
Chapter 566: Deterrence

He didn't get angry, but laughed strangely: "Come on, recruit, tell me about your qualifications. At least you have some special skills, right? I heard that awesome people have something special. Come on, tell me. "

Xu Yangyi crossed his arms and said with a half-smile, "I have no special skills."

"Really?" The woman sneered unabashedly: "Recruit, don't worry, you can't get in here without special skills. If you have any, just tell me the advice my sister gave you. This bull has a bad temper, and I can't guarantee it. You have to stop him."

Xu Yangyi thought for a while: "He is very good at fighting."

The whole audience was stunned again.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of laughter broke out, and even the bespectacled man's mouth curved slightly.

Very good at fighting?


Even if you are a woman here, it will not be a problem for you to take down a dozen elite soldiers by yourself! If they were given special circumstances, it would be possible for one person to kill an entire company.

"Boy, don't you understand the situation?" A man in his thirties with a scar on his face sneered: "You can't get in with a bayonet."

The big man looked at Xu Yangyi with a sneer: "No matter how good you are in fighting, can you defeat a group? Can you defeat a gun? Stop teasing me."

"What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting." The big man tilted his head and pointed at the door with his chin: "Get out! Go wherever you come from! There is no need for a bayonet, let alone an unpunctual person! Get out!"

"Black Eagle!" Chu Zhaonan shouted loudly: "Shut up!"

Black Eagle was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xu Yangyi in shock, and then pointed at himself: "You told me to shut up?"

His teeth were grinding together and his chest heaved sharply: "This new recruit, are you asking me to shut up for his sake?"

"I helped you block so many bullets, and you asked me to shut up just for the sake of a new recruit?!"

"Black Hawk." The bespectacled man thought for a moment, then suppressed his smile and frowned: "Captain Chu's orders are never wrong. Sit down first."

"Fuck!!" Black Eagle suddenly stomped the floor, tilted his head and looked at Xu Yangyi, and nodded solemnly. He said nothing and turned away.

The moment he turned around, he was so tall, and he didn't know how to exert force, but he twisted his body and swept towards Xu Yangyi's waist and abdomen.

He just wants to let people know that this is a bayonet, and you can't get in based on connections!

"Brush!" Before Xu Yangyi could move, Chu Zhaonan rushed to the opponent and blocked the opponent's kick.

There was silence.

The gun player put down his gun, the tea drinker put down his teacup, and everyone looked at the scene in front of them in astonishment.

A second later, the big man exclaimed and immediately went over to pat Chu Zhaonan on the back: "Captain Chu! Are you okay?! I, I didn't mean to do it!"

"Captain Chu! Are you okay?" The short-haired woman was also stunned, and then immediately ran over, her face full of anxiety, and shouted at Black Eagle: "You are fucking sick!"

Everyone stood. Xu Yangyi saw the undisguised worry in everyone's eyes and nodded.

Based on this, he will not touch the people here.

He would even protect them.

"How do I know!!" Black Eagle was also full of will-o'-the-wisps. Turning to look at Xu Yangyi: "Still watching! What a shame! Why don't you come over and see if Captain Chu is okay?"

"If something happens to him, he won't be Chu Zhaonan." Xu Yangyi took the cigarette from the big man's hand and took a puff: "Your feet are too light."

The scene was eerily silent again.

This time, six "Are you fucking crazy?" glances came over.

"Stop screaming." Chu Zhaonan stood up and stared at Black Eagle: "I am saving you!"

"Help me?" Black Eagle didn't react at first, but then he burst into laughter with a "pop" sound. Then, he leaned against the wall with laughter, trembling all over, pointed at the calm Xu Yangyi and laughed loudly: "Help me ?”

"I was the fighting champion of three provinces at the time! The chosen bayonet! This guy?" He almost burst into tears from laughter and pointed at Xu Yangyi: "Is it just him?"

"It's not that I look down on him, but with his size, pfft... hahaha!"

"Captain Chu. This joke is not funny." A square-faced man shrugged.

Xu Yangyi smiled and clapped his hands twice, and everyone looked over.

He took a deep drag on the cigarette, burned it out, and then flicked it toward the wall.

There was a soft "pop" sound, and the cigarette butt bounced to the ground.

The six people looked at each other like crazy people.

Are you sick?

Is this person really sick?

Chu Zhaonan didn't. No one noticed the flash of fire and regret in his eyes, and then he looked at the wall solemnly.

"Hey, you don't think you can use cigarette butts as bullets..."

Before he finished speaking, six exclamations of surprise echoed through the room in an instant.

That wall.

The soundproof wall of the hotel... unexpectedly, there were traces of cracks from the place where the bullet hit. Then... it shattered into pieces!

