid he has to go higher... Where did this monster come from?"

In St. John's Cathedral, Lawrence looked up in astonishment, his face turned pale for a moment, and then he prostrated himself on the ground respectfully, his heart beating wildly.

Here it comes...

Here it comes...

That extremely terrifying existence... is really here, Xu Yangyi did not lie to him... and this time it appeared in an extremely high-profile manner.

The sky has become a sea of ​​thunder, and in the sea of ​​thunder, two pure white human wolves, their fine hair is full of cold sweat, kneeling in the sky trembling all over. They don't look like human wolves at all, and they dare not maintain their human form, like two guard dogs.

Behind them, all the marquises were trembling with fear, not daring to sweat. Even the pale dragon's lips were shaking as if he had a stroke.

"Too scary... Is this the super cultivator from China... This... is definitely more than the prince level... China, too scary. No wonder for hundreds of years, although there are very few Chinese cultivators coming, no one dares to control their comings and goings, and the Vatican doesn't say anything... It turns out that there are such terrible monsters hidden..."

In a moment, the sky cleared up, and they didn't dare to look up. They could only see a pair of red high heels, hidden under a black evening dress, leisurely walking in front of them.

"Do you know..." The woman's voice was very gentle, without a trace of murderous intent, but Savideen VI's tail was tucked between his legs. "When I drank with Corvinus I, there were no bastards like you."

"Even if it was him, I would dare to point at his nose and scold him. He would give me 70% face and dare not touch my people..."

The woman seemed to smile: "Who gave you the courage to touch my people?"

"If you dare to say that it was Corvinus I who asked, I would risk hundreds of years of life and dare to kill under the Colosseum, pull out his coffin, wake him up and ask if he said it."

Too domineering.

Savideen VI, Sapphiron, had already felt cold when they heard that the other party had drunk with I.

As the true descendants with the word Corvinus in their names, they knew too many secrets, for example, Corvinus was not dead, and Tagule was not dead either. All of them were in a state of long sleep, as if waiting for something. The family has important events that need to be decided, and they can also contact them through special methods.

The ancestors of the werewolf vampires have lived for thousands of years. If they are not really dead, the Vatican will hate them, and the Pope will not dare to attack these two giants even if he enters the prince. This is also their real confidence.

However, this confidence is as childish as a child in front of this woman whose face cannot be seen. It's like stripping the two families naked and putting them in front of each other, without any secrets.

"I... I dare not... dare not..." Savidian VI's voice tried to remain calm, but beads of sweat had already fallen one by one.

"You dare, why not." The woman smiled gently: "The people I protect have traveled all over the world, and even those divine families dare not say no. Your princes have to pretend to be deaf and dumb, but you are so good that you dare to personally deal with a junior."

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty!" Savidian VI's voice trembled, his hair stood up, and he put his forehead on the horizontal line without hesitation: "I, I really don't know!"

A foot stepped on his head gracefully. He was stunned. The dignity of the Grand Duke instinctively wanted to resist, but he gritted his teeth and endured it.

Humiliation under the crotch.

And it was a woman's crotch humiliation!

And a woman of color from China!

x... Thanks to you... This Grand Duke is now insulted like this, and this Grand Duke... will remember it clearly bit by bit!

"Go back and contact your ancestor." The woman said melodiously: "Tell it that the 'tower' is about to appear. There are only 300 years left in the next 1,400 years, so it's not surprising if anything unusual happens."

A hint of emotion flashed in her eyes: "And... prepare the whole army for war..."

"Prepare, prepare for war?" Sapphiron asked softly.

"The True Martial World." The woman said with infinite emotion: "Tell it... the True Martial World 1,400 years ago will definitely arrive within three hundred years, traveling through countless time and space, carrying hundreds of millions of monks, and thousands of Star Destroyer Motherships. Come, the moment the 'light' on the top of the tower lights up, the war of all realms will begin... This time, whoever survives will have their destiny."

"It understands what's going on."

Her voice was a little erratic: "Emperor Beiming, Patriarch Moyun... I still remember the palm I gave you one thousand four hundred years ago..."

