
Chapter 573: Pisces (II)

"Yagyu Shinyin-ryu is a famous swordsmanship in Japan, but there is also a branch of it, which belongs to Onmyoji. Yagyu Onmyoji has been spreading for more than a hundred years. However, in this generation, the most talented person in history has appeared, worthy of the name. The head of the family who is better than Abe Seimei - His Excellency Yagyu Touma..."

There was a hint of heat in her voice even under Xu Yangyi's high pressure, but she did not dare to lift her body up at all, and said in a trembling voice: "For the Celestial Kingdom, the Japanese spiritual world is gradually declining, but... three years ago... Yagyu We received a special commission..."

She paused, looked at Xu Yangyi with fear, and did not dare to say any more. But as soon as she came into contact with the other party's cold gaze, the sense of hierarchy engraved in her bones immediately made her say reflexively: "Junior... Junior doesn't know who it is... but..."

She bit her lip: "It should be... a real Jindan... and... gave the master a token, saying, saying..."

"Go on."

"Yes...the master said that it can open a door..."

No more words. Xu Yangyi pondered for a long time: "Do you have any last words?"

"Senior..." Lanzi said in a trembling voice: "Junior has offended senior... but please, senior, spare your life..."

Xu Yangyi smiled and put his hand on her head: "I have always believed that being a human being requires a price."

"There is no reason to always get benefits without paying for them, what do you think?"

"Senior!!!" Lanzi screamed: "It's me who's blind! It's me who's so cowardly! Also, please spare me a moment..."

Before he finished speaking, sneers rang out, and with a gentle wave of Xu Yangyi's hand, all Lanzi's words stopped in his throat and turned into pieces of flying ashes and disappeared.

"You should be mentally prepared for this when you enter the world of practice." He looked at the black ashes flying in front of him unmoved: "If you anger someone you can't afford to offend, life and death are no longer in your hands. "

"Brother, be careful." At this moment, Zhao Ziqi's voice, which had been hidden all this time, suddenly sounded in his mind.

In Jerusalem, the Eight Lords of the Sky were in charge. Even if Zhao Ziqi was a spirit, he would not dare to say a word.

Xu Yangyi dodged the black ashes flying all over the sky without hesitation, his eyes flashed, and finally, he smelled a faint fragrance in the black ashes.

This wisp of fragrance lingered, seemingly invisible, but extremely solid, and drifted into his body.

"Is this... the scent of tracking?"

At the same time, in the hotel, Yagyu Danma suddenly stood up and looked into the distance in disbelief.

From his pocket, a piece of human-shaped origami fluttered out, and then burned into ashes out of thin air.

"Dead..." He looked at a certain place in disbelief: "How could..."

"Why did my Lanzi die?!"

There were several German special forces in the room, but at this moment, they did not have the courage of a country's military king at all. Instead, they stood around him like servants, tremblingly.

Yagyu Danma stared at the sky in astonishment for a full minute, and then, like crazy, he swept away the coffee and newspapers on the table in front of him, and all fell to the ground with a "crash".

"Baga...Baga!!" He clenched his fist fiercely: "Ranzi has perfected her Qi practice. Even if she can't use spiritual energy, she is still a top Iga-ryu ninja. Who can kill her!"

"It must not be a monk. If it is a monk... the real people in Jerusalem must be dispatched immediately. So... was it discovered? Met a sniper?"

" Lanzi!" He was like crazy, drawing on the fiberglass table with his hands, making a harsh "Zila" sound: "I will avenge you...I will definitely! I will definitely!! "

"You!" After a few seconds, he opened his blood-red eyes, turned around, and looked at the group of German special forces as if they were dead: "Find someone for me..."

He suppressed the crazy murderous intention in his heart and waved, and a sparrow flew in from the window. He said through his teeth: "Follow will follow the rosemary of the Yagyu family and find the person who killed Lanzi." murderer!"

"No matter who it is, cut him into pieces!! Otherwise..." He looked at everyone with murderous eyes: "You don't need to come back."

A leading special forces soldier pondered for a moment: "Sir, but...this is Jerusalem..."

Before he finished speaking, Yagyu Danma's face appeared in front of him like a ghost. Everyone around him gasped and immediately gathered around.

"Do you know who I am?" Yagyu Danma pointed his finger condescendingly at the leader's forehead, and gently rubbed his white teeth: "Remember me, I am your heaven. Yours. host."

"As long as I want to, you...are not qualified to choose to die!"

"You still dare to refuse me?"

"Brush!" Before he could finish speaking, the team leader suddenly covered his neck, as if being caught by an invisible giant hand, and he was levitated out of thin air.

