
Main text Chapter 552: Legend of the Immortal

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, then took a breath, cupped his fists and said, "This piece of skin of Quetzalcoatl?"

This is incredible!

The bottom of St. John's Cathedral is actually related to Quetzalcoatl! As for the Jie faction, they were obviously killed by Quetzalcoatl with one strike! But before he died, the Demon King of Sixteen Pillars, who turned out to be Seventy-two Pillars, fought back with all his strength and tore off a piece of Quetzalcoatl's skin!

Xiao Qing stared at the scale for a long time before saying, "I have seen it before."

"More than a thousand years ago, at the Tower of Babel."

Tower of Babel?

It’s the Tower of Babel again!

Jie faction... Quetzalcoatl, Xiaoqing, what does this... have to do with the legendary Tower of Babel?

"The Tower of Babel does exist." Xiao Qing said slowly: "More than a thousand years ago, the great demon clone that was suppressed on the earth, as well as China's top cultivating families, and many European and American aristocratic families gathered together and spent two years It took more than a hundred years to build this huge tower.”

"However, I don't know its exact coordinates. It was not my incarnation where I was at that time. Moreover...the Tower of Babel connects gods and men, so the coordinates are illusory. I'm afraid it's the only one..." She looked at it. This scale: "I know where the real coordinates are. It has been observing the alien life in this celestial body since ancient times."

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, he didn't understand why the other party said this to him.

"I didn't want to say this to you before because I was afraid that you would be too ambitious. But now..." She glanced at Xu Yangyi: "Judging from the age of the Dharma End, your realm is qualified to be mixed up."

"You have been to the Small Thousand World, so you should know about the planes." She did not continue, but smiled: "There are thousands of planes in the universe. However, do you know about the so-called Big Thousand World? The Small Thousand Worlds are all low-level planes.”

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and listened carefully without missing a word.

Above the vast world...are there still planes?

What kind of existence is that?

"Beyond the three thousand worlds, there are seven more planes. I don't know the others. The plane directly connected to the earth is called 'Xu Kunlun,' which is a name passed down by ancient cultivators. I have been locked in this place all year round. Danxia Palace has never been seen before. The road to Kunlun is opened every fourteen hundred years. Only the winner can embark on this road."

She said calmly: "The first requirement to enter the 'Kunlun Ruins' is the Golden Core Stage."

Her voice was calm, but in Xu Yangyi's heart, there was already a huge wave!

"Ascension?" he asked, his voice trembling with excessive excitement.

"Perhaps." Xiao Qing said calmly: "But ascending does not mean becoming an immortal. As far as I know, Xu Kunlun has not yet reached the level of becoming an immortal."

Xu Yangyi took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Is there really an immortal?"

I don't know how many times he has asked this question.

Even Jindan Zhenren can only say "longevity." To reach the point of "eternity" is simply a fantasy. If it weren't for ancient books that repeatedly reiterated that there were immortals in ancient times, if it weren't for this thin and almost fragile belief, it would be silently planted in the hearts of many monks. How many people will try to reach the golden elixir position?

Yes, but definitely not many.

Cultivation without belief will always be rootless duckweed. It may be a temporary thing, but it will quickly fade away afterwards.

Once he becomes an immortal, he will find his true path. Otherwise, he doesn't even know what will be left after he takes revenge?

"Yes." Xiao Qing replied solemnly for the first time: "There are immortals in this world!"

There is a fairy!

Xu Yangyi's heart was beating wildly and uncontrollably. In the misty black fog, a golden lamp finally lit up.

"Where..." His voice was hoarse: "How can we reach this point?"

Xiao Qing did not answer, but gently stroked the scale and said softly: "Why do you want to become an immortal?"

"Power? It's ridiculous. It's as strong as this palace, but now it's suppressed at the bottom of Danxia Palace. The stronger the power, the more confused it is to draw the sword and look around. Who to kill? Kill the whole world? Who to love? We have reached the top, how can we be with each other? Are we together with sparrows?"

"The stronger the strength, the more powerful Lonely Miao. I have never thought of killing Fa Hai. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been able to survive these thousands of years. So... even if he plotted against me last time, I would still be able to survive." The palace still let him go." She chuckled with indescribable loneliness in her eyes: "The word "lonely person" is really a perfect match for a monk. Sometimes, I think that those higher-level worlds are even better. Are the old monsters who are still powerful in this palace unable to remember their old dreams when they wake up at midnight?”

Xu Yangyi didn't answer, and after a long time he said: "This junior doesn't know either."

"Then you also want to talk about becoming an immortal?" Xiaoqing said casually with a smile on his face that was as noble and white as the top of a snow mountain, but as cold as ice.

