
Chapter 558: The main text of the legend (Part 3)

Everyone was stunned.

"Do you know why we were shocked?" The dwarf came back to his senses after a long time and looked deeply at Scoris: "The original historical texts, especially the original texts about these legends. They are the top secrets of every family. There has never been any relationship between us. Know what the original text of the other party is. How to write it? What is the content? "

"No one knows, but this is what appears in your original historical text? No, no, no... that's not what I'm talking about..." The dwarf's blond hair was flying in braids, and the next second, he bit his finger. Point, a drop of ruby-like blood condensed: "What I want to say is...the original text of the history of the dwarves is also such a carrier and such a recording method."

He looked at everyone and said word by word: "Don't pretend, everyone. Looking at everyone's performance just now, our ten major families... I'm afraid they are all the same! They are all hidden in the blood!"

Before he could finish speaking, Lawrence's trembling voice interrupted him: "You are wrong...the really scary thing is not this...not this!!"

"Look around you!!" He said hoarsely with his white robes flying, "Here... except Mr. X, there are a total of twelve people!!"

"What... does this mean?!"

"Who of you... dares to think about it?"

Dead silence.

Even if all the people present here are the world's supreme Grand Duke, they still feel extremely shocked and confused at this moment.

The Twelve Apostles, the Twelve Grand Dukes here, everything has exceeded their imagination.

"That's right..." The woman from the Siren family stood up gracefully, her face solemn, and a drop of blood condensed on her fingertips: "The Siren family... also has this recording method... using blood as a medium to engrave In the blood."

"The same goes for the half-dragon family." The demon-like half-dragon stretched out his palm, and a drop of blood in his palm reflected a strange red light.

"The Voldemort family is the same." "The Tagule family is the same." "The Corvinus family is the same." "The elves... are the same..."

All the sounds were heard, and ten drops of blood were crystal clear, shining like rubies in the sky. Lawrence pursed his lips and gently scratched his palm, his voice trembling: "The's still the same..."

"Lord... is this your will? If the clues from the Tower of Babel hadn't reappeared, would we never have known that all the top families in Europe and America share the same inheritance method? Could it be that... you are telling your people, Thousands of years ago, were we all a sect of the Twelve Apostles?”

"Stop being funny." Thane Steel Hammer sneered solemnly: "You want to say that the Twelve Apostles in Europe and America are all our ancestors? The dwarves have never needed such ancestors."

"Can the descendants of the Twelve Apostles become like this Grand Duke?" Scoris sneered: "Are you insulting the Twelve Apostles, or are you insulting us?"

"The radiance of the Lord shines on all living beings." Lawrence, his white robes flying, snorted coldly: "How do you explain the scene now?"

The woman from the Siren family took two steps forward, took a deep breath, and blood beads flew out of her hand: "Just now it was just the historical text of Scoris. It was just an accident. I will never believe such a ridiculous thing."

"Brush..." Her blood beads radiated red light, and instantly turned into streaks of blood-red aura attached to the parchment scroll. In the flashing red light, everyone stared at the parchment scroll.

Immediately afterwards, all the archdukes gritted their teeth, and ten crystal clear, gem-like blood drops flew towards the parchment. In an instant, the red light bloomed.

"Silk..." "Unbelievable..." "This... I simply can't believe it!" "This is the true face of our historical text? So what was passed down from previous generations?" "It must be combined with the original historical text of the Vatican to be revealed. ? This... this is really incredible."

After a few minutes, the red glow stopped, and lines of text all appeared on the parchment scroll. but……

None of them are the original historical texts they should have!

These families have read all the original historical texts. However, this moment was completely different from what they remembered! Not words, but...


Saint Peter! St. Andrew! Holy Lord Jacob! The Eagle of Saint John! Saint Matthew! Philip! Saint James the Lesser! Saint Thomas! Saint Simon! Santa steep!

In addition to the previous Saint Bartholomew... surprisingly, all of them are the twelve disciples of Jesus!

In the name of the Holy.

"Ha..." Li Sen's fingers were trembling, and in the sky, the parchment scroll emitted a misty white light, like the Gospel of the Holy Lord. His voice was a little erratic: "The Twelve Apostles...really the Twelve Apostles! What on earth is the Lord hinting to us!"

"No!" Lawrence took a step forward and said solemnly: "There is one person missing."

"Among the twelve apostles of the Lord, he is the only one who has not been given the holy name..." He turned his head, looked at Lissenge with stern eyes, and said word by word: "Judasius, who betrayed Jesus Calvary.”


