
Chapter 559: The main text of the legend (IV)

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!" Endless white ghost fire rushed straight to Xu Yangyi with a sharp hiss. Wherever it passed, black cracks appeared in the space, and a wave of undead tens of meters high screamed and swallowed everything on the road!

However, the next second, countless green leaves appeared strangely outside the tide of undead, and the tide of undead disappeared visibly. In less than five seconds, they all disappeared. Only bursts of heart-wrenching death cries remained in the air.

"Skoris." A steady voice sounded: "Do you look down on this Grand Duke too much?"

A violent spiritual pressure rose from behind everyone. It was the spiritual pressure of the virtual Grand Duke, surpassing everyone on the scene.

Antonio's white hair was flying, and the leaves and petals composed of infinite spiritual energy behind him were circling, forming an aura storm of more than 20 meters outside his body. It seemed gentle, but it was actually fierce. The surrounding ground and air seemed to be grabbed by an invisible giant hand, and were visibly twisted.

"Are you sure to protect him?" Scoris's face became serious. If he hadn't realized the previous reminder, now it was very obvious.

Behind X, Antonio, the strongest man under the prince, the Great Elf King, stood!

There was no answer, but Antonio pointed a finger at his forehead.

"If it were an ancient battlefield, this Grand Duke would not want to provoke you."

"But here, believe it or not, this Grand Duke will turn you into ashes within two hours."

Silence, none of the Grand Dukes spoke, but indifferently moved away from their seats. More than a dozen chairs floated in the air like weightlessness, and on them sat the Grand Dukes who were leisurely watching the fight from the mountain.

"Okay." Scoris retracted his hand: "To be honest, if there were no tombs worth hundreds of thousands, this Grand Duke would have avoided you. Today, I'll give you a favor."

"But... let your descendants keep their stinky mouths." He glanced at Xu Yangyi deeply: "The Grand Duke cannot be insulted. Anyone who dares to disrespect must accept the punishment of death."

"Let him learn to be respectful. Otherwise, this Grand Duke will break his waist. Let him kneel down and lick this Grand Duke's leather shoes."

He breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the chair, and never looked at Xu Yangyi again.

No one saw that Xu Yangyi's hands, which were clenched behind his back, were clenched to death.


Strength, and strength!

If the strength is not enough, even if he barely attends the Grand Duke's meeting, the other party will not take him seriously at all.

Some people will be cautious about his sword, while some lunatics will not. In front of such a lunatic, he deeply feels that he is not strong enough now.

"If I arrive at the Grand Duke's day..." He glanced at Scoris who was leisurely sipping coffee: "That's when you fall!"

"What the Holy See can't do, I will do!"

"As soon as possible." Antonio looked at Xu Yangyi thoughtfully and waved his hand.

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, let alone yelling something like "Don't bully the poor young man". If there is any, just remember it. Saying such words here again is undoubtedly seeking death.

Antonio has saved him once and fulfilled his promise. He doesn't believe that he must seek death. Antonio will really protect himself.

"Swish!" Cutting his hand, the warm blood was cooled by the wind, cooling the vigorous killing intent in his heart, and completely calming down the boiling mind.

All eyes were on his hand.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes later, there was no reaction.

Li Senge sighed. He didn't believe that Xu Yangyi could present the name of Judas. After all, the relationship was too far away.

"It's not him." Lawrence sighed secretly: "Then who could it be?"

"Someone outside? It's possible. There are still a large number of Vatican troops stationed outside. Anyone could be possible. Scores is right. Today, some 'necessary conditions' must have been gathered, otherwise... eh?!"

Just when everyone thought it was not Xu Yangyi, a blood-red light suddenly rose from his hand.

"This is..." Antonio's eyes flashed: "Original historical text?!"

He looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief: "Is it really in his body?!"

"How is this possible! He is an Eastern monk! He has nothing to do with the West! Could it be that he has become a Westerner in the few months since he came to New York? And is it related to Judas?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then their eyes immediately became hot.

Xu Yangyi himself stared at his hand in a trance.

It's incredible... He never thought that there was actually an original historical text hidden in his body!

Lawrence was the first to react: "Quick! Cover it on the document!"

Xu Yangyi waved his hand, and suddenly, a crystal blood bead, exactly the same as the previous eleven, flew out from the wound on his palm, carrying countless golden talismans. During the flight, it turned into streaks of blood light and rushed towards the parchment roll.

You can hear a pin drop.

"Swish..." The red light was diffused, and after a few seconds, the last name finally appeared on the parchment roll!


JudasIskariot. Also known as...Judas!

"Look!" Just when everyone was not shocked enough, Sean suddenly shouted: "Look, look at the scales!"

