
Chapter 565: Bayonet

Pakistan, capital, Islamabad.

The wide asphalt road, the modern fiberglass high-rise buildings, are mixed with countless religious buildings. It is different from people's imagination of the half-clothed and messy city. Islamabad, which combines ancient religion and modernity, is here. A strange harmony emerges from this distortion.

However, on most roads, you can see men and women of various skin colors, most of them wearing camouflage uniforms, and many of them even have bulging waists that can be seen at a glance. Both men and women have very strong bodies. They may not be as good as bodybuilding champions, but they are like the most agile panthers. They can often give passers-by a chill at the first glance.

That's murderous intent.

The murderous aura that actually touched human life on his hands.

No one would be foolish to fight here, because the civil strife in the Middle East came from Pakistan and Israel. The entire Arab countries fought a bloody war for the holy city of Jerusalem starting from here, which lasted for hundreds of years.

Here, among the foreigners, who may be provocative at will, they will encounter the king of soldiers of the country. No one is worse than the other. Therefore, Islamabad actually highlights a relative peace amidst the smoke everywhere.

"Fuck!" In a high-end hotel near the city center, a short-haired woman cursed lightly and retracted her finger from the gap in the blinds: "It's Engel's people. They are here too."

Authentic Chinese language.

"German Engel troops?" Behind her, six men sat, including her, a total of seven people, all Asians, all wearing camouflage uniforms.

A thin man lying on the bed, with a black vest exposed in the open camouflage, took off a gun like a toy, and quickly put it back on, saying calmly: "Formidable opponents, they should be number one in woodland combat." ?”

This is not an ordinary camouflage, but a specially made one. Ordinary infrared scanning cannot detect them. This piece of clothing alone is worth a lot of money.

However, they don't look very good.

"First? J8! Have you asked me?"

"Bang!" A chair was kicked over, and a man with a beard, a man in his late twenties and a rough face, spoke fluent Chinese with some Northeastern flavor, said fiercely: "Little Reiko, are you still in the mood to look at others! Do you know how long we have been waiting?”

"Five days! Damn it! Who is so fucking arrogant! A new recruit! He just graduated from the Southwest Special Forces Training Department. Who is behind the scenes? He dares to put bayonets on us?!"

"Among us, which one is not top-notch in the relevant profession? A new recruit who has never heard of it puts a knife in his bayonet! Damn! Why! Who is he?" He lit a cigarette fiercely: "The last day! I'm just waiting for the last day! It doesn't matter who's involved, I won't buy it!"

"Go out and smoke." Sitting on the sofa is a gentle man wearing glasses. The camouflage uniform on him looks a little out of place. A silver knife flew in his hand. Although his fingers seemed to be slender, the knife could not hurt him at all: "Don't lose your cool. This special soldier named Xu Feng has a blank background. Maybe..."

"No chance." There was a tall man sitting in the middle of the sofa. He looked young but very calm. He also lit a cigarette. However, the man with glasses only glanced at him but did not speak.

"There is no sense of time. The bayonet never needs such a person." The man, about 1.9 meters tall, handsome and rugged, bit his cigarette butt: "I stayed and waited for him, just to let him know that the bayonet will never let go." He comes in and gives an explanation to the people behind him.”

The Northeastern man who spoke before snorted, put his hands on the sofa and panted unhappily, but his eyes lingered on the cigarette in the man's mouth. After a few seconds, his hand took the other person's cigarette over like lightning, and he felt deep in his heart. He took a deep breath and looked like he was coming to life.

The man with glasses frowned and pushed up his glasses, but said nothing.

"Brother Chu is right. We can't be a burden." The short-haired woman sat back. If you look carefully, you will find that all of them are far away from the windows and doorways, with solid walls behind them. This has almost become their instinct. : "The bayonet belongs directly to the General Staff and is one of the five strongest special forces in China. Who is not the king of soldiers? But that's it. We all have to go through special training when we come in. Why doesn't he need it?"

"I don't accept it!" The big man took a deep puff of his cigarette and blew out smoke rings and said, "What the hell, you dare to thrust a bayonet into someone now? I'll write my resignation when I get back and stuff a bird into my mouth!"

"That's a matter of going back." The man with glasses remained calm: "No matter how we reject him, we must tell the people behind him. We can't even check his background. This Xu Feng has a big background, so we have to give him something." Son’s face.”

"Go back?" The big man put out the cigarette butt: "When he comes here, I have to let him know that not everyone can enter here, and he dares to be five days late? Huh?"

"Dong dong dong..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and everyone seemed to have a telepathic understanding, and the whole house was muted.

