
Chapter 580: The One Who Betrayed the Plane

"There is also Patriarch Zhang Daoling...the second-generation Heavenly Master...because of this battle, he was forced to leave the realm of no return...90% of the contemporary descendants of hundreds of schools of thought died in the battle. I know that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had the power to depose hundreds of schools and dominate Confucianism's order. It's not that he wanted to do this... but everyone knew that the Zhenwu Realm was coming... Everyone felt the majestic spiritual power from the sky, no worse than the earth. Wherever they passed, countless small Thousands of worlds were destroyed. The heads of every family made a will to support Kong Sheng. It was not that all families failed to promote it... but that at that time, except for Kong Sheng to preserve their strength, other families were prepared to die..."

"I also know that... not only China, but the Roman Empire at that time had already prepared for war. San Lorenzo and Teotihuacan in America... all the monks on earth at that time were taking action..."

"However, he was cut off by one sword from this world." Sima Tuo said calmly. Xu Yangyi and the boy turned around with smiles and slapped him on the mouth.

"Fight, fight..." Sima Tuo said expressionlessly, sighing: "Apart from venting your past anger on me, what can you do?"

"Barking like a wild dog, in the face of real strength, like the sand on the seashore, it reveals its original shape as soon as it rushes. You can't kill me, and I won't die. I will wait here quietly, patiently the day when my Lord delivered me.”

His eyes turned red: "If I hadn't held on to this expectation, how could I have survived these more than a thousand years! What a state I was in back then, and now, I am being insulted by a bitch like you... you!"

He stretched out his finger and pointed his halberd at Xu Yangyi: "Wait a minute... Earth is a bunch of pigs, bastards, low-class people... Our country, Great Jin, is one of the seven great kingdoms! There are hundreds of Nascent Soul monks alone! Dozens of monks from the upper four realms! Six Star Destroyer Motherships, five major cultivating sects, and a population of 1.2 billion... When our Great Jin Kingdom comes, you will be destroyed!"

The boy smiled: "What a pity... Last time, your defeat seemed even more ugly. Three world spirits from all directions were killed, but the world anchor was not broken into pieces? Now, how many Nascent Souls can you get out? "

"Haha..." Sima Tuo sneered, "Then, let's just wait and see."

"I'm counting... There are still hundreds of years before that thing is about to begin. I want to see who is lying under whom by then!"

No one paid attention to him anymore, and Tongzi and Xu Yangyi felt a bit sympathetic to each other at the moment - men's friendship is built through fighting, whether it's playing, having sex or fighting. Of course, it’s not necessarily the opponent you hit, but another person.

"Senior." Xu Yangyi cupped his hands first: "Xu Yangyi, Wolfsbane."

"Zhenxing." The boy also bowed his hands with a stern expression: "I was presumptuous before, but I didn't expect that he was pretending to be crazy. This place... must not be known to anyone. I originally agreed not to kill the proton, and I originally wanted to keep him. He is left to fend for himself here, it’s my fault.”

He glanced at Sima Tuo with disdain: "When we captured Heming Mountain, one of the three major ancestral courts of Taoism, our prestige was so great. As a result, before Zhang Tianshi was forced to leave at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain, he asked immortal generals to wipe out 300,000 bandits, which was very satisfying. No. To think that today, I have to pretend to be crazy and act stupid to gain sympathy."

"Brother." At this moment, Zhao Ziqi's spirit body floated over: "Time..."

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Senior, I came here to get something. It looks like this..."

"I know..." Zhenxing sighed, with infinite melancholy in his eyes, as if he wanted to say something. After a long time, he opened his mouth gently: "Tower of Babel..."

" still going to appear..."

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly: "Senior, do you know its exact location?"

Zhenxing shook his head: "No. The Tower of Babel, also known as the Tower of Impermanence, its location does not exist in reality at all, but is mysterious and mysterious. And..."

He looked at Xu Yangyi complicatedly: "What do you think these twelve horoscopes are?"

"Key?" Xu Yangyi asked tentatively.

"Yes, and no. It also has a name, called Machu Picchu's Sun Disk." Zhenxing seemed to have remembered something, and a sense of vicissitudes of life appeared on his young face: "You don't need to ask me, there are some things you should know. Of course, I will know. If I shouldn’t know, I don’t have to wait and see. All the great monks agreed that no one should reveal it, so I won’t say it.”

Xu Yangyi was silent.

He was very unwilling.

Finally... his original speculation was proved. From the moment he saw and knew the secondary world anchor, he made this seemingly impossible deduction. Who would have thought that during the trip to Jerusalem, this would be the original front line, and that a prisoner from a thousand years ago would be imprisoned below.

If you don't ask clearly, how can you be willing?

As if he understood his thoughts, Zhenxing shook his head and said: "You...if I'm not wrong, your family will naturally guide you there...This is your mission. Although I can't tell you anything else, I can Tell you something about the tower."

