
Chapter 575: Pisces (V)

The bottle is not big, only about one decimeter long and about the thickness of your index finger. Inside, a tube of bright red blood flows.

"This is this?" Xu Yangyi opened the lid and immediately frowned. It turned out to be his own blood.

"So that's it..." He immediately understood, was the number twelve again, the twelve apostles, the twelve constellations, and the last door needed the blood of the "fleshly one" to break it.

He looked at the ground solemnly. After the blood dripped onto the ground, it seemed to be a huge weight, raising dust all over the ground. When the dust cleared, a groove pattern of Pisces appeared on the black stone ground.

The blood flows into the pattern, as if it is guided by something, and goes through all the patterns. Dye the colorless Pisces into blood red.

"Brush..." A dim stream of light flashed out from the Pisces. It did not shine brightly, but just outlined a circle of graphics. However, at the same moment when they flashed, Xu Yangyi and Yagyu Sheng took a step back in unison.

Their eyes intertwined knowingly. They all felt that it was not that there was no strange phenomenon, but... the ban here had existed for too long, at least for hundreds of years, and the original power had been lost. However, even this trace made them feel a little palpitated.

"It is recorded in the secret book of the Yagyu family that... the five-hundred-year ban is called 'old', and the one-thousand-year ban is called 'ancient.' This seal must be at least one thousand years old..." Yagyu Danma took a deep breath. , a strong curiosity arose in my heart.

What's hidden down here?

Who hid it again? Let no one in Jerusalem notice?

"Stuck!" A mechanical sound came, dull and thick under the ground. Immediately afterwards... the sound of "kakaka" kept ringing throughout the underground. In less than three seconds, there was a "boom", the Pisces pattern collapsed, and a secret passage appeared!

A stale smell came from below. It's like the entrance to hell, tempting ignorant mortals.

"It's time for you to go. Take this black man and leave." Xu Yangyi said calmly. Yagyu Danma gritted his teeth and replied respectfully: "Yes..."

The people had gone far away, and Xu Yangyi waited patiently. There were few people around, but there were still people, and the secret passage that suddenly appeared was too conspicuous. He waited for several hours, and when he arrived at six o'clock in the evening, during meal time, there was finally no pedestrian here.

At this moment, his body rushed in like a sharp arrow.

"Tap tap tap..." The dusty stone road raised circles of gray dust rings along his footsteps. When his whole body entered, he touched the storage ring without hesitation, and a foot-long statue appeared. in hand.

Simple, mysterious, a statue of a black eagle.

He bit his finger and a drop of blood fell on it. Suddenly, a blue light curtain rose into the sky and merged into the surrounding air in an instant. The whole space shook.

"Come out." He breathed a sigh of relief and said to Zhao Ziqi.

Zhao Ziqi had been holding back his nerves for a long time, and immediately said in his mind: "Brother, what was that just now? I felt that this place was divided? What did those old monsters give you?"

"It's called the Death Dust." Xu Yangyi looked around cautiously: "The prince-level secret treasure of the Black Witch Family. It can isolate a whole area of ​​​​the world, a hundred meters away. Treat it as an independent space. The concealment performance is better than that of Arudov. The blessing is much better. But there is no defensive attribute. Even if we are here, we will not know it unless the prince is standing above the entrance."

"The only flaw is that it can only cover the auras of ten people. Once it exceeds the limit of ten people, it will collapse immediately."

Zhao Ziqi nodded: "The deadline for ten people... It is now past seven o'clock in the evening. Even if a mortal sees it, he will not go down to such a dark place at night. This is the caution of ordinary people towards the unknown, and also A sense of self-preservation...that means we are absolutely safe now?"

"Almost, Jerusalem has one of the most crucial weaknesses. They may have become accustomed to it, but..." Xu Yangyi curled his lips, "In the eyes of those of us with ulterior motives, it will be infinitely magnified. That is, their top combat power is all On the outside, the inner city is almost entirely filled with ordinary believers, which is what is called darkness under the lamp.”

After closing his eyes, spiritual consciousness immediately spread around, but the moment the two people "saw" their surroundings, they both let out a sigh.

The passage is not big, about five meters wide and three meters high. It is so dusty that the texture cannot be seen. On both sides, there is a row of ancient lamps.

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but with a flick of his finger, two fire dragons roared out. In an instant, two rows of bright lights immediately lit up, illuminating everything around them.

"This is..." Zhao Ziqi gasped: "This... how is this possible!"

The passage was covered with dust and cobwebs, bright lights flashed, and groups of dark underground creatures crawled around. But... what really shocked the two of them were the lamps covered with spider threads.

That... turned out to be Chinese-style wall lamps!

"Below Jerusalem... there is actually a complex of Chinese underground buildings?" Zhao Ziqi's spirit body floated out, looking at the endless corridor in astonishment: "This... Whose masterpiece is this? Has China got its hands on Jerusalem?! "

Xu Yangyi remained silent. After pondering for a few seconds, he performed a great cleaning technique. Suddenly, strong winds rose in the passage, sweeping away most of the cobwebs and dust, revealing its true appearance.

"Is this...iron?" The Zhao family is an expert in this field. Seeing all this, Zhao Ziqi was a little confused. He gently touched the wall with his fingers and almost screamed after wiping it: "Is this iron? It's actually iron!"

