
Chapter 576: Imprisoned for a Thousand Years (Part 1)

"The whole prison...lock him up alone?" Zhao Ziqi turned his head and looked at the surrounding walls, feeling unbelievable. Such a big move, just to lock up one person? Hundreds of thousands of millions of iron?

However, after taking a look, he had to say that it was very possible!

Otherwise, why didn't he see a single room?

"Let's go." Xu Yangyi smiled: "No matter what, he is a figure from a thousand years ago. Now he has long turned into a pile of dry bones. There is nothing to be afraid of."

The two walked in step by step. Finally, after walking for twenty minutes, everything in front of them gradually became spacious.

The place where they were was more than fifty meters deep underground. Now, in front of them was a hollowed-out cave about twenty meters high and thirty meters wide. And right in front of them, a group of Xiezhi holding lanterns spread out here, forming a huge ring of lights. The gray shadows hid in the swaying light, and a beast-headed iron door flashed from time to time.

All around, there was a dead silence.

Zhao Ziqi floated over and looked carefully for a few seconds: "There are traces on it."

Xu Yangyi looked carefully, and indeed, there were fine and dense traces on it, only as thick as the paper, and it was impossible to tell what was engraved.

"Ziqi, get out of the way." He waved his hand, and ten fire dragons emerged from his hand. When he was about to wave it out, suddenly, the eyes of the two people flashed at the same time, and then they made a "hush" gesture at the same time.

There is a sound...

This door that has been sealed for a thousand years actually made a strange sound!

"Brother..." Zhao Ziqi's voice was shaking, and the suppressed voice was extremely low: "No... It can't be..."

Xu Yangyi smiled and touched his head: "Remember, you are a cultivator, not afraid of heaven and earth, not afraid of ghosts and gods."

Zhao Ziqi pouted: "I just want to do archaeology well..."

Before he finished speaking, another strange sound came from the door. Xu Yangyi covered Zhao Ziqi's mouth and quietly moved two steps away.

There is something inside the door...

A living thing!

A thing that has been sealed for more than a thousand years and is still alive!

He winked at Zhao Ziqi, closed his spiritual consciousness, and used the most mortal method to lie on the door and listen carefully.

"Hua La La..." After an unknown amount of time, a slight sound came from behind the door. Facing Zhao Ziqi's complicated gaze, he nodded gently.

"Chains." Xu Yangyi walked to his side and whispered, "This means that the things inside are locked."

Zhao Ziqi bit his lip: "Then... shall we go in?"

Go in or not?

Xu Yangyi did not speak, and was extremely hesitant in his heart.

Inside the door that has been sealed for a thousand years, there are living monsters tied to death by chains...

A few minutes later, he raised his head with a sharp gaze: "Go in!"

"You are timid and indecisive, how can you be called a cultivator?"

"I'm afraid there will only be this chance. Next time, no one will use so many magic weapons to protect me."

Zhao Ziqi's eyes were filled with a trace of admiration that he himself did not notice. Perhaps... my brother can practice for less than a hundred years, and there is hope for the golden elixir, just relying on this criterion...

But how to get in?

Xu Yangyi thought for a moment, walked to the beast head, and observed it carefully.

This is a dragon head that looks like a dragon but is not a dragon. The dragon horns are curved backwards, and the face is less majestic and more bloated. It has the shape of a dragon, but it still doesn't look like one.

"This is Jiaozi." Zhao Ziqi explained behind him: "The dragon has nine sons, and the second one is Jiaozi. He has a strong character, is brave and good at fighting, and is bloodthirsty and aggressive. This also means... the things inside must have been very vicious and killed people in the past... But for some reason, the tongue of this Jiaozi is sticking out."

Xu Yangyi nodded. The tongue on the head of Jiaozi is indeed sticking out. Not only that, but it is also rolled up to form a groove.

Suddenly, his mind lit up, and he cut his palm without hesitation, letting a stream of blood flow in.

The blood entered the door, and the whole door did not react at all. Just as he frowned, Zhao Ziqi suddenly gasped: "Brother...Brother! Below! You, under your feet!"

Just below, red spread from those fine carvings, and when the red came out, they realized...

This is actually all words!

Chinese characters, engraved all over the door! If it weren't for the color of blood, no one would be able to tell what such a small gap is. In addition, it is cursive. Only when blood flows in, red light is refracted from inside for some reason, and these words can be seen clearly!

At this moment, the red light stopped. Xu Yangyi cut his veins without hesitation, and blood flowed.

"Hua La La..." The red light appeared layer by layer. Half an hour later, the door in front of them was already covered with lines of bloody words!

"Be careful! Be careful! Be careful!"

The ancient text is from right to left, and Xu Yangyi saw three bloody big characters at first glance

"Things in the room are not old, not dead, not decaying, not weak. All its meridians can only be locked with the star-locking chain. According to the treaty, hostages cannot be killed..."

"...In 234 AD, he led an army of 100,000 and captured Yongchang, the western gate, massacred the city, and the dead filled the fields..."

"...In 267 AD, he led an army of 50,000 and captured Dianchi Lake. The entire Fuyao Sect, the second largest sect in Yizhou, died for the country..."

"...In 300 AD, his combined army of 300,000 broke through Heming Mountain and fought for 40 years outside Qingcheng Mountain, with countless casualties..."

