
Chapter 560: Ten-year agreement

"That is the holy city of Islam, one of the three major religions. It was once a holy city shared by the two major sects." Xu Yangyi looked at the princes without hesitation. It was not that he did not want to go, but that he did not express his concerns clearly. You can only seek death!

He had no doubt that Jerusalem was even half weaker than the Vatican. Otherwise, the Vatican would never have crossed the Middle East line.

The territory has been divided. Anyone who crosses the boundary is akin to a war. The Pope is a known prince and does not dare to cross the line. One can imagine the strength of the Muslims in the holy city of Jerusalem.

Throughout the world, Catholicism and Christianity, two sects with the same parent, have a combined population of 2 billion people. Islam has 1.7 billion people! Even if the strength of the holy city of Jerusalem is weaker, it will never be much weaker!

"It's not that I won't go. On the contrary, I really want to go. But that doesn't mean I go blindly." There was a touch of passion in his heart. said in a deep voice.

Jerusalem...the contested area between Israel and Pakistan, very close to China.

"I can't go back now. Without the golden elixir, my past 'guilt' cannot be eliminated at all. Going back... is seeking death..." He clenched his fist: "But... I really want to see it again... …”

"How were those people in Nanzhou back then? Did I involve them... Xing Tian, ​​Hidden Dragon... I'm sorry for them. Israel doesn't talk about it. There are too many Chinese companies in Pakistan. Maybe... I can know a lot of useful things. s things……"

A trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and then turned into determination: "I must ask who was wrong back then."

"You have your own righteousness, and I have my own righteousness. I... don't agree with you."

"But, only you can go." Lawrence pondered for a moment and said: "First, this matter cannot be leaked in the slightest. Second, it is very likely that the holder of the 'original historical text' with the name printed on it can find the key. Maybe. Others can find it, but we can't take the risk."

He glanced at Xu Yangyi: "Third, and most importantly, we cannot enter the Holy City at all."

"The Holy City of Jerusalem..." He and Li Sen each made sighing sounds in their throats: "I think Mr. X should have heard of his name. But...economically, he is nothing. But... in terms of religion, its status... is higher than that of the Vatican. It is the only holy city in history where Judaism, Christianity and Islam share the same respect. Now, although it is in the hands of Islam... the Vatican has never forgotten it. it……"

"It is one of the origins, a torch, an ever-bright star... Today, it belongs to the Middle East and has been completely 'rejected' by people in the Vatican. No, almost all factions in Europe and America have been completely 'rejected.' Even Mr. Antonio is here. , even the prince cannot enter Jerusalem even half a step."

Of course Xu Yangyi had heard of the name of Jerusalem. Too much blood was left there, and even the most famous Crusades in history were related to it. Sectarian battles are no more peaceful than national wars—which country has 2.7 billion and 1.7 billion people?

Because of this, he knew better that Jerusalem... had only two possibilities, smooth sailing or eternal sleep.

There is no in between.

Or, in his current state, he cannot attract the prince's attention and find the key quietly. Or, be discovered and executed as a heretic in Jerusalem.

Don’t doubt that there is no prince in the Holy City. There are only a handful of princes in the world, only three known to us so far, but there is definitely one in Jerusalem, there must be one! There must be!

Even... still the most terrifying one.

"I need a teleportation magic weapon." He felt his heart beating wildly. Although he tried to suppress it, his voice was a little hoarse: "A magic weapon that can move instantly in the hands of the prince."

"Boy, you have a big appetite." Sky Roar said with narrowed eyes.

"If there is no such thing, I will never go to Jerusalem. Either you find someone else to go. Moreover, if there is no such thing, I can't bring it out even if I go there." Xu Yangyi said categorically: "Is there any? YES, we can Let’s talk.”

That is the heart of a religious fanatic... that is the holy city of the three sects... that is the place that the Vatican wants to take back even if it launches a crusade and invades. That is also the place where Muslims and Judaism defend to the death. He believed that there, his later marquis status was not as high as that of an imam.

After pondering for a long time, the Grand Duke of the Tagule family said in a deep voice: "Yes."

"It can only be used once." He raised his head: "Ancestor Tagul...a drop of dried holy blood. Tagul needs the first right to refer to the Tower of Babel."

"Let's not talk about it for now." Lawrence waved his hand: "This matter is too big. I think you should ask your ancestors for instructions, and I will also report it to the Pope. The first priority now is to prepare for all emergencies in the next few years. Something to ensure that...if the key fragment is really found in the Holy City, Mr.

Xu Yangyi frowned: "How many years?"

"The Holy City... opens every three years." Li Senge's expression was also extremely solemn: "Peacekeeping forces from various countries can only enter at this time. Don't even think about senior government officials. Any of them have been stationed in it for ten years. Above. Frequent changes of ambassadors are strictly prohibited in Jerusalem. Every face must be in the prince’s mind after being stationed for fifteen years. It is impossible to pretend.”

Three years... Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed.

very good……

There is at least three years of preparation time.

Before entering Jerusalem, any advantage is your own trump card!

"Juniors have heard that Jerusalem prohibits all non-Muslims from entering?" he asked doubtfully.

"No, that's the case on the surface, but the vast majority of people in Jerusalem are mortals, the most fanatical Muslims. Even the monks are, no... they must be!"

