
Chapter 567: Message from an old friend

Four SUVs drove slowly on the road, one behind the other. Bayonet everyone sat on it.

"Tell did this kid do that?" In the second car, Black Hawk looked directly at the car in front of him, holding a cigarette butt in his mouth and humming: "Did you bury someone next door before you came in?" A silent bomb?"

Xiao Lingzi beside her was fixing her makeup and rolled her eyes at him: "Isn't your head full of paste? There is an empty room next door, with more than a dozen clairvoyant monitors in it. No one has ever entered it. Besides, it's silent. Bombs? We haven’t heard of bayonets, it’s so weird.”

"How did you do that?" Black Eagle put his forehead on the steering wheel, puzzled: "A cigarette butt, bounced through a wall? Is this a fucking ghost? Isn't that what the internal masters in novels are like? In reality, we are all considered to be great masters of free fighting, and it’s not like we’ve never seen such masters before, how can we be so exaggerated?”

Xiao Lingzi shrugged. If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. This is her principle.

"You still put on makeup? Are you attracted to someone else?" Black Eagle said unhappily when he didn't get an answer.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense. This is my hobby. I'm usually covered in blood and sweat, so I'm messing with you by putting on makeup? I'm driving seriously and I'm about to hit you."

Not just them, everyone who saw the scene just now was talking about the incredible scene.

In the car at the front, Chu Zhaonan sat in the driver's seat without saying a word, and Xu Yangyi sat in the passenger seat.

There was no conversation for an entire hour. Xu Yangyi took out a cigarette and threw one to the other party: "We haven't seen each other for so long. Why don't you say something?"

"There's nothing to say." Chu Zhaonan replied calmly: "I'm very happy that you are still alive."

"That's it?" Xu Yangyi said with a half-smile, "Don't you ask?"

Chu Zhaonan didn't answer.

"But I do." Xu Yangyi turned his head and looked directly into the other person's eyes, with a storm lurking in his eyes: "Where is your aura?"

Still no answer.

"Tell me, where did your spiritual energy go?"

"Is everyone in Nanzhou the same as you?"

Still no answer, Xu Yangyi's spiritual consciousness was released unabashedly, penetrating Chu Zhaonan's clothes, and immediately saw an obvious wound in the opponent's Dantian area.

Around the wound, there were talismans densely covered. Regarding his current state and knowledge, he immediately recognized what it was.

"The talisman that swallows the meridians..." A cold light flashed in his eyes, and murderous intent boiled in his heart: "Once attached to the human body, it will gradually block the meridians of the Great Zhoutian, turning a monk into a cripple within three years. And it will not affect mortals. life function. Is this... a punishment from the government?”

Xu Yangyi felt the blood surge in his heart. He clenched his fists and suppressed the feeling of rushing back to Nanzhou. He stared at Chu Zhaonan who was concentrating on driving and said word by word: "Who did it?"

"Tell me...who it is!"

"So what if I tell you!" Chu Zhaonan seemed to be angry at last, or in other words, he put away his old arrogance and pretended to be calm and calm. The mask he pretended to be was ruthlessly torn off by Xu Yangyi. He stepped on the accelerator suddenly and the car rushed forward with a roar. Got out. He didn't even look at the steering wheel, his glasses were a little red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't blame you! I decided to go on my own in the first place! Why are you asking me to get to the bottom of it! Are you looking for a slap in the face?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he slammed the horn, and the SUV made a harsh horn sound.

This is his true face.

Xu Yangyi looked directly into his eyes: "But if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be like this."

"I don't blame you." After Chu Zhaonan vented his anger in an instant, he picked up the cigarette that Xu Yangyi threw over and looked out the window with a puff of smoke: "No one expected the result. If I hear this opportunity again, I will also will go."

After a few seconds of silence, Xu Yangyi grabbed his hand. Chu Zhaonan struggled and frowned. However, the next second, he felt the needle prick and wanted to take it back, but Xu Yangyi held it firmly in his hand.


Extremely powerful spiritual energy!

It’s the kind of spiritual energy that can almost destroy heaven and earth in the Qi refining stage!

"Tell me." Xu Yangyi repeated again, without any impatience, with a murderous look on his face: "Only when you have to take responsibility can you become a monk."

“That was the first lesson I learned after graduating.”

"This cause and effect arises because of me, and it will naturally end because of me."

"who is it?"

Chu Zhaonan looked at Xu Yangyi blankly. He never expected that after decades... Xu Yangyi would reach this level of terror!

A sense of loss suddenly arose in his heart.

At the beginning, I could still be on an equal footing with him, but now... the other party has left him so far away.

He wanted to chase the opponent, but he could only see the opponent's back from beginning to end. This made him feel so mixed at the moment that he couldn't say a word.

After a long while, he said in a hoarse voice: "Are you showing off?"

He turned his head away and looked out the window, his eye circles slightly red.

The cigarette was too choking... He took a long puff.

"You know I'm not." Xu Yangyi let go of his hand and said countless times: "Tell me his name and who did it. No matter who it is, the day I return to China, I will take his head."

After a minute of silence, Chu Zhaonan adjusted his mood, turned his head, and said with extreme resentment in his voice: "Nangong."

"Nangong family?" Xu Yangyi's face was calm, but his voice was as cold as ice: "What realm?"

