
Chapter 571: Soul Seeking Plate and Shikigami


Black Eagle then sat up respectfully: "In Jerusalem, there are a total of seven Qi Refining Stage believers and two Foundation Establishment Stage believers. The Foundation Establishment Stage is the middle stage, and this is the last step. Their bodies have been specially transformed by the Holy See, and their auras will self-destruct. At this time, it is not very powerful, but it can produce spiritual smoke that cannot be penetrated by the golden elixir stage. Once you encounter something unexpected, they will use the teleportation talisman to arrive at your side immediately and self-destruct immediately to help you leave. "


Black Eagle's face became solemn: "There are eight existing churches in Jerusalem. Among them, there is one church, which is known as one of the oldest churches. That is St. Anthony's Monastery. It is located in the southwest corner of Jerusalem."

He spread out a map with a red dot drawn on it: "Senior, you can completely trust this junior. This junior is very happy to dedicate everything to you, including his life. Li Sen asked the junior to convey that in the past three years, they have gone through countless After many speculations, even His Majesty the Supreme Pope personally took action to confirm that what you are looking for is below the St. Anthony Monastery. "

Xu Yangyi pondered: "Do they have a plan?"

"Senior, no. What your Majesty Li Sen means is: let you act according to the situation. Jerusalem can use spiritual power or not, but it must not use spiritual power. You should also have discovered that... although it is a city, it has National Defense Formation. Once non-Islamic spiritual power is used, it will be discovered immediately and... Senior only has three days.”

"Three days later, Jerusalem was closed to the city. The national defense formation presided over by the Koran enveloped the entire Jerusalem. No one could leave."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath.

Only three days...

Today, one night has passed.

"And..." Black Eagle looked at Xu Yangyi, his lips moved, and he did not dare to continue.

"Say." Xu Yangyi said calmly.

Black Eagle's forehead lightly touched the seat: "Senior, there is a problem with the peacekeeping force this time."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed and he cursed in his heart. At this time, what he hated most was accidents.

In Jerusalem, once there is an accident, a series of unpredictable chain reactions will immediately occur.

"Go on." He said solemnly.

"Yes." Black Eagle kowtowed and carefully took out a compass from his pocket. On the fine porcelain base, there is a red dot made of spiritual light, which is shining slightly.

"This is called a soul-seeking plate." Black Eagle held the compass respectfully in both hands and raised it to his head: "The monks who can detect Jerusalem - foreign monks. In Jerusalem, Islam has its own sect. All foreign monks, in case of emergency Everyone can ask for help from each other. Whether the other party will come depends on God’s will, but most of them won’t.”

Xu Yangyi reached out and took it, looking at the compass thoughtfully: "Are there any foreign monks near us?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a flash occurred in his mind, and his eyes immediately became serious.

The red dot on the compass was neither far nor near, never beyond the compass range, and just followed them steadily.

He looked at the mark. The distance was... three hundred meters.

"Out of range, the soul-seeking board will not display it." Black Eagle lowered his head and said.

Xu Yangyi looked at it for a few seconds, with a sneer on his lips. Look in the rearview mirror ahead.

A row of motorcades with no end in sight can be found in every country.

"Interesting..." He sneered and threw the soul-seeking plate to Black Eagle: "That is to say, I am not the only one, there are other monks who have sneaked in, and they are hiding in the peacekeeping force behind. That's why... Not out of range?”

"Senior Saint."

"Realm?" Xu Yangyi said lightly.

"I don't know, Jerusalem can't use any spiritual power at all. In other words, the spiritual consciousness has been completely blocked since entering the door. All the monks are blind and cannot use their spiritual consciousness to detect any actions of other people..." Hei Ying cautiously glanced at Xu Yangyi's face, coughed lightly and said, "So..."

"So, you don't know his realm?" Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes. So bold... I really don't know who it is that dares to sneak into Jerusalem and seek death?

Even a genius like him would only dare to enter if he is equipped with a magic weapon aimed at the prince. He didn't think there was anyone who had the resources like him, who was responsible for the secrets of the Tower of Babel, and who was also a great spiritualist, so he got these things.

"It's best not to disturb me..." He closed his eyes, with a bloodthirsty curve at the corner of his mouth: "Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel."

The car drove to the hotel, which was the result of Xu Yangyi's careful consideration. Night seems to be convenient for movement, but time is definitely tight. If you can't leave Jerusalem in three days, be prepared to stay here for ten years. However, all the monks here are blind. Maybe the Muslim who walks in front of him is a Marquis of Dzogchen.

When they were blind, the eyes of the eight princes in the sky were as bright as fire. While they were deaf, the prince who probably existed in the holy city of Jerusalem had ears all over the world.

The longer it gets, the more vigilant the opponent becomes.

Just as they entered, no one saw that more than a hundred meters behind them, in a modified SUV, a violent cough sounded, and then, a bloody tissue was crumpled into a ball and thrown away. come out.

This is exactly the German team.

