
Main text Chapter 553: Angel's decision

He felt something roaring and building up in his heart. I didn’t understand why at first, but in the end, I felt that it might be the so-called thirst for knowledge. One of the innate desires of human beings.

It was in this room that he sat all day. Xiaoqing's words revealed a lot, but when you think about it carefully, it's all hazy. It just reiterates the importance of that tower.

"The Tower of Babel... really exists?" He rubbed the scales in his hand over and over again: "Where is Quetzalcoatl? There... is the secret of the flying immortal hidden there? And, what I don't know now, what I guess , answers to all questions?”

"Why did the secondary world anchor break? Was there an attack from the Great Thousand Worlds a thousand years ago? What role did Che Fengchao play in the Tower of Babel? These... I can know, or not."

The Tower of Babel is dangerous.

There is no need to tell this answer.

If we go by Che Fengchao's records, it would not be surprising if there were many supernatural beings in a huge tower built by all races thousands of years ago.

Thousands of years later, there... I'm afraid it has become a devil's lost paradise.

going or not?

After a long time, he smiled.

The answer in my mind is very obvious, I must go.

There is no reason, this is the belief of spiritual practice. Taking this step can prove whether the foundation of spiritual practice exists or not. Are there any legendary flying immortals? Can humans... really transcend the planet, transcend a realm, and reach eternity?

Not just him, this is the common goal of all monks, a goal that they have been striving for for thousands of years.

"Only by truly seeing can my desire to seek be completely fulfilled." He walked to the window and looked into the dark night: "After the late Marquis, the road has become increasingly difficult. I already feel that my cultivation has stagnated. . Although the body cannot accumulate spiritual energy, there is always a feeling in the heart that the golden elixir cannot be achieved only by having sufficient spiritual energy."

"After the Age of Ending Dharma, there are many seniors who are amazingly talented and beautiful. How many people stop in front of the golden elixir. There are more than 1 billion people in China, and there are less than 20 golden elixirs. This is definitely not due to pure spiritual energy."

"Working behind closed doors is definitely not the right way to practice. Since I feel that the spiritual energy cannot be broken through, then... I should go out." He murmured to himself in a deep voice: "The most important thing is... my ancestors, why was I planted to become a god? "Jie, what is the so-called lampkeeper...these, the final answers about myself, according to Senior Xiaoqing, are all in the tower."

"I... must also know why he planted this kind of thing on me..." He gritted his teeth, recalling the long-lost bloody scene when he was eight years old in his mind: "Planting this kind of thing... all over his hands Bloody things..."

"I walked on this road, entered the way of heaven, and have come to this point, all thanks to his blessings. If I don't understand it, I... will never be willing to accept it!"

After holding the scales in his hand, he felt his mood gradually calm down and finally sat down to practice.

Although I cannot absorb spiritual energy, I will never forget this feeling of practicing. Yes, he never settles for mediocrity. He also never wants to spend a short hundred years in style by relying on his identity as a great spiritualist and his late-stage Marquis status.

This is definitely not his way.

"Dong dong dong" the knock on the door sounded.

"Come in." Following his voice, the sound of high heels came in. Xu Yangyi frowned. It's not that the Covinas family didn't send him a beautiful female werewolf, and he wasn't sexually frigid, but...

Female werewolves have a very "perfect" flaw, which is that when they climax, they really turn into werewolves.

For the first time, Xu Yangyi almost fell down.

"I said I don't need women." He frowned and said, "Send someone else."

"Oh? I don't need it either?"

Xu Yangyi felt dizzy for a while.

Angel walked in wearing a white waiter's clothes and sat in front of him with a smile: "How do you feel about this PLAY?"

Xu Yangyi did not open his eyes. It is better not to open your eyes if you can only see trouble.

A warm hand rubbed the center of his brow, and his whole body's spiritual energy instinctively circulated, and he felt relaxed again.

No one has ever done this.

In addition to training, Tiandao's instructors never showed disdain to such a young child. When I grow up, I won't have such intimate behavior. Not even his own comrades. Today, there is the first one.

It feels weird, but... it's surprisingly not repulsive.

Perhaps, in fantasy, mother's hands should smell like this.

The hand is soft and has a sweet smell. I don’t know what kind of perfume Angel is wearing, and I don’t know why, but it always gets into his nose.

He opened his eyes.

"You are still handsome." Angel didn't expect him to open his eyes, and was stunned for a moment, then chuckled: "That face before was so ugly."

Xu Yangyi looked at her for a few seconds and said calmly: "Superficial."

"Yes, I am such a superficial woman." Angel let go of her hand. Today, her hair was combed into a braid, which gave her a unique look: "Have you eaten yet?"

