
Chapter 577: Imprisoned for a Thousand Years (Part 2)

Before he finished speaking, a fire dragon roared and rushed over. Before the other party could react, it immediately ignited the other party. However, without any sign of resistance, the other party actually hugged his body and screamed on the ground.

The other party still did not move a step. The wide sleeves spread out like flowers, covering two or three meters.

"Don't... don't hit me! Wuuwuwu... I was wrong... I was really wrong! Father... don't hit me anymore... I was wrong... ah ah ah!!"

The heart-wrenching scream, Xu Yangyi watched for ten seconds, then waved his hand, and the fire dragon disappeared.

However, there was no trace of injury on the other party.

The other party seemed to be stunned, staring blankly for a long time, and suddenly, with his sleeves waved, he laughed like a ghost: "Hahahaha... Hahaha! I can't die, I can't die! Hahaha! Yes, yes, I can't die since I was a child!"

"Crazy?" Xu Yangyi frowned, never expecting that there was a madman who called himself the palace imprisoned under Jerusalem, the former prince?

However, he was relieved immediately.

Anyone who is locked up here for 1,600 to 1,700 years and cannot practice will definitely have mental problems.

"Who are you?" The other party wanted to pose in a comfortable posture, but the chains on his body made him unable to move. He chuckled and said, "Are you the opera troupe invited by the palace? Do two somersaults for me to see?"

Xu Yangyi glanced at him, trying to tell whether he was really crazy or pretending to be crazy.

"What a courage!" Unexpectedly, the other party danced with joy: "You dare to look at me, come! Drag him down and chop him off!"

But no one was there.

No one answered for a full minute. The unknown prince suddenly covered his face with his sleeves and said in a female voice: "I'm here... I'll take care of these things for your highness."

He wanted to leave, but he seemed unable to move at all. He moved on the spot for a while, and suddenly crawled on the ground, staring at something on the ground, grinning, drooling, and looking at it with a silly smile.

Xu Yangyi and Zhao Ziqi shook their heads. It seemed that there was no hope.

"Puff..." At this moment, a child-like chuckle suddenly sounded in the room.

"Who!" Xu Yangyi and Zhao Ziqi's spiritual energy immediately surged and enveloped their whole bodies.

"Oh my... It's still a younger cultivator, a Chinese cultivator? It's really rare." A childish voice sounded leisurely: "Who am I? Am I not right in front of you?"

"In front of you?" Zhao Ziqi looked around in astonishment.


Xu Yangyi sneered: "So... are you the chain? Or this iron palace?"

"However, I don't have time to care who you are. I just want to take one thing away..." Xu Yangyi stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "Tell me where Pisces is, and I will leave immediately."

"That won't do." The childish voice laughed: "Since you are here, stay with me and talk. It's really boring here."

"What are you?" Zhao Ziqi hid behind Xu Yangyi, and was lifted up by the collar and put in front of him. He blushed and shouted: "Don't play tricks!"

"Don't be afraid." Xu Yangyi touched his head: "I'm here, you have to act like a monk."

Silence, suddenly, a crisp laugh, the chains in the whole cave were rolling, as if an invisible person laughed so hard that his stomach hurt.

"Oh my, I'm dying of laughter!"

"A cultivator who is afraid of ghosts! Hahaha! You are also called a cultivator?"

After laughing enough, a broken chain lifted up from nowhere: "Did you see it clearly?"

Zhao Ziqi rolled his eyes and wanted to hide behind Xu Yangyi, but was dragged out again.

"This is not a ghost." Xu Yangyi's eyes were burning: "This is... a spiritual treasure."

"Spiritual treasure?" Zhao Ziqi was stunned, and then almost jumped up!

Spiritual treasure...Spiritual treasure!

In the cultivation world, the cultivation world as big as China, there are only two or three known spiritual treasures! For example, the main brain of the Heavenly Dao is an intelligent spiritual treasure that has lived for more than three thousand years and is smarter than anyone else. It can even be connected to a computer to create a clone. For example, the black and white wood, the magic treasure of the cultivation court, is also a spiritual treasure. Finally, it is said that the Heluo map of the Chinese government, which has always been activated by the highest head of China, is said to be the most powerful spiritual treasure in China for five thousand years.

In addition, almost no one has heard of it.

"Daoyou." Xu Yangyi bowed his hands: "We are only here to get one thing, and we will leave after getting it, without any delay."

"Oh?" The chain was slightly raised: "Are you not interested in me?"

Neither of them spoke.

Not interested in spiritual treasures, that's fake, but not so strong, but it's true.

Treasures, they are only auxiliary now, and now is definitely not the best time to seize spiritual treasures.

