
Chapter 561: The father-in-law and son-in-law who are disgusted with each other

"No problem." All the Grand Dukes exchanged glances and nodded: "Three years."

"Within three years, even if these fragments are scattered in the pyramid, this Grand Duke can fish it out!" "Hehe... The key to the Tower of Babel, this Grand Duke is also curious about what it is and where it is scattered." "Everyone... See you in three years, one piece of fragment per person, don't let others laugh at you."

"Swish, swish, swish..." All the vortices spun again. Scoris looked at the ten vortices of spiritual energy behind him and shrugged: "Happy times always pass too fast. It's not easy for the family to support the Grand Duke to come all the way here. Goodbye everyone. Three years later..."

He glanced at Xu Yangyi meaningfully: "See you."

"If you are a mere marquis, you can still come back in Jerusalem... Fufufu..."

Everyone left quickly. Before leaving, Antonio gave Xu Yangyi a small storage ring, which contained a corpse of an elf with superior qualifications.

Xu Yangyi did not return to the hotel. After thinking for a long time, he decided to tell Master Yue about this.

The cake of the Tower of Babel is too big for him to finish. Master Yue has cooperated with him before. If he doesn't tell the other party now, the other party will know about such a big move sooner or later. By then, the honeymoon period that they have finally had will be broken.

In the old building of Chinatown, Master Yue held a teacup and listened to Xu Yangyi's narration quietly. His expression was extremely solemn and he was silent.

Angel poured tea for them quietly as if she hadn't heard anything. In these matters, this beautiful blonde with blue eyes is very much like a Chinese woman.

If she wasn't too proactive, if he wasn't carrying too many things now, would he agree to the other party...

Xu Yangyi's eyes passed over Angel's body calmly, her waist was as thin as a hand, her snow-white skin, her face like a movie star, her cheerful personality, and most importantly, she was still a monk. All this, it seems that he doesn't hate it, doesn't it?

Feeling moved?

He didn't deny that he did.

However, he also disliked the kind of aggressive confession, and didn't want his usual pace to be disrupted.


So, do you hate her?

This answer is also affirmative, but it seems not so certain. Being pursued by such a beauty, any man will feel a little excited.

"Boy!!" Yue Zhenren snorted coldly, which made Xu Yangyi come back to his senses and immediately answered respectfully: "What did you say?"

"I said..." Yue Zhenren looked unfriendly: "Is it pretty?"? ?

"Is my daughter pretty?" Yue Zhenren waved his hand, and Angel squatted down like a Persian cat. Yue Zhenren's fingers passed through the golden waves and snorted: "Very face... My daughter has never told any monk that she wants to pursue him. You are very good..."

Originally, he wanted to talk about the Tower of Babel, but for some reason, when he saw Xu Yangyi's eyes drifting to Angel, he couldn't help but change the subject.

"I don't know what's so good about you! You look okay, but your realm is not even the Void Dan! You have a lot of bad debts! You have a serious criminal record in China! You have offended several families in Europe and the United States! You are a troublemaker, right? Do you understand the doctrine of the mean? And! What about the betrothal gifts?! I have not seen any betrothal gifts so far! In addition, which son-in-law and father-in-law have fought for apples?! Have you learned the story of Kong Rong giving up his pears? No? How did you graduate from elementary school?!"

"No morals, no integrity! You don't know how to respect the elderly and love the young! How can my daughter fall in love with such a three-no cultivator! There is no family background! And the Tower of Babel?! Are you going to let my daughter live a widow?!"

The more he spoke, the angrier he became. He waved his hand and pointed at the door with full energy: "Get out!!!"

Angel coughed softly: "Dad... didn't you say I must marry him?"


Master Yue was silent.

He began to doubt whether Angel was his biological daughter. Why would she come to ruin her father's stage at this time?

Xu Yangyi wiped the spit on his face and coughed dryly: "If nothing unexpected happens, I guess that within ten years, I will definitely advance to the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment."

"Hehehe... Arrogant! Insolent!" Master Yue finally found a place to vent his anger. His saliva rained down like rain, and he pointed a finger at Xu Yangyi's nose like a golden hoop stick: "What do you think the Great Perfection is? How many are there? China has at most a hundred Great Perfections! What about you! You just say the Great Perfection! You are so arrogant! This Master will never agree to your marriage!"

In fact... I didn't think about it either?

Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded, agreeing with Master Yue's words, but the next second, Master Yue's face turned gloomy again: "What do you mean by this?"