"The teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad are: the Koran in one hand and a sharp sword in the other. Therefore, Muslims have never been afraid of force. This has also caused a problem, that is, there have been too many casualties in the long-term friction between Pakistan, Israel, and Jerusalem. After all, most of them They are mortals, and monks cannot take care of mortals every day. Once the number of practitioners in Jerusalem is insufficient, they will immediately face the impact of Judaism and the Vatican. Therefore, they must have someone to serve the mortals in Jerusalem.”

"That's why there are peacekeepers. These people are also the freest people in Jerusalem. This is the identity that is most suitable for you."

Xu Yangyi nodded and said thoughtfully: "Second, I need a Chinese ID card. European and American ID cards are too sensitive. It is impossible to get close to Jerusalem."

"no problem."

"Third, I need to enter the country from Pakistan. In addition, I need a Chinese mercenary team..."

"Mercenary team?" Lawrence frowned: "I think the peacekeeping force is safer."

"No..." Xu Yangyi shook his head: "You don't understand China. China is truly a one-spoken party, and the party directs the gun. This may cause the system to be bloated. However, it will also make the investigation extremely fast. There will be no such thing as Europe and the United States. In China, there is no such thing as a military force and people from two political parties. In China, if you want to investigate, there is nothing that the government cannot find. "

"However, China also has special forces, overt, covert, nominal, or dishonorable. Pakistan is an important diplomatic country of China and a staunch pawn in the Middle East. I can guarantee that China definitely has countless, even The military system does not record the presence of special forces or international mercenaries. After all, Pakistan and Israel have been fighting for an unknown amount of time."

"That's why, as a Chinese mercenary, relying on the relationship between China and Pakistan, entering from here is the least noticeable choice."

Lawrence and Li Sen each looked at each other, and Lawrence was the first to speak: "It's difficult."

"Haha..." Xu Yangyi said with a smile: "Your Majesty, your 'difficulty' is just a gamble with your life for this junior. I don't believe that the Catholic Church with two billion members can't even do this little thing. "

Lawrence stopped talking. After a few seconds, he considered: "It's not this problem, but that we must control most of this mercenary. Every one of them must sacrifice for you. Even if they sacrifice their lives for the Lord at the critical moment, We must protect you. There are too few devout believers in China, and they have no connection with this area."

"However, there are still three years. Even if we can't train an army, we can still perfectly integrate you into the mercenaries with our people..." The two of them conveyed a look: "Fortunately, there are still three years, this matter Leave it to us."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Third, I need a disguise magic weapon that can isolate the prince's level of detection."

No doubt, nod again.

"Fourth..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "Defensive magic weapon, any defensive magic weapon that can block the prince's blow! At least three or more! There are also magic weapons that can break the magic circle, also at the prince level. And, can The magic weapon that isolates the surrounding spiritual energy and seals the five senses of the monks is also at the prince level. "

"Boy, you sound so petty." Scoris sneered: "Did you know that there are only three princes in the world now, and any magic weapon that is effective for the prince level is one of the magic weapons of all major families. 1. Do you want it?"

Xu Yangyi replied calmly: "Then...are you going?"

Scoris sneered twice and said nothing.

Are you kidding me?

Even if he goes to hell, he would never want to go to that place!

Then... But the spokesperson said that this is a city where the whole city can be buried with lunatics - at least this is his impression of extreme Muslims. And in Jerusalem, who is not the most devout Muslim can enter?

"Stop arguing." Li Senge frowned, then looked at Xu Yangyi with a smile: "I promise that these things will be handed over to you in three years. I will personally ask the Pope for help."

"Okay." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and suppressed his racing heart: "Then...three years later, I will go to Jerusalem in person and find the remaining things. And your Majesty..."

He bowed: "I sincerely request that in the past three years, you can collect the other eleven fragments, at least...let the younger generation know what they are looking for. It will not be like looking for a needle in a haystack."

He smiled bitterly: "Besides, this sea... can kill people..."


Sigh... I didn't want to PS, but after three updates in a row this week, there was some increase in subscriptions, but it didn't reach the desired goal.

Readers who like this book, please support the original version. Subscription is very cheap. Really, 3 cents per thousand words, V2 is 2 cents. It takes the author to spend several hours coding in front of the computer for a meal of KFC.

During the physical examination before the New Year, I was diagnosed with fatty liver and some signs of blood clots in my feet. These are occupational diseases of the author. I have two friends who review chapters for me every day. They don’t check if there are any typos, but if there are any delays in the plot, foreshadowing, and layout. They are not the author, but simple readers. They know how long I send the manuscript to them.

Sometimes it’s four o’clock in the evening, and even worse, six or seven in the morning. It’s not that I woke up, but I couldn’t sleep all night.

I think if the readers who are reading this book have the ability, please support it on Zongheng Chinese website. Subscription is very cheap. Really, a two-yuan ticket is enough to read for a few days. More importantly...

Please don’t make piracy a habit. It has killed enough industries. Please cultivate a sense of authenticity!

Don’t take other people’s efforts for granted.

PS: Finally...a week has passed, and I will start 2 updates tomorrow~~

3 updates is too tiring~~

Finally...I plan to lose weight this year...

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