
Chapter 569: Gatekeeper

The two of them didn't say anything more.

The sky gradually darkened. After an unknown amount of time, Xu Yangyi said, "What is your mission? Is it dangerous?"

"Not bad." Chu Zhaonan replied, "I'm used to it. Although I don't have spiritual power, there are still many talismans that don't require spiritual power. They are not dangerous to me."

Xu Yangyi thought for a while, took out a bottle and threw it over: "Keep it."

"The person is not dead, they should all be saved."

Chu Zhaonan took it, opened it and took a look, and gasped: "Pills?"

He suddenly remembered something that shocked the cultivation world decades ago, and suddenly turned to look at Xu Yangyi: "Is it you?"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "It's me."

"I don't have anything else you can use, only this."

Chu Zhaonan was silent for a moment: "Thank you."

No words again, a few hours later, where the sky and the earth met, a gorgeous blue light suddenly appeared.

It was like a veil covering the world. Even from such a distance, Xu Yangyi could feel the terrifying power in it.

The blue light enveloped the sky, which was invisible to mortals. Ruby-like stars were hanging upside down in it, and the light formed a semicircle. In the light cover, circles of extremely complicated talismans kept rotating. Every time he looked at it, even at his current level, he felt pain in his skin.

This was not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing was... above the blue light, a broken scripture was rotating in it, and majestic spiritual light poured out from it. People could not feel the slightest blasphemy.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi's eyes were like fire, and he took a deep breath: "National Defense Array..."

"Om..." As if responding to his voice, between heaven and earth, the blue light intersected, and a holy female figure could be vaguely seen from it.

Wearing a white veil, walking freely. While walking, the stars in the magic array seemed to be reborn, making people feel like they were walking on the edge of the sky when they raised their legs, which was simply unmatched.

"God?" Xu Yangyi's face was already extremely solemn. He never expected that this holy city actually had a national defense formation!

At this moment, his spiritual consciousness suddenly shrank.

He felt...

Just now, because of the shock in his heart, his spiritual consciousness was not withdrawn. Immediately... a full eight terrifying spiritual energies, like prehistoric behemoths, flowed back along his spiritual energy.

Eight Grand Dukes!

"Sha..." He immediately blocked his spiritual consciousness and only used his eyes to observe. On the horizon, the hazy, majestic, but majestic figure seemed to have eight pairs of eyes opened at the same time.

They were like stone sculptures, sitting on the walls of Jerusalem for many years, exposed to the wind and sun. With their eyes that see through everything, they observe everything that comes and goes. He has no doubt that if there is any doubt, it will definitely attract a landslide and tsunami-like attack!

"One Grand Duke, I can still get away. Eight Grand Dukes... are just 'gatekeepers', worthy of being a holy city..."

He didn't see that at the same time, they gathered hundreds of kilometers away. An old man wearing a white turban, a round hat, barefoot and a white robe slowly opened his eyes.

He was very old, with age spots all over his face, but his eyes were as sharp as an eagle. With a white beard down to his chest, he sat cross-legged in the void, and the night behind him was hazy because of his breathing.

"Alayi." A strong male voice came from the void: "Did you feel it?"

The old man did not answer, and looked directly at the direction where Xu Yang came from: "Aimu Zhede... is a figurehead."

Silence, after a few seconds, the strong male voice laughed: "I can't feel the breath of God on him, he is a pagan."

"It's just a mere figurehead pagan." Alayi closed his eyes: "God never believes in the peace of heretics. Since he is coming, then... either convert or... crawl under the sword of God."

"It came from me, and this Grand Council will solve it."

"Be careful, Jerusalem will never allow any heretics to defile it." After saying this, the strong male voice disappeared.

All around, dead silence returned again.

A few hours later, they were getting closer and closer to Jerusalem. Xu Yangyi could fully feel the terrifying and majestic power contained in this holy city of the three religions.

That was the power of faith.

At first, it was covered by blue light, but now, the outline of Jerusalem can be seen. Throughout the city, white light floated up from everyone and merged into the scriptures above. It was not like a city at all, but a huge torch of faith.

Eight tall figures sat cross-legged in the eight directions of Jerusalem, and terrifying spiritual consciousness swept across the ground all the time. The net formed by the eight archdukes made it impossible for all heretics who tried to enter Jerusalem to escape.

Xu Yangyi did not speak. He had already put on a ring on his finger. It was very old and nothing special. However, only he could see that a circle of black light on the ring wrapped around his whole body, and any spiritual consciousness that swept through their car actually avoided him.

The Siren Family Secret Treasure: The Veil of the Siren.

Unless the monarch or the prince, no one can see the secrets hidden under the veil of the siren.

Outside the car, on both sides of the road, devout Muslims, like wheat after autumn, seemed to be inspired by God, all prostrated on the ground, chanting, with tears and piety on their faces. Dozens of meters and hundreds of meters along the road, all of them were saints on pilgrimage. Even if he was not religious, at this moment, he could not help but be impressed by this spectacular religious scene.

Getting closer and closer... The exterior of Jerusalem is already in sight. Finally, at the gate of the city, all the cars stopped.

But... at this moment, Xu Yangyi's eyes narrowed, and the hair on his back stood up!

Just above them, a figure sitting cross-legged in the void moved.

He stood up slightly, and then, with a slight shake, he disappeared into the air.

Grand Duke mid-stage!

These four words, like a blood-red danger signal, screamed desperately in Xu Yangyi's mind. However, he suppressed the feeling of retreat in his heart. Like everyone else, he opened the car door and got out.

Never retreat!

Once you leave, there is no possibility of entering again. Being remembered by the Grand Duke is equivalent to being put on a must-kill order by Jerusalem forever.

"You..." Just after getting off the car, Black Hawk looked at his face: "What's wrong?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head and walked towards the security checkpoint with a normal look.

Jerusalem prohibits the private possession of weapons.

All weapons carried must be confiscated and inspected at the door. Even peacekeeping forces and special forces are the same.

He looked around calmly. Cars of all nationalities were all parked here. Jerusalem's law enforcement officers and guards were using detectors to scan everyone from head to toe.

The detector didn't feel anything on him. The police officer turned and shouted something in Arabic. With a "kakaka" sound, the guardrail in front of him that broke when he touched it finally slowly lifted up.

However, at this moment, a feeling of extreme danger suddenly rose in his heart! It was like a terrifying lion entering a flock of sheep!

No... it was even more terrifying!

It was a Tyrannosaurus Rex that entered the territory of buffalo!

"Grand Duke!" His heart accelerated instantly, biting his tongue gently, and his adrenaline secreted to the extreme: "This is... the Grand Duke himself!"

"He... is coming down! The figure that disappeared just now! Sure enough... he had noticed it before!"

"Boom boom boom..." The heartbeat sounded in his ears, like a drum. He looked calmer. Now, panic was a failure to accelerate. He could feel that the terrifying Grand Duke's spiritual pressure had enveloped this entrance.

In the sky, the invisible sword of Damocles hangs high above his head.

"Go!" Black Hawk came up from behind and patted his shoulder, but before his hand fell, Xu Yangyi's hand grabbed his wrist like lightning, and the force was so great that it almost crushed his hand.

"Fuck!" Black Hawk glared at him for a long time, but did not dare to do anything. He snorted coldly and shook off his hand and walked forward.

No one saw that Xu Yangyi's palms were full of sweat.

"Oops!" He cursed in his heart. The sudden burst of the Grand Duke's spiritual pressure just now, he didn't notice that Black Hawk was beside him, and under conditioned reflex, he almost crushed Black Hawk's wrist bone.

It was this trace... this trace was the only abrupt reaction at the scene, he already felt... that sharp spiritual pressure like a knife, locked him tightly!

Calm... Calm...

His face was even calmer, pretending to glance around inadvertently, his heart was already cold.

As far as his eyes could see, in the air, an old man in a white robe was walking towards him at a leisurely pace.

He put his hands together, with a smile on his face, and his white robe fluttered in the night wind. With every step he took, the sky hundreds of meters above his head trembled slightly, and a mysterious rune followed the other party's steps, bringing up circles of visible ripples, like a god walking in the sky.

The old and dim eyes were brighter than the moonlight, and the night clouds retreated wherever they passed.

Xu Yangyi's eyes swept across the old man who came from the air as naturally as possible, as if he was looking for someone, and looked around the scene with the caution of a special forces soldier.

Alayi's eyes deepened.

The strong spiritual power of the virtual grand duke disappeared...

Didn't come?

He didn't think so.

Jerusalem was opened every three years, and he definitely didn't think there was any coincidence in the sudden appearance of the virtual grand duke at this moment. Holy City... Whether it is Judaism or Christianity, they are always working to take it back.

"Just now, he was startled, obviously he felt something. So... this Chinese who looks like a special forces soldier didn't even notice someone coming? This is not the alertness that a special forces soldier should have."

He walked straight to Xu Yangyi, and ordinary people couldn't see him at all. He just stood in front of him and said lightly: "You exposed... heresy."

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Heartbeat like a drum.

If a grand duke takes action here, as long as he is entangled, the prince will come in an instant! The probability of having a prince in a place with a national defense formation is as high as 99%!

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, still frowning, as if he was thinking about something, and actually walked straight towards Alayi.

Alayi's eyes were deep, and his spiritual consciousness enveloped Xu Yangyi's whole body. His hands had been put down, but an old man was like a deep abyss, like a copper wall and iron wall.

He was looking at...

The other party's feet, as long as there was a slight hesitation because of human instinct.

The other person's eyes, as long as there is a little hesitation because of human vision.

The other person's body, as long as there is a little fear because of the monk's rules.


Kill without mercy!

Jerusalem has never lacked the blood of pagans.

They are stained on the walls of the holy city.

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