"What's so strange about Tie?" Xu Yangyi was also shocked by the unimaginable things in front of him and said in a deep voice.

Before coming in, he thought about what was underneath. Perhaps it was a Gothic-style library like the one underneath St. John's Cathedral. Perhaps, it is the underground prison of Catholicism and Islam. But... I never thought it was a Chinese-style underground building complex!'s an iron house made purely of fine iron!

"Brother, iron was an important metal in ancient times. From ancient times to the present, the export of iron has been strictly prohibited. Not to mention..." Zhao Ziqi looked at this long corridor in shock: "Such a huge underground corridor, all the It's made of iron..."

Xu Yangyi was very unclear about this and frowned: "Ziqi, I didn't understand."

"Okay." Zhao Ziqi's face turned red with excitement: "Brother, do you remember that the little Japanese just said that this may be an 'ancient forbidden city,' that is to say, it was more than a thousand years ago. I just watched it Look, the details are not clear, but it should be roughly the same. So, what era was it in China more than a thousand years ago? "

"Song Dynasty!" Zhao Ziqi said immediately without waiting for Xu Yangyi to think: "At that time, the Middle East was still an unexplored place, and the only way to connect to the Western Regions was through these places. But..."

"But, how did so much iron be transported here?" Xu Yangyi immediately understood what he was going to say: "Not only that, but there is no record of the construction of such a large underground passage in the history books? These styles are all pure Chinese style, and the construction How many years will it take to build such an underground passage? What will it take for countless craftsmen, let alone thousands of people, to come here? Ziqi, what do you want to say?"

"That's right!!" Zhao Ziqi flew to a wall lamp with eyes like fire: "Look, this is... Xie Zhi! The legendary beast that distinguishes good from evil. If you are not a Chinese, it is absolutely impossible to know this allusion! Also! There is no use for these places!”

"Brother..." He turned his head, his voice hoarse with excitement: "We... may have discovered a big secret... China came to Jerusalem before a thousand years ago! And, completing this is perfect Building! This is probably the largest and oldest iron building complex in the world! No, as far as I know, there is no iron building in the world! This is simply the eighth wonder!

Xu Yangyi nodded slightly. Zhao Ziqi obviously liked these things. He was not interested and did not pour cold water on the other party. Instead, he smiled and said: "Then, what does it have to do with our goal?"

"That's right..." Zhao Ziqi was stunned for a moment, and then sighed. However, before he finished sighing, he suddenly floated up: "No! No! It has something to do with it!"

"Brother, the Haechi was only used in two places in ancient times."

"One, Yamen, two, prison!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes also lit up: "This kind of underground can never be Dali Temple. Then..."

The two looked at each other, the look in their eyes self-explanatory.


Around 1,000 AD, during the Song Dynasty, someone made a westward crossing to Jerusalem, the capital of King David's territory at that time, and transported tens of thousands, even millions, or tens of millions of kilograms of steel to build this underground prison, and recruited several Thousands of craftsmen built it without telling the history books!

However, doubts arose.

First of all, what does this have to do with Pisces and the Tower of Babel?

Secondly, so much iron... How much iron was produced in the Song Dynasty at that time? King David allowed such a huge amount of supplies to enter? Don’t you embezzle it yourself? Why is there no trace of it in history?

"What if it was done by a monk?" Xu Yangyi pondered.

"It's possible, but it's impossible." When Zhao Ziqi encountered this secret, he was as excited as if he had been on steroids. He shook his head and said: "No matter what, even if you are a monk, you have to collect iron from the people. Even if he can carry it, Even if they searched all over the country, they would not be able to reach this number. And there was no reason for them to do this. Even if there was plenty of spiritual energy in the ancient cultivation era, there would only be two hundred years of cultivation time - it is impossible for this to be wasted by a Qi cultivator. Ten years of training to do such a thankless thing?”

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved to the bottomless passage: "Let's go."

"No matter who it is or what's inside, we won't know until we walk in."

From time to time there were rustling sounds in the darkness, which made people's scalp numb.

After walking for half an hour,

"Brother..." After walking for ten minutes, Zhao Ziqi frowned and said, "There's something...something wrong here..."

Xu Yangyi discovered it without him having to say anything.

As we walked further in, dark spots appeared one after another on the ground cleaned by the cleaning technique.

That's blood.

"A lot of blood has flowed here..." Zhao Ziqi's spirit body floated down and touched the ground with his fingers: "But it's strange, why is there nothing on the wall? Assuming that there has been a fierce battle here - in prison, I can Suppose it was a prisoner riot? Then there should be a lot of them on the walls, but now there are only traces on the ground. Although it has been a long time, it can be seen that they are still very neat. "

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips and sneered: "Maybe... it's not a battle."

"Zi Qi... Think about it, this kind of bloodstain..." He pointed to the ground, where there was almost no trace, and two dark traces were vaguely seen: "What posture formed it?"

Zhao Zi Qi thought about it and took a deep breath: "Brother... Are you saying that someone was dragged in from outside with his legs broken?"

Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes: "It's possible, and it's more likely that this entire prison is probably just to lock him up."

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