
Chapter 556: The main text of the legend (I)

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…” A strong spiritual energy surrounded St. John’s Cathedral. It took an hour to stabilize the teleportation array. In the evening, ten teleportation arrays were completely solidified, and ten rays of light of different colors dyed the glorious St. John’s Cathedral into a stream of light.

A terrifying spiritual pressure permeated the space like a substance. The top European and American beings came across thousands of miles just for this legendary secret, and no one refused.

“Oh huh?” A majestic male voice appeared in the air like a god, with a touch of emotion: “This Grand Duke has not been here for many years. The stingy Vatican actually opened the door of St. John’s Cathedral, the bridgehead of Europe and America, today. Oh… I can feel the surging magic killing array on these stained glass windows. Is the Vatican going to use the name of the tower to catch us all in one fell swoop?”

As he spoke, the entire St. John’s Cathedral rumbled. Not far away, countless pedestrians looked at the ground in astonishment, and then screamed and ran to an open place.

"Earthquake!?" "MYGOD... Fortunately it's not a big earthquake." "Why did the earthquake happen suddenly? What does the Earthquake Bureau do?" "Why was there no forecast at all? Are taxpayers' money being wasted like this?"

In St. John's Cathedral, the teleportation array that made the sound seemed like the abyss of hell, and the oppressive spiritual energy surged out like a tide. Xu Yangyi groaned. The Grand Duke's spiritual pressure was qualitatively different from that of the Marquis. He felt as uncomfortable as being pressed under the Five Finger Mountain.

Lawrence stood in front of him calmly. It was not for Xu Yangyi's good, but even if Xu Yangyi died, he could not die in St. John's Cathedral.

Not only him, the Vatican could not bear this responsibility-before understanding the relationship between that terrifying devil and Xu Yangyi. Even if they guessed that some of his words were false imperial decrees, they could only pretend not to know.

A figure appeared from the dark portal, and then a white-haired old man, probably only 1.5 meters tall, stepped out of the black portal with a cane inlaid with gold and jade.

"Voldemort, Tynas Androns..." Lawrence hid the disgust that flashed across his eyes and clasped his hands together: "May the glory of the Lord protect you forever."

"Put away your hypocrisy, charlatan." Tynas did not hide his disgust, and sneered: "It is better to pray that we can gain something today, otherwise, this Grand Duke cannot guarantee that St. John's Cathedral will be intact."

At this moment, a fiery red portal burst into flames, and the air around it turned red in an instant, as if in the flames of hell. A majestic figure with a height of more than two meters and burning with flames all over his body stepped out like a god.

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed, this is not a person.

It is a person with a dragon head, and flames are rising in his seven orifices, like a demon god in hell.

However, this person is a projection like Voldemort before. Unlike ordinary projections, this projection has at least the power of the real body. It is enough to kill any monk below the Grand Duke.

"Grogom. Roar of Heaven. Welcome."

In the next half an hour, figures walked out of the portal one after another. Anyone who walked out would be worshipped by people in Europe and America.

Twelve Grand Dukes and one late Marquis.

Thirteen luxurious chairs, covered with soft polar bear fur, appeared out of thin air. No one spoke, and all sat down, surrounding the green scale.

"I think the details have been conveyed to you by your juniors." Lawrence sat in the main seat, crossed his hands, and said lightly: "The things are here. All the records of the Vatican about the Papal States and the Tower of Babel, which are managed by the Grand Dukes of Li Sen, are a total of 121 files, all of which are Lucifer level. Now, they are all here."


"Wait a minute." At this moment, a cold voice sounded: "Who is he?"

All eyes turned to Xu Yangyi, and the voice continued without emotion: "There has never been a Grand Duke sitting and discussing, and a mere late marquis can sit here steadily. Junior... I don't care who you are. Now, immediately, roll down from your seat and do what you should do. I can ignore your rudeness and not hold your family responsible."

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but calmed his heart and looked at the other party calmly.

"This is the great spiritualist Mr. X. This scale is also his." Lawrence wanted to move, but Li Senge quietly pulled his clothes from below, shook his head imperceptibly, and said with a smile: "Do you have any questions? The branch of the black witch, the 'Grand Duke of Terror' Scores. Semuric?"

"His things?" Grand Duke Scores' voice seemed to sneer: "Not now."

"Boom!!" A black bone suddenly appeared above Xu Yangyi's head, each finger was carrying white nether fire, grabbing towards Xu Yangyi's head like a mountain.

"What are you doing!" Lawrence turned back and looked at Li Senge, gritting his teeth and said: "You know who is behind him! Yes, everyone wants to get this thing now. With it, it means having the dominant power..."

"Of course I know the monster behind him." Li Senge interrupted him with a flickering look: "But, this was Scores's move, none of us expected it, right?"