Everyone looked over. Li Sen woke up from a dream, and then said in disbelief: "This is impossible. I dedicated everything to the Lord. There is absolutely no way that I am the blood of Judas. I..."

"Say less. Mr. Li Senge, we are all old acquaintances." Scoris sneered: "Isn't that right? Just draw out your bloodline and dedicate it to your master."

"Impossible! I definitely cannot be of the blood of Judah!" Li Senge had bulging veins on his forehead. As a devout believer, he absolutely could not believe this fact.

Scorris glanced at him mockingly: "If it's not you... could it be that mere marquis over there?"

"Him?" He did not hide his disdain in his eyes, and glanced at Xu Yangyi who was calm and expressionless: "He is not a European or American at all, and has nothing to do with these holy and noble bloodlines."

"Li Senge." Lawrence held his hand: "I firmly believe in your faith. The Pope also believes in it very much. Otherwise, it would be impossible to appoint you to be in charge of all historical texts. However, this is probably not blood, but a metaphor of the Lord. Now is not the time to entangle these."

"Yes..." The woman with the cloak said without emotion: "Everything is based on the Tower of Babel. This Archduke really wants to see... When the twelve apostles gather together, what changes will this historical text have."

"Don't hesitate, Mr. Li Senge. Now is not the time to talk about faith. We have come here from thousands of miles away and have no time to dawdle with you." Sky Roar said coldly.

Li Senge's expression changed several times in succession, and finally he gritted his teeth: "Okay."

"No matter what this is, my name can never be associated with a traitor like Judas! I have never felt the historical text in my blood! If it were me... This Archbishop would immediately apply to resign from the position of director of the Vatican and enter..."

"No one cares where you go." Sean Steel Hammer gritted his teeth and said: "Hurry... Just one last name, don't waste time!"

Li Senge stopped talking and suddenly cut his palm, with such force that blood splashed three feet.

He didn't speak, letting the blood on his hand spread to the ground like a stream, his eyes were bloodshot.

One minute...two minutes, three minutes passed.

No change!

"It's not me..." He trembled all over, raised his head, and shouted hoarsely to the sky: "It's not this Grand Duke!!"

"This Grand Duke absolutely cannot have anything to do with Judas! Lord... Did you see it! Li Senge will always be your most devout believer!!"

"It's not me... It's not me! You all see clearly! It has nothing to do with this Grand Duke!!"

He opened his arms and let the blood soak his white robe, his laughter was full of joy and excitement. But, except him, no one could laugh.

"It's not him?" Sky Roar's thick fingers groped the dragon's jaw. He also felt incredible. There were twelve Grand Dukes and twelve disciples at the scene, just right. Except Li Senge, who else?

Could it be...

He thought of it, and everyone thought of it. Li Senge stopped smiling and looked over like an eagle.

One after another, the fiery eyes stared at Xu Yangyi. Each one was a projection of the Grand Duke. Such a huge pressure made him breathe a little difficult.

"What? Your Majesty, do you think it's me?" Xu Yangyi stood up and bowed with a smile: "Is it possible?"

"Whether it is possible or not, we will know after you bleed." Scoris laughed coldly: "Boy, you are too young, you have seen too little, your vision is too narrow, just like a pig that only knows its own pigsty and trough. Stupid."

"Constantine's donation of soil is not a spiritual treasure, but it is better than a spiritual treasure. To activate this thing, all conditions must be met. In the past few hundred years, there was no news of the Tower of Babel. No family tried everything, but could not study the true meaning of the original historical text. There would be no such opportunity to combine the original historical texts of the Vatican and the ten major families. And today, it has started."

"That is to say... here, now, It has gathered the 'necessary conditions'. The last of the twelve apostles is not Mr. Li Senge, so... who will it be? "He stood up with a cruel smile on his face and walked slowly: "I also think you are not Judas. You and the other party are not similar at all. Even a despicable person like Judas was once a saint. It is not comparable to a mere marquis, but there is only you here. "

"Your Majesty Scoris..." Xu Yangyi's eyes became colder: "Do you really think you can defeat me?"

"Try?" Scoris's laughter like a night owl resounded through the hall: "The power of a seventh-level Grand Duke, if I can't kill your blood, what face does this Grand Duke have to stay in New York?"

"Sha!" As soon as the voice fell, countless pale fires emerged from his seven orifices, ominous, extremely ominous! With a chilling aura, it seemed as if you were in a cemetery in an instant. Surrounding Scoris, he seemed like the king of the dead.

The skinny palm opened, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on the skull-like face: "Call the soul."

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