She retracted her foot and glanced at Savidian VI with disdain: "My Lord, give that old wolf some face. Spare your life. If I am correct, within the next hundred or two hundred years, those real old monsters sleeping on the earth will , It’s time for everyone to come out, including that old wolf.”

"This person is the key to lighting the 'lamp'. No one can touch him. You can train him, embarrass him, and let him truly grow. But if anyone really tries to touch him, I will kill him."

Xu Yangyi didn't know all this.

He returned to the hotel, but the moment he entered the hotel, he saw a person.

a woman.

Sitting on his sofa, holding red wine in one hand, crossing his snow-white jade legs, watching the setting sun outside the window.

Although the beauty is good, he has no intention of coveting her.

This is Xiao Qing.

A true near-eccentricity. An ancient legend that has survived countless myths.

"I really didn't expect you to come back from the Small Thousand Worlds. Although it was unexpected, it is also reasonable." Xiao Qing rose up with the sofa and spun around in mid-air, like a goddess sitting on a lotus platform, bright and noble. There was only a faint glance at everything, as if nothing in the world could arouse her interest.

Instead, when it fell on Xu Yangyi, he became more passionate: "A few months ago, I asked that woman to help find someone. I didn't expect you to have Qian Huan?"

With a gentle touch of her hand, Xu Yangyi's face seemed to have disappeared piece by piece, revealing his true appearance that he had not seen for a long time.

"It's quite pleasing to the eye. Why don't you become a star? You will still have many fans."

"Senior is joking."

Xu Yangyi was calm on the surface, but extremely cautious in his heart. This elusive old monster is full of laughter one second and can kill you the next. She and Jenny are fundamentally different. No matter how noble Jenny is, she is still too weak. And she was already on the throne, and she didn't need to be confident at all, because even if she took off her clothes and walked out, no one would dare to play with her, or even look directly at her.

No one spoke. A few seconds later, Xiaoqing moved lightly on the lotus steps and slowly walked down from the air. When he passed by Xu Yangyi, the hairs all over his body stood up. Although he had a delicate body, it seemed as if a prehistoric giant beast had just walked by. Around yourself.

"Poor..." She gently touched Xu Yangyi's face: "But I will remember you."

"Some people are born to endure certain things. It turns out... you are the one chosen... Don't worry, I will not let your name disappear from history."

The two sudden sentences gave Xu Yangyi a bad feeling.

"I almost know who your ancestor is... and why he did what he did..."

These two words made Xu Yangyi suddenly raise his head and look at Xiaoqing with burning eyes.

Xiao Qing glanced at him gently, and then said after a long time: "If you can advance to Jindan, go to Qingcheng Mountain."

"He wants to see you."

"Your ancestor also participated in that earth-shattering war of all realms... I see... No wonder, he would plant the God-Sealing Knot in you... Your lineage has been guarding the lamp since ancient times. people……"

"What is the lampkeeper?" Xu Yangyi finally asked.

Xiao Qing shook his head: "You will know soon. Now is not the time to tell you. Now, take out the piece of 'cloth'."

Xu Yangyi suppressed the desire in his heart. If he asked now, Xiaoqing would never tell him.

The cloth was spread on the table. Xiao Qing's face became serious and she looked at it carefully for half an hour. Then, his hands flew up and made a psychedelic seal. Immediately afterwards, the brilliance shone brightly on this piece of cloth!

The black color on its body receded like a tide, and was replaced by a green color. Noble and aloof, it seems that just one look at it can make people's hearts beat.

Moreover... its texture began to become hard, and its shape began to develop into an inverted triangle. It looks like... it's starting to turn into scales?

Xu Yangyi took a few glances and suddenly felt a trace of doubt.

"Are these...senior's scales?"

Xiao Qing didn't speak, bit her fingertip, and a drop of ruby-like blood dripped down, exuding extremely pure spiritual energy. As soon as it dripped onto the scales, a green light burst out! In an instant, it swept over the entire sky over New York!

"These are not my scales..." Xiao Qing's expression was more solemn than ever before, and she said in a deep voice, "This... is Quetzalcoatl."

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