
Chapter 564: Going to Jerusalem

Xu Yangyi didn't know this, and even if he knew, he would just sneer. God? It's still a long way from the real god.

The meridians in the body finally felt a little swollen. But at this moment, countless runes suddenly flashed on the golden apple.

"Swish..." All the spiritual energy that entered the body, along with the shining of golden light, actually gathered into the vortex where the golden apple was. Then, one by one, colorful spiritual energy points flew out of the vortex and filled the whole body.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed: "It... is automatically purifying spiritual energy?!"

He remembered what he saw at the beginning, the golden apple was absorbing and purifying all the time, and he never expected that it would still be purified after being put into the body!

"But what are these colorful spiritual energy? Five elements?"

No more thinking, the opportunity cannot be missed. Although he didn't know what it was, he could feel the refinement of these light points.

With the tornado-like inhalation of spiritual energy this time, the hexagonal light wall in his sea of ​​qi flickered wildly.

The fog thickened again.

One day later, the tornado dissipated, the fog faded, and only the figure sitting cross-legged in the air remained. It looked the same as before, but even in front of the monitor, everyone could feel that this person was completely different from before.

If... before, it was a wolf, now it is a tiger.

And... this change has not stopped.

Rays of colorful light burst out from every pore of Xu Yangyi, and after more than ten hours, black spiritual energy was expelled from the pores. It was like millions of years of biological evolution was taking place rapidly, but this evolution was condensed into a few years or months.

There was silence in front of all the monitors.

"Monster..." After a long time, a president sighed and left the room sadly.

"Notify all troops that no matter what, they must not enter that area. There is an absolute restricted area. Even airplanes cannot fly over it."

What else is there to see?

What else is there to see?

Anyway... for Kaiyunjie, this is already a dominant existence. If he is given time, he can kill nearly one billion people here.

Time passed day by day.

Half a year later, Xu Yangyi finally opened his eyes again.

As he opened his eyes, the surrounding space actually made a sound of being overwhelmed.

"Xu Dan..." His eyes revealed a sigh and a kind of disbelief. He never expected that he would actually step into the half door of Jin Dan.

"No..." He looked deeply inward: "It's just a little bit short... just a little bit!"

"The three-year spiritual energy supply of the entire Kaiyun Realm is not enough! I can't even condense a trace of the power of Jin Dan, but I can feel that it's just a little bit short, the last bit!"

"Ka Ka Ka..." He clenched his hands fiercely. In his body, outside a rotating green vortex, infinitely substantial colorful shells surrounded him layer by layer, like the debris outside the black hole in space.

Only one step away from the Xu Dan realm!

The outer shell of the Jin Dan is complete. When these shells can be completely closed, the spiritual energy will flow from the outside to the inside, from the body to the Dan. It is the real Xu Dan realm!

Then, little by little, this cracked Xu Dan is rounded. Grind until there is not a single crack left, that is...

Golden Core.

World Supreme!

Now, he has seen this step. Infinitely close to the realm of Void Core!

"The only difference is..." He pondered: "I have never heard of five-color and golden core."

"Any cultivator's golden core has its own color, and five-color has never been recorded." He looked at the pieces of shell rotating around the vortex with some suspicion. But soon, he let go of the idea.

"What's missing."

He frowned and tapped his knees lightly: "I clearly felt... hundreds of thousands of spiritual energy, how terrifying, but it can't fill my meridians at all. For ordinary foundation building, I'm afraid that 30,000 to 50,000 is enough for him to advance to Golden Core, and four times the spiritual power is enough to condense a trace of the power of the Grand Duke. However... every time I feel that I have touched that door, I always can't grasp it."

The opportunity has not arrived.

After pondering for an hour, he sighed: "Golden elixir... It should not be possible to simply accumulate spiritual power. Perhaps something else is needed."

"But now is not the time to think about these things." He stood up after pondering: "I have exceeded the agreed period by several days. I guess... those grand dukes are also waiting impatiently."

He looked up at the sky. The sky was high and the clouds were light. The migratory birds spread their wings. He couldn't help but let out a long roar. The sound shook a hundred miles.

"Holy City... Jerusalem, I am here!"

"Swish!" He turned into a stream of light and rushed straight to the bottom of the sea.

Beside the monitor, the heads of state of various countries had no time to breathe a sigh of relief, and then they all stood up in shock!

"Boom..." On the huge screen, as Xu Yangyi rushed into the seabed, a huge sea cave was formed!

It was bottomless and had a radius of 500 meters!

Endless ocean currents rushed to the bottom like a waterfall. Those marine creatures who didn't know what was happening wailed and rolled, falling into the sea cave as if a storm of creatures had fallen.

"This..." A leader trembled and said, "What kind of monster is he..."

That night, Xu Yangyi returned to Earth. After making final preparations with Zhao Ziqi, he stepped into St. John's Cathedral the next day.

