
Chapter 579: Imprisoned for a Thousand Years (Part 4)

Xu Yangyi was also stunned.

Under the opponent's clothes, on the ground... there was actually a magic array...

It was not complicated, because with the opponent's strength and energy, and under the long-term surveillance of Lingbao, it was impossible to complete a complex magic array. It was also because of its simplicity that this magic array... was unusually easy to recognize.

Thousand-mile sound transmission.

This person... was actually communicating with the outside world!

In an instant, Xu Yangyi understood everything.

There are many purposes for pretending to be crazy.

For example... through madness, the other party is disgusted and does not want to approach him. Over time, it will form a habit imperceptibly. This is the first.

For example... through madness, you can walk around at will, so that the bones exposed by your chopped off feet can be worn out on the ground for years. It took decades and hundreds of years of hard work to create this thousand-mile sound transmission array.

This is the second.

For example, through madness, you can say nonsensical crazy words, so that Lingbao will not care at all, but you can openly repair the plank road and secretly pass Chencang. Inform the news of the person behind. This is the third.

This person... is so scheming!

He actually hid the truth from Lingbao for a thousand years!

"Pa!!" A loud slap hit the prince's face. The prince remained silent, with a smile of extreme hatred on his face, and his face was covered with blood while he was smiling.

How could he be crazy?

"Pretending?" The boy grabbed his jaw with his little hand, his eyes blazing with fire: "Keep pretending?"

"You are so daring!!"

"Kara La!!" The chains on the prince's body vibrated together, hanging him up in the air. Even Xu Yangyi heard the sound of bones being pulled, but the prince didn't say a word, just looked at the boy with a sinister look.

"Speak." The boy sneered and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, a chain twisted and twisted the other party's entire arm into a knot. The prince groaned, as if he couldn't feel the pain, and sneered.

His voice was completely different from before, with an inherent elegance: "What are you talking about?"

"Talking about your stupidity? From the completion of the magic circle to now, hundreds of years have passed, and you haven't noticed it?"

The boy laughed, and then spit on the other's face: "Evil heretics."

"You lowly people from the world of no return in Yanfuzhou... How dare you insult me ​​like this." The prince seemed to have lost his sense of humiliation, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand tremblingly: "When my army arrives, I will destroy the six billion people in your world of no return... Wait..."

"Pah!!" The boy suddenly flew to his side, slapped him with his backhand, and then stepped on his face with his white feet, sneering: "You lose once, you will lose a second time, no chance, bastard."

"It's also my bad luck." The man licked his lips. At this moment, he was still the same person, without even a trace of spiritual energy, but strangely made people feel that he was out of reach.

That was the temperament in the body for thousands of years. Something that he would never give up even if he died.

He gently lifted his robe to reveal the two bones underneath: "Did you see it?"

"You also know that I am immortal and every bone is a treasure. I spent a full three hundred years sharpening my leg bones. I spent another two hundred years to let myself "fall into lonely madness," and finally, in the first four hundred years of pretending to be crazy, I carved this formation. Nine hundred years in total... Do you think I am very patient?"

"This person, once he has some belief or some thought, he will never die. It's really strange."

"You..." The boy's lips were trembling, and he grabbed his collar and grabbed it hard. The other party came over with a smile like a dry bone.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Guess?" The prince smiled.

"Pah!" The next second, his arm was kicked off by the boy.

The man didn't even scream, but looked at his deformed arm calmly: "Knowing that I am immortal, why are you still doing these useless things?"

"That one over there." He waved his hand casually with his tattered and luxurious sleeves. His domineering attitude was not artificial, but natural from the bottom of his heart.

"I want to taste the wine from Earth. Why don't you bring me a bottle?"

Xu Yangyi flew in front of him and smiled slightly: "May I ask your name?"

The man also smiled: "I am also from Yan Fuzhou, Zhenwu Realm, the twelfth prince, and I am ranked seventh."

"Zhenwu Realm, Dajin Royal Family, Seventh Prince Sima Tuo. Remember my name, inferior."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi slapped him with his backhand.

"Pah!" With a crisp sound, Sima Tuo turned his face away and remained silent. Then, he laughed with his shoulders twitching: "How rude..."

"Pah!" Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi slapped him again.

"I'm going to hit you." He said calmly: "I finally understand what's written on the door..."

"One thousand four hundred years ago, in the battle of the universe, the world of no return, the earth, faced the attack of the Zhenwu world across tens of millions of light years, right?"

Seeing the boy's face full of surprise, he knew that he guessed right.

" do you know?" The boy stood up in shock: "You are a Chinese, the Kong family did not perform their duties well? This is a taboo sealed by the Kong family, the Meng family, the Xun family and other schools of thought. Who are you!"

Before Xu Yangyi answered, the boy took a deep breath and looked at the ground: "Yes...Yes! You are the light keeper of this generation...Did your elders tell you? It must be like this..."