"Crack!" A special soldier picked up the gun habitually, and Yagyu Danma shot him a knife-like look: "Huh?"

Ten seconds passed, and the leader's eyes were bulging, foam was spraying from the corners of his mouth, and then he was thrown to the ground with a "thud".

"I'll say it again..." Yagyu Danma took a deep breath: "Find him and kill him in public. Otherwise... when I leave, none of your wives, children, parents, relatives and friends will survive. Come down!"

He glanced at everyone with contempt: "King of soldiers? Haha... don't reject your heaven. In Jerusalem, in front of you, only I am qualified to rule your life and death."


Everyone looked at each other and immediately helped the leader out. Yagyu Danma paced around the room anxiously for a long time before gritting his teeth: "My Ranko... you won't reveal anything before you die, right?"

"Before he died, you left a message for me... I have received your loyalty. You won't tell it, right?" He stroked his hand in the void: "Don't worry, the person who killed you , I have sent people there. Even if they can’t be killed, there is still me. Apart from the Islamic monks, I am the strongest here.”

He took back his hand and sat down. However, my heart couldn't be quiet at all.


He closed his eyes and felt the touch of rosemary, but half an hour, an hour passed, and he didn't move at all!

"Brush!" An hour and a half later, he stood up suddenly, his face extremely cold.!

There's a ghost in it!

The target of this scent did not move for an entire hour and a half!

Lanzi...Lanzi...did you say something to the other party at the end? Or did the opponent miss at all?

When he thought of this, he couldn't sit still at all.

"This is your opportunity to make acquaintance with that real person. You must not miss it!" His eyes flickered, and then he picked up the white robe on the bedside without hesitation: "No, we must act immediately! We can't delay any longer! Lanzi is dead , Assuming that the other party knows something, what I want to do is not to avenge Lanzi, but to open that door and get that thing according to the adult's wishes! "

Even if the other party is a mortal, that is still a variable. But here, both he and Xu Yangyi, who was considered a mortal, understood it very well. Variables equal crisis.

White robe covered his body, and he rushed out eagerly. "Rust, rustle..." As he walked, dogs, birds, and even flowers and plants on the road, many of them turned into the same origami and flew into his pocket. A Persian cat, as if it were spiritual, led him forward quickly.

"We can no longer listen to that monster's command!" At the same time, several German special forces gathered in the corner with gritted teeth: "That's a murderous devil! A real devil! I simply can't imagine what's going on in the world. There will be monsters who are invulnerable and can fly!”

"Shut up." The leader wanted to reprimand, but he couldn't: "Andy is already dead, you still want to be the next one? Although he is a devil... but he may be the only person in the world who is so terrible. ! Are you going to die too!"

"Barthoro, you follow the bird."

"What about you?" Basolo, a black man about 1.75 meters tall, said in a deep voice.

"I...go to the consulate." The team leader touched the marks on his neck and said with murderous intent: "Andy cannot die in vain. This devil must be kept! He...cannot be released into the human world at all!"

"Since there is no one here who can punish him, we will turn to the state! I don't believe it, even the state can't punish him!"

"Split up!"

There were eight people in total, all separated. Basolo took several deep breaths, trying to retreat. It's not that special forces are not afraid of death. Only when you are used to seeing life and death do you know how terrible death is. However, he knew better that Andy, the only Asian teammate in the team, was killed on the spot because he disagreed with Yagyu's speech.

Yagyu didn't do anything, just looked at Andy with a viper-like look. In less than a second, Andy's neck turned strangely 180 degrees. Even though he knew that he was trying to scare the monkeys, as long as he was an ordinary person, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"FUCK..." Basolo suddenly slapped his face: "Yes, we can't die in vain. We have been here with bullets for several years, and we must not die in the hands of this kind of monster for no reason!"

"I don't believe that there is such a monster, and he can't be the president of the world! There must be... there must be something, like the 'regulations' of our special forces, suppressing him!"

Subconsciously touching his ribs, he took a deep breath and walked out.

The bird was flying in front of him, and he clung to it calmly. After an unknown amount of time, he finally came to a relatively secluded place.

Here are the ruins of a monastery. You can even see the incomplete statue of the Father and the Son at the door, which covers an area of ​​about twenty to thirty meters and is located at the foot of the mountain.

The bird stopped right here.

It flew around an open space, but it was an open space, and there was nothing out of the ordinary.

"This..." Basolo looked at the empty space at the corner of the building in astonishment. There was no one there. But, for some reason, he always felt a fatal sense of crisis when he walked here!

It's like... there's an invisible beast lurking there, ready to rush out at any time!

"Who!" He took out the gun without hesitation and asked with his heart beating violently.

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