
Chapter 563: Advancing to the Void Pill (I)

Two and a half years passed in a flash.

Two and a half years later, Xu Yangyi sat in the sky above the Endless Sea, and below him, the sea surface was already covered with black coffins.

It seemed calm, but in fact, all the satellites in Kaiyun Realm were anchored to him.

"Three years..." In the newly established "Shangchen Special Operations Group" office in Shangchen, an old man with white hair looked at the monitor with eagle eyes, and the red dot on it was motionless: "Two and a half years ago, this gentleman came here and sat in the sky without moving. We immediately set up a special operations team... I didn't expect this gentleman to sit there for so many years!"

"Why don't you use weapons to shoot him down?" A new colonel beside him said in a deep voice: "I don't believe that he can survive after the missiles go over!"

"I also believe that the missiles are effective against him. However, the premise is that they hit the target." The old man shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid he can leave the moment he is discovered. Once he leaves, all the bigwigs in the Kaiyun world will die. No one dares to take this risk. To be honest, it is the best situation for him not to take action now. "

"Besides, this gentleman said that he would leave after the Sky Burial Festival."

The colonel was stunned: "I said why the Sky Burial Festival was held seven years in advance..."

"This is also his request." The old man looked at the screen with great emotion: "Powerful... This is the real power, completely beyond human beings. It is no problem to destroy a city. Whatever he wants, we can only give it, without room for bargaining... I hope he won't be too greedy..."

At this moment, all the instruments sounded.

"It's started!" Everyone was solemn.

It really started.

On the sea, Xu Yangyi looked solemn. The Sky Burial Festival officially started today. This is also the only place where he can absorb spiritual power. With the arrival of twelve o'clock noon. The sea of ​​the entire Kaiyun world is full of spiritual energy.

In three years, hundreds of thousands of coffins were lying on the sea. The boiling spiritual energy wrapped from all directions made him almost unable to breathe.

In Shangchen, all heads of state put aside all their work and looked at the satellite images with solemn eyes.

On the image, the figure that was clearly visible did not hide himself at all. Ten thousand green lights suddenly burst out from his body. A green vortex suddenly appeared behind him and slowly rotated. In less than thirty seconds, the green vortex that was originally ten meters in size had expanded to hundreds of meters!

It was like a green cloud cave appeared in the air. As the vortex rotated, Xu Yangyi looked up to the sky and roared, and the entire sea surface began to vibrate.

"Hua La La..." The sea water rippled, forming layers of waves. The coffin lids of hundreds of thousands of coffins in the harbor "Hua Hua" sounded, and then a thick layer of fog covered the sea surface, and it became thicker and thicker.

"This is..." In Shangchen, the chairman took a breath of cold air: "Spiritual energy?"

"Such a dense spiritual energy?" Beside him, the prime minister held a teacup and pursed his lips and said with emotion: "No matter how many times I see it, it feels thrilling... How can a person do this..."

"Heh..." In the center of the Endless Sea, Xu Yangyi raised his head and felt the long-lost spiritual energy washing over his body and moisturizing every meridian.

The vortex of four times the spiritual power rotated wildly, like a turbine. If it were an ordinary person, twenty or thirty thousand Yue Nu's lifelong spiritual energy would definitely be enough for the other party to advance to the Great Perfection, but he couldn't.

Everything has a price. Being powerful brings four times the difficulty of advancement.

"Fortunately, this seat took over Kaiyun Realm that day." He took a deep breath. Only here did he clearly feel how terrible the absorption of four times the spiritual power was.

Of course, he never regretted it.

If you want to become stronger, how can you not pay a price?

"Come on..." Without any reservation, hundreds of thousands of Yue women's lifelong spiritual energy came back crazily. This feeling has been missing for a long time... Unlike the golden apple entering the body, every bit of these spiritual energies settled in the body. A sense of power rose quietly.

"Boom boom boom..." The monitors of all countries in Kaiyun Realm were watching here. They saw that white spiritual energy rose from the coffins one after another. Xu Yangyi was like a magnet, and the spiritual energy in the air was surging.

"This is a spiritual master!" someone exclaimed.

"30%... 60%... 65%..." Xu Yangyi's eyes were full of golden light, and the spiritual power in his body was getting stronger and stronger. The previous accumulation broke out at this moment. Originally, no cultivator dared to use this method. If there was too much spiritual energy in the outside world, it would immediately cause the cultivator to be unable to control it, thus causing a spiritual energy riot. At the least, he would become a mortal, and at the worst, he would explode and die.

But Xu Yangyi was different. He had never relaxed his practice. He was not like other cultivators whose spiritual energy was always in a full state. His meridians have always been dry, and the constant expansion and rotation of the virtual spirit body has made him like a hungry glutton, waiting for the once-in-a-decade feast.

The vortex of double spiritual power has been filled, less than three hours. Now it is pouring spiritual energy into the quadruple vortex. And the spiritual energy of the entire Kaiyun Realm has only disappeared by one third.

"Great perfection, more than enough!"

However, at this moment, he suddenly frowned.

The virtual spirit body... is changing.