"Swish..." As soon as the name appeared, the twelve holy names emitted a red light that penetrated the sky and the earth, all shining on the scales! In an instant, the golden lines on the scales began to flow like water. Recombined, and finally, it became a familiar map.

World map!

On this map, there are twelve red dots, eleven of which are dim. There is only one, exuding a dazzling bright red!

"This is..." Lawrence and Li Sen each only glanced at it and immediately exclaimed: "The Holy City...Jerusalem!"

The only sound in the room was the pounding of the heart.

The revealed layer by layer. From the holy war, to the unsealing of the sacred artifacts, to the emergence of the historical text, they have pushed forward step by step, and now, it seems that they have finally lifted a corner of the veil!

No one spoke, a dozen pairs of shocked eyes conveyed uncertain looks to each other. After a long time, Lawrence sighed: "I understand."

"From the beginning, the text of history belongs to Mr. X." He looked at everyone: "This is...the difference between flesh and spirit."

"What is flesh and spirit?" the woman in the cloak asked in a deep voice.

"Spiritual?" Li Sen was stunned for a moment, then his eyes flashed, and his voice was hoarse with excitement: "Yes... that's the explanation!"

"Let me ask you a question first." He turned his head and looked at everyone with stern eyes: "Do you... believe in the Lord?"

"I'm not asking whether you believe in this religion, but whether you believe in the existence of the Lord?"

Silence again. This is probably the most silent ecumenical round table meeting in history. After a long time, Thain said calmly: "Although I hate you magicians. But everyone in Europe and America should believe in the existence of the Lord."

"Europe and the United States are the territory of Catholicism. Catholicism occupies one-half of the world's land and has billions of believers. Although we cultivators do not believe in religion, it seems that no one here has made any remarks against Jesus?" Cloak The woman said in a deep voice.

"This is spirituality." Lawrence said word for word: "The so-called 'spiritual' means that a person can magnify the Lord, and his thoughts, words, and actions do not violate God's will. A Christian should be' Spiritual, living the image of God. At least you are not against the Lord, that is semi-spiritual.”

"The opposite is to be carnal, to act according to one's own will, and to give in to one's own sinful nature. And among all the twelve apostles, only one was carnal."

"Judas," Scoris sighed.

Li Sen nodded: "Yes, he took refuge in the devil from the beginning and betrayed the Lord for thirty silver coins. But... all of us here are semi-spiritual. This carnal person can only People who never believe in the Lord, this..."

He looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "I'm sorry that you are not a believer in the Lord. But it doesn't matter. Faith cannot be forced. And now, you are the only one who is truly carnal!"

"We can reversely deduce the real conditions for the initiation of the original historical text. The Twelve Apostles are called the Twelve Sects in the Old Testament. The people who signed this document dedicated to Constantine are likely to be descendants of the Twelve Tribes. No. I know why the bloodline has become so complicated now. However, the conditions for it to be truly activated are people related to the twelve tribes - I guess, maybe not directly affiliated with the tribe, but also related to the tribe in a broad sense."

"The gathering of twelve people is the real condition for opening this original historical text. If it weren't for today's chance coincidence, we would never have imagined that what he needed was the distinction between 'spiritual' and 'carnal' in a broad sense."

"So what does it mean?" Sky Roar rubbed his chin and pondered.

"It's very simple." Lawrence and Li Sen each looked at each other: "I guess these twelve places are where the real 'keys' to the Tower of Babel are buried. Eleven dim ones, look at them all. They are all in Europe and America. Only here..."

He pointed his finger at the scales: "The holy city of Jerusalem... one of the three major sects in the world, the holy city of Islam! It is red. I feel that it should mean 'particularly dangerous' and 'inaccessible to spiritual people'."

"That is to say..." The cloaked woman seemed to glance at Xu Yangyi: "Is there a need for a 'carnal person' to come and get it back here?"

"Moreover, it should be a carnal person who awakens the original text of history." Lawrence added: "Everyone, this is the holy city of one of the three major religions in the world. It is comparable to the Vatican. It is essential for the prince to sit here. The holy city of Jerusalem has always been Non-Muslims are prohibited from entering, and there are only three ways to enter.”

He raised three fingers: "One, a senior official of the mortal government."

"Two, peacekeeping troops."

"Three, surpass the prince."

Xu Yangyi was silent for a long time and then said: "In other words, I will go to the Holy City of Jerusalem alone to find out who is not from the Muslim religion, one of the three major religions, from under the nose of their prince and grand duke, pretending to be a peacekeeping force. Do you know where the key fragment is?"

"My lords... do you really think I can come back? I won't be beaten into powder by the prince's slap?"

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