He took a deep breath and said solemnly: "The Tower of Babel is definitely not a treasure house. In other words, there are treasures, but they are not what you think."

He looked up at the roof of the cave, covering up the hot flames in his eyes: "That... was the place where the war started, and it was also where the Seven Hundred Small Thousand Worlds, which belonged to the Zhenwu World and had a cultivation civilization, landed. That was where the war was most brutal. Place. The Tower of Babel... is not the Tower of Babel, but the most powerful and greatest mobile fortress in the history of the earth.”

"Mobile Fortress..." Xu Yangyi chewed on these words and suddenly took a deep breath: " alive?"

Zhenxing opened his mouth to say something, but strangely, no word could be heard.

"Look." Zhenxing sighed: "Even if I want to say it, it's useless. The Earth's protective formation automatically blocks my words."

"Go there, all the answers from the past, everything you want to know, are there. The exhibition hall of war, the footprints of the Earth's past stained with blood and sweat... Your generation will always have to face the monster of Zhenwu Realm... As the descendant of the light keeper, you are destined to go there..."


After a long time, Xu Yangyi nodded: "Junior will definitely go. Even if not for the Earth, but for myself."

Zhenxing's lips moved slightly, but he didn't say anything. When he raised his hand, a piece of stone fragment appeared in his hand.

On it, Pisces was engraved.

"This... is the last fragment of the Machu Picchu sun disk. The descendants of the twelve apostles of Europe and America hid them in various secret places."

Xu Yangyi carefully put it away: "What about you?"

"If possible, I might be able to take you out."

"No!" Unexpectedly, this time, Zhenxing refused, his smile colder than ice: "Go out? No... I won't go out!"

"The Tower of Babel has appeared... The lights will be lit soon, it's coming... The glory that comes once in 1,400 years... is coming soon..."

"The hostage is here, they will definitely send someone. This bastard is the seventh prince of the Great Jin Kingdom after all. I... will wait for them here!"

Xu Yangyi nodded and bowed his hands and said: "Then, let's say goodbye."

Zhenxing paused: "If, hundreds of years later, we are still alive, maybe... I am willing to go out with you."

"Brother!" Zhao Ziqi shouted excitedly in his mind.

The spirit of the weapon agrees!

This sentence is equivalent to the spirit of the weapon agreeing tactfully that if everyone can survive after this battle, then it is willing to follow Xu Yangyi!

This is a spiritual treasure that only three of them exist in China!

And it is a spiritual treasure that has lived for nearly two thousand years!

Although its spiritual energy has dissipated, its knowledge, memory, and experience are much stronger than those newly born spiritual treasures! As long as it is given time, it is not impossible for it to return to its peak!

"This is all about the future, but... the fate of the lamp keeper has always been to sacrifice his body for the lamp. I don't think you can live to that time. But... no matter whether others know the lamp keeper in secret. I will remember you." Zhenxing said lightly: "Remember... a young lamp keeper came to me a few hundred years ago."

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows.

This sentence... is very familiar.

Xiaoqing, it seems that he has said something similar.

"But before that, we have one more thing to do."

Zhen Xing turned to look at Sima Tuo: "Daoyou, I really want to know who you are contacting."

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly: "Not from Zhenwu Realm?"

"Of course not!" Zhen Xing said firmly: "Zhenwu Realm is so many light years away from the Earth, how could he contact Zhenwu Realm? And in the battle, even if someone could survive, they would have been rejected by the Earth's boundary formation. It is impossible to be alive now."

"Who is secretly communicating with the plane? Colluding with the enemy world?" The young face stroked the sharp white teeth, sneered and walked to Sima Tuo, grabbed the other's hair: "Someone is helping you... I really want to know, who is seeking death by seeking the skin of the tiger?"

"Come, tell me, I will responsibly pull out his tendons and bones. If you don't say..." He smiled grimly, and all the chains flashed: "It is possible that this proton will also "die of illness" on Earth."

Xu Yangyi thought for a moment, fell to the ground, and searched on the ground bit by bit.

Any magic array needs a center. To transmit a sound over a thousand miles, one needs something from the other party. The person who can send this thing in under the surveillance of the world spirit must be extraordinary!

However, there is no such thing.

The center of the magic array is clean. He thought about it, flew into the air, and the spiritual energy of his fingers ran. In an instant, Sima Tuo was naked.

"You!!!" Sima Tuo was unmoved by the severe pain just now, but at this moment, his eyes were immediately stained with a layer of blood.

"Inferior..." He gritted his teeth and looked at Xu Yangyi: "How dare you do this?!"

This is humiliation.

For him, the seventh prince of the Great Jin Kingdom, naked humiliation!

Lost face.

At the moment when the clothes were torn, a thumbnail-sized thing fell from the air, and Xu Yangyi grabbed it.

It was a piece of metal debris.

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