
Chapter 578: Imprisoned for a Thousand Years (Part 3)

"If you were in your prime, I would be a little afraid." Xu Yangyi was not moved by the overwhelming black chains: "Do you know why I dare to attack you?"

"Because, from the moment I entered, I couldn't feel the spiritual power." His palm flashed, and Yuchang appeared in his hand. Above, the five-star god shone: "You can't absorb spiritual power for more than a thousand years. Even if you were strong at that time, you would not be stronger than the foundation building now. As expected... you are a little weaker than I thought."

The boy's eyes flashed, and for the first time there was a hint of nervousness in his voice: "You... didn't use your full strength?"

"Late stage of foundation building? Middle stage? It doesn't matter, the important thing is..." Xu Yangyi didn't answer him at all. His figure flashed, several times faster than before! There were purple sparks in the air!

"You are no match for me!"

"Ten Directions Purgatory!!"

The boy's pupils shrank and he screamed, "Prison Dragon!"

"Hua La La!" The black chain dragon that had stopped for a second collapsed with a bang. Just 50 meters away from Xu Yangyi, it flew out like a fairy scattering flowers, and pieces of black shadows bloomed above Xu Yangyi's head. It formed a prison of chains. Under the shining of golden light, the spiritual energy on Xu Yangyi's body actually rose up. Leave him.

At this moment, ten fire dragons covered with golden light spread up along the chains. In the cave, the temperature suddenly rose, and the enchanting purple fire pulled out the afterimage of death. As the temperature suddenly rose, the boy let out a frightened cry. Countless runes flew out of the chains, turning into golden butterflies, and exploded in the cave together!

"Boom boom boom" the golden butterflies flew, and the terrifying explosion sounded through the ground, and red clouds of red gold reflected the cave. Ten purple fire dragons were extinguished.

"Close!!" With a scream, the chains surrounding Xu Yangyi strangled towards the center like a python, but they did not touch. At this moment, Xu Yangyi's body suddenly became empty, and with a "ding-dong" sound, all the chains closed in vain!

"This is..." The boy's eyes flashed, and he looked at Xu Yangyi in disbelief: "Xu Ling Xianti?!"

"How is it possible... Even in my time, it is not difficult to get the ascending bamboo, but the carrier is one in a hundred thousand. At that time, there were only a dozen people in each of the ten great immortal bodies. Now there is actually a Xu Ling Xianti that can be passed down?"

"I understand, it's not that I'm too weak and can't even keep a mere foundation building, but... this little bastard has cultivated the Xu Ling Xianti to four times, or even eight times! Only then can he be on par with me!"

However, he had no time to think about it.

At this moment, a cold light appeared in the sky, and then the sword came out like a dragon, the Jupiter God shone, and pieces of crystal ice flowers condensed into an ice tornado, flying in the cave.

"This, this is..." The boy was stunned, and then his lips trembled slightly: "Nine Stars Falling... Star of Apocalypse... This... He... This is impossible!!!"

"The secret method created by Jiang Taigong is only passed on to people with destiny. How could he have it! Could it be... He is... the keeper of this generation?!"

"Ka Ka Ka!" In extreme shock, the explosion of the golden butterfly was even a little weaker. At the same time, a sword came from the west amid the flying ice, breaking through the waves of ice, flames, ice, and the intense pain caused by the physical reaction made the boy scream to the sky.

"Pah!" At the moment when the sword stabbed the boy, all the chains surrounded the boy, making the sword that was determined to win fall into the air. The next second, countless chains rose up like poisonous snakes beside Xu Yangyi, a full thirty or forty meters high, and smashed down towards him with a whistling wind.

"Pah, pah, pah!" Countless roars were heard, and the whole cave was shaking. However, Xu Yangyi's figure did not retreat but advanced, like a small boat in a storm, his figure kept walking between the virtual and the real, and the direct attacking magic power could not hit him at all!

"Split the sky!" His figure was like lightning, and the sky was suddenly covered with countless scratches, as if to tear the void apart.

"Star Locks Across the River!" The boy shouted angrily, and hundreds of iron chains seemed to have spirituality, forming a dense net in front of him. There were endless clanging sounds, and a dazzling golden spark suddenly flashed in the air - that was the sound of Split the Sky colliding with the giant chain net.

"He has actually started to practice the second star!" The boy was extremely angry, unable to take it down... He was even at a disadvantage. Although he could not be killed at all, this situation... How ugly!

I am an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, but I was suppressed by a mere foundation building! In the past, how could I not kill him?

"Little bastard..." A ruthless look flashed in his eyes: "I don't believe I can't take you down today!!"

"Bang!" The chain condensed into a giant hand, and it separated from Xu Yangyi as soon as it touched him. The two stood on both sides of the cave, with undisguised fighting intent in their eyes.

"If not..." The boy gritted his teeth, his young face full of anger: "Old man..."

"If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't practice and was trapped for a thousand years, I would have killed you, a bastard, in my palm." Xu Yangyi swung his sword and sneered: "Don't reminisce about the glory of the past. Always looking back and refusing to look forward, how can you break away from the spirit of the weapon and become a real cultivator?"