Lawrence personally greeted him and immediately took him into the innermost room. With a wave of his hand, everything was cut off.

"You are finally here." He suppressed his excitement and breathed a sigh of relief silently.

"Does His Majesty the Holy Whip think that the younger generation will not come?"

Lawrence did not answer, wiped off the storage ring on his hand and handed it to Xu Yangyi.

"Everything you want is in it." He patted Xu Yangyi's hand deeply, his eyes were like torches: "In half a month, the gate of Jerusalem will open once every three years. You must rush to Pakistan within one day. You..."

He suddenly flashed his eyes and looked at Xu Yangyi in astonishment.

Xu Yangyi looked at each other calmly.

"Nominal Grand Duke?" After a few seconds, he spoke with an unbelievable voice: "Three years?"

Three years of nominal Grand Duke, this record is too terrible! He clearly remembered that three years ago, this person was promoted to the late marquis not long ago. Three years later, not only was he perfected in one breath, but he also condensed a touch of the power of the Grand Duke!

This... is simply impossible!

He really wanted to say this. He practiced step by step, and he knew very well how long it would take for a half-step Grand Duke to condense his whole body's spiritual energy in the previous step and see that door.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Throughout the ages, many half-steps have fallen in the process of condensing this trace of the power of the Grand Duke. It is conceivable how difficult it is to use your existing knowledge to practice unknown things.

However, this person not only did it, but also did it at least ten times faster than he imagined!

He looked at Xu Yangyi deeply, suppressing the shock in his heart. Then he grabbed out of thin air, and an ID card appeared, as well as a black booklet.

"Identity card." He unfolded them one by one: "This certificate will lead you to our people. Time is too short. No organization can build a team that is completely under its control and can enter the Holy City within three years."

Xu Yangyi unfolded them gently, and his thick eyebrows immediately raised: "Bayonet? I remember that this is a very famous special forces unit in the Southwest Military Region of China. It is not recorded in any sect files and is directly under the General Staff. How can Catholics insert believers in Bayonet?"

Lawrence smiled slightly: "Faith has no borders."

"This is the information of Bayonet."

A piece of information flew over, and Xu Yangyi took a glance and roughly understood the content of this special forces, which is known as one of the most secretive special forces in China.

It was extremely detailed, with everyone's preferences, enlistment age, weapons, etc., all available.

"Fourteen people, demolition experts, assaulters, snipers, logistics personnel, computer and cryptography experts, humanities experts... two each. Good configuration. No monks." He only glanced at it, and Dan Ling, who had a photographic memory, remembered it.

"In addition, you must not have any religious tattoos on your body." Lawrence said solemnly.


"Death." Lawrence said in a deep voice: "No one can save you, Mr. X, remember, none of us can enter Jerusalem, the holy land of the three religions, you must not underestimate the enemy. This Grand Duke dares to guarantee that there must be a prince inside! One hundred percent, and there is likely to be more than one!"

"Remember... Remember." He patted Xu Yangyi's hand and repeated it again. Xu Yangyi felt that even a noble man like Lawrence had a layer of fine sweat in his palms, and he didn't know whether he was excited or nervous: "Out of line, death, revealing the sect, death, killing any believers, death, actions and beliefs that violate Islam, or death."

"There are no rules there, the only rule is not to try to provoke any believers in the holy city. Your goal is just to get the key, and then leave immediately."

He paused, and a hazy golden light flashed in his hand: "Time is very tight, you are seven days late, this Grand Duke will try to be brief."

The golden light turned into a light curtain, and a disc appeared on it.

Xu Yangyi squinted his eyes and looked at it for a long time. This was a bronze disc, divided into twelve parts, each of which was a constellation. It was covered with rust and had strong traces of time.

Eleven parts were already gathered, but the last Pisces was missing.

It looked very ordinary.

He looked at it for a few seconds, and suddenly, he felt dizzy, and then... the surroundings seemed to have turned into the night sky, with stars shining in it.

He shook his head violently, and everything in front of him slowly recovered.

"This is..." He looked at the disc solemnly: "Key?"

What on earth is this? Without seeing the real thing, just a projection, it makes people feel like being swallowed?

"That's right!" Lawrence stood up, veins popping out on his pale hands. Even the Grand Duke couldn't help but feel excited: "The key to the Tower of Babel... the guiding light... In the past three years, all the Grand Dukes of Europe and America have gone all out to find these eleven puzzles from places you can't even imagine. It... is jointly managed by all the European and American families. I believe... I am sure that when Pisces appears, the true location of the Tower of Babel will be pointed out!"

"It is also... the time when this great secret buried for thousands of years is pried open by us!"

"The secret of the world... the secret of the ancient cultivators thousands of years ago... their legacy..." He suppressed his excitement and flicked the light screen lightly: "It's all here!"

"Mr. X, please go here immediately. Our informant will tell you the specific situation. And... he will assist you at all costs, including his life."

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