
Chapter 557: The main text of the legend (Part 2)

The scene was quiet.

If anything, there is any difference in silence. That was the gaze of everyone, who took a deep look at Xu Yangyi.

It is "allowed" for a great spiritualist to die under such circumstances.

But...a great spiritualist who can threaten the Grand Duke...

This depends on whether it is worth it. No one wants to waste precious projection. Especially if you don't necessarily have access to that scale.

"How many more times can you use it?" Scoris was silent for a few seconds and sneered: "You can't use that trick many times, right?"

"You can try." Xu Yangyi sat down with a smile.

This time, there was no sound.

Silent recognition.

"Boy." Scoris also sat down, as if nothing happened just now: "You are fine..."

"This Archduke, I sincerely wish you can go to the Papal State alive. This Archduke is still missing a headless horseman, and I think you are very suitable for it."

After saying that, he laughed wildly like a night owl.

Xu Yangyi sat down seemingly calmly, and Antonio's voice rang in his mind: "I have brought the corpse you want. Also, don't confront these old monsters. Scoris... is the most evil necromancer. . On unique occasions, he is almost invincible. Even I can't defeat him."

"One hundred and eighty years ago, he sacrificed blood to an entire town of mortals. The previous generation of Holy Scourge in the Vatican personally took action, but he died there. The news went straight to the Holy Light Vault, and the Holy See came in person, but he has not yet been killed. And. He was reborn a hundred years later with the help of a mortal's body. The Necromancer's secret skills are cunning and cunning, and he is one of the most dangerous men here."

Xu Yangyi was silent for a long time before saying, "However, there are some things that we must do."

"If you don't take action now, as long as you take this step back, others will immediately surround you like sharks smelling blood. I must take action. I know that if we fight for half an hour, I will lose. And I will lose." There is no way to survive. However, I also want them to know that even if it takes half an hour, I can still seriously hurt them."

"Without this fear, if they dare to reach out at will, Your Majesty, do you think I can find the Tower of Babel alive? The princes of Li Sen borrowed swords to kill people, Your Majesty Lawrence was indifferent, and the other princes sat on the mountain and watched the fire. They were watching... watching Is it true that the junior can flatten and round the scales?”

He pursed his lips and looked calmly: "If you just took a step back, you might not die. But the consequences are more terrible than death."

"You think clearly." Antonio sighed with emotion and nodded: "Yes, if you had taken a step back just now, even if you walked out of New York alive, you would not have been able to see the Tower of Babel alive. Whoever masters the scales will be the one who They will never allow a marquis to be the leader later.”

"Aren't you afraid?"

"Of course I'm afraid." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and licked his lips: "That is a genuine Grand Duke's projection. With so many Grand Duke's round table meetings, this junior is not only afraid, but also walking on thin ice."

He glanced at his hand with his eyes. Antonio glanced at it with his spiritual sense and found that it was trembling.

"I can't control it." Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly: "At that moment, I seemed to... see hell."

"But, because of this, I have to take action." He took a deep breath: "Also, thank you, thank you for your cooperation, otherwise, I will be exposed soon."

Antonio's voice disappeared. The venue fell silent again.

"Let's begin." Li Sen stood up and waved his hands. Suddenly, more than a hundred parchments shone in the air, and the eyes of all the Grand Dukes became more intense.

"To show sincerity, the Vatican will first produce the original text of our history." He looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "If there are any doubts found in it, I hope Mr. X will raise it immediately."

"Him?" Scoris sneered: "Based on the number of years he lived? A mosquito that was born in the morning and died in the evening?"

"I maintain my opinion. A person like the Marquis is not worthy of staying here."

However, no one paid attention to him this time. Everyone looked at the original historical text in silence. There is no time to worry about anything else.

All the parchment rolls circled together, forming a pure white storm. A few seconds later, golden light shone everywhere, and a broken parchment roll more than one meter long and half a meter wide appeared in the sky above St. John's Cathedral.

There was a line of red text on it. Xu Yangyi glanced at it and recorded exactly what Jenny had said to him, the original text of Constantine's offering of soil!

The handwriting is not long, there are ten rows in total. After that, it was blank.

No one spoke again, and no one was able to sit down. With a light step, he appeared next to the parchment.

A pair of blazing eyes almost wanted to swallow those words. There wasn't much expression on everyone's face, just a complicated light flashing in their eyes, and...the hands tightly tied together behind their backs.

