
Chapter 555: Celebration (Part 3)

"Heh..." "Zizi..." As soon as the words fell, a gasp sounded, and all the representatives looked at each other and saw the disbelief in each other's eyes.

"I want to ask." A pale vampire said solemnly: "This tower..."

"No need to question." Li Senge said indifferently: "The Tower of Babel that has been passed down for thousands of years. The place where the legend leads to the residence of God. This is probably its map."

Dead silence.

At the scene, the breathing sound disappeared. Only the deathly silence remained.

And the sound of heartbeats.

There are many legends in the Bible, such as the golden apple, the golden ark, the holy grail, Noah's Ark... The Tower of Babel is undoubtedly the most difficult to find among them!

Mortals probably think it is a legend. Only those present can infer from the little bit of history covered up, combined with the historical text of their own family... Some are, but... some are not!

"This is... a living myth..." The werewolf marquis of the Corvinus family suppressed the excitement in his heart that made him scream, and said word by word: "Never, never has any legend been found! Now, the first true legend, the heavy secret door hidden in the historical text, has finally been pried open a crack?"

"Your Majesty." The marquis of the Siren family, his hair turned into colorful feathers in excitement, bit his lip and said: "Can... let us see it?"

"No." Li Senge said calmly: "The incident happened suddenly, notify your clan leader to bring all the historical texts about the Tower of Babel to St. John's Cathedral. And, once you participate, you are not allowed to withdraw. In fact, this is what His Majesty the Pope meant. I came here and brought all the historical texts about this matter from the Vatican."

He waved his hand gently, "Swish swish swish..." Hundreds of files and sheepskin files suddenly appeared in the air. Exuding a heavy sense of history and antiquity. Each one is carefully wrapped in the Grand Duke's spiritual power to protect it from damage at any time.

Everyone took a deep breath and looked around. The parchment files were not complete, and some even had some bloodstains. However, all the complete parchment files were covered with various handprints.

Human-shaped, bird-shaped, cow hoof, devil's mark... all kinds of things.

"This is not a page." Li Senge looked at the hundreds of floating files and was very excited: "This... is the original historical text of 'Constantine's Donation'!"

"It... records the location of the Papal States. And the Tower of Babel was built in the Papal States!"

"We are very confident." He looked at the scale with burning eyes: "Combined with this thing, we have enough clues to find the real myth hidden in the Papal States!"

No one answered. Each of these ten families has the historical text that the Holy See does not know. Usually, no one thought that the day when the legend reappears would be so close. They must take out their own historical texts to piece together an incomplete puzzle.

Even if this is incomplete, it is absolutely precious!

"Excuse me, Mr. X, did that senior say what is on the Tower of Babel?" After a long silence, a marquis from a half-dragon family asked solemnly.

Xu Yangyi nodded, calm under the attention of the crowd. The stage for the big show has been set up, and the actors have been invited. There is no reason to retreat: "That senior said that she has been to the Tower of Babel. It really exists."

This sentence made everyone's face flushed.

It was not nervousness, but excitement.

It was difficult to suppress excitement.

Even the two grand dukes Lawrence and Li Sen, with their hands behind their backs, couldn't help but twist them white.

The legend reappears!

The real... legend that exists in the Bible! Thousands of years ago, the great secret covered by the earth!

"She said that there are traces of 'God' on the Tower of Babel."

"Ka!" A crisp sound of bones rang out, and Li Sen's voice trembled slightly: "This Grand Duke lost his composure, Mr. X, please continue."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "She said that thousands of years ago, all monks, regardless of their race, including monks from Eastern China and India, united to build the Tower of Babel in a certain place. The purpose was not mentioned. But she was very sure that the tower still exists today. However, it is between reality and illusion. I guess it may take very special circumstances to awaken it."

No one spoke.

After a few words, everyone had a blueprint in their mind.

The tower is still there...the ancient cultivators disappeared at the same time, so...will...all their remains are on the Tower of Babel?

What happened to this tower that is known as the passage between man and god? Inside...will there be the legacy of the ancient cultivators? Those lost things? Puppetry? Alchemy? Or...the road to the prince?

Even if there is nothing, as long as there is a skeleton of a god, then the cultivation world will have a real goal! A goal that is enough to overturn all current cultivation theories!

Gods exist.

Then, what are they? Are they extremely powerful ancient cultivators? Or something else?

Do the current cultivators... have any hope of reaching this terrifying realm?

One guess after another made them grit their teeth so as not to shout out in public.