"In 327 AD, Qingcheng Mountain defeated the enemy and killed 300,000 enemy troops. They set up a mountain defense formation on the mountain. They fled and led 300 remnants to join the battle of Shaolin Temple in Songshan Mountain."

"In 367 AD, Songshan came to help from all sides. Zen Master Huiming showed great power and united with the Yinsha Sect, Yuanyang Sect and other ten major sects in the west to kill 200,000 enemy troops. From then on, the battle in Yizhou was settled. The enemy chiefs He was captured and placed on the front line forever."

The two looked at each other.

When they looked at the bloody wall again, both of them took a step back.

What's locked up a murderous man!

And... he will not die for a thousand years!

"Who is this?" Zhao Ziqi felt his heart beating wildly: "How can there be such a person in history?"

Xu Yangyi calmed down, read it again, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "He is not a historical person at all!"

"He is a monk." He said with certainty: "Even if he is not a human being, he must be something that can be cultivated. Did you see that the first third alone has exceeded a hundred years of fighting time. It’s talking about how this thing can be a mortal thing.”

"More importantly, although it mentioned place names, such as Yizhou, which is now Sichuan Province. However, he did not mention the city or Dianchi Lake. I don't know, but Qingcheng Mountain, Song Mountain, and Heming Mountain are all religious and orthodox. This is the place where the ancestral court is located, and it has enough appeal to finally break through hundreds of thousands of troops fighting for decades."

"Moreover, what is mentioned here are all sects, and the place names are only because of where the mountain gates of those sects are. I guess that this is a great disaster encountered by the ancient cultivators in the war."

Zhao Ziqi was stunned: "How many, hundreds of thousands of monks? How is this possible? By the way! This is the late Han Dynasty! Not the Song Dynasty?"

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Ziqi bit his lip and said: "Then... it is no longer old, nor ancient, but 'Desolate.' The Great Desolation, as it is called in the spiritual world, is nearly a thousand years earlier than we expected. At that time, the population was seven About 80,000, there are 300,000 enemies in Yizhou alone, what about our side? 300,000? What about all of China?"

"Millions of monks... there are not so many now. It is impossible to choose one monk out of ten thousand!"

Xu Yangyi thought for a moment, but couldn't get an answer. What this door offers is so abrupt that I don’t know where to start.

What made him think deeply was the last sentence.

"The front line of Yongzhen?" He looked around thoughtfully: " the 'front line' at that time?"

"What exactly did they encounter? A catastrophe in the spiritual world? Global in nature? Divided into several camps? Even invaded China?"

I couldn't figure it out, and there was no need to think about it anymore, because at this moment, the huge door made a slight "click" sound.

Then... there was a crashing sound, and the doors dozens of meters high finally opened to both sides.

"Kakakaka..." A stale breath floated out. Inside, the lights were bright, and when the two of them looked over, they were all stunned.

Inside, it's still a cave.

About thirty meters high and thirty meters wide. All made of fine steel.

From all directions, countless iron chains were pulled out, only the size of a thumb. On each iron chain, there were countless golden runes flashing. It was these golden lights that illuminated the entire cave, all locked in the center.

And there, it wasn't some ferocious beast as they had guessed, it was indeed the figure of a man with disheveled hair.

He was not tall, and in the dimness only his eyes could be seen, as bright as stars. Sitting paralyzed on a slightly raised platform with talismans carved in the center, the iron chains passed through his body, locking his hands, feet, and even his Dantian. There were chains passing through his neck.

He was wearing a bright yellow dress, which was an ancient Chinese costume. It had been torn to pieces, but even the strips of cloth scattered around could still feel the dignity of the dress.

Because all the patterns on it are condensed from extremely fine talismans.

"This is not clothes..." Xu Yangyi picked up a piece of cloth scattered at the door, looked at the cloud pattern printed on it, and said solemnly: "This is a magic weapon."

"This man is wearing magic weapons all over his body! Who is he?"

Although it was obvious that the other party could not move, let alone use spiritual energy, the two of them walked over extremely carefully and stood more than ten meters away from each other, observing each other carefully.

He is a very young man.

He looked to be in his early thirties, with a pale face and no beard. He couldn't be said to be handsome or ugly, but his clothes were messy and his hair was fluffy. He seemed to have lost all consciousness, and only his eyes showed that the other person was still alive.

He just sat there blankly, as if he was growing on the ground.

"Who are you?" Xu Yangyi asked in a deep voice.

no answer.

"Brother, be careful..." Zhao Ziqi suppressed the fear in his heart: "There seems to be something wrong with this person..."

Xu Yangyi pondered for a few seconds, and ten fire dragons appeared from the tips of his fingers. In an instant, they expanded to ten meters in size. The ten dragon heads roared and pointed at the man in the center: "I ask again, who are you."

no response.

After two seconds, the man's eyes moved slightly, and suddenly he shook his arms, and his voice was as high-pitched as a eunuch's, giggling: "Oh, come to save me! I knew you would come!" Cack!"

He stood up suddenly, raised his orchid finger, and pointed it at Xu Yangyi: "Hey! You cheap maid! Why don't you kneel down when you see me?"

Xu Yangyi frowned deeply.

"This palace?"

"Brother, this palace, its original meaning does not refer to a female concubine, but to... the prince! The East Palace, only calls himself this palace."

"Prince?" Xu Yangyi glanced at the other person's expression and smiled slightly: "A prince who is pretending to be crazy and stupid?"

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