
Chapter 581: Wrath of the Holy Land (I)

"Armor?" Zhenxing pondered: "The clues are too small."

"No!" Xu Yangyi's eyes widened and he took several deep breaths: "I know... So that's how it is!"

He knew this piece of armor.

Jie faction!

The seventy-two pillars of King Solomon, the sixteenth pillar of the Demon King, and the armor of Jie!

"I see..." He closed his eyes and roughly guessed the truth of the matter: the devil itself is a combination of negative emotions. In a war between two worlds, it is not surprising that there will be betrayers. After the war, Europe and America entered a thousand years of darkness, and the Middle Ages came. As for the Jie faction, at this time, the magic power could be said to have reached its peak in history.

As a man left from the war, he knew too much. Perhaps, at that time, there were still some monks on the earth who had not been taken away by the Zhenwu world, so in order to become stronger, the Jie faction chose to join forces with them, because hell is a primitive forest and only recognizes strength.

So... he used his huge magic power to wait for the opportunity. After the weapon spirit level was downgraded too much due to the inability to absorb spiritual energy, he secretly contacted Sima Tuo. I thought it was perfect, but it turned out to be noticed by Quetzalcoatl. In the end, the enraged opponent traveled thousands of miles and killed him with one strike!

This is Earth...

Suddenly, his heart was racing and his blood was boiling.

Realistic portraits of creatures.

There is betrayal, loyalty, passion, and war.

Faced with the fact that everyone in the Zhenwu world is united, after the war, everyone has their own selfish motives.

Strangely, he didn't feel there was anything wrong with selfishness, he just felt that it was a reality.

Living reality.

The two left, nervous and apprehensive when they arrived, but now, only a sense of urgency remained.

Outside, there is feasting and feasting, and people are drunk and dreaming. Who knows...hundreds of years later, the enemy once defeated by the earth will most likely come here again.

At that was still unknown who would live and who would die, who would be king and who would be defeated.

"Brother..." Zhao Ziqi was also shocked. The two of them were speechless all the way and hurried toward the exit: "Is what he said true?"

"Are there really other worlds coming? The truth about the Dharma Ending Age. Everything now comes from the battle nearly two thousand years ago?"

Xu Yangyi said in a deep voice: "It's true."

"So, hurry up and practice. Maybe, in a few hundred years, everyone will be on the battlefield."

He touched Zi Qi's head: "Zi Qi, grow up quickly. My brother can't always protect you."

Zhao Ziqi nodded silently.

"Tap tap tap..." Not long after they walked out of the door and were still a few hundred meters away from the entrance above, Xu Yangyi suddenly stopped.

"Kara...Kara..." A clear cracking sound suddenly came from all around. Then, something seemed to collapse, as if space collapsed.

"This is this?" Zhao Ziqi looked around in shock and asked in shock.

"Death will lead to death." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth: "Who is not afraid of death?"

"One, two, three, four... a total of six people... Fuck!" He cursed bitterly. Including them, there were eight people, only two short of the limit of ten people Death City Death Dust could bear. people!

His spiritual consciousness was suddenly released, and he could feel that the people who came in were all mortals. Because this place is now its own space, even if the other party doesn't come in, he won't be able to feel it.

Several shaky figures have appeared at the entrance of the passage, and you can even see the guns they are carrying.

"I don't know whether to live or die." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and slowed down. Now, he could only let them all go out, and then close the door here himself. Otherwise, if two more people come down, the barrier will collapse, and the defenders of Jerusalem will notice it immediately.

Putting the top combat power under the lights outside to darken it, although it is dark, but... it also means another thing.

In the inner city of Jerusalem, Muslims have absolute confidence!

Where is the confidence?

"True Lord Nascent Soul..." A layer of white hair sweat appeared on his back. On the outer layer, there were eight golden elixirs, and on the inside, there was at least one Nascent Soul, guarding the entire Jerusalem like an iron barrel!

"Swish, swish, swish..." At this moment, five red dots shone on him. He was only fifty meters away from the door, and they were clearly distinguishable from each other.

"STOP!" "Stop!" "Stop or else shoot!"

A series of English words rang out.


Ignorant mortals...

Xu Yangyi felt an unknown fire in his heart and suppressed the murderous intention in his heart. He was not killing innocent people indiscriminately. As long as the other party did not cause trouble, he could show mercy.

That's a group of special forces.

It was the group of Germans we saw before. But now everyone carries a gun.

"WHOAREYOU?" A tall man separated from the crowd and walked in. He was in a suit and leather shoes, with high cheekbones and big ears. After seeing Xu Yangyi's dress clearly, his eyes flashed and he asked in blunt Chinese: "Bayonet ?”

Xu Yangyi's face was cold and he said calmly: "How do you know that I am from China?"