"The Great Spiritualist is precious, and the dominance of the Tower of Babel is 100 million times more precious than him. Listen, Lawrence, this is the will of the Lord, this is a myth in the Bible. If X didn't lie to us, there may be many corpses, relics, skills, and secrets of ancient cultivators buried inside. Any of them is definitely not comparable to the Great Spiritualist. If he dies, we can only be charged with the crime of "failure to take care of him". The one who really has to die is Scoris."

"Boom!" Just as the black bone hand fell, it stopped. Scoris's playful voice sounded: "Are you scared to pee your pants, little hamster?"

"This Grand Duke, I'll give you another chance. Listen, this is not something that a humble marquis like you can get involved in. Transfer this thing to this Grand Duke and tell me everything you know. This Grand Duke can consider sparing your life."

"There should be no figures below the Grand Duke in this round table meeting."

Xu Yangyi smiled and swept his eyes over everyone. Three Grand Dukes in the middle stage, five Grand Dukes in the early stage, one Grand Duke in the late stage, and one Grand Duke in the nominal position.

Unfortunately, the titleless Grand Duke is Antonio Black Crow.

And the one who made the move, Scoris, was in the early stage of Grand Duke.

When his eyes swept over everyone, Antonio returned his eyes calmly, and Xu Yangyi shook his head imperceptibly.

"You can still laugh?" Scoris looked at Xu Yangyi as if he were a dead man: "Should I say you are bold and audacious, or ignorant and fearless?"

"I'll give you one last chance." He pushed the coffee cup in front of him: "Fill this Grand Duke with coffee, kneel down, and offer it well. Transfer something that does not belong to you and you are not qualified to obtain in front of everyone. This Grand Duke will forgive your ignorance and rudeness. Maybe, if you make good coffee, this Grand Duke will slip some leftovers from his fingers to you."

Xu Yangyi stood up and bowed with a smile: "Your Majesty Scoris, it's our first meeting..."

"Shut up." Scoris The projection of Si is a bald, pale, skinny man with hair hanging down on both sides. He looked at Xu Yangyi mockingly: "Who gave you the courage to speak without the permission of this Grand Duke? Who do you think you are?"

"Don't even think about getting close to this Grand Duke. Your qualifications and cultivation do not qualify you to talk to this Grand Duke. It is good news for you that this Grand Duke has said a few words to you."

"Mr. Scorliss." Li Senge frowned: "Mr. X is a member of the Holy White Cross. Do you want to be an enemy of the entire Europe and America?"

Xu Yangyi took a deep look at Li Senge, and the dagger in his words had pierced his seemingly kind appearance.

Killing with a borrowed knife.

This is not dissuasion, but adding fuel to the fire.

Scoris laughed up to the sky, and when he lowered his head, the sarcasm in his eyes had turned into actual murderous intent: "The title of the Great Spiritualist works for others. For this Grand Duke, it's just a pile of shit. Practicing the magic of the dead is equivalent to cutting off all opportunities for holy medicine. This Grand Duke is alone, do I need to be afraid of a pile of shit?"

Xu Yangyi said lightly: "You seem to be mistaken."

"I am not standing here as a great spiritualist." He held a piece of green yam in his left hand, and suddenly, all the Grand Dukes present, except Antonio, took a deep breath.

The power of the Grand Duke!

A late marquis actually gave off the power of the Grand Duke!

The dwarf with blond hair, who was watching his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, looked up in surprise, and the pipe in his mouth sprayed smoke all over the sky, looking at Xu Yangyi in disbelief.

A woman in a cloak raised her head slightly for the first time, and suddenly two red lights flashed in the darkness under the cloak.

"Instead, he stood here as a threat to the Grand Duke!!"

"Swish!" An invisible sword light swept the whole place!

The Marquis could not feel it, and the Earl could not feel it even more. However, everyone on the scene, all the Grand Dukes, their clothes fluttered together, and even the entire cathedral wailed under the heavy burden.

Holy Sword!


"What a big dog's guts!" Scorlis was stunned for a moment, and then his hair stood on end.

The Marquis waved his sword at the Grand Duke in the late stage?

This is Xiang Zhuang dancing with a sword, aiming at Pei Gong!

On the surface, it is to prove himself, but in fact it is to trample on the majesty of his Grand Duke!

"Unfortunately, you have been deprived of the right to 'survive'." Scorlis gently clenched his left hand: "Code of the Dead."


The bone hand in the sky suddenly swung down, but at this moment, the green sword light and the huge bone hand collapsed together.

"Do you still take other people seriously?" Antonio, who was sitting silently, projected a virtual power that surpassed everyone on the scene, like a tsunami, and his pale hair fluttered in the wind: "If you don't want to talk, get out."

"Otherwise... don't blame me for doing it myself... 'invite' you out."

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