
Chapter 582: Wrath of the Holy Land (Part 2)

Black Hawk was stunned. He was here to meet the other party. This...

"Senior..." Black Hawk respectfully prostrated himself on the ground, and said in fear and trepidation: "Did the junior do something wrong to anger the Lord's apostle?"

Xu Yangyi sighed to the sky, trying to suppress his increasingly anxious mood: "No, take the people out immediately, and we'll talk about the details after we go out."

Eight people, it's okay, he has already planned to make everyone unconscious here, and then he will get everyone out, lock this place up and leave Jerusalem immediately.

Now, there are nine people, only one away from the ten-man limit!

"Yes." Black Hawk stood up very pious, and as he walked up, another foot appeared on his head.

"Kakakakaka..." Xu Yangyi, Zhao Ziqi, and Black Hawk almost heard a shaky sound at the same time, and then...

"Pop!!" A light sound, as if a glass window shattered.

Under the steps, the dead city of death was placed, and its originally bright eyes suddenly dimmed.

Everyone had a feeling, as if a layer of diaphragm was broken, and the world was clearer. And the only three monks here all looked pale.

The sound of the seal breaking...

Xu Yangyi didn't say anything nonsense, all his spiritual power burst out, and he rushed out without hesitation!

Before leaving, he took a look. He wanted to know which idiot took the last step.


The black special forces soldier.

"Swoosh!!" A meteor flew away, and no one even saw it clearly, Xu Yangyi disappeared on the spot!

Black Hawk was stunned for two seconds, and then he screamed like crazy, and felt that his whole body from head to toe was instantly hairy! Then, he followed Xu Yangyi and rushed out frantically!


If they suppressed the spiritual energy and completely sealed it off, they would not be discovered, then... below is the spiritual energy of China, Buddhism, Taoism, in short, not Islam, Judaism, or Christianity. It is so obvious under the eyes of the eight golden elixirs!

"Swish!" The aura accumulated underground, which was completely different from that of Islam, rushed straight to the sky. It was invisible and colorless, but it was as if other colors were put into a plate of dye. At this moment, all the monks in Jerusalem, the holy city of the three religions, looked up and saw this scene.

A deep blue that had turned into black slowly spread in the sky, like smoke and fog, and every Muslim felt that someone had slapped him hard in the face.


There is a heresy in the inner city!

Having concealed it from the eight grand dukes outside and causing trouble in the inner city, now let the heretical beliefs cover the Muslim sky!

In a mosque, a "Mufti" was giving a lecture to his disciples, who were sitting cross-legged on balls similar to cushions. But, at this moment, the Mufti was stunned, and then rushed to the window like crazy, looking at the sky in astonishment.

His students all looked at each other. What happened to the teacher who was always steady?

Then... "Boom!", an invisible wind, with a furious breath, rushed out from the teacher, and everyone was scattered.

"What was it just now?" "What happened?" "Where is the teacher?" "Why is the teacher gone?"

The mufti had disappeared by the window, and the next second, he had flown into the air, shouting with all his strength: "Heretics!!"

"Come out! How dare you defile the sky of the holy land! The wrath of Allah will burn you to ashes!!"

He was only in the initial stage of foundation building, but with this sentence, countless imams, Hai Tui Bu, Hai Lifan... all took off into the air!

In less than a minute, the sky was filled with hundreds of foundation building monks!

On the ground, there were hundreds of Qi Refining believers who came out after hearing the news!

At this moment, their spiritual consciousness was like a net of heaven and earth, scanning every corner of Jerusalem bit by bit.

In the sky, the Koran emitted a dazzling light, and then eight pairs of eyes opened at the same time, and eight extremely terrifying spiritual pressures instantly enveloped the entire city of Jerusalem!

"Who is it!!" In the northeast, a short bald old man stood up suddenly.

There was no smile on his kind face at this moment, but as if a tiger was looking for prey, he took a step and instantly arrived at the center of Jerusalem. Then... a terrifying spiritual pressure erupted wildly!

"Boom boom boom..."

The storm was coming, and dark clouds were pressing down on the city. In the sky, because of the influence of his spiritual energy, pieces of black clouds were blown away, revealing the bright moon in the sky. A circle of holy Arabic characters surrounded him.

"All the good you do for yourself will find its reward in Allah." He sat cross-legged in the void, his eyes like torches. With this sentence, his hand slowly raised, and hundreds of hands appeared in the trajectory of his raised hand: "Corresponding... the evil you have done for yourself. You will receive punishment from Allah..."

"God's wrath!!!"

"Boom!!!" A golden giant hand fell from the sky and instantly covered the entire sky over Jerusalem. With a palm strike, a circle of golden ripples erupted from the ground. Mortals only felt a gust of wind, and many people screamed and pulled their clothes. Only monks could see that countless golden talismans were lifted up from the edge of the golden ripples, and spread outward like a shock wave!

Jindan made a move!

Just as it spread to the corner of St. Anthony's Monastery, it finally... a pile of black talismans appeared, which was incompatible with the gold and was particularly conspicuous!

"Ghalib!!" The old man raised his head and roared: "He's on your side! Catch him!"

“If you dare to cause trouble in Jerusalem, you must be punished by God!!”

"The Holy City will never be defiled by infidels!"

The man named Gharib did not speak, but his eyes "swiped" and shot out two rays of spiritual light reaching the sky.