"It's very simple. Japan and South Korea don't have the international strength to enter Jerusalem." The man's words were very blunt, but his words were very accurate: "Is this a special mission for the bayonet? I'm sorry to disturb you, but I think that this kind of spectacle, It should be handed over to the International Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Organization.”

"Oh... I forgot to introduce myself, I am Ander, the German Ambassador to Israel..."

"I don't care who you are." Xu Yangyi walked forward step by step, feeling an unspeakable anxiety in his heart: "Listen, leave here immediately."

"Stop!" A red dot was aimed at his eyebrows, and a bearded man said coldly: "Hey, if you take one more step forward, I will shoot. I swear, I'm not lying to you."

"Frank." The ambassador pushed his gun and said to Xu Yangyi: "I think we have some misunderstandings. Look, we are looking for someone. His name is Yagyu, I don't know..."


"What?" The ambassador thought he heard wrongly.

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's figure suddenly disappeared from the place, and the next second, he appeared in front of Frank.


Everyone was stunned for a moment.

What the fuck is this? !

"Demon, devil, devil, devil!!!!" After a moment of confusion, the next second, all five guns spit out tongues of fire at Xu Yangyi!

"MYGOD...MYGDO!!!" The ambassador almost fainted from fright. What just happened? Why did that person disappear on the spot and approach fifty meters away in an instant? This, this kind of hellish place... is it really a ghost?

"Boom! Boom!!" The gunshots were heard continuously and lasted for twenty seconds before all the guns stopped.

Xu Yangyi just stood among the five guns, with smoke still coming from his body. As the gunfire stopped, he raised his hand and sprinkled it lightly.

"Crash..." The bullet casings in his hands fell to the ground.

"Gu..." The ambassador rolled his eyes, immediately foamed at the mouth and fainted.

The special operations force did not, but everyone looked at the man in front of them dumbfounded.

Is this still a human being?

Is this really not the devil?

Oh my god... holding the bullet in my hand... what the hell is going on? Am I dreaming.

"Five seconds..." Xu Yangyi's patience was exhausted: "I say it again, if you don't disappear within five seconds, you will all die here."

He spoke English and everyone understood him. This time, without any hesitation, they all carried the people and left.

"Wait a minute." Xu Yangyi suddenly spoke, and everyone's body trembled. The captain turned his head with an almost mournful face: "Your Excellency, your Excellency... you, you, do you have any other orders?"

"Why are you here?"

The team leader swallowed, lowered his head and did not dare to look at Xu Yangyi. Fear and anger rising in his heart were intertwined, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Yagyu..."

Xu Yangyi's eyes flickered: "Continue."

"Yagyu... killed our people. In our team, there was a young man named Andy... He was only twenty-two years old! He was the only Asian man from South Korea. On the way, we met the devil Yagyu... He, he is just like you, invulnerable to bullets and bombs are ineffective... He... killed Andy, turned into his appearance, and blended into Jerusalem..."

Xu Yangyi was noncommittal: "You want to take revenge on him?"

"Yes...he originally had an assistant named Lanzi, noon today, Lanzi suddenly died. He..." At this point, he suddenly remembered something.

That's right... they came with the shikigami, because if they find Ranko, Yagyu will definitely come. He invited the ambassador, and there were several snipers outside. He didn't believe he couldn't kill them!

And Shikigami brought them here.

In other words... maybe, Lanzi's body is here. perhaps……

This person is the one who killed Lanzi!

"," He took several steps back and gasped, monster...another monster! Yagyu and Ranko are monsters, and this monster can actually kill Ranko!

What is there in this world?

What did we see?

How could such a terrifying creature exist? Is this, is this still a human being? !

"Stop your boring speculation, there's only one second left." Xu Yangyi said calmly.

"Yes! Yes!! Let's go! Let's go immediately!!" the leader almost roared.


At this moment, Xu Yangyi and Zhao Ziqi heard a broken "kara" sound at the same time.

One foot stepped down from above, right on the stairs. Wearing camouflage uniform and black military boots, he tentatively shouted: "Senior, are you okay?"

It's the Black Hawk!

Xu Yangyi wanted to kick him out!

Nine people...

Nine people have come in now!

The barrier is on the verge of collapse, and what's worse is that Black Hawk has not completely come in. His body is still outside, isolated from the entrance into two worlds. His "upper body" cannot hear what is said inside. Seeing inside, It was also pitch black!

But... Xu Yangyi couldn't move.

He didn't know what was outside. If Black Eagle entered here alone, he wouldn't be too conspicuous. He didn't know how many people were outside, whether there were other travelers, or...Muslim patrollers, monks. Once he uses his spiritual power to throw all these people out, the seven people erupting like spring water will immediately attract everyone's attention. At that time, he will have no choice but to hide!

No one spoke, and everyone saw that the devil in front of them had a colder expression. After Black Eagle came down, he suddenly found that there were several more people in front of him, and he was immediately startled.

Before he could take action, Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and said, "Take everyone and get out immediately!"

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