
Chapter 562: No Little JJ

Although he concealed it very well, Xu Yangyi could also hear a hint of choking in the other person's voice.

He was homesick.

Thinking about family and tribesmen. Anyone who has been in a coma all year round without a body and wakes up without any family care would probably make an ordinary teenager cry.

"Brother promises that in the future, I will definitely take you back to Nanzhou and get back everything that belongs to us."

Zhao Ziqi forced a smile: "It's okay. Now that I'm gone, I don't want to think about it anymore... There is a real Jin Dan there..."

Xu Yangyi smiled, and the next second, an extremely powerful spiritual energy surged from his body.

It is as overwhelming as mountains and seas, as deep as mountains. If it were in a hierarchical place like China, I'm afraid all the Qi refining and foundation building people on site would kneel down in unison!

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and felt the vigorous spiritual power coming from his fist. He once thought that Thousand Blades was so powerful, but now that he was standing in front of him, he might not be able to say a word and would have to kneel down obediently.

"This, this is... in the foundation building stage... no! Late stage?! Late stage of foundation building?! Brother, are you in the late stage of foundation building?!" Zhao Ziqi was stunned for two seconds, and then screamed in disbelief: "No ,Isn’t it possible? Brother, you’ve only been practicing for sixty years, right? How can you find the golden elixir path?”

"It's fate." Xu Yangyi smiled and put away his spiritual power: "Boy, do you believe that my brother can take you back now?"

The two of them had the same spiritual consciousness. If he had felt that Zhao Ziqi was forcing a smile before, for him, the golden elixir was too far away and too scary. That is no longer a creature in the world. I never thought I could return to China.

He could only let himself not think about it, but China was their root, and their blood and souls were there, so why not think about it?

However, he now felt that Zhao Ziqi's mood was like the fireworks of the Spring Festival, colorful and in full bloom. I never expected that Xu Yangyi would reach this level after sleeping for so long!

"Brother, you are so powerful!" He waved his fist excitedly and said, "Too fierce!! Sixty years! Sixty years of foundation building in the late stage! If you tell me, China will soon treat you as a seed among seeds! Destroy the capital of the sun. Not as powerful as you!"

"I will take you back." Xu Yangyi said firmly: "Wherever we left, we have to go back. Go back in an honest way. I want to go from the west, through Tibet and Xinjiang, all the way to Nanzhou, we We will take back everything that belongs to us.”

"Well! I believe you! Brother, you can definitely do it!" Zhao Ziqi bit his lip and nodded like a carrot.

Xu Yangyi glanced at the corpse: "Come on, try it."

"Brother found it specially for you."

Zhao Ziqi's spirit body appeared from Xu Yangyi's body and rushed into the body. Then, a cheer came from the air: "This man... has great qualifications! Much better than Zi Qi before! Brother, where did you find it?" ?you are awesome!!"

Xu Yangyi smiled and said: "Don't worry, use it as you like, he belongs to you now."

There was no answer. He knew that Zhao Ziqi must be eager to merge with the corpse. He did not disturb the other party, but stayed outside silently.

After a full day, the corpse opened its eyes.

"Zi Qi." Xu Yangyi's eyes lit up and he said immediately.

The elf's face gradually turned rosy, and his body began to move slightly. A pair of blue eyes opened, and while the gold was flying, Zhao Ziqi was extremely excited to use his body that he had not seen for a long time.

"That's great! That's great!" Every movement made his eyes turn red. After jumping around for half an hour, he stood in front of Xu Yangyi and bowed deeply: "Brother, thank you. …”

The voice was a bit tearful. Xu Yangyi rubbed his head: "My promise was only realized after so many years. I'm sorry."

Zhao Ziqi shook his head desperately: "No, brother, I can understand. Such a high-quality body, let alone refining Qi, I am afraid I won't be able to get it even in the middle stage of foundation building! You originally agreed to help me reshape my body, but just find someone It will be all right."

"You didn't, but you found such a good body for me. Even if you didn't find it, I wouldn't know how to do it, and I wouldn't dare to say anything. But, you still don't have it!"

His eyes were slightly red, and he followed Xu Yangyi's movements of rubbing his head and hugged him deeply, his voice a little crying: "Brother, thank you, really! I know I am young and ignorant, and I don't know how to express it, but... thank you so much."

"You are so young, and you are not young anymore." Xu Yangyi smiled, hugged the other person, and patted the other person's vest: "Don't worry, we will return to China in a while."

"But I've been sleeping all year round." Zhao Ziqi broke away from the other party and was about to laugh when his face suddenly turned strange. He coughed lightly and asked with a red face: "What...Brother Xu...are the elves?" There’s no such thing as…”

"Which one?" Xu Yangyi was confused.

"That..." Zhao Ziqi blushed even more. Ten seconds later, he gritted his teeth and pointed between his legs: "That's it..."

Xu Yangyi suddenly realized it and was stunned: "You didn't?"

Zhao Ziqi twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he was about to cry: "This really doesn't happen..."

I am Cao!

Xu Yangyi almost cursed.

Antonio is cheating! !

Yes, he remembered, the elves do not distinguish between men and women! Any elf from ancient times to the present!

"In this way..." He also felt that this matter was too ridiculous: "When you return to China, my brother will help you find another one? You... will use this for the time being? Of course, if you need one, my brother will help you right away. try to find."

"No need." Zhao Ziqi also felt ashamed. He was such a good young man. He was missing something crucial. This was so embarrassing. The key was... he didn't want to let go of the feeling of his body: "First... That’s it. By the way, brother, where did you say you were going to be?”