The handsome man on the sofa nodded towards the man with glasses. The man immediately opened the computer knowingly, and his fingers were flying. However, there was strangely no sound, and there was no light from the computer. Countless numbers were reflected in his glasses.

Five seconds later, the computer connected and displayed a tall man about 1.85 meters tall, wearing the same camouflage, at the door, leaning against the wall and knocking on the door leisurely.

Fuck! The big man raised his eyebrows and was about to curse angrily.

"Who." Finally, the man sitting on the sofa spoke. Their eyes were so sharp that they could tell at a glance that the other party was Xu Feng, whose information was blank.

"D-3187." Xu Yangyi smiled bitterly and shook his head. He never thought that he could be related to mortals. However, Jerusalem, without this relationship, he really couldn't get in.

This bitter smile made everyone in the room furious.

Are you right?

Bayonet is the facade of the Chinese special forces. Many people want to get in but can't. Now you come to airborne, we don't say anything, do you mean that you don't want to come?

A few days late, all the arrangements were disrupted because of you alone, is this attitude?

But no one said anything.

The man with glasses winked at the handsome man, and then the big man immediately rushed out and opened the door. Let the other party in with a fake smile.

Xu Yangyi brought Qianhuan with him. As soon as he entered the room, his eyes swept around, but immediately stopped at the face of the man in the middle.

He never expected to see him here.

But... No!

Where is his aura?

His aptitude is not low either. Where is his aura?

He definitely can't feel it. His realm is the most advanced in China. How can he not feel his aura?

There is only one possibility...

Thinking of this possibility, he clenched his fist.

"You are angry." A statement. The man with glasses stood up. In everyone's eyes, there was no friendliness of looking at brothers, but an undisguised picky, xenophobic, and a hint of hidden anger.

"No." Xu Yangyi looked around. There were seven people. The room was full, and no one stood up to let him sit down.

Forget it, they are just mortals.

Among these people, only he can make himself look up to him.

"Do you know Captain Chu." The man with glasses pushed his glasses and continued to say affirmatively: "Do you have a feud?"

Xu Yangyi was silent for a few seconds: "Acquaintance."


Everyone looked at the handsome man. Captain Chu was also stunned. He was sure that he didn't know this person.

But... his eyes instantly fell on the other person's button.

Observation is the most basic nature of a special forces soldier. There was an extra button on the other person's collar, and... he was very familiar with this feeling!

Back then... he personally handed this thing to a person...

A person... everyone thought was dead!

"What?" Xu Yangyi saw the other person's eyes and immediately understood that the other person probably had some guesses, and smiled: "Don't welcome me?"

"Chu Zhaonan?"

"Swish!" Chu Zhaonan stood up, and everyone unexpectedly found that the captain Chu, who had never been calm, was actually shaking slightly at this moment. I don't know if it was excitement or excitement, and his fists were clenched and clicked.

"Is... you?"

Chu Zhaonan couldn't believe it at all!

Is it him?

Is it really him?

The person who left countless memories for me and convinced me?

No... impossible, didn't the other person disappear? How could he come here?

"Whoever you are!" Before Chu Zhaonan finished speaking, the big man had already stood up, and he felt unhappy, very unhappy. Who in the team didn't believe in Captain Chu? As a result, the other party was actually kind to an outsider?

Or an outsider who was late for so long!

"New recruit! Do you know how long you have been late!!" He looked at Xu Yangyi fiercely, his muscles gently twitched, and his body twisted slightly - this was to facilitate the force: "What? Don't you give me an explanation?"

Xu Yangyi frowned, and then he looked at the others seriously.

Everyone looked at the ceiling and drank tea, and was indifferent to this scene.

"I apologize." He said sincerely: "There is an urgent matter, I didn't expect to be delayed for so long."

"Apologize?" The big man laughed, and after a few seconds, he suddenly looked down at Xu Yangyi: "Apologize? Apologize and that's it?"

"We arranged it accurately to every second! Do you know that staying one more day will expose us to danger for one more day! Do you fucking think this mission is easy?! This is a special A-level mission, otherwise do you think you can see us?"

In the army, for newcomers, they must be polished, this is a routine.

Xu Yangyi thought for a moment and said, "I sincerely apologize."

He was so confident that no one in the room knew what to say. The man playing with the gun looked up in surprise, and there were a few words clearly written in his eyes: Is this guy crazy?

It is impossible that the other party has not heard of the name of Bayonet. It is a common practice in the army for a new soldier to bow his head when he comes to Bayonet. This kid... is here to be a troublemaker?

The big man was stunned for a moment, then he laughed in anger, lit a cigarette, and spit on Xu Yangyi's head: "Awesome, really awesome."

"I haven't seen such an awesome new soldier in several years."

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