"The Voldemort family, join." The cultivator of the Voldemort family raised his head with a very complicated look: "I didn't expect... one day there will be a time to open the main text of the Voldemort family history."

"Why don't you inform the leader of the Voldemort family?" Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows.

"No need, the Voldemort family... the historical text about the Tower of Babel is very special. We have no reason to evade the things recorded in it." He glanced at the two Grand Dukes: "I will report this matter to the patriarch immediately . Your Majesty, can you allow me to retire first?"


"The Siren family joins!" "The half-dragon family joins!"

Two voices came in response, and Li Senge and Lawrence looked at each other calmly. It seemed that there were incredible things hidden in the historical texts of these three families. Perhaps their clan leader had already issued a death order, and as long as it concerned the Tower of Babel, he had to agree first.

The other seven families did not agree immediately. After pondering for a long time, the dwarf Marquis stood up: "This matter is too important and may become a turning point in the history of modern practice. I want to report it to the patriarch immediately."


Several other families all have the same attitude.

"I'll reiterate it again." After all the families expressed their opinions, Li Sen stood up with an extremely solemn expression: "Dear gentlemen and ladies, this is a historic moment. Ancient myths are the only myths we can ascertain. Clues unearthed.”

"It may become the most glorious chapter in the entire history of spiritual practice. At the beginning of the Age of Ending Dharma, the realm of monks became lower and lower. The Tower of Babel is obviously inseparable from the Age of Ending Dharma. Once this mystery is revealed... Starting from New York, We can recreate all the glory of the ancient cultivators! We can spread the Lord’s holy whip to every corner of the world!”

"As the first group of explorers, we will go to this lost paradise thousands of years ago. We have a high probability of obtaining secret techniques, knowledge, and even holy medicines and magic weapons that can hit the next level. So..." There was an undisguised look in his eyes. Killing Intent: "Anyone, I mean everyone here. If one word is leaked, the Vatican will excommunicate that family even if it pays a huge price!"

"From the patriarch to the women and children, no one will be spared!" His eyes swept over everyone deeply: "I hope... the Lord's anger will not burn into corners that we don't want to burn."

"It must be so." The Vampire Marquis said grimly: "Anyone who dares to leak the information will definitely accompany the Vatican to hunt down that family to the ends of the earth."

"Second the proposal." The dwarf Marquis knelt on the ground respectfully, but the words he said made the scene filled with murderous intent: "Anyone who speaks out will be an enemy of the entire European and American cultivation world. Our ten major families and the other nine will definitely carry out comprehensive measures against them. Strangled.”

On his honest face, his eyes narrowed: "The Griffin Knights of Ironforge have not drunk hot blood for a long time..."

"Agree." "No objection." "Agree. No matter where the news about the Tower of Babel leaks from, it will affect the entire clan."

No one backed down. The instinctive desire to pursue greater strength in the monk's blood is revealed without any concealment.

Xu Yangyi nodded, waved his hand, and the scales disappeared: "This is my thing, I will take charge of it myself, is it okay?"

"No." "Of course." "Haha, Mr.

Only then did Xu Yangyi feel relieved.

In fact, what did he do in this matter?

did nothing. It was just a retelling of Xiao Qing’s words.

He wants to enter the Tower of Babel, where there are too many secrets that cannot be told to others. However, he will never be able to chew it off!

That is the tomb of a god and demon.

That is the eternal resting place of myth.

So, why not grab so many free helpers and go exploring with you?

"Everyone, please do it as soon as possible." There was a scorching flame in Lawrence's eyes: "The Vatican's most elite Knights of the Silver Hand are ready. Don't let others wait too long. Also..."

He clasped his hands and nodded slightly towards Xu Yangyi: "Before the matter is over, I hope that Mr.

Time passed quickly.

One day later, it started to rain lightly. However, inside St. John's Cathedral, I didn't feel any cold at all, but extremely hot!

Ten portals with a radius of about five meters, carrying extremely exquisite and mysterious talismans, unfolded in St. John's Cathedral. The majestic spiritual power made the clothes of Li Senge, Lawrence and Xu Yangyi flying in the center.

The colors are different, but what comes from them is all the pressure of the Grand Duke!

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered. The European and American cultivation circles were indeed very strong. All the ten major families have a grand duke in charge. Starting from two hours ago, as if as promised, all ten teleportation circles were opened.

This is not enough for the princes to come in person. However, it was enough for their will to travel thousands of miles to come.

Europe and the United States...the grand duke of the ten major families has arrived!

They, with their own historical text, worked together like this for the first time in history, just to lift the cryptic veil of that page.

Let’s discuss the Tower of Babel!

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