Xu Yangyi couldn't continue with this embarrassing topic, so he changed the topic: "You don't have to worry about it, just wait here. Europe and the United States, we have one last thing. Brother must finish it before he can return home without any distractions. China.”

He looked deeply at the roof: "If I'm lucky, this matter will end when I hit the golden elixir."

"No!" Unexpectedly, Zhao Ziqi jumped up immediately: "I want to go too!"

"Impossible." Xu Yangyi immediately shook his head: "You can't go on this matter. My brother is going to Jerusalem. You will be a drag if you go."

If anything, he must say it emphatically.

"I, I'm not!!" Zhao Ziqi's face immediately turned red. He stamped his foot, and a black teleportation array immediately appeared. At the same time, a dead atmosphere immediately enveloped him. But, immediately after, his entire aura disappeared!

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed.

You can obviously see Zhao Ziqi, but you can't feel his aura no matter what.

You know, his spiritual consciousness is stronger than that of monks in the Xudan realm! I can't even feel the aura of a monk in the early stages of foundation building!

"This is it?" He looked at Zhao Ziqi solemnly and asked.

"It's amazing!" Zhao Ziqi said, "The Yellow Spring Array, as I named it, can transfer all the spiritual energy within one meter of me to another world! It takes ten minutes! Haha! This is my life-saving stunt!"

"What about the offensive ones?"

Zhao Ziqi immediately stopped: "...No..."

Xu Yangyi fell silent.

He admitted that this move might be of great help to his trip to Jerusalem, but he was still reluctant for Zhao Ziqi to follow him.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Zhao Ziqi shook his head: "Brother, don't persuade me. I have been staying in your body. You didn't drive me away... Do you know that you said in Danxia Palace that you would help me reshape my body? , In fact, I don’t believe it at all. When I arrived in Nanzhou, I really felt that you would do it. We came together and we must go back together!”

"Even if you can't come back, then I'm alone in Europe and America. A fool like me will die sooner or later... So, brother, let me go with you! I know that Jerusalem, the holy city of the three religions, is probably the worst in the world. The largest and most powerful religious holy city, the Vatican cannot compare with it. However, I would rather fight for the hope of going back with you than wait here alone. I am also a monk!"

Seeing the serious expression of a child on the handsome face of the Elf, it was inexplicably inconsistent, but Xu Yangyi did not laugh.

After a long time, he said: "You must promise that when you arrive, you will listen to me, and you will never act on your own."

"I promise."

"If you encounter unavoidable danger, leave me alone. You must go first."


"Do you agree or not?"

"Okay..." After a long time, Zhao Ziqi gritted his teeth and said, "I...will try my best."

Xu Yangyi nodded, put away his serious expression, smiled, rubbed his head and said, "Get some rest. Tomorrow, my brother will take you to a familiar old place."

"Where?" Zhao Ziqi's eyes sparkled: "Disneyland?"

"...No..." Xu Yangyi flicked his forehead: "Open the Cloud Realm."

Zhao Ziqi was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said excitedly: "Brother... I know! Ten years have come again, haven't they? Do you want to achieve the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment?"

"No. Ten years haven't come yet." Xu Yangyi looked out the window with a smile: "However, I think that three years of 'blood type O in the practice world' and the aura of hundreds of millions of people are enough to push me to the foundation-building perfection!"

"Sooner or later the Sky Burial Festival is up to them?"

That night, he took Zhao Ziqi on a nice trip to New York.

No flying, walk slowly. There is no need to worry about money at all. The bank card given to Xu Yangyi by the Covinus family is six figures. Money in the mortal world is not too important to the world of spiritual practice, especially to a great spiritualist who holds the "key" and is in the late Marquis period and can deliver a great strike.

The Holy White Cross, after he filled out the form, also had a card, also with six digits. However, he didn't want to have any deep connections with other great spiritualists yet, so he didn't decide to go to class.

The next day, the two flew over Bermuda and rushed into the vast sea.

As it went deeper and deeper, golden light emitted from the bodhi seed on Xu Yangyi's chest. Except for him, no one can go to Kaiyun Realm. He is the only master recognized by Kaiyun World.

Dream beast...Wuyue...Pengcheng...Wu Mie...Floating clouds...

Under the swaying water, he seemed to have seen a bloody battle in Kaiyun Realm when he first entered the foundation building. Holding Zhao Ziqi's hand, his eyes were hazy, and a golden light appeared below.

"Rumble..." A strange black hole tore open in the water, and seawater could not be poured into it. At this moment, Xu Yangyi and Zhao Ziqi shot in like sharp arrows.

Inside, there is a long black corridor. The two figures were like flying, flying for a full twenty-four hours. The front suddenly becomes clear.


Blue sky, white clouds, and sea, the two of them appeared over Kaiyun Realm again.

At the same time, all the aura alarm devices in Kaiyun Realm, no matter which country they were from, all began to buzz and scream.

"Alarm, alarm."

"World-level spiritual energy intrusion detected, repeat, world-level spiritual energy intrusion detected. Position, x: 1382, y: 2o71."


However, today is still the third update...

Because, I suddenly remembered that it is the Lantern Festival

Wish all readers a happy Lantern Festival~!!!

Also, I wish this book will perform better and better

Commonplace: This is the first time I write fantasy, because I wanted to write one after watching Mortal Enters the Tao. Perhaps, there are many errors at the beginning. I feel that I have gone in the wrong direction since the first Golden Pill Auction, but I feel that I have been pulled back after returning to Earth


I will update three times irregularly in the future

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