"But, now I have one last stab for revenge. After this blow, what does this junior mean?" Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and gritted his teeth and said: "Junior... without childhood, I don't know how many of Tiandao's friends from back then have survived. Juniors... still remember the small town back then, but now, things have changed and people have changed, which only adds to the sadness. "

"Junior has never gone back even once. But, are you going to die like this?" He looked at Scales: "I don't know what the point of becoming stronger is. However, this is the only thing that junior can do after taking revenge. Since this is the only thing One thing, why not do it?”

"Junior has not lived enough. There are still too many things in the world that I want to know, but I cannot reach it with the strength. If... I have to give a reason to become an immortal..." He paused, and then said with a free and easy smile: "That is , I want to see how high the sky is and how thick the earth is. I want to see if I can see everything in the world, and I also want to taste... the true power."

"Not for heaven, not for earth, just for me."

There was silence for a long time, as if a breeze was blowing, the little green silk hair was blowing on the face, and it seemed that he was smiling: "I ask you with great truth, you answer me with great truth... In fact, there is so much nonsense in becoming an immortal, according to me Look, just four words.”

She turned her head, stared at Xu Yangyi's eyes without any emotion, and said word by word: "No, Gan, Ping, Yong."

"Awakening to hold the power of the world, drunk and lying on the lap of a beautiful woman." She slowly lifted up her three thousand black hair: "This is human instinct, there is no big reason."

She turned her head and showed a smile from the bottom of her heart for the first time, just as a spring breeze came overnight and thousands of pear trees bloomed: "Besides, what I just said was just a joke."

"Eternal life, especially the powerful eternal life, the eternal life of the Lord, that... is such an exciting thing. Once you try it, you will never give up."

The corner of her mouth curled up slightly: "Although what you said is not completely right, you are not bothered by my inducement. Not bad."

"It's a pity that the road to heaven has been cut off. The monks on earth have too narrow vision... If it weren't for the blessing left by our ancestors, would the earth still be where it is today?"

Xu Yangyi frowned: "Tianlu?"

Xiao Qing did not answer, but suddenly pressed his palm on the scales, and in an instant, there was a green light! Golden lines are slowly painted on the scales.

This... is actually a map!

"Take it." Xiao Qing waved his hand, and the scales quickly shrank to the size of a palm and flew into his hand. She smiled meaningfully: "Let me remind you, Che Fengchao... has met me. And... his status in this matter is much higher than you think."

"Sometimes, history does not mention it, not because it is insignificant, but because it is too important to be described in writing."

Xu Yangyi looked carefully and saw that the scales were densely engraved with words that he could not understand at all, and asked in confusion: "This is it?"

"If there is a place in this world where the path to immortality exists, it is definitely not in the hands of the old and young like us who are isolated from the world. It is in the Tower of Babel."

She paused, then said: "Everything you want to know... is also at the top of that tower. The road to heaven that was cut off back then is also there. Until you reach the top of the tower, you will never know the true face of the earth. Yes. , You know enough now, but these are all superficial. Why the ancient cultivators disappeared on earth, why it entered the Age of Ending Law, everything is at the top of the tower."

"Even if it's not for this, if you want to become stronger and see the real outer world, you can only go here. This is the museum of earth's history. Including its evolution, its treasures, and its... enemies. "

Xu Yangyi said thoughtfully: "Senior, you seem to particularly want this junior to go there?"

"That's not what I hope." Xiao Qing shook her head and said thoughtfully: "Whether you believe in fate or not, your destiny will lead you here. Do you think it was an accident that you fell into St. John's Cathedral? No, it was an accident. It's inevitable. No matter how many twists and turns your path takes, the general direction is already in the wheel of fate."

"Have you all forgotten...where is Che Fengchao's remains? Where have they gone?" She said lightly: "He is waiting for you...waiting for you in the tower. Destiny is a very ridiculous and absurd thing, but... Does exist."

"You think your revenge is your destiny. Maybe, when you see your ancestor, you will understand him..."

After saying that, her body gradually disappeared: "In two hundred years, I will not come out. In two hundred years, the earth will change greatly, boy... live until then, that will be a glory that occurs once in fourteen hundred years." moment."

Her figure appeared in the void and she took a deep look below. Shaked his head.

"I have shown you the way. Can you get out of the Xu family's fate? Maybe... you have a chance... Human pillars are always an ominous word."

Xu Yangyi sat alone in the room for a long, long time.

Earth, this seemingly magical word. The more you know, the more you realize how insignificant you are.

When I learned about cultivation, I thought this was the whole picture of the earth.

When I knew about the thousands of worlds, I thought I had seen them all.

When I learned about the Boundary Anchor, I felt like a veil had finally been lifted. doesn't seem to be the case now.

The real earth is always about seeing flowers in the mist and looking at the moon in the water. But is this time the key to all the secrets?

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