"You look very happy? You mean you are happy not to get married with this Master's daughter?! How is this Master's daughter not worthy of you! Hey? You dare to open a dyeing factory if I give you a little color? Believe it or not, this Master will slap you back to China immediately?!"

Well, now it's neither nodding nor shaking your head.

While feeling the deep love that Master Yue has for Angel, she also felt that he wanted to hit her hard.

"Dad." Angel didn't take it seriously at all, and sipped her tea leisurely: "Mind your own business."

"How did I mind?! I'm teaching him a lesson!" Master Yue slammed the table and roared, and the teacups on the table were clanging: "This is communication between men! You don't understand! Will your dad hurt you?! Ah!"

Angel didn't say anything this time.

Master Yue probably scolded for more than an hour before he looked at Xu Yangyi, who was lowering his eyebrows and looking obedient, and hummed with satisfaction: "... In short, if you want to marry my daughter, you are not good enough yet, you still need to practice. The betrothal gift cannot be less, a bunch of golden elixir-level elixirs, I think you are almost there. This is OK. In addition, I decided to invest in a Chinese alchemy company, I think this is also OK..."


After two hours of eloquence, Xu Yangyi's butt was sore from sitting. As if Yue Zhenren had just finished his lecture, he finally got to the point: "I am very pleased that you finally want to get your father-in-law's family. However, I still advise you not to go to this place."

"Holy City Jerusalem, you are not without a chance to come out alive. According to what you said, in three years, you will have the magic weapon of the major families against the old monsters at the Yuanying level. Jerusalem probably didn't expect that someone would dare to turn the tide in it. I think your chance of coming out is not small. However... there must be twists and turns. You will die if you are not careful."

Angel pursed her lips and gently put down the teacup.

This man...

I hate it! I hate it so much!

Can't you just enjoy the romance peacefully?

Is it so tiring and interesting?

Not asking for eternity, just asking for having it once, this is her understanding of love. She doesn't want this man to fall in Jerusalem before she has even had it.

Even she knows how terrible that place is.

"But, have you ever thought about it?" Master Yue said in a deep voice: "Even if you get the key back, once you enter the Tower of Babel, it will be really dangerous. The top ten European and American families have a long history, and there are also divine families like Tira Song. At that time, you are alone, and you will face the most elite teams of the top ten families. There is also the Tagule family who has always hated you. Can you really come out alive?"

"Moreover, all this is based on speculation. You speculated that 'getting the key will find the way to the Tower of Babel,' what if it doesn't happen?"

"But if you don't try, you will never I can't find it even if I'm far away." Xu Yangyi said firmly: "Moreover, there are some things on the tower that are closely related to me. If I don't go, my thoughts will not be clear, which may become my inner demon. "

Surprisingly, Master Yue did not persuade him, but nodded appreciatively: "Then, go. If a cultivator can't overcome difficulties, how dare he talk about the golden elixir?"

He glanced at Xu Yangyi: "Come to me in three years, and I will give you a small gift."


After leaving Master Yue's mansion and returning to the hotel, Xu Yangyi immediately called Zhao Ziqi in his mind softly.

This kid said he was sleeping, but he didn't get up until now. He accidentally felt that the other party's spiritual consciousness had fluctuated several times, and only a few days ago did he feel that it was becoming more and more active, so he asked Antonio to find the body.

With Xu Yangyi's call, Zhao Ziqi finally woke up. His eyes were full of circles, and he looked like he hadn't woken up yet: "Brother, what's wrong?"

"Zi Qi." Xu Yangyi took out the corpse: "Brother is going to a very dangerous place, and he may not come back. I have promised many people many things. I haven't done them. I think, start with you."

Suddenly, he was stunned: "You... have built a foundation?"

Zhao Ziqi seemed to be stunned as well. He looked at himself several times, and suddenly exclaimed excitedly: "Really... really built a foundation?! I, I thought I was dreaming!"

Xu Yangyi felt his excitement and smiled: "What has changed?"

Silence, after a few seconds, Zhao Ziqi said excitedly: "I don't know about the others, but, but I seem to be able to control some of the breath of the underworld. I, I don't know if I can control the corpse... The cultivation method of Tongyoutong in the foundation period is in the Zhao family in China..."

As he spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller, and gradually disappeared. Xu Yangyi felt that his excitement was like a seedling hit by frost, and gradually wilted.

Silence, everyone understood why.

"I'm sorry." Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice.

“It’s none of your business…” Zhao Ziqi’s voice during his voice change period said in a muffled voice, “This is something our Zhao family is willing to go to… You also explained the dangers to us… As a cultivator… This, this is quite normal… Hehe…”

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