The ball of paper towels naturally fell to the bottom. However, at the same time, in the car, Liu Sheng, who had accidentally met Xu Yangyi, had a flushed face. He raised the middle and index fingers of his left hand, stacked his hands, and softly drank: "Imperial order!"

"Crash..." Where no one saw it, the ball of paper quietly dispersed, and then turned into living small animals, either cats or dogs, scattering in all directions.

Coincidentally, these cats and dogs all entered the motorcades of each country. They were attached to the chassis like magnets and followed these motorcades into the hotel.

"Yin and yang タオ.神々のArt." He put down his fingers tremblingly, and looked at the driver with a knife-like gaze: "Ranzi, see, see, kill."

"Hi." The driver was a woman with short hair and a cold face, and she nodded immediately.

Yagyu looked at the hotel with a gloomy look, and suddenly changed to fluent Chinese: "There are other monks sneaking in... The Yagyu family's shikigami technique can lead you to find him. This is the shikigami that I have been raising since I was a child. God, it doesn’t require any spiritual energy to activate.”

"Your Excellency, with all due respect, no one will enter the Holy City with such precious combat power in the Foundation Establishment Stage. It has always been the Qi Refining Stage. The smaller you are, the more likely you are to survive in this terrifying place... You should be in the dozens The first Foundation-Building monk to enter Jerusalem in years. The monk on the soul-seeking plate just now cannot be in the Foundation-Building stage. For a little miscellaneous fish like him, Lanzi is very willing to clear the way for you. "

Yagyu smiled, but his face could not be seen clearly in the darkness, and he said in a hoarse voice: "I receive your loyalty. However, this is Jerusalem. The foundation-building monks have no choice but to enter here."

"I also have a premonition that it is just a slight Qi practice, but we do not allow any accidents. Even if it is a trash fish, only a dead trash fish can make me feel at ease."

"Kill him. Before tomorrow night, I want to see the head of this bastard fish. You, Qi Practicing Dzogchen, should be qualified for this task."


Xu Yangyi had a good night's rest and got up at seven o'clock the next day. After thinking about it, he quietly left a note to Chu Zhaonan.

The other party cannot participate in this matter.

Black Eagle didn't know what reason he used to leave the team, and stood at Xu Yangyi's door early in the morning. As soon as Xu Yangyi got up, the other party poured face wash very humbly, put a snow-white towel on his hand, and said nothing.

"Monks don't need these." Xu Yangyi only glanced at him: "If you are greedy for pleasure, you will never reach the highest level."

Afterwards, the two of them changed into Arab clothes, white headscarves, black belts, and only a linen girdle. Walking calmly towards the Monastery of St. Anthony.

It's still seven o'clock in the morning, and the tall palm trees stretch out their slender branches and leaves in the rising sun, and the green grass on the lawn lifts up its buds containing the morning dew. Xu Yangyi saw the other side of the so-called holy city for the first time.

It is different from the majestic national defense formation seen by the monks at night. Today, Jerusalem is crowded with people, including Muslim women wearing veils and tourists from most countries. However, these are not the main point. Looking up, you will see a continuous line of churches and mosques.

Tall golden domes, one after another, large and small mosques, with the unique religious charm of Islam, form a unique landscape. The majestic Gothic church stands among them. Sculptures of the Father, the Son, and Allah can be seen everywhere. The strong religious and cultural color, mixed with the cool breeze in the early morning, rushes into people's minds, and this is only a hundred years old. Twenty-six square kilometers, which is less than the size of most county towns in China, is dyed sacred.

The sounds of prayers one after another, the endless waves in the city, and the prostrate believers can be seen everywhere on the road. They may be poor or rich, but they cannot hide the loyal expressions on their faces because of their faith.

Kneel down, kowtow, and move forward. There is nothing abrupt in the meandering flow of people, and it only brings a sense of tranquility and serenity.

Holy, holy, still holy.

Apart from this word, it is impossible to describe the feeling brought by this holy city of the three religions in the eyes of Xu Yangyi, who has become a "mortal" at this moment.

"The entry into Jerusalem every three years is for the troops, the government, and the monks." Black Eagle followed Xu Yangyi vigilantly, explaining in a low voice and respectfully: "Ordinary people do not enter this process. However, the entry of mortals, There is a spiritual treasure, the Eye of Allah, which even the prince cannot escape from the scrutiny. It is only relieved by the peacekeeping troops and special forces of the major countries. "

Xu Yangyi nodded. With the development of the cultivation world, it has long been unable to be alone. Having received huge benefits in the mortal world, we must give them the respect they deserve.

Just when he turned his head, his eyes suddenly flashed.

"Senior?" Black Eagle asked in confusion.

"We are being followed." Xu Yangyi said softly, an unbearable killing intent rising in his heart.

If you are being followed, you cannot reveal your target, and the time is only three days. This is simply challenging his patience!

"What?" Black Eagle was stunned and was about to turn around when he immediately heard Xu Yangyi's low voice: "Don't look back!"

The two of them walked forward as usual. After a few seconds, he sneered and said: "Evil heretic... you want to die... I will help you!"

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