"Half step... golden elixir..." Chu Zhaonan looked up to the sky and sighed: "Nangong Mingjun, the second elder of the Nangong family. I heard... you killed the sixth young master of the Nangong family."

Danxia Palace?

Xu Yangyi calmly recalled the past, that is to say...the escaped Que Wu and Quan Liu were finally found?'re dead.

It's okay to retaliate if you have a grudge, to retaliate with a straight line. made the mistake of venting your resentment towards me on the people related to me!

"What about the rest?"

"Hard labor." Chu Zhaonan put his head on the speaker, and the harsh sound of the SUV rang all the way, but he ignored it. Over the past few decades, he was too tired, and he had to protect himself and others. He understood... …He understands it all. Only when you have some responsibility can you become a monk. Not only did Xu Yangyi understand Zhu Hongxue's battle, he also understood it.

But... it was too difficult. If there was something, he didn't say it. Xu Yangyi didn't know it at all. Ever since he left, Master Gu Song had been protecting him, but... this matter was too big. There was double pressure from the government and the spiritual world. , Gu Songzhen could only choose to retreat. Then, the Nangong family took over the matter.

He spoke slowly about the past, his voice filled with pain and burning murderous intent, but extremely clear.

"After Gusong Zhenren went into retreat, the Nangong family sealed the spiritual energy of all participants and sent them to the Qinling Mountains...a newly mined mine..." Soot fell all over him, but he didn't care at all, and said hoarsely: "He said...wait Fifty years...if you don't come back, all of them will be sentenced to permanent imprisonment...except grandfather has passed away a long time ago, and you have been gone for fifty or sixty years...who still remembers a has-been minister?"

He finally raised his head and laughed self-deprecatingly: "You think I want to look peaceful like this, and I also want to be happy with my grudges, but no, I am the only one who was released. This is because of my grandfather's past. In my face, everyone else is deep in the Qinling Mountains... I can only force myself to be calm and wait for the opportunity..."

"Really, facing a family that has been passed down for thousands of years...the power of an too small..."

Xu Yangyi patted his shoulder and said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry."

"I'm not sorry. A monk doesn't fight. How is he different from a maggot?" Chu Zhaonan shook his head: "The opportunity back then was really too perfect. No one thought that there was an ulterior motive. None of us blame you."

"Are they okay?"

"No, several elders and ancestors of the Zhao family have all passed away." Chu Zhaonan smiled bitterly: "At such an old age... the spiritual energy is sealed, and I can hardly walk. I live under the whip of the Nangong family every day. He couldn't even eat enough... he was tortured and died five or six years later..."

Xu Yangyi felt an extremely sad consciousness coming from his spiritual consciousness, it was Zhao Ziqi. He turned into a spirit and hid in his mind, and even after hearing the news, he did not reveal himself.

"I'm sorry." Xu Yangyi said in his spiritual consciousness.

"No... it's none of your business." Zhao Ziqi's voice came after a pause: "He is right. Back then... there was no right or wrong. If there was, it was because we were too weak..."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "But, I promise, I will get everything back!"

"What you owe me...the people who killed me...the Nangong family...the day I return to China will be the time when your clan will be exterminated!"

He said this. But Chu Zhaonan shook his head and said, "It's not that simple."

"Brother Xu, why do you think the Nangong family can obtain the mineral veins of the Qinling Mountains? Their power is distributed in the Suzhou and Hangzhou areas, how can they enter the central hinterland of China?"

He looked deeply at the other party: "Because... the patriarch of the Nangong family... just three years after this incident, he was successfully promoted and became the tenth Golden Elixir in China. And Master Yunhe, Master Bao, Master Dizai, Longevity has expired To, has... fallen..."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows, slightly distracted.

In this sentence, he really felt a hint of Baiyun Canggu's meaning.

Back then, when I came out of Yuyang City...step by step, I reached today. Did those real people who seemed to be aloof...finally...turn into shooting stars?

"Mie Ri, Huang Dao, Liu Qingcheng, and Nangong Wujiu have all advanced to the Golden Core level in the past fifty years. Now, there are still ten Golden Core Masters in China. The strange thing is... there is still no Tianzai Master who is half a step into the Nascent Soul. A sign of end of life."

It turns out that the situation has changed drastically... Xu Yangyi nodded with emotion, no wonder, no wonder Nangong Wujiu dared to be so bold and touch the people protected by Master Gu Song.

"Where's my... agent?" He also lit a cigarette, looking at the rapidly retreating scenery outside the window, and asked in a daze.

"I don't know." Chu Zhaonan took a deep breath: "I have used many methods to find traces of it. In the end, I only know that it was taken away by the Nangong family. It is the only one who has not been sentenced to hard labor in the Qinling Mountains."

He smiled: "Oh no, dog."

Xu Yangyi nodded and stopped asking.

Chu Zhaonan couldn't see that the fist he placed on his side was clenched to death.

Very good...Nangong have really given me a great gift!

When "I" become the "real person", I will let you spit it out bit by bit... all of it!

Nangong Wujiu?

Wait, then……

I am not far away from the golden elixir stage... When the time comes, between the early golden elixir stage and the early golden elixir stage, I want to see if I can kill you on the spot!

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