Tens of minutes later, all the Grand Dukes returned to their original positions again, everyone lost in thought.

"That is to say... the Papal State in 600 AD was actually a pretense? The real purpose was to build the Tower of Babel?" The dwarf wore a gorgeous bearskin cloak and wore rings made of various precious ores on his fingers. , tapping gently on the table: "Why did they do that? For what reason did they call everyone? Even... and practitioners from China and India?"

"I don't know." Li Senge shook his head: "I think the real answer, if we can really find the Tower of Babel, everything will be solved."

The dwarf looked at Li Senge calmly, and Li Senge's eyes swept over immediately: "'Iron Furnace' Sean. Steel Hammer, you are also a famous archduke for hundreds of years. Do you have doubts about the credibility of the Vatican?"

"Although I look down on you charlatans. But I have to say that your credibility is very good." Scoris rubbed his thin chin and pondered: "So, it collapsed? If not, there must be a record in the documents."

"Impossible, practitioners can only erase the five senses of mortals. However, the tower is a real object. If it is really the 'Tower of Babel', once it collapses, the nearby countries cannot exist." A middle-aged woman said in a deep voice: "It must...must still exist. My people reported to me that Mr. X is 'between virtual and real.' How credible is this statement?"

Li Senge nodded solemnly: "It should be credible."

The scene was silent again. Lawrence suppressed his impatience, stood up and said loudly: "Let's start... everyone."

"Take out your historical texts and let us see what is hidden in it?"

In silence, Scores took the lead in biting his finger, and a drop of blood condensed on his fingertips. Then... countless spiritual energy around him actually poured into the blood drop like a vortex!

"This is..." At the moment he took action, the other nine grand dukes stood up.

Shocked and puzzled, they all stared at Scores' fingers. Even Antonio, a thousand-year-old monster, was no exception.

"What?" The unfriendly pale dead spirit on Scores' body lingered all over his body: "Want to take action?"

Everyone's eyes moved, suppressed the shock in their hearts, and then sat down with their lips tightly pursed.

"Swish, swish, swish!" All the spiritual energy swirled around the blood drop, and in an instant, all made strange shouts. Scores' face actually began to become paler little by little, and in contrast, the blood drop became brighter and brighter, like a ruby ​​hanging on the fingertips, and countless golden talismans shone in it.

Even from such a distance, Xu Yangyi could feel the terrifying power in the blood. This power did not belong to the other party at all, but to a mysterious, long-lasting, and terrifying thing.

It was not any power he had ever felt, but "Tao." Reason, the law of the world. Just like people die when they get old, they cannot be violated.


He looked at the grand dukes calmly, and for some reason, everyone's face was extremely shocked.

"Dang..." With a light sound, blood drops dripped, but turned into blood-red auras in the air and floated into the parchment roll. In an instant, the parchment roll shone with red light.

"This is the 'historical text' of the Black Witch Family." Scoris was sweating all over his head, holding his chest and gritting his teeth, saying: "It records one thing... Around 400 AD, the Black Witch Family transported 10,000 magic scrolls, as well as 27 contemporary grand dukes, eight princes, and three kings... to the Papal States..."

He buried his head and panted, and did not see that the grand dukes who had just sat down beside him stood up again one by one.

"Scorris..." The dwarf looked at the parchment in a daze, and said in a trembling voice: "Say it again... What does the historical text of your Black Witch Family record?"

Scorris looked up in astonishment. On the parchment, red light flashed, and words were imprinted one by one. However, just when the first row of words appeared, Scoris stood up.

"What is this..." He looked at the handwriting on the parchment in shock: "This... is not the original history!"

"This is not the original history of the Black Witch Family!"

His eyes suddenly became fierce, and he immediately looked at Li Senge: "Vatican, I want an explanation!!"

But no one paid attention to him.

Because Li Senge and Lawrence were all stunned.

There was a name on it.

A holy name!

A name they were very familiar with!


"Saint... Bartholomew?" Lawrence and Li Sen knelt on the ground in an instant, looking at the name in disbelief: "How... could this be?"

"These... are the twelve apostles of the Lord!!"

"Anyone who is crowned with the word of saint cannot be written in writing or blasphemed in words. How could it be possible... to be in the blood of a necromancer?"

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