Just as the cultivation base was rapidly impacting the threshold of great perfection, a hexagonal green light wall suddenly appeared on the periphery of the virtual spirit body.

At first, it was just a flash, barely detectable with the naked eye, but as he felt the spiritual energy in his body approaching the 100% threshold, these light walls continued to flash, and actually wrapped the vortex in the dantian into a fist-sized sphere!

"What is this?" He frowned slightly, pondered for a few seconds, and suddenly relaxed, with an uncontrollable excitement in his tone: "Condensate... into a pill?!"

Suddenly, a light "hum..." sounded, and he had no time to look. He opened his eyes immediately. A touch of hot joy flashed quietly.

Just now, the second spiritual energy vortex, representing four times the spiritual power, emitted a dazzling green light. An indescribable feeling of fullness passed through like an electric current.

He didn't speak, but clenched his fist lightly.

It was still the same fist. However, every muscle and every blood vessel could feel the unparalleled explosive power.

"Hmph." He snorted lightly, and the spiritual power moved through his body. In an instant, every bone crackled. He actually grew two or three centimeters taller.

Foundation building is complete!

Even in China, there are only a handful of people who have reached the Great Perfection. In the late stage of foundation building, one is qualified to challenge the Golden Elixir. In the Great Perfection, one can already see the door to the Golden Elixir!

The spiritual energy is like a dragon and snake, without any swelling or pain, but like a river entering the sea, everything is under control.

The previous hardships and the hard training like a monk have all turned into strength and rewarded themselves. He stared at his palm, took a long breath, and slapped it gently.


The rocks collapsed, the waves hit the shore, and with this light palm, the sea surface seemed to be hit by a legendary monster! A huge palm shape appeared on the sea surface with a bang, with a radius of 300 meters, which had already broken through the 100-meter magical range of the foundation building!

The splashing waves, the sunlight reflected from the fog-like spiritual energy, dyed Xu Yangyi's surroundings into a blurred paradise. It was as if the sky was upside down and the rain was pouring back. The picture was beautiful with a worshipful majesty.

"Woo..." With a buzzing sound, a huge figure of more than 20 meters flew upside down into the sky, making an inexplicable whine.

It was a sperm whale.

Xu Yangyi's eyes calmed down after ecstasy and looked around him.

At this moment, time seemed to stop.

The surroundings seemed like a paradise for marine life. Various fish, sharks, and whales that could not be named were turned upside down by that floating palm and hit into the air, turning into an ocean museum in the sky.

Throwing up, falling, a perfect parabola.

Under them, the palm print was more than a hundred meters deep, and endless sea water poured in, forming a huge sea cave.

There was no sound in front of the monitor.

There were only pairs of shocked eyes.

It was not that they couldn't speak, but they didn't know what to say at all. This palm that was beyond human imagination had never happened in the Kaiyun world! No one could have imagined that this was a palm made by human power!

It was powerful and magnificent.

"Fuck..." I don't know how long it took, in the room as quiet as a morgue, an old man with three golden stars on his shoulders cursed in an unknown tone for the first time after carrying three stars.

Time seemed to stand still. After a few seconds, with a series of "boom" sounds of falling into the water, the marine creatures and the seawater within a radius of 300 meters fell into the sea, and there was another mess of broken jade.

"More than five times the previous one." Xu Yangyi pondered and retracted his palm. Looking inside, sure enough, the vortex of double spiritual power and quadruple spiritual power has expanded a lot.

The quality is still the same, but the quantity has increased according to the percentage.

"But..." His eyes moved to the position of the virtual spirit body in the dantian, his eyes burned a little, and then looked at the spiritual energy in the outside world that was still like a tide, took a deep breath, and in the green vortex, the golden apple's golden light suddenly became stronger!

"There is still half a year before we have to go to the holy city of Jerusalem. Now... there are at least 50,000 or 60,000 spiritual energies that have not been absorbed. How can we miss this opportunity!"

"The hexagonal light wall above the spiritual energy vortex is not just a light wall... but a precursor to the formation of the elixir! Now, every bit stronger means one more trump card. At the realm of Void Pill and Great Perfection, this trace of the power of the golden elixir may be able to save my life."

"Come on..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the suppressed golden apple in the dantian burst out with thousands of golden lights! He was completely enveloped in the golden light, and an attraction that was dozens of times more violent than before... no, it was completely different in quality, suddenly broke out!

"This is!!" Just as Xu Yangyi let go of everything and began to absorb spiritual energy without restraint, all the people in Kaiyun Realm who were paying attention to this place exclaimed.

The spiritual mist was too dense to see Xu Yangyi himself, but they could see that the white spiritual energy at Xu Yangyi's position seemed to be attracted by something and began to gather and rotate in one place... In the end... it actually formed a white tornado!

It was as if there was an invisible giant mouth below, swallowing up the spiritual energy!

No one could say anything anymore. Everyone looked at each other in astonishment. No one could have imagined that human cultivation could reach this level!

"Is this... really a spiritual master?" After a long while, the defense minister of a country smiled bitterly and sat down dejectedly: "He... can already be considered a god..."

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