"have eaten."

"Nonsense, monks never need to eat. You are already a late Marquis." Angel curled her lips: "Is it so difficult to accept my kindness? How many people have begged me to rub their brows, but I don't even bother."

She waved, and a food box flew over. As soon as she opened it, a long-lost smell of food floated over, followed by Angel's gentle voice: "This is the cheese bread and butter I made." Matsutake soup. I..."

"Angel." Xu Yangyi felt a little confused. No one was so kind to him. In the Heavenly Dao, friendship was pure. After practicing... could Xiaoqing be considered a woman?

She was the only cultivator of the opposite sex, but she was as high and mighty as a queen. And Angel, at least it seemed, was really kind to him.

But this kind of kindness disrupted his pace and made him feel...uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

Maybe it wasn't that he was uncomfortably, but he didn't know why he was instinctively retreating.

He looked into her eyes: "We have been together for less than a month, why are you doing this?"

"You are the daughter of Jindan, and Master Yue is at a high level. If you are willing, there are many people better than me. Are you making fun of me? Or are you preparing for a spring breeze?"

Before he finished speaking, Angel quietly set the tableware and whispered: "It's just fun. No one is qualified to let me cook."

"Even Dad has not eaten it a few times. Haha... You don't know, today he knew I was going to cook, and his eyes were red with jealousy. You'd better not meet him recently."

Don't worry, you don't need to tell me, I will avoid him recently...

After setting the tableware, she put the knife and fork into Xu Yangyi's hand: "Cultivator, the days of only practicing are too boring. There are many wonderful things in the mortal world. If you don't taste them, it's a waste of time."

Xu Yangyi didn't take it, just looked at her.

He must make a conclusion today. He doesn't want people to enter his fortress. It has been like this since he was eight years old to the Heavenly Dao. It has become a habit, a nature. Anyone who wants to change their habits will instinctively refuse. Even the first reaction is not to think about good or bad.

A monk is not a puppet.

Angel raised her eyes and restrained her smile. After staring at each other for a minute, she finally smiled and said, "Dad asked me several times if it was true?"

"I don't know."

"When I first saw you, I just thought you looked very good to me. I don't like gentle men, I like strong and wild men. And you just meet both points, wild but also calm, I love Chinese men."

"Since I was a child, I have had everything I wanted. Dad loves me very much, really, I can feel it. If I say I want the moon, I think he can do it and will give it to me. But he doesn't spoil me. I think this is a kind of respect, the respect of parents for their children. I am very fortunate to have met my father. He doesn't treat his children as a carrier to "fulfill their dreams" like too many parents do. Instead, he really lets me find my own Personality. "

"I'm off topic. I mean, you rejected me, which makes me curious. No matter if I wanted to have a romantic relationship with you at first..." When it comes to this word, Angel whistled without hesitation: "I do have this idea. It is precisely because of your attitude of keeping people away that I decided to test you out of curiosity."

"Yes, it's a test. In fact, all contact between men and women is a test. Test whether everyone's worldview is the same, whether their personalities are compatible, and whether they complement each other. Test whether everyone has common goals and pursuits. "She shrugged: "In fact, before the holy war, I was always testing. I am a woman born in China and raised in the United States. I don't think there is any benefit in being too reserved. My point of view is that if there is a good impression, You should have more contact to see if the other person is as delicious as he/she seems. "

Xu Yangyi's mouth twitched: "Are you cooking?"

"Of course, fresh meat." Angel made a harmless joke, covering her mouth and giggling: "If I say that I just fell in love with you at that time, it would be a joke. I once thought that it would be okay to give up. After all, there are many people who are compatible with each other. I think if I say I want to get married, the people chasing me can line up from City Hall to Manhattan. "

"But later, my dad showed me a jihad video that he got from somewhere, the uncut version, and I admit that you are really attractive." She hooked her fingers around Xu Yangyi's chin and gently touched his lips bit by bit: "I like... the kind of tenacious man who will not give up until the last minute. Never give up. Because I know that my dad is like this, from a mere Qi Refiner to now being stronger than anyone else. "

"Several games, never give up, despite the situation, the odds are completely against you. This also reveals one thing, that is, confidence. "Angel's delicate fingers passed over Xu Yangyi's plump lips: "Maybe, there will be someone better than you in the future. However, I haven't found it now. I don't think there is any reason to give up what is in front of me and wait for an illusory future. I promised my dad that after the age of thirty, I will practice seriously. Otherwise, I will be under a lot of pressure to be a Taoist partner with a genius like you. There are still a few years left, why do you say I should wait?"

"So, please give Angel a chance."

"I am now officially pursuing you. "

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