"Look at the reality. The reality is that I am better than you."

"Hahaha!" The boy laughed up to the sky: "Arrogant! Arrogant to the extreme!"

"I have practiced for a thousand years, but today I am in a desperate situation and bullied by a wild dog like you... Good, very good! I will let you see what the true strength of the spirit of the weapon is!"

He gently patted his white and tender little hand on his head: "Please ask for the soul!"

"Buzz buzz..." As these three words fell, the entire ground began to tremble, and from all directions, from the keyholes, the sound of densely packed chains, crawling like snakes, could be heard.

"Boom!!" There was a sudden shock, and the chains in all the keyholes burst into golden light, and then turned into chains of light.

An indescribable sense of weight rose from the chain of light, illuminating the entire cave into a bright light.

"Molong..." Countless rays of light swirled around, making the boy appear like a fairy child. His white and tender little hands stretched out: "Turning sea!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the talismans on the chains flew away, forming a huge and simple talisman.

"Buzz..." With every turn of it, the whole cave trembled, an unspeakable spiritual power, carrying vicissitudes of life, as majestic as the ocean tide, as if it had come across thousands of years, from every stroke of the rune Every now and then.

The power of golden elixir!

"Kakaka..." It seemed slow but was actually fast. In less than a second, the space around his body was sealed in the void, and a terrifying murderous intent locked onto him. Then... the entire talisman twisted, forming a black vortex in the void, while blue and white thunder and lightning wandered around. In less than three seconds, a huge black head poked out.

"It's your honor to be defeated by this move..." The boy gritted his teeth and glanced at Xu Yangyi, then pointed with his short finger: "Go!"

"Roar!!!" Infinite black spiritual energy spurted out, and a black dragon more than ten meters long strolled out of the whirlpool, carrying fire to the stars and continents, rising into the clouds and out of Ding Lake. After a loud roar, he suddenly disappeared.

The next second, it appeared strangely in front of Xu Yangyi!

Space erased!

"Brother!" Zhao Ziqi nervously exclaimed in his mind. Even he felt that this move was extraordinary.

Qualitatively different.

"Swipe!" At the same time, Xu Yangyi's figure flashed, and the next second, he and the boy actually exchanged places!

Dead silence.

A moment of dead silence.

Zhao Ziqi was stunned, and so was the boy.

what happened?

However, the boy could no longer think too much. The overwhelming and powerful black dragon was coming towards him!

"Disperse!!" He roared angrily, waved his hands, and the black dragon disappeared less than three meters in front of him. His face was extremely pale, and he looked at Xu Yangyi who was standing in his position: "What is this?"

In Xu Yangyi's hand, a badge shone brightly, covered with patina, carved with lions and wolves, surrounded by olive branches. It looks ordinary, but it emits heart-stopping spiritual energy fluctuations from above.

"God's alibi." Xu Yangyi smiled and put away the badge: "You can activate it twice in a day, and exchange anything within a kilometer that I have touched with me. It is a prince-level secret treasure of the Voldemort family. Isn't it interesting? ?”

The boy didn't speak.

More than just interesting...

This kind of thing can be described as a strategic magic weapon! Whether it's escaping or making a surprise attack, it's a magical weapon!

This junior... is too difficult to deal with.

His realm is not high, but his magical power is top-notch. The Void Spirit Immortal Body has at least four times the spiritual power. When he activates the Nine-Yam Starfall, even he feels a headache. In addition, he is full of weird magic weapons... In his heart, the third For once a twinge of regret arose.

Maybe...if you can't keep it, letting it go is a better choice.

My life is extremely long, why should I care about an ant that is only a few hundred years old?

"Get out of here." He gritted his teeth, retracted the chain with a livid face, and waved his hand in disinterest: "Get out of here, this is not the place you should be."

However, Xu Yangyi did not answer.

A strange feeling suddenly arose in his heart.

Something is missing...

That weird feeling wrapped around his heart like a vine.

There is something missing...something...that you should have noticed from the moment you entered this place...


Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he shouted in his mind: "Zi Qi!"

"Brother?" Zhao Ziqi had already hid in his spiritual consciousness. When he heard the call, he immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

"Go and keep an eye on that prince!"

“There’s something wrong with that guy!!”

He stared at the boy opposite and whispered: "If he is a madman, why hasn't he screamed at all? He woke up long ago. He is an immortal mortal now and can't deceive me. Why doesn't he make any sound? "

Zhao Ziqi immediately flew out, and his appearance immediately attracted the attention of the opponent. However, what greeted him was Xu Yangyi's sword tip raised, pointed directly at his throat. However, both of them glanced in Zhao Ziqi's direction imperceptibly.

At this glance, both of them gasped.

In the battle just now, the ground shook violently, and the prince... was finally shaken off the ground.

The hem of the gorgeous clothes was empty, and Xu Yangyi immediately thought of the blood stains in the passage. Presumably it was because his feet were cut off that he remained still.

But... this kind of stillness... makes it impossible to imagine that there is something hidden under his clothes!

"This is..." The boy's body trembled, and then he rushed over with a scream: "Those who are not from my tribe must have different thoughts! Bastard, I should have killed you with one palm!!"

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