"Zi la la..." Like the legendary Titan whose eyes shot out thunder and lightning, two spiritual lights instantly enveloped Xu Yangyi's body, and then moved, exposing him to eight golden elixirs, hundreds of foundations, and hundreds of refinements. Under the attention of Qi period!

"There!!" "Catch him!" "Dare to cause trouble in the Holy City... Even if you die a hundred times, you can't wash away your sins!"

"Whoosh whoosh!" In the sky, hundreds of figures rushed towards him like lightning, without any scruples. Their eyes only burned with incomparable respect and guilt for Allah, and they vowed to tie Xu Yangyi to the stake.

"How brave..." Gharib looked coldly at the two sprinting figures, his voice filled with incomparable anger: "Two marquis... dared to cause trouble in Jerusalem..."

“You actually challenge the majesty of Allah!!”

"Boom!" As he spoke, his figure had swelled to hundreds of meters. He was in the dark clouds, like a resurrected general. His eyes shot out countless lightnings in an instant, heading straight for Xu Yangyi who was at the head!

"Woo..." On the road outside, there was a lot of traffic. A tourist was in a taxi, looking at the scenery outside Jerusalem with great interest while chatting with the driver. At this moment, suddenly, the car "boomed" "With a loud noise, he was knocked to the side. It spun around on the ground several times.

The passenger's head hit the glass with a thud, and then he angrily yelled at the driver: "Why are you driving! Do you know how to drive?"

The driver also looked confused.

Just now, he saw something rushing over, so fast that he couldn't even see clearly. Immediately afterwards, the car made a loud noise and was knocked to the side.

Xu Yangyi and Black Eagle were running desperately, one behind the other. He could no longer care about others. Behind him and around him, countless spiritual energies rose. He was fully aware of the depth of this holy city.

Everyone is a soldier!

While running, he picked up his phone without hesitation: "Da Chu? It's me..."

At this moment, "Kalara!" Lightning and thunder thundered in the sky, and the entire Jerusalem was dark. Then, two extremely terrifying thunderbolts fell on the head.

"Holy Sword!!" Without hesitation, he waved his left hand, and a bright sword light flashed between heaven and earth, cutting a white line in the dark night.

"Huh?" Eight surprised voices came from the sky. No one expected that a marquis could actually deliver a Duke's blow.

"Not good!!" Then, several voices remembered, and several majestic sea-like spiritual powers burst out, annihilating the thunder and the holy sword in mid-air at the same time.

"He actually didn't accept the Lord's sanction." Alayi's eyes were deep: "It is indeed him... I am not mistaken. I am able to deceive my eyes. It is worthy of praise."

"But, that's it!"

As soon as the words fell, at the top of the city of Jerusalem, tens of thousands of women in black were already standing at some point. At this moment, they all opened their mouths and chanted softly.

"You see the mountains and think they are fixed, but they all pass away like moving clouds... hard times come easy... will tell them what I have revealed to them. If anyone does not listen to the words of the prophet in my name , whose sin will I punish..."

The low voices, which were just singing softly just now, turned out to be like landslides and tsunamis later on, and with their voices, a blue light rose into the sky across the entire border of Jerusalem!

Forbidden Formation!

"Close the eight gates." In the sky, a majestic voice like a god sounded: "Anyone who tries to escape will be killed without mercy!"

"What if he is the ambassador of another country?" On the ground, a mullah knelt on the ground and asked piously.


"I would rather kill three thousand than spare one! Believers of Allah are never afraid of war! Let alone provocation!"

"Boom!" In the city, Xu Yangyi knocked over a building materials truck and ran towards the city gate with all his strength.

"Da Chu! Do you hear that! Take what I gave you and run with all your strength in the opposite direction! All your strength! Run as far as you want!!" Xu Yangyi almost roared.

Then, he took the time to say to Black Hawk: "Take care, I can't take care of you anymore."

"No need..." Black Eagle's spiritual power was almost exhausted. How could he keep up with the speed of the Great Perfection of Foundation Construction during the Qi Refining Period? He panted and roared: "Your Excellency, the Apostle! You, you must return to the Vatican!!"

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth and rushed towards the city gate with all his strength. However, at this moment, he found...a circle of dazzling blue light, with indescribable sanctity and majesty, trapping him in the city!

"Fuck!!" He cursed fiercely, and at this moment, the Black Eagle's spiritual energy behind him suddenly became distorted.

"My Lord..." Black Eagle's body was suspended in the air due to the huge distortion, and he screamed hoarsely: "I'm coming...I'm coming!!"

"Boom!!" A huge spiritual light exploded behind Xu Yangyi. He didn't dare to look back and rushed towards the city gate at full speed.

However, at the same time as the Black Eagle self-destructed, seven fires soaring into the sky immediately rose up in seven places in Jerusalem.

"They are Christians..." Alayi's beard was blown by the strong wind, his eyes were as sharp as a tiger's, and he said calmly: "Are they trying to provoke a religious war?"

"Destroy." He pressed it casually, only to find...

Those fires can't be extinguished at all!

"Catch the pagan at the front, he is the core." Alay left gracefully: "This Archduke will deal with other pagans, but this man... must be nailed upside down on the cross and sent to the Vatican. Tell them... this is the price of daring to enter Jerusalem!"

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