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and sighed silently.

Guessed right...

It really is...

Everything in the past, here, is connected into a line!

Nearly two thousand years ago, there was a behemoth comparable to the earth, named "Zhenwu Realm." It was unknown where it got the boundary anchor and star position of the earth, and brought millions of cultivators, perhaps leading the entire plane, across tens of millions of light years, wanting to annex this equal world.

However, they did not expect, or the intelligence was wrong, and finally found that the world of no return, that is, the earth, was definitely not the declining world they imagined, and it had extremely strong strength. Zhenwu Realm was unwilling to retreat, so it launched a boundary position war that shocked the two great worlds and thousands of small worlds.

In the end, Zhenwu Realm retreated and the earth won a tragic victory, but the price was that the boundary anchors of cultivation were all broken and turned into fragments and fell to the earth.

From then on, the boundary anchors were repairing themselves all the time, because everyone who participated knew that the position of the earth was exposed, and the defeated Zhenwu Realm would never be willing, no matter how long it took... or hundreds of years, or thousands of years, after the next two or three batches of cultivators grew up, they would definitely launch a second boundary position war.

"Is this the reason why Xiaoqing said, 'The earth will change drastically in two hundred years'?" A hint of obscurity flashed in his eyes: "That is to say... the final deadline is in two or three hundred years?"

"What have they known? Or have they guessed something?"

"No... now the earth, with the highest golden elixir, can still resist such an enemy?"

The more he thought about it, the more he thought: "Perhaps, Xiaoqing, Nanhua Diemu and others are not the danger of the seal... Maybe... they are the last amulet of the earth..."

As if there were a thorn in his back.

He had guessed the truth, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

Not nervous?

Indeed, not too nervous. This kind of battle, no, war, which concerns the overall situation, may not be able to protect oneself until the golden elixir. This is like a drop of water under the tide. Even if the ocean is about to evaporate, the sense of crisis is not too strong.

However, there is always an extremely urgent feeling lingering in my heart.

Two or three hundred years later... I am afraid that the Zhenwu Realm, which has failed once, will come to the sky above the earth again. At that time... what will the earth use to resist?

In the war between alien races, the winners are the kings and the losers are the bandits. He simply couldn't imagine that once the Earth was defeated, how would they, as Earthlings, deal with themselves?

Where to go?

"So... there is a hundred-year war engraved on the door." He no longer had any intention of arguing with the boy, and said in a complicated way: "I didn't understand why it was called 'hostages'. In ancient China, hostages sent to the enemy or other countries were mostly princes or princes of noble birth. Only those who are qualified to be called hostages, and you, the seventh prince of the damn Dajin royal family, do have this qualification."

"Watch your tone, inferior." Sima Tuo sneered at him: "When the Zhenwu Realm arrives over the Earth, it will be the day you die."

"The Earth, a mere garbage shit, dares to call itself the world? Hahaha... Ridiculous, the bottom of the well How can a frog know the vastness of a river?"

Xu Yangyi looked at him indifferently, and said after a long time: "Do you know?"


"You really deserve a beating."

"Pa!" A loud slap slapped his face, Xu Yangyi rubbed his hands: "I have never met you before, no, it's really rare for me to want to beat someone up so much when I first met you."

"Besides, I will never feel guilty just because you are a cripple."

"If you are not from my tribe, your heart must be different. If you offend my tribe, you must be punished even if you are far away." He shrugged: "These are all excuses, but I just want to beat you up."

Next, the "pa pa pa" sound of punches and palm strikes was almost endless. For more than ten minutes, Xu Yangyi Yicai stopped his hand, expanded his chest, and suddenly said to the boy who sneered beside him: "Am I considered torturing the prisoners?"

"What do you mean by torturing the prisoners?" The boy was stunned at first, and then laughed in an extremely sinister way: "There is no such word in my dictionary."

"You haven't seen the battle that year..." He took a deep breath, and his body trembled a little: "You can't imagine... you can't imagine... the legendary mothership that can sail the galaxy does exist... the cultivators who are overwhelming and dark clouds in novels also exist... I still remember that when Jiang Taigong fought with the world master who stood at the top of the Zhenwu world, the entire Western Region was overturned..."

"You can't imagine... you can't imagine... ...With one palm, the Tigris and Euphrates rivers almost triggered a tsunami...The ground was cracked, and countless swords rained down from the sky...And the Xuanyuan Sword Master...held the Xuanyuan Sword and fought to the death with the Realm Spirit of the Zhenwu Realm, killing hundreds of sword servants, and finally beheaded the Realm Spirit of the Zhenwu Realm with his sword, and then...he passed away on the spot..."

"I feel the breath of an old friend on you, a woman...I can't remember her name...but she should have been in the Xuanyuan Three Demon Center of Empress Daji...She should have been very weak back then, and then...the center was completely wiped out, and they were guarding Heming Mountain...You also saw the end of Heming Mountain..."

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