The man with glasses stood up with a brush.

There was no one next door, it was empty, but his eyes were looking at the wall in disbelief.

Everyone stood up. The man who was playing with a gun dropped his gun to the ground. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Is this really a cigarette butt?

my God! What the hell is this! !

It's not that they can't break down this wall, but it requires preparation and time. Now this person, with ease and no luck, flicked the cigarette butt, and the wall... collapsed?

Black Eagle's eyes almost bulged out, and he looked straight at the wreckage on the ground, and then looked at Xu Yangyi as if he were a ghost. He didn't know how long it took before he squeezed out a few words from his lips: "Are you fucking kidding me? "

Xu Yangyi smiled, patted his shoulder, and walked to the sofa. The woman who was sitting there immediately stood up and asked him to sit down.

"So, I said I'm good at fighting." He smiled and pulled out a box of Chinese on the table: "Do you believe it?"

The six people nodded silently.

This is more than just fucking capable!

Is this a monster?

Who here is not the King of Soldiers? Everyone is a representative of the limits of the human body. Even if the women and glasses are the same, they will never be able to do this!

The cigarette butt broke through the wall. If it hadn't happened in front of them, they would have thought they were watching a movie.

"Hey..." The woman lowered her head and whispered to a relatively short handsome guy who was about 1.75 meters tall next to her: "You studied under the Huang School of Wing Chun. Have you ever seen..."

The handsome young man looked at the woman as if she were an idiot, and twitched his lips: "Are you sick? What I'm doing is kung fu, not magic!"

"Then you and him..."

"Are you sick? I don't want to die."

"Where is this fucking cigarette butt? This is explosive!"

The woman pinched the handsome boy's butt hard and said, "Not cute at all."

I don't know how long it took before Chu Zhaonan came over and stretched out his hand: "Long time no see. Welcome to Bayonet."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

The two strong hands held each other again.

This time, there were no objections from the six people around. Just looking at Xu Yangyi was like looking at a monster.

"My mission is different from yours. When you get to Jerusalem, you don't have to worry about me." Xu Yangyi nodded towards everyone: "If you are within the scope of my mission, you can contact me. If the situation permits, I will save you."

No one had any objections.

The army itself belongs to the strong. As strong as Xu Yangyi is, he is simply out of the human realm. However, they will never know that this is just a drop in the ocean of the other party.

"Moli, check out, we'll leave immediately in the evening." Chu Zhaonan turned around and said, then paused: "Xu Feng, you and I are in the same car."

"Yes." Xu Yangyi grinned and performed a non-standard military salute.

"This kid has 100% never been in the military." A man's mouth twitched: "For those who don't know, they thought it was a military salute from the GUO Kuomintang..."

"Where did they find these monsters..."

Soon, everyone left the hotel and got into their cars.

When Xu Yangyi went downstairs, he glanced at the hotel opposite with a subtle look.

"The bayonet is gone." At the same time, in the hotel next to it, a thin white man took back his binoculars: "Their anti-tracking is very powerful, and we have been unable to cut into their room. However, it seems that a violent explosion occurred in the room just now. Shocked, this gave me an opportunity.”

"Keep an eye on them." An Asian man next to him spat fiercely: "This time, our mission is to find that thing... The Christians pressed too hard. I heard that they even sent real people. Master."

"Are we not considered real masters?" A hoarse female voice came from behind.

The Asian man looked gloomy: "Have you never heard of 'Rattlesnake'?"

"Rattlesnakes? Is it them?!" The white man gasped: "There are five people in total, from five continents... known as the most terrifying and powerful killer organization in history?"

"That's right..." The Asian man licked his lips: "Also, there is something wrong with Captain Chu of the Bayonet. His background cannot be found in any way, but... once I was chatting with Governor Kun Cha of the Golden Triangle, and something unexpected happened Found someone I’ve known for a long time.”


"Who is not important, what is important is..." The man narrowed his eyes: "If the information is correct, this guy has not changed his appearance for more than fifty years, and, from the little blood samples I obtained, his body The function is still the same as that of a twenty-year-old.”

He sighed with emotion: "What a wonder..."

"How is this possible?" the woman's voice exclaimed: "Immortality? Is this a legend?"

"Who knows. However, this time, the Catholic big shot specially ordered that he must be caught. I don't know why..." His eyes fell on the silently moving vehicle below, and he whistled: "The five top Special Forces, plus the Diamondbacks, all took on the mission."

He raised his hand casually, and a cold light flew out, without even looking, it was nailed to the wall.

The spider kept sliding down silently.

"Jerusalem..." There was a trace of bloodlust in his eyes, and a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's about to become chaotic..."

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