"Do you know why Jindan needs spiritual treasures? That's because the spiritual energy of the foundation-building period can't play the real role of treasures at all. Any treasure, after forging, has its own most unique attributes, and the more powerful ones will contain magical powers. Although magic weapons can be activated in the late stage of foundation building, they are only used to carry their own magical powers, or to chop them randomly. In the eyes of Jindan Zhenren, it's as ridiculous as a child playing house."

"A real magic weapon is enough to turn the world upside down with one strike, not to mention spiritual treasures. However, these can only be used in the Jindan period. You have no interest at all?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "I just want things."

"Okay, take me out!" The voice of the chain became solemn, and he gritted his teeth and said, "What you want is here, but you must take me out!"

"For more than 1,600 years... I've had enough! I've been with this idiot without a word. If it weren't for my spirit body that can spread hundreds of meters in the land, I would have gone crazy long ago!"

"Enough... Enough!! Take me away! I don't want to be trapped here forever!!"

Its voice became louder and louder. At the end, the whole chain danced wildly, and its somewhat hysterical roar echoed in the cave, and its childish voice was raised to a sharp pitch.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he bowed down tremblingly, tears streaming down his face, and he didn't know what he was praying for.

"What should I do with him?" Xu Yangyi looked at the crazy prince and asked.

"Who cares if he lives or dies!!!" The chain remembered something, and there was unspeakable anger in his voice: "Do you know who he is?! Do you know how many people he has killed? He has been imprisoned by me for 1,600 years, and all his meridians have been locked by me. He has no spiritual power at all! He is just a mortal! An immortal mortal! Why do you care about him!"

"Take me out, I will tell you some secrets, some treasures. Don't think I am locked here, I know much more than you think!"

"Brother?" Zhao Ziqi asked with a burning look in his eyes, pulling his clothes.

Xu Yangyi was silent, and after a few seconds, he looked at the chain that was raised like a vine and shook his head.

A moment of silence.

Then, Lingbao's furious voice came: "You dare to refuse?!"

"Do you know... For a low-level cultivator like you, it is a great blessing for you to be able to touch me! Now... I am willing to go out with you, and you actually refuse?!"

"Although I don't know who he is, it is written very clearly that he is not old, immortal, weak, or declining. I don't want to take this risk." Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice.

"Hehe..." The childish voice laughed sharply, and then a red light flashed in the cave. A white and tender boy with a sky-high braid and a red bellyband appeared in the air. Although he looked childish, his whole face was filled with unspeakable gloom.

"You want to ask for benefits without helping me. Is it possible?" The boy gritted his teeth and smiled: "I'll give you one last chance, take me out, or stay."

Xu Yangyi shook his head calmly.

"Very good..." The boy took a deep breath: "Then, stay with me!"

"Boom boom" As he finished speaking, the door behind him made a heavy humming sound and slowly closed. Xu Yangyi turned his head indifferently, then looked at the boy and arched his hands: "I'm sorry."

"You want to do..."

Before he finished speaking, the whole ground roared and shook!

After two seconds of being stunned, the boy shouted loudly: "Boy, you are so brave!!!"

"Swish swish swish!" Green plants spread rapidly along the holes that the chains crawled out! In an instant, they filled the whole place! And they became thicker and thicker, filling the whole room in an instant! Bright red buds opened, rows of sharp teeth, scarlet tongues, and countless big mouths roared at the boy!


"Oh beloved concubine, save me!" The prince screamed and fainted immediately.

"You dare to provoke Lingbao..." The boy didn't even look at him, but looked at Xu Yangyi with a gloomy look, and then waved his hands: "What a big dog's guts!"

"Ink dance crazy dragon!"

"Hua la la!" The chains in the whole venue were in turmoil, and with a sound, countless black shadows collided fiercely with the green line.

"Bang!" The grass and trees were flying, and the black dragon was like a sickle. Wherever it passed, the green line was not a single blow. However, Xu Yangyi's figure was like a small boat in the wind and rain. No matter how the black dragon danced wildly, it could not hurt him at all.

His body flipped and dodged one black dragon after another. These fine steels were also strange. In an instant, countless black dragons hit the wall, but none of them could leave a mark.

"Here!" When the boy saw that he couldn't hit it, he waved his hands, and countless chains gathered together, forming a huge chain dragon in front of Xu Yangyi, biting him madly.

However, the giant dragon did not arrive, but stopped in mid-air. Almost at the same time, the endless chains in the sky were all straightened, forming a large chain net, which was almost airtight. At this moment, this huge net trembled twice.

Xu Yangyi sighed secretly. The opponent was like a spider in the web, extremely flexible. The Apocalypse Spirit that was so obscure just now was actually blocked by the opponent.

"Want to sneak attack me?" The boy grinned: "Don't dream, here, I am the master here!"

"For the last time..." He stood up, and the talismans on all the chains flashed together. The prince screamed and rolled on the ground in pain, his voice was shrill.

"Take me out, otherwise... die!"

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