
Chapter 572: Pisces (I)

"Senior..." Black Eagle covered up his shock and said, "You, you...can use spiritual power?"

Xu Yangyi did not speak.

On his chest was a string of ordinary-looking necklaces.

Secret Treasure: Arudolf’s Blessing!

Prince level magic weapon!

Effect: Arudolph Star Hammer. The most famous alchemy master of the dwarves for five hundred years. Prince level. The last masterpiece of the Fall. Fifty thousand runes are densely covered on the one-inch surface, forming a barrier of its own. The barrier has a radius of fifty meters, and the monks within it can isolate any formation. Moreover, it can form an "absolute defense" at a critical moment. Unless it is at the prince level, it is impossible to break Arudov's dying blessing.

The ten prince-level magic weapons on the body, one of them: the siren's veil, perfectly concealed. Second, Arudov's blessing, absolute defense.

Originally, within fifty meters, Xu Yangyi could mobilize his spiritual power at will, and the prince and below would not be able to detect it. However, now, the range of this barrier is only five meters.

"Is it the power of the National Defense Formation?" He looked at the sky calmly: "But, it's okay, the smaller the range of Arudov's Blessing Barrier, the stronger the isolation ability. If it is reduced to one meter Is it difficult for the prince to detect the range?"

"Senior, we are now..."

"Keep walking. Go to St. Anthony." Xu Yangyi retracted his gaze and said in a voice as cold as ice: "Find a secluded place."

"Will the destination be discovered?"

Xu Yangyi sneered: "I don't have time to fight with them. If you want to die, I will give them a break."

Black Eagle shut up. He could tell that this special envoy was really angry.

Along the way, famous landscapes are listed in front of you. Outside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, where Jesus was crucified, buried, and resurrected, countless Christians knelt in devout worship. Outside the Dome of the Rock, countless Muslims receive blessings from imams. The Wailing Wall, the Stations of the Cross, the Jaffa Gate, the Temple Mount, the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Last Supper Restaurant, the Mark Tower, the Al-Aqsa Mosque... let people fully feel the charm of the holy city of the three religions.

It's just... I've never heard of a "St. Anthony's Monastery" here.

After walking slowly for several hours, suppressing the eagerness in their hearts, the two finally stopped in front of a dilapidated building.

"This is it." Black Eagle whispered: "The area is quite remote. There are only ruins of this church, and there is no roof. It is located at the foot of the mountain, and there are not many people coming and going."

Xu Yangyi nodded and quietly walked around the broken bricks and tiles. This St. Anthony's Monastery was in terrible ruins. The ruins covered an area of ​​about twenty meters. He took a cursory glance and couldn't tell what was there at all.

Buried underground?

He pondered and walked to the corner. The moment he entered the shadow, he turned back sharply.


Black Hawk, who was following him step by step, disappeared the moment he turned the corner!

"Interesting." He was stunned for half a second, and then said calmly: "Get out."

no answer.

"Black Hawk is China's top special forces. Now no one can use spiritual energy, and you can actually make him disappear without knowing it. It's kind of interesting." He glanced around calmly: "I'll give you three seconds. ,otherwise……"

He smiled slightly: "I don't guarantee you can survive."

"What a loud tone." From around the corner, a cold female voice came out, full of disdain: "Are you from China?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded.

"I know that country." The female voice sneered: "I can't see my true face clearly. I always thought that I was still alive thousands of years ago. I am arrogant and arrogant, but in fact I am strong on the outside and weak on the inside. I have lost my own traditions and bowed to foreign countries. The Chinese people It is no longer news that you kneel down and lick foreigners, but you are willing to accept this kind of shame. Your despicable history is to escape, escape, escape. After the Tang Dynasty, you have never stood up again. Dong, Asia, disease, husband.”

"Only you monks in China think that you can cover the sky with one hand in this world. It is simply ridiculous and arrogant. To say that you are watching the sky from a well is an insult to the well."

Xu Yangyi kept a smile and said lightly: "I also know who you are."

"He sent envoys to the Tang Dynasty to learn from his masters in China, and he endured humiliation and lived a life of humiliation. Every day he thought about bullying his masters and destroying his ancestors. He tried to stand at the center of the world but never stood up. Those who are lingering in the world of Chinese cultivation..." He curled his lips and said, "Japanese Japanese."


"Swish, swish, swish!" Several black shadows came from the sky. Xu Yangyi reached out and grabbed three shurikens. He raised his eyebrows: "You speak Chinese well. You think you are superior to others, so why do you want to learn how to speak like us? Don't you feel uncomfortable if you imitate others?"

"For example, I never know or bother to learn Japanese."

"You are arrogant!!"

The female voice became shrill. This time, a cold light flashed suddenly, and it zigzagged three times in the air, turning into a blue-white swimming dragon.

"Secret sword..." A black figure, with a voice that was a little sharp due to excessive anger: "妯戻ります!"

"Pa!" The next second, the blade was caught in Xu Yangyi's hand.

The surroundings seemed to be suddenly silent.

Four eyes, looking at each other. What belongs to Xu Yangyi is calm, natural, with a hint of insouciance, and a little contempt.

It belongs to women, frightened, shocked, and full of disbelief!

Secret Sword. Yan Hui.

One of Yagyu's new secret techniques!

The woman is very clear about her own strength. She is not a special forces soldier, but the body of a cultivator is so tough! Coupled with a few tricks of body training, a platoon of the most elite special forces soldiers cannot be her opponent!

In particular, she is still practicing Qi, which is already a very good realm in Japan. I never expected that when both sides could not use spiritual energy, this secret sword was actually used by the opponent with bare hands!

"So she is a ninja." Xu Yangyi looked at the woman in front of him, wearing a black tight suit, covering half of her face, and short hair: "You always look down on me, but you stole the things of the ancient Chinese secret guards, and you use them very well, don't you?"

As soon as the words fell, the woman kicked him at the jaw, and the force was so strong that it even brought a whistling sound! At the same time, a piece of snow-white blade popped out from the tip of the toe with a "swoosh" sound, piercing Xu Yangyi's throat.

This kick suddenly drew a white trace of spiritual energy in the air.

"This is..." The woman's eyes flashed, and she was overjoyed.

Spiritual energy!

For some reason, as she got closer to the man, the terrifying barrier in the sky seemed to no longer exist. Under her body's instinct, the spiritual energy was naturally used.

Her eyes turned cold, and her body twisted strangely like a gyroscope, actually breaking away from the earth's gravity, spinning rapidly in the air, forming a black tornado.


You're dead!

The woman was overjoyed. It was impossible for a foundation-building period to enter here. No one would take this risk except her own master. Here... the weaker you are, the less likely you will attract the attention of the bigwigs of Islam. She concluded that this man would not exceed the foundation-building period!

"Pa!" Before she finished thinking, a loud slap fell on her face. A huge force like a tidal wave that she had never thought of came over her. Before she fainted, her last thought was, is this really a Qi-cultivating cultivator?

Did she make a mistake? Too preconceived?

"Plop..." The woman fell to the ground, and she was unconscious without even a cramp. This was because Xu Yangyi showed mercy, otherwise, her head would have been blown off.

After an unknown amount of time, the woman moaned softly and sat up.

Her head was swollen and painful, as if she was hit by a huge hammer weighing ten thousand pounds. Her face was also in great pain, and she could see with her naked eyes that the left half of her face was terribly swollen.

"You're awake." A voice suddenly came from behind her. She was so scared that she trembled all over and said hoarsely: "Who is it!"

As soon as the words fell, a shuriken flew out.

There was no sound of it entering the flesh.

"Pah!" Another backhand slap, the woman's whole head was full of stars. How could it be... She was a top figure in the Iga-ryu ninja. How could she, a woman, come here with just two slaps and her ninjutsu was useless?

"Fire escape..."

Before she could make a seal, she immediately felt that behind her, a terrifying spiritual power, far exceeding his master, rose up like a devil.

"Tick-tock..." Physiological sweat dripped onto the ground, and her teeth could not help but tremble. Her whole body was shaking.

This... this is a senior who has established his foundation!

And this is definitely not an ordinary foundation, but an old monster who has reached the last few steps of his foundation and is infinitely close to the golden elixir!

"No... No..." She trembled like a sieve, muttering to herself: "This kind of monster... Even in China, there are less than a hundred... This is a golden elixir seed, how could it be possible... How could it come here! Risking its life?!"

"You don't seem to remember." The voice behind her said lightly: "Turn around."

She bit her lip tightly and turned her head, only to see the other party gently pinching the shuriken into an iron ball in his hand, looking at her like a dead person: "Do you still have the qualifications to attack in front of me?"

"Junior... I have seen you." The strict rules of the monks made her prostrate herself on the ground in humiliation, and kowtowed desperately: "Senior! I didn't know you were here! I deserve to die! Damn it!"

Xu Yangyi looked at the other party's excellent performance indifferently, and smiled after a few seconds: "Do you think it's strange?"

"I used spiritual power that does not belong to Islam, why hasn't anyone come yet?"

The woman paused slightly, that's what she thought!

Even if she dies, she will kill with a borrowed knife! Tell this message to the master, there is also the foundation building... There are also foundation building monks here!

Moreover... this foundation-building cultivator, the master is definitely not his opponent! The other party is the kind of old monster approaching the golden elixir!

"What... how terrified..." The woman gritted her teeth tightly, but her voice revealed a kind of pleading: "Lan Zi dare not..."

"Don't talk nonsense." Xu Yangyi looked at the other party with murderous eyes: "Tell me your purpose, I can give you a decent death."

Repaying grievances with directness, attacking herself, she can't survive.

"Yes..." Lan Zi swallowed her saliva: "Junior...Junior belongs to the Yagyu family of Japan..."

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