
Chapter 570: Informant

"What did you see?" Alayi stood ten meters in front of Xu Yangyi with his hands behind his back, and said lightly: "Just now... only this Grand Duke released the pressure, ordinary believers can't feel it at all."

Closer... Closer.

Alayi had a blank expression on his face, with a touch of pity in his eyes, as if he was looking at a goat that had fallen into a trap.

He knew very well that ordinary people could not see him, only monks could see him. If he were an ordinary person, facing a Grand Duke who was so close that he could take his life with a flip of his hand, no matter who he was, 99% of the monks would be afraid.

Perhaps, he seemed to be acting calmly, but when he looked around, his eyes were blinking violently.

Perhaps, the front looked calm and flawless, but behind him, his heavy clothes were already soaked with sweat.

This is not a physiological reaction of a human, but an instinct hidden in the bones of a creature when facing a higher-level creature that can kill him at any time.

When the two people's eyes met, Xu Yangyi's eyes did not fluctuate at all, cautious and serious, as if there was no one in front of him. He swept his gaze calmly over Alayi, who was only a few meters away from him.

Alayi calmly captured the other person's gaze.

This was a very correct way for special forces to observe the environment. Alayi could even feel that the other person had stabilized his mood and looked at the unfamiliar environment because of his previous loss of composure.

Not him?

Alayi frowned, or... was this person too good at acting?


After practicing to this point, he believed in his intuition more.

Jerusalem is different from other sects. After a long period of disputes, Islam has finally gained a foothold. There are countless innocent believers inside. Unlike the Vatican, most of the believers gather here. Therefore, their monks are on the periphery, leaving space for ordinary believers in the inner city.

Inner city... Jerusalem hides countless secrets. Since Islam does not know these secrets, they do not want other sects to know them.

"Stop." He raised his eyes and spoke lightly. As soon as the voice fell, a terrifying pressure from the Grand Duke rose from him like a tsunami! Filling the entire space.

However, Xu Yangyi did not stop and walked straight over.

Only he knew that his heart was already tense to the extreme.

However, his body did not mobilize a trace of spiritual energy. The old man opposite was less than three meters away from him, and even the disorder of his breathing would be noticed by the other party.

Alayi could not see that Xu Yangyi's hair stood up, and fortunately he always had short and messy hair.

Two meters, one meter...

Less than a second away, the two were almost face to face. Alayi stared at Xu Yangyi's eyes intently, trying to find a trace of panic in the other's eyes. Find a trace of unnaturalness.

However, there was none.

Half a meter, Alayi finally made way. Ordinary people bumped into him, maybe they didn't feel anything, but this was a defilement.

He also didn't see the relieved expression on Xu Yangyi's face the moment he made way. Although it was just a slight cramp in his facial features.

It passed...

His hands in his trouser pockets were trembling, and his palms were full of cold sweat.

However, at this moment, the hair on his neck almost stood up.

Right behind him, a clear magical power rushed directly to his back!

"Die, heretic."

The four cold words announced his death sentence.

At this moment, he almost turned around immediately and rushed out of Jerusalem without hesitation!

Behind him, Alay's eyes were fixed on his feet.

If he moved a little, or used a little force, he would kill him on the spot!

However, blind killing is against the doctrine and is despised by true believers.

One thousandth of a second.

The fleeting time.

Xu Yangyi's feet were already raised, but at this moment, the quick thinking brought by the Bodhi seed made him realize that something was unusual.


He wanted to kill himself, why did he still talk? If he was not afraid of violating the doctrine, he would kill him silently.

The speed of the magical power was not right, and he could still react. He was not too afraid of the early stage of the Grand Duke now, and the Holy Sword was enough to match it. However, in the middle stage, he was still far behind.


The hand in his trouser pocket relaxed again at the moment when his hand muscles were tensed. The camouflage uniform was very wide, and Alaiyi did not see the other party's suddenly tensed elbow.

He only saw... the other party walked out without any abnormality.

"Xu Feng! What are you doing?" The face in front of him was already covered with cold sweat, and a voice suddenly sounded: "Why don't you hurry up? Are they waiting for you? What did you see?"

It was Black Hawk.

Xu Yangyi's mind flashed with light. He knew very well that the invisible archduke behind him still had murderous intentions for him. He needed a perfect explanation to explain why he lost his composure before.

Everyone was being checked, and he lost his composure just when the archduke released his pressure. If there is no explanation here, this doubt will follow him into Jerusalem, and maybe it will be followed by a major investigation of Islam.

If he explained to himself just now, it might backfire, and the other party would think that he explained it specifically to himself. But... this opportunity now must not be lost.

No trace, plain as water.

The magical power behind him slowed down, advancing inch by inch. He could even feel the flutter of the camouflage vest, which seemed like a gust of wind, but as long as the opponent did not retract his spiritual power, blood would definitely splatter five steps away.

"It is indeed a temptation... It is forbidden to kill innocent people in any religion's teachings, especially in Jerusalem!" His heart was beating wildly, and he became more sure of his thoughts.

He waved, and Black Hawk came over. He frowned and said something: "Is that Engel's person?"

He just scanned this sentence with his spiritual consciousness before entering the Pakistani room.

Unexpectedly, Black Eagle looked at it and then spat: "Why are they here too?"

All the words entered Alayi's ears, and his hand quietly dropped. The magical power disappeared the moment it touched Xu Yangyi's vest.

Xu Yangyi sighed silently in his heart. He was really lucky. He looked at the German flag and said casually that he guessed it right.

Only you know how dangerous it was just now. It's not an overkill, it's better than an overkill. Especially...he absolutely couldn't resist. He had to leave his vest to a great prince and perform the scene perfectly. He felt like he was almost inhuman.

It has to be said that details determine success or failure.

"I just saw them. You never told me that there were Chinese people in Engel's army." His brows furrowed deeper, but he clearly felt that the hostility behind him had gradually lessened.

The heart fell off the tight wire and began to beat steadily.

"They are Japanese." Black Eagle glanced at them, feeling even more disgusted: "They are from the Yagyu family. They have two brushes."

He put his arm around Xu Yangyi's neck: "Let's go, Captain Chu said there is something important. We have to meet a very important person in Jerusalem. It's a secret order from above."

Alayi's hostility completely disappeared.

Their voices were small, but to the Archduke, they were still crystal clear.

"You want to meet an important person in Jerusalem?" He raised his brows slightly, then shook his head and left: "It's better not to touch people from China... Forget it, it seems that that person really didn't enter Jerusalem? It makes sense. , the inspection of the eight princes, unless he reaches the prince level, it seems that he has given up."

He took a deep look at Xu Yangyi: "If you really overcome your instinct... it's your turn to enter here."

His figure was slightly blurred, like ripples in a pool, disappearing quietly.

None of the hundreds of people present knew that a supreme monster had just come to earth from the sky. Then he took away his Sword of Damocles from the world.

Feeling the spiritual power disappear behind him, Xu Yangyi sighed silently in his heart.

Black Eagle's seemingly unintentional words completely brought him back from the brink of death.

This is the advantage of being born in a country with great spiritual practice. Others dare not touch the monks who come out casually, otherwise, an archduke might come to visit him in a few days. In particular, Jerusalem is not far from China.

Got in the car again, this time Chu Zhaonan was not there, but Black Eagle was Xu Yangyi's driver. There were still only two people in their car.

At this moment, he felt something silently cut off all spiritual power.

"No... it's not cutting off, but rejecting." He looked at the sky deeply: "Now, through the entrance, we officially enter the territory of Jerusalem. It seems that any spiritual power that does not belong to Islam will be eliminated here. Notice it immediately."

"With the monks' ears and eyes cut off, everyone becomes like mortals."

The car slowly drove into the main city of Jerusalem. There are few modern buildings here, but the ground is full of bricks and tiles from the war, as well as various mosques. There are also countless pilgrims.

"Ha..." Xu Yangyi rubbed his face with his hands, and then he felt the coldness in his limbs lessened a little.

"Actually." Just when he was lighting up the cigarette, Black Hawk suddenly said: "What was just now was not the Engel force. It was the German peacekeeping force."

Xu Yangyi's eyes immediately swept over.

After a long time, he nodded.

"It's you?"

Black Eagle took out a small instrument and put it on the car, and the car started to move on its own. Then, he crawled on the seat with an extremely low posture, and there was a touch of uncontrollable excitement in his voice: "I've seen the special envoy! I've seen it. Senior! The Lord will always protect us, Amen.”

Everything is clear.

No wonder Black Eagle arrived so coincidentally just now, and what he said seemed casual, but it just happened to resolve all Xu Yangyi's difficulties. Originally, Xu Yangyi's trump card was to reincarnate as a lotus - get up and run away.

It turns out...he is the Vatican's informant.

"It's not easy." Xu Yangyi smiled, crossed his legs, and patted the other party's shoulder lightly: "In three years, I was able to put you on a bayonet. The Vatican has two brushes."

"They can do anything to the troops directly under the General Staff. I'm a bit underestimating those magicians."

Black Eagle was not dissatisfied at all. He gently grabbed Xu Yangyi's hand, kissed it bit by bit, and said in a trembling voice: "It is a great honor for me that I can serve my senior. I ask my senior to forgive me for my previous behavior. I found fault. Others won’t look for it. This is the safest way to enter.”

His body of 1.87 meters was lying on the driver's seat, so humble that he was insignificant. Xu Yangyi withdrew his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay."

"What state are you in?"

"The late stage of Qi training." Black Eagle didn't dare to raise his head at all, kneeling on the driver's seat in an extremely ridiculous posture, and said softly: "This junior is just a casual practitioner, and I don't dare to compare with the great spiritual master who is famous in Europe and America. Your The battle video is really refreshing. I will fight to the death to help you fulfill the secret order from the Holy See at all costs."

“Okay.” Xu Yangyi lit a cigarette: “Get up and tell me what you know. His Majesty Lawrence said that time was too urgent